1,272 research outputs found

    Vegetation dieback as a proxy for temperature within a wet pyroclastic density current: A novel experiment and observations from the 6th of August 2012 Tongariro eruption

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    The 6th of August 2012 eruption of Te Maari (Mt Tongariro, New Zealand) generated wet pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) which caused widespread dieback of vegetation (singed, brown foliage) in their path. An absence of significant charcoal formation suggests that PDC temperatures were mostly below 250 °C. Textural evidence for liquid water being present in the matrices during emplacement (vesicles) suggests that temperatures were b100 °C. We determined a probable minimum PDC temperature using an experiment replicating the critical temperatures required to induce foliar browning in seven species affected by the eruption. In locations where all species exhibited browned foliage (or were defoliated), temperatures were probably ≥64 °C assuming a PDC duration of 60 s. In the more distal areas, where only the most susceptible species were browned while others remained healthy and unaffected, temperatures were probably around 51–58 °C. These results have relevance to volcanic hazard mitigation and risk assessment, especially on the popular Tongariro Alpine Crossing

    Elimination of paternal mitochondria in mouse embryos occurs through autophagic degradation dependent on PARKIN and MUL1

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    A defining feature of mitochondria is their maternal mode of inheritance. However, little is understood about the cellular mechanism through which paternal mitochondria, delivered from sperm, are eliminated from early mammalian embryos. Autophagy has been implicated in nematodes, but whether this mechanism is conserved in mammals has been disputed. Here, we show that cultured mouse fibroblasts and pre-implantation embryos use a common pathway for elimination of mitochondria. Both situations utilize mitophagy, in which mitochondria are sequestered by autophagosomes and delivered to lysosomes for degradation. The E3 ubiquitin ligases PARKIN and MUL1 play redundant roles in elimination of paternal mitochondria. The process is associated with depolarization of paternal mitochondria and additionally requires the mitochondrial outer membrane protein FIS1, the autophagy adaptor P62, and PINK1 kinase. Our results indicate that strict maternal transmission of mitochondria relies on mitophagy and uncover a collaboration between MUL1 and PARKIN in this process

    Elimination of paternal mitochondria in mouse embryos occurs through autophagic degradation dependent on PARKIN and MUL1

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    A defining feature of mitochondria is their maternal mode of inheritance. However, little is understood about the cellular mechanism through which paternal mitochondria, delivered from sperm, are eliminated from early mammalian embryos. Autophagy has been implicated in nematodes, but whether this mechanism is conserved in mammals has been disputed. Here, we show that cultured mouse fibroblasts and pre-implantation embryos use a common pathway for elimination of mitochondria. Both situations utilize mitophagy, in which mitochondria are sequestered by autophagosomes and delivered to lysosomes for degradation. The E3 ubiquitin ligases PARKIN and MUL1 play redundant roles in elimination of paternal mitochondria. The process is associated with depolarization of paternal mitochondria and additionally requires the mitochondrial outer membrane protein FIS1, the autophagy adaptor P62, and PINK1 kinase. Our results indicate that strict maternal transmission of mitochondria relies on mitophagy and uncover a collaboration between MUL1 and PARKIN in this process

    Relationships between bone geometry, volumetric bone mineral density and bone microarchitecture of the distal radius and tibia with alcohol consumption

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    PurposeChronic heavy alcohol consumption is associated with bone density loss and increased fracture risk, while low levels of alcohol consumption have been reported as beneficial in some studies. However, studies relating alcohol consumption to bone geometry, volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and bone microarchitecture, as assessed by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT), are lacking.MethodsHere we report an analysis from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study, in which we studied associations between HR-pQCT measures at the distal radius and tibia and alcohol consumption in 376 participants (198 men and 178 women) aged 72.1–81.4 years.ResultsA total of 30 (15.2%), 90 (45.5%) and 78 (39.4%) men drank minimal/none (< 1 unit/week), low (? 1 unit/week and < 11 units/week) and moderate/high (? 11 units/week) amounts of alcohol respectively. These figures were 74 (41.8%), 80 (45.2%) and 23 (13.0%) respectively in women for minimal/none (< 1 unit/week), low (? 1 unit/week and < 8 units/week) and moderate/high (? 8 units/week). At the distal radius, after adjustment for confounding factors (age, BMI, smoking status, dietary calcium intake, physical activity and socioeconomic status and years since menopause and HRT use for women), men that drank low alcohol had lower cortical thickness (p = 0.038), cortical vBMD (p = 0.033), and trabecular vBMD (p = 0.028) and higher trabecular separation (p = 0.043) than those that drank none/minimal alcohol. Similar differences were shown between minimal/none and moderate/high alcohol although these only reached statistical significance for the cortical parameters. Interestingly, after similar adjustment, women showed similar differences in the trabecular compartment between none/minimal alcohol and low alcohol at the distal tibia. However, women that drank moderate/high alcohol had significantly higher trabecular vBMD (p = 0.007), trabecular thickness (p = 0.026), and trabecular number (p = 0.042) and higher trabecular separation (p = 0.026) at the distal radius than those that drank low alcohol.ConclusionsOur results suggest that alcohol consumption (low and moderate/high) may have a detrimental impact on bone health in men in both the cortical and trabecular compartments at the distal radius with similar results in women in the trabecular compartment between none/minimal alcohol and low alcohol at the distal tibia suggesting that avoidance of alcohol may be beneficial for bone health.AbbreviationsaBMD, areal bone mineral density; BMI, body mass index; Ct. area, cortical area; Ct.vBMD, cortical density; Ct.Po, cortical porosity; Ct.Th, cortical thickness; DXA, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry; HCS, Hertfordshire Cohort Study; HRpQCT, high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography; pQCT, peripheral quantitative computed tomography; Tt.area, total cross-sectional area; Tb.vBMD, trabecular BMD; Tb.N, trabecular number; Tb.Th, trabecular thickness; Tb.Sp, trabecular separation; vBMD, volumetric bone mineral density

    Direct and Legacy Effects of Long-Term Elevated CO2 on Fine Root Growth and Plant-Insect Interactions

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    Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations alter leaf physiology, with effects that cascade to communities and ecosystems. Yet, responses over cycles of disturbance and recovery are not well known, because most experiments span limited ecological time. We examined the effects of CO2 on root growth, herbivory and arthropod biodiversity in a woodland from 1996 to 2006, and the legacy of CO2 enrichment on these processes during the year after the CO2 treatment ceased. We used minirhizotrons to study root growth, leaf censuses to study herbivory and pitfall traps to determine the effects of elevated CO2 on arthropod biodiversity. Elevated CO2 increased fine root biomass, but decreased foliar nitrogen and herbivory on all plant species. Insect biodiversity was unchanged in elevated CO2. Legacy effects of elevated CO2 disappeared quickly as fine root growth, foliar nitrogen and herbivory levels recovered in the next growing season following the cessation of elevated CO2. Although the effects of elevated CO2 cascade through plants to herbivores, they do not reach other trophic levels, and biodiversity remains unchanged. The legacy of 10yr of elevated CO2 on plant-herbivore interactions in this system appear to be minimal, indicating that the effects of elevated CO2 may not accumulate over cycles of disturbance and recovery

    Maternal pregnancy vitamin D supplementation increases offspring bone formation in response to mechanical loading: Findings from the MAVIDOS trial

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    The Maternal Vitamin D Osteoporosis (MAVIDOS) trial reported higher total body bone mineral content in winter-born infants of mothers receiving vitamin D supplementation [1000 IU/day cholecalciferol] compared with placebo from 14 weeks gestation until delivery. This sub-study aimed to determine whether antenatal vitamin D supplementation altered postnatal bone formation in response to mechanical stimulation. Thirty-one children born to MAVIDOS participants randomised to either placebo (n=19) or cholecalciferol (n=12) were recruited at age 4-5 years. Children received whole body vibration (WBV) for 10 minutes on 5 consecutive days. Fasting blood samples for bone homeostasis, 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and bone turnover markers (Pro-collagen Type 1 N-terminal propeptide, P1NP; Cross-linked C-telopeptide of Type I Collagen, CTX) were collected pre-WBV and on day 8 (D8). Mean changes (D) in P1NP (ng/ml) between baseline and D8 in the vitamin-D intervention and placebo groups were 40.6 and -92.6 respectively and mean changes (Δ) in CTX (ng/ml) were 0.034 (intervention) and -0.084 (placebo) respectively. Between-group DP1NP difference was 133.2ng/ml [95% CI 0.4, 266.0; p=0.049] and ΔCTX 0.05ng/ml (95% CI -0.159, 0.26ng/mL; p=0.62). Antenatal vitamin-D supplementation resulted in increased P1NP in response to WBV, suggesting early life vitamin D supplementation increases the anabolic response of bone to mechanical loading in children

    English translation and validation of the SarQoL, a quality of life questionnaire specific for sarcopenia

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    Background: the first quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia, the SarQoL®, has recently been developed and validated in French. To extend the availability and utilisation of this questionnaire, its translation and validation in other languages is necessary.Objective: the purpose of this study was therefore to translate the SarQoL® into English and validate the psychometric properties of this new version.Design: cross-sectional.Setting: Hertfordshire, UK.Subjects: in total, 404 participants of the Hertfordshire Cohort Study, UK.Methods: the translation part was articulated in five stages: (i) two initial translations from French to English; (ii) synthesis of the two translations; (iii) backward translations; (iv) expert committee to compare the backward translations with the original questionnaire and (v) pre-test. To validate the English SarQoL®, we assessed its validity (discriminative power, construct validity), reliability (internal consistency, test–retest reliability) and floor/ceiling effects.Results: the SarQoL® questionnaire was translated without any major difficulties. Results indicated a good discriminative power (lower score of quality of life for sarcopenic subjects, P = 0.01), high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha of 0.88), consistent construct validity (high correlations found with domains related to mobility, usual activities, vitality, physical function and low correlations with domains related to anxiety, self-care, mental health and social problems) and excellent test–retest reliability (intraclass coefficient correlation of 0.95, 95%CI 0.92–0.97). Moreover, no floor/ceiling has been found.Conclusions: a valid SarQoL® English questionnaire is now available and can be used with confidence to better assess the disease burden associated with sarcopenia. It could also be used as a treatment outcome indicator in research.<br/

    Maternal serum retinol and B-carotene concentrations and neonatal bone mineralisation: Results from the Southampton Women's Survey cohort

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    Background: studies in older adults and animals have suggested contrasting relations between bone health and different vitamin A compounds. To our knowledge, the associations between maternal vitamin A status and offspring bone development have not previously been elucidated.Objective: we examined the associations between maternal serum retinol and ?-carotene concentrations during late pregnancy and offspring bone mineralization assessed at birth with the use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.Design: in the Southampton Women’s Survey mother-offspring birth cohort, maternal health, lifestyle, and diet were assessed prepregnancy and at 11 and 34 wk of gestation. In late pregnancy, maternal serum retinol and ?-carotene concentrations were measured. Offspring total body bone mineral density (BMD), bone mineral content (BMC), and bone area (BA) were measured within 2 wk after birth.Results: in total, 520 and 446 mother-offspring pairs had measurements of maternal serum retinol and ?-carotene, respectively. Higher maternal serum retinol in late pregnancy was associated with lower offspring total body BMC (? = ?0.10 SD/SD; 95% CI: ?0.19, ?0.02; P = 0.020) and BA (? = ?0.12 SD/SD; 95% CI: ?0.20, ?0.03; P = 0.009) but not BMD. Conversely, higher maternal serum ?-carotene concentrations in late pregnancy were associated with greater total body BMC (? = 0.12 SD/SD; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.21; P = 0.016) and BA (? = 0.12 SD/SD; 95% CI: 0.03, 0.22; P = 0.010) but not BMD.Conclusions: maternal serum retinol and ?-carotene concentrations had differing associations with offspring bone size and growth at birth: retinol was negatively associated with these measurements, whereas ?-carotene was positively associated. These findings highlight the need for further investigation of the effects of maternal retinol and carotenoid status on offspring bone developmen