33 research outputs found

    Nectin-4 is a new histological and serological tumor associated marker for breast cancer

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    Abstract Introduction Breast cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease at the molecular level. Evolution is difficult to predict according to classical histoclinical prognostic factors. Different studies highlight the importance of large-scale molecular expression analyses to improve taxonomy of breast cancer and prognostic classification. Identification of new molecular markers that refine this taxonomy and improve patient management is a priority in the field of breast cancer research. Nectins are cell adhesion molecules involved in the regulation of epithelial physiology. We present here Nectin-4/PVRL4 as a new histological and serological tumor associated marker for breast carcinoma. Methods Expression of Nectin-4 protein was measured on a panel of 78 primary cells and cell lines from different origins and 57 breast tumors by FACS analysis and immunohistochemistry (IHC), respectively. mRNA expression was measured by quantitative PCR. Serum Nectin-4 was detected by ELISA and compared with CEA and CA15.3 markers, on panels of 45 sera from healthy donors, 53 sera from patients with non-metastatic breast carcinoma (MBC) at diagnosis, and 182 sera from patients with MBC. Distribution of histological/serological molecular markers and histoclinical parameters were compared using the standard Chi-2 test. Results Nectin-4 was not detected in normal breast epithelium. By contrast, Nectin-4 was expressed in 61% of ductal breast carcinoma vs 6% in lobular type. Expression of Nectin-4 strongly correlated with the basal-like markers EGFR, P53, and P-cadherin, and negatively correlated with the luminal-like markers ER, PR and GATA3. All but one ER/PR-negative tumors expressed Nectin-4. The detection of Nectin-4 in serum improves the follow-up of patients with MBC: the association CEA/CA15.3/Nectin-4 allowed to monitor 74% of these patients compared to 67% with the association CEA/CA15.3. Serum Nectin-4 is a marker of disease progression, and levels correlate with the number of metastases (P = 0.038). Serum Nectin-4 is also a marker of therapeutic efficiency and correlates, in 90% of cases, with clinical evolution. Conclusion Nectin-4 is a new tumor-associated antigen for breast carcinoma. Nectin-4 is a new bio-marker whose use could help refine breast cancer taxonomy and improve patients' follow-up. Nectin-4 emerges as a potential target for breast cancer immunotherapy.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112418/1/12885_2007_Article_723.pd

    Association of GATA3, P53, Ki67 status and vascular peritumoral invasion are strongly prognostic in luminal breast cancer

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    International audienceIntroduction: Breast cancers are traditionally divided into hormone-receptor positive and negative cases. This classification helps to guide patient management. However, a subgroup of hormone-receptor positive patients relapse irrespective of hormonal therapy. Gene expression profiling has classified breast tumours into five major subtypes with significant different outcome. The two luminal subtypes, A and B, show high expression of ESR1, GATA3 and FOXA1 genes. Prognostic biomarkers for oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive cases include progesterone receptor (PR) and androgen receptor (AR), and proteins related to proliferation or apoptotic resistance. The aim of this study was to identify the best predictors of success of hormonal therapy.Methods: By immunohistochemistry we studied 10 markers in a consecutive series of 832 cases of breast carcinoma treated at the Paoli-Calmettes Institute from 1990 to 2002 and deposited onto tissue microarrays (TMA). These markers were luminal-related markers ER, PR, AR, FOXA1 and GATA3 transcription factors, proliferation-related Ki67 and CCND1, ERBB2, anti-apoptotic BCL2 and P53. We also measured vascular peritumoural invasion (VPI), size, grade and lymph node involvement. For 143 cases, gene expression profiles were available. Adjuvant chemotherapy and hormonal therapy were given to high- and low-risk patients, respectively. The 162 events observed and taken into account were metastases.Results: Molecular expression of the 10 parameters and subtype with ER status were strongly correlated. Of the 67 luminal A cases of this series, 63 were ER-positive. Multivariate analyses showed the highly significant prognostic value of VPI (hazard ratio (HR) = 2.47), Ki67 (HR = 2.9), P53 (HR = 2.9) and GATA3 (HR = 0.5) for the 240 patients who received hormonal therapy.Conclusions: A panel of three antibodies (Ki67, P53 and GATA3) associated with VPI can significantly improve the traditional prognosticators in predicting outcome for ER-positive breast cancer patients receiving hormonal therapy

    Frequency, prognostic impact, and subtype association of 8p12, 8q24, 11q13, 12p13, 17q12, and 20q13 amplifications in breast cancers

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    BACKGROUND: Oncogene amplification and overexpression occur in tumor cells. Amplification status may provide diagnostic and prognostic information and may lead to new treatment strategies. Chromosomal regions 8p12, 8q24, 11q13, 17q12 and 20q13 are recurrently amplified in breast cancers. METHODS: To assess the frequencies and clinical impact of amplifications, we analyzed 547 invasive breast tumors organized in a tissue microarray (TMA) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and calculated correlations with histoclinical features and prognosis. BAC probes were designed for: (i) two 8p12 subregions centered on RAB11FIP1 and FGFR1 loci, respectively; (ii) 11q13 region centered on CCND1; (iii) 12p13 region spanning NOL1; and (iv) three 20q13 subregions centered on MYBL2, ZNF217 and AURKA, respectively. Regions 8q24 and 17q12 were analyzed with MYC and ERBB2 commercial probes, respectively. RESULTS: We observed amplification of 8p12 (amplified at RAB11FIP1 and/or FGFR1) in 22.8%, 8q24 in 6.1%, 11q13 in 19.6%, 12p13 in 4.1%, 17q12 in 9.9%, 20q13(Z )(amplified at ZNF217 only) in 9.9%, and 20q13(Co )(co-amplification of two or three 20q13 loci) in 8.5% of cases. The 8q24, 12p13, and 17q12 amplifications were correlated with high grade. The most frequent single amplifications were 8p12 (9.8%), 8q24 (3.3%) and 12p13 (3.3%), 20q13(Z )and 20q13(Co )(1.6%) regions. The 17q12 and 11q13 regions were never found amplified alone. The most frequent co-amplification was 8p12/11q13. Amplifications of 8p12 and 17q12 were associated with poor outcome. Amplification of 12p13 was associated with basal molecular subtype. CONCLUSION: Our results establish the frequencies, prognostic impacts and subtype associations of various amplifications and co-amplifications in breast cancers

    The school doctor and suspected child abuse : towards good practice recommendations in the child’s interest

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    peer reviewedLa maltraitance infantile représente, dans les pays à haut niveau de revenus, un «problème de santé publique majeur», 5 à 10 % des enfants étant concernés, toutes formes de maltraitances confondues. Les professionnels de santé contribuent à une petite proportion seulement des signalements. En Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, les bilans de santé scolaire périodiques couvrant près de 100 % des enfants scolarisés, le médecin scolaire est bien placé pour le repérage d’enfants exposés à une négligence de soins et/ou à de mauvais traitements. Se basant sur des recommandations de bonne pratique publiées, cet article propose des pistes d’action permettant de contribuer à un meilleur repérage et à une prise en charge adaptée de la maltraitance infantile dans le cadre de la médecine scolaire.Child maltreatment, including all forms of maltreatment, remains a major public health problem in highincome countries. Healthcare professionals only contribute to a small proportion of reports. In French-speaking Belgium, almost 100 % of school-aged children are regularly submitted to periodical school health visits. The school health doctor is well placed to recognize neglected or abused children. Based on international good practice recommendations, this paper proposes means for the detection and management of child abuse in the context of school medicine

    Cancer stem cells in breast: Current opinion and future challenges

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    International audienceThere is increasing evidence for the cancer stem cell hypothesis, which holds that cancers are driven by a cellular sub-component that has stem cell properties, that is, self-renewal, tumorigenicity and multilineage differentiation capacity. The cancer stem cell hypothesis modifies our conceptual approach of oncogenesis and shall have implications in breast cancer prevention, detection and treatment, especially in metastatic breast cancer for which no curative treatment exists. Given the specific stem cell features, novel therapeutic pathways can be targeted. Following this approach, new molecules are currently in development. Focusing on the cross-talk between stem cells and their microenvironment is also a promising way to explore how to better target cancer stem cells and be curative. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Retinoid signaling regulates breast cancer stem cell differentiation

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    International audienceThe cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis implicates the development of new therapeutic approaches to target the CSC population. Characterization of the pathways that regulate CSCs activity will facilitate the development of targeted therapies. We recently reported that the enzymatic activity of ALDH1, as measured by the ALDELFUOR assay, can be utilized to isolate normal and malignant breast stem cells in both primary tumors and cell lines. In this study, utilizing a tumorsphere assay, we have demonstrated the role of retinoid signaling in the regulation of breast CSCs self-renewal and differentiation. Utilizing the gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) algorithm we identified gene sets and pathways associated with retinoid signaling. These pathways regulate breast CSCs biology and their inhibition may provide novel therapeutic approaches to target breast CSCs

    Mevalonate Metabolism Regulates Basal Breast Cancer Stem Cells and Is a Potential Therapeutic Target

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    International audienceThere is increasing evidence that breast tumors are organized in a hierarchy, with a subpopulation of tumorigenic cancer cells, the cancer stem cells (CSCs), which sustain tumor growth. The characterization of protein networks that govern CSC behavior is paramount to design new therapeutic strategies targeting this subpopulation of cells. We have sought to identify specific molecular pathways of CSCs isolated from 13 different breast cancer cell lines of luminal or basal/mesenchymal subtypes. We compared the gene expression profiling of cancer cells grown in adherent conditions to those of matched tumorsphere cultures. No specific pathway was identified to be commonly regulated in luminal tumorspheres, resulting from a minor CSC enrichment in tumorsphere passages from luminal cell lines. However, in basal/mesenchymal tumorspheres, the enzymes of the mevalonate metabolic pathway were overexpressed compared to those in cognate adherent cells. Inhibition of this pathway with hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase blockers resulted in a reduction of breast CSC independent of inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and of protein farnesylation. Further modulation of this metabolic pathway demonstrated that protein geranylgeranylation (GG) is critical to breast CSC maintenance. A small molecule inhibitor of the geranylgeranyl transferase I (GGTI) enzyme reduced the breast CSC subpopulation both in vitro and in primary breast cancer xenografts. We found that the GGTI effect on the CSC subpopulation is mediated by inactivation of Ras homolog family member A (RHOA) and increased accumulation of P27(kip1) in the nucleus. The identification of protein GG as a major contributor to CSC maintenance opens promising perspectives for CSC targeted therapy in basal breast cancer