31 research outputs found

    Temporal and spatial instability in neutral and adaptive (MHC) genetic variation in marginal salmon populations

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    The role of marginal populations for the long-term maintenance of species’ genetic diversity and evolutionary potential is particularly timely in view of the range shifts caused by climate change. The Centre-Periphery hypothesis predicts that marginal populations should bear reduced genetic diversity and have low evolutionary potential. We analysed temporal stability at neutral microsatellite and adaptive MHC genetic variation over five decades in four marginal Atlantic salmon populations located at the southern limit of the species’ distribution with a complicated demographic history, which includes stocking with foreign and native salmon for at least 2 decades. We found a temporal increase in neutral genetic variation, as well as temporal instability in population structuring, highlighting the importance of temporal analyses in studies that examine the genetic diversity of peripheral populations at the margins of the species’ range, particularly in face of climate change

    Biochemical indices and life traits of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from Cape Verde Islands

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    The loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) is an endangered marine reptile for whom assessing population health requires knowledge of demographic parameters such as individual growth rate. In Cape Verde, as within several populations, adult female loggerhead sea turtles show a size-related behavioral and trophic dichotomy. While smaller females are associated with oceanic habitats, larger females tend to feed in neritic habitats, which is reflected in their physiological condition and in their offspring. The ratio of RNA/DNA provides a measure of cellular protein synthesis capacity, which varies depending on changes in environmental conditions such as temperature and food availability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the combined use of morphometric data and biochemical indices as predictors of the physiological condition of the females of distinct sizes and hatchlings during their nesting season and how temperature may influence the physiological condition on the offspring. Here we employed biochemical indices based on nucleic acid derived indices (standardized RNA/DNA ratio-sRD, RNA concentration and DNA concentration) in skin tissue as a potential predictor of recent growth rate in nesting females and hatchling loggerhead turtles. Our major findings were that the physiological condition of all nesting females (sRD) decreased during the nesting season, but that females associated with neritic habitats had a higher physiological condition than females associated with oceanic habitats. In addition, the amount of time required for a hatchling to right itself was negatively correlated with its physiological condition (sRD) and shaded nests produced hatchlings with lower sRD. Overall, our results showed that nucleic acid concentrations and ratios of RNA to DNA are an important tool as potential biomarkers of recent growth in marine turtles. Hence, as biochemical indices of instantaneous growth are likely temperature-, size- and age-dependent, the utility and validation of these indices on marine turtles stocks deserves further study.The authors thank the Cape Verde Ministry of Environment (General Direction for the Environment), INDP (National Fisheries Institution), the Canary Islands Government (D.G. Africa and D.G. Research and Universities), ICCM (Canarian Institution for Marine Sciences), the Andalusian Government (Andalusian Environmental Office) and AEGINA PROJECT (INTERREG IIIB) for funding and hosting them during this study. The authors also thank the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme, and national funds through FCT - PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2011 for supporting the biochemical analysis

    Atlantic Leatherback Migratory Paths and Temporary Residence Areas

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    BACKGROUND: Sea turtles are long-distance migrants with considerable behavioural plasticity in terms of migratory patterns, habitat use and foraging sites within and among populations. However, for the most widely migrating turtle, the leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea, studies combining data from individuals of different populations are uncommon. Such studies are however critical to better understand intra- and inter-population variability and take it into account in the implementation of conservation strategies of this critically endangered species. Here, we investigated the movements and diving behaviour of 16 Atlantic leatherback turtles from three different nesting sites and one foraging site during their post-breeding migration to assess the potential determinants of intra- and inter-population variability in migratory patterns. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using satellite-derived behavioural and oceanographic data, we show that turtles used Temporary Residence Areas (TRAs) distributed all around the Atlantic Ocean: 9 in the neritic domain and 13 in the oceanic domain. These TRAs did not share a common oceanographic determinant but on the contrary were associated with mesoscale surface oceanographic features of different types (i.e., altimetric features and/or surface chlorophyll a concentration). Conversely, turtles exhibited relatively similar horizontal and vertical behaviours when in TRAs (i.e., slow swimming velocity/sinuous path/shallow dives) suggesting foraging activity in these productive regions. Migratory paths and TRAs distribution showed interesting similarities with the trajectories of passive satellite-tracked drifters, suggesting that the general dispersion pattern of adults from the nesting sites may reflect the extent of passive dispersion initially experienced by hatchlings. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Intra- and inter-population behavioural variability may therefore be linked with initial hatchling drift scenarios and be highly influenced by environmental conditions. This high degree of behavioural plasticity in Atlantic leatherback turtles makes species-targeted conservation strategies challenging and stresses the need for a larger dataset (>100 individuals) for providing general recommendations in terms of conservation

    Global Conservation Priorities for Marine Turtles

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    Where conservation resources are limited and conservation targets are diverse, robust yet flexible priority-setting frameworks are vital. Priority-setting is especially important for geographically widespread species with distinct populations subject to multiple threats that operate on different spatial and temporal scales. Marine turtles are widely distributed and exhibit intra-specific variations in population sizes and trends, as well as reproduction and morphology. However, current global extinction risk assessment frameworks do not assess conservation status of spatially and biologically distinct marine turtle Regional Management Units (RMUs), and thus do not capture variations in population trends, impacts of threats, or necessary conservation actions across individual populations. To address this issue, we developed a new assessment framework that allowed us to evaluate, compare and organize marine turtle RMUs according to status and threats criteria. Because conservation priorities can vary widely (i.e. from avoiding imminent extinction to maintaining long-term monitoring efforts) we developed a “conservation priorities portfolio” system using categories of paired risk and threats scores for all RMUs (n = 58). We performed these assessments and rankings globally, by species, by ocean basin, and by recognized geopolitical bodies to identify patterns in risk, threats, and data gaps at different scales. This process resulted in characterization of risk and threats to all marine turtle RMUs, including identification of the world's 11 most endangered marine turtle RMUs based on highest risk and threats scores. This system also highlighted important gaps in available information that is crucial for accurate conservation assessments. Overall, this priority-setting framework can provide guidance for research and conservation priorities at multiple relevant scales, and should serve as a model for conservation status assessments and priority-setting for widespread, long-lived taxa

    Variation in spatial distribution of juvenile loggerhead turtles in the eastern Atlantic and western Mediterranean Sea

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    Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) originating from the Western Atlantic carry out one of the largest marine migrations, reaching the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. It has been proposed that this transatlantic journey is simply a consequence of drifting, with the lack of a target destination and a passive dispersal with oceanic currents. This predicts that the size of the source populations and geographic distance to the feeding grounds should play important roles in defining stock composition in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Under this scenario, near pelagic stocks would have no genetic structure, and would be composed of similar cohorts from regional rookeries. To address this question, we sampled individuals from one important eastern Atlantic feeding ground, the Canary Islands, and sequenced a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region. We compared the composition of this feeding stock with published data of other proximal areas: Madeira, Azores and Andalusia. >Rookery-centric> mixed stock analysis showed that the distribution of loggerhead sea turtles along the eastern Atlantic feeding grounds was in latitudinal accordance to their natal origin: loggerhead turtles from Florida were significantly more abundant in Azores (30%) than in Canary Islands (13%), while those from Mexico had a poor representation in Azores (13%) but were more prevalent in Canary Islands (34%). Also, genetic stability in temporal and size analyses of the Canary Island aggregation was found, showing a long period of residency. These results indicate a non-random distribution of loggerhead juveniles in oceanic foraging grounds. We discuss possible explanations to this latitudinal variation. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer Reviewe

    Príncipe island hawksbills: Genetic isolation of an eastern Atlantic stock

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    The hawksbill turtle is a critically endangered species that has been extensively exploited for centuries. Príncipe Island off western Africa harbours one of the species' major nesting populations in the eastern Atlantic, as well as hosting year-round foraging aggregations of juveniles, subadults and adult males. To gain insight into the population's genetic structure and relationships with regional stocks, we analysed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of nesting females (N = 9), foraging adult females (N = 11), adult males (N = 32), subadults (N = 15) and juveniles (N = 80). The nesting population was found to be fixed for a single haplotype (EATL), which had been previously reported in both western and eastern Atlantic hawksbill foraging sites but had no known rookery source prior to this study. Thus it is now possible to confirm the westward transoceanic movement by hawksbills originating from Príncipe Island. Our analyses demonstrated that the Príncipe Island nesting colony is genetically distinct from breeding populations in the western Atlantic and is phylogenetically linked with Indo-Pacific hawksbill clades, suggesting that Príncipe Island was most likely colonised by migrants from the Indian Ocean via the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa. Mixed stock analyses revealed that the eastern Atlantic appears to be the primary foraging area for Príncipe hawksbills (75%) while most of the foraging juveniles in Príncipe waters originate from the Príncipe rookery (84%). Furthermore, the presence of Caribbean haplotypes at low frequencies (b 5%) suggests that eastward transatlantic movements by juveniles to distant foraging and developmental habitats also take place. Depleted hawksbill populations in the eastern Atlantic combined with the low genetic variability and high genetic distinctiveness found in the Príncipe nesting and foraging aggregations with respect to the western Atlantic, underscore the high degree of isolation and vulnerability of this eastern Atlantic stock. These characteristics are highly relevant for the development of effective conservation programmes and highlight the urgent need to consolidate international cooperation across regional boundariesPeer reviewe

    Twelve new polymorphic microsatellite markers from the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) and cross-species amplification on other marine turtle species

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    We describe 12 new polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci and multiplex Polymerase Chain Reac- tion conditions from the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta. Levels of polymorphism were assessed in 50 individuals from the nesting population of the Cape Verde Islands. Number of alleles ranged from 3 to 13 (average of 7.33) and the values of observed heterozygosities from 0.32 to 0.80 (average of 0.61). Cross-species amplification on three other marine turtles, Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata and Dermochelys coriacea, revealed polymor- phism and variability at eight, eleven and three loci, respectively.Peer reviewe