40 research outputs found

    The orbital motion, absolute mass, and high-altitude winds of exoplanet HD209458b

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    For extrasolar planets discovered using the radial velocity method, the spectral characterization of the host star leads to a mass-estimate of the star and subsequently of the orbiting planet. In contrast, if also the orbital velocity of the planet would be known, the masses of both star and planet could be determined directly using Newton's law of gravity, just as in the case of stellar double-line eclipsing binaries. Here we report on the detection of the orbital velocity of extrasolar planet HD209458b. High dispersion ground-based spectroscopy during a transit of this planet reveals absorption lines from carbon monoxide produced in the planet atmosphere, which shift significantly in wavelength due to the change in the radial component of the planet orbital velocity. These observations result in a mass determination of the star and planet of 1.00+-0.22 Msun and 0.64+-0.09 Mjup respectively. A ~2 km/sec blueshift of the carbon monoxide signal with respect to the systemic velocity of the host star suggests the presence of a strong wind flowing from the irradiated dayside to the non-irradiated nightside of the planet within the 0.01-0.1 mbar atmospheric pressure range probed by these observations. The strength of the carbon monoxide signal suggests a CO mixing ratio of 1-3x10-3 in this planet's upper atmosphere.Comment: 11 Pages main article and 6 pages suppl. information: A final, edited version appears in the 24 May 2010 issue of Natur

    Search for water in a super-Earth atmosphere: High-resolution optical spectroscopy of 55 Cancri e

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    We present the analysis of high-resolution optical spectra of four transits of 55Cnc e, a low-density, super-Earth that orbits a nearby Sun-like star in under 18 hours. The inferred bulk density of the planet implies a substantial envelope, which, according to mass-radius relationships, could be either a low-mass extended or a high-mass compact atmosphere. Our observations investigate the latter scenario, with water as the dominant species. We take advantage of the Doppler cross-correlation technique, high-spectral resolution and the large wavelength coverage of our observations to search for the signature of thousands of optical water absorption lines. Using our observations with HDS on the Subaru telescope and ESPaDOnS on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, we are able to place a 3-sigma lower limit of 10 g/mol on the mean-molecular weight of 55Cnc e's water-rich (volume mixing ratio >10%), optically-thin atmosphere, which corresponds to an atmospheric scale-height of ~80 km. Our study marks the first high-spectral resolution search for water in a super-Earth atmosphere and demonstrates that it is possible to recover known water-vapour absorption signals, in a nearby super-Earth atmosphere, using high-resolution transit spectroscopy with current ground-based instruments.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ 12 pages, 9 figures. Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    A ground-based NUV secondary eclipse observation of KELT-9b

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    KELT-9b is a recently discovered exoplanet with a 1.49 d orbit around a B9.5/A0-type star. The unparalleled levels of UV irradiation it receives from its host star put KELT-9b in its own unique class of ultra-hot Jupiters, with an equilibrium temperature > 4000 K. The high quantities of dissociated hydrogen and atomic metals present in the dayside atmosphere of KELT-9b bear more resemblance to a K-type star than a gas giant. We present a single observation of KELT-9b during its secondary eclipse, taken with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). This observation was taken in the U-band, a window particularly sensitive to Rayleigh scattering. We do not detect a secondary eclipse signal, but our 3σ\sigma upper limit of 181 ppm on the depth allows us to constrain the dayside temperature of KELT-9b at pressures of ~30 mbar to 4995 K (3σ\sigma). Although we can place an observational constraint of Ag<A_g< 0.14, our models suggest that the actual value is considerably lower than this due to H−^- opacity. This places KELT-9b squarely in the albedo regime populated by its cooler cousins, almost all of which reflect very small components of the light incident on their daysides. This work demonstrates the ability of ground-based 2m-class telescopes like the INT to perform secondary eclipse studies in the NUV, which have previously only been conducted from space-based facilities.Comment: Accepted in ApJL. 7 pages, 3 figure

    Detection of carbon monoxide in the high-resolution day-side spectrum of the exoplanet HD 189733b

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    [Abridged] After many attempts over more than a decade, high-resolution spectroscopy has recently delivered its first detections of molecular absorption in exoplanet atmospheres, both in transmission and thermal emission spectra. Targeting the combined signal from individual lines in molecular bands, these measurements use variations in the planet radial velocity to disentangle the planet signal from telluric and stellar contaminants. In this paper we apply high resolution spectroscopy to probe molecular absorption in the day-side spectrum of the bright transiting hot Jupiter HD 189733b. We observed HD 189733b with the CRIRES high-resolution near-infrared spectograph on the Very Large Telescope during three nights. We detect a 5-sigma absorption signal from CO at a contrast level of ~4.5e-4 with respect to the stellar continuum, revealing the planet orbital radial velocity at 154+4/-3 km s-1. This allows us to solve for the planet and stellar mass in a similar way as for stellar eclipsing binaries, resulting in Ms= 0.846+0.068/-0.049 Msun and Mp= 1.162+0.058/-0.039 MJup. No significant absorption is detected from H2O, CO2 or CH4 and we determined upper limits on their line contrasts here. The detection of CO in the day-side spectrum of HD 189733b can be made consistent with the haze layer proposed to explain the optical to near-infrared transmission spectrum if the layer is optically thin at the normal incidence angles probed by our observations, or if the CO abundance is high enough for the CO absorption to originate from above the haze. Our non-detection of CO2 at 2.0 micron is not inconsistent with the deep CO2 absorption from low resolution NICMOS secondary eclipse data in the same wavelength range. If genuine, the absorption would be so strong that it blanks out any planet light completely in this wavelength range, leaving no high-resolution signal to be measured.Comment: A&A, accepted for publication. Fig.1 reduced in qualit

    High-Resolution Transit Spectroscopy of Warm Saturns

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    We present high-resolution optical transmission spectroscopy of two sub-Saturn mass transiting exoplanets, HAT-P-12b and WASP-69b. With relatively low densities and high atmospheric scale heights, these planets are particularly well-suited to characterization through transit spectroscopy, and serve as ideal candidates for extending previously-tested methods to lower planetary masses. Using a single transit for each planet, we take advantage of the Doppler cross-correlation technique to search for sodium, potassium, and water absorption features. Our analysis reveals a likely (3.2σ3.2\sigma) detection of sodium absorption features in the atmosphere of HAT-P-12b, and enables us to place constraints on the presence of alkaline and molecular species in the atmospheres of both planets. With our results, we highlight the efficacy of ground-based campaigns for characterizing exoplanetary atmospheres, and pave the way for future analyses of low-mass planets.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure