490 research outputs found

    Paradoxalul Florentin Smarandache – dincolo de marginile ştiinţei

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    Recent, a apărut la Editura Ştiinţifică Nord-Europeană din oraşul Hanko, Finlanda, cel de-al patrulea volum al seriei “Articole colectate” al prof. univ. dr. Florentin Smarandache, de la Facultatea de Matematică şi Ştiinţe a Universităţii “New Mexico” din oraşul Gallup, statul New Mexico, SUA (cetăţean româno-american, născut în anul 1954 la Bălceşti, Vâlcea, absolvent al Facultăţii de Matematică din Craiova)

    Florentin Smarandache – doctor honoris causa in China!

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    Vâlceanul Florentin Smarandache, profesor universitar la Facultatea de Matematica si Stiinte a Universitatii „New Mexico” din orasul Gallup, statul federal New Mexico, SUA, a fost invitat de curând în China de catre Universitatea Jiatong, care i-a acordat titlul de „Profesor adjunct”, echivalent cu titlul de „Doctor honoris causa” acordat în universitatile europene si americane. „Doctor honoris causa” este un titlu onorific acordat de institutiile de învatamânt superior unei personalitati de mare prestigiu, din tara sau din strainatate, pentru realizari deosebite în domeniul stiintei, tehnicii si culturii, pentru servicii de mare insemnatate aduse patriei si umanitatii

    C.E.R.N. şi viteza supraluminală

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    S-a repetat în noiembrie, acelaşi an, rezultatul validând înco o dată, parţial, ipoteza supraluminală a cercetătorului romȃn F. Smarandache

    CERN reconfirmă „Ipoteza Smarandache”!

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    „Experimentul OPERA”, efectuat de către o echipă de savanţi de la CERN (iniţial, numit Centrul European de Cercetări Nucleare, acum, Laboratorul European pentru Fizica Particulelor Elementare) din Geneva (Elveţia), a demonstrat că particulele elementare neutrino se deplasează cu o viteză mai mare decât cea a luminii, ceea ce infirmă celebra Teorie a Relativităţii Restrânse, enunţată de fizicianul Albert Einstein

    Florentin Smarandache duce neutrosofia şi în Taiwan!

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    Vâlceano-americanul Florentin Smarandache se va afla în perioada 8-10 noiembrie 2011 într-un loc foarte exotic pentru români: oraşul Kaohsiung (1,5 milioane de locuitori), al doilea ca mărime din Taiwan, unde va prezida o secţiune la A VII-a Conferinţă Internaţional de Calcul Granular (notată prescurtat GrC 2011)

    The Fourth Amendment Disclosure Doctrines

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    The third party and public disclosure doctrines (together the “disclosure doctrines”) are long-standing hurdles to Fourth Amendment protection. These doctrines have become increasingly relevant to assessing the government’s use of recent technologies such as data mining, drone surveillance, and cell site location data. It is surprising then that both the Supreme Court and scholars, at times, have associated them together as expressing one principle. It turns out that each relies on unique foundational triggers and does not stand or fall with the other. This Article tackles this issue and provides a comprehensive topology for analyzing the respective contours of each doctrine

    “Noţiunile Smarandache” – cultivate de indieni şi tipărite de chinezi!

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    În luna decembrie 2010 a apărut cel de-al patrulea număr al revistei trimestriale de matematică aplicată numită „Revista Internaţională de Combinatorică Matematică”, editată în limba engleză de către Laboratorul de Management, Decizie şi Sisteme de Informaţie al Academiei Chineze de Ştiinţe, în al cărei colectiv de redacţie se află şi două cadre universitare de la Universitatea din Craiova: Florentin Popescu şi Marian Popescu

    Entrapped: A Reconceptualization of the Obedience to Orders Defense

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    “I was just following orders,” and, “The government made me do it,” are phrases from two different criminal law defenses: obedience to orders and entrapment. A military defense, obedience to orders allows a soldier to escape liability by arguing that she was obeying orders when she committed the supposed crime. The civilian defense of entrapment allows a defendant to escape liability by arguing that the police pressured her to commit the crime. Despite the fact that both defenses require a level of government involvement, courts and scholars alike have treated these defenses differently. This Article finally addresses this inconsistency and reorients obedience to orders to more closely resemble entrapment.Currently, obedience to orders carries dual subjective and objective requirements, similar to other civilian criminal law defenses such as mistake of law and duress. A defendant must have a good faith belief and, most importantly, this belief must pass a reasonable person standard. The purpose behind objectively scrutinizing the defendant’s state of mind is to promulgate a uniform community standard for private citizens. But unlike obedience to orders, where disobeying an order could lead to criminal sanction, neither mistake of law nor duress involves any level of government pressure or coercion. Entrapment serves as the better model for this defense because both entrapment and obedience to orders involve government agents pressuring citizens to commit crimes. Courts use two different tests for entrapment, but neither carries an objective scrutiny component targeting the defendant’s state of mind. The rationale here centers on the fact that the government plays a key role in the crime, so there is less reason to promulgate a uniform community standard. The same respective tests and underlying reasoning should apply with equal or greater force in the obedience to orders case. This Article presents the first workable reconceptualization along these lines — one that better serves soldiers caught between disobeying an order and committing a crime