671 research outputs found

    Viatge d'anada i tornada

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    Natural variability of hepatic biomarkers in Mediterranean deep-sea organisms

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    10 pages, 4 figures, 3 tablesBiomarker assays are widely used as proxies for contaminant-induced effects in aquatic organisms. However, in many cases, their intrinsic natural variability due to exogenous and endogenous factors makes the interpretation of biomarker data difficult. In the present study, we investigated the natural fluctuations of six hepatic biomarkers, namely ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) in fish and pentoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (PROD) in crustacea, catalase (CAT), carboxylesterase (CbE), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), total glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione reductase (GR) in two deep-sea fish species, namely Alepocephalus rostratus and Lepidion lepidion and the decapod crustacean Aristeus antennatus. The NW Mediterranean deep-sea environment is characterized by very stable temperature and salinity conditions, allowing the exclusion of these two factors as potential sources of interference with biomarker activities. Biomarker results exhibited a clear influence of reproductive processes on enzyme activities, in particular in A. rostratus, which presented a pronounced seasonal pattern linked to variations in the gonadosomatic index (GSI). In addition, other factors such as food availability may also have influenced the observed variability, in particular in specimens of L. lepidion, which did not exhibit variations in reproductive activity throughout the sampling period. Depth-related variability did not exhibit a clear trend and fluctuations across sampling depths were not attributable to any specific factor. Body size had also a significant influence on some biomarkers, although allometric scaling of certain enzyme activities appears to be species-specific. The present work has thus shown that despite the lack of fluctuations of abiotic parameters such as temperature and salinity, biomarker activities in deep-sea organisms still exhibit significant variability, mainly as a result of reproductive processes and food availabilityThe present study was funded by the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry projects PROMETEO (CTM2007-66316-C02-02/MAR), BIOFUN (CTM2007-28739-E/MAR) and the HERMIONE project (EC-FP7 contract number 226354). Samuel Koenig holds a PhD grant (AFR 08/067) from the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR), LuxembourgPeer reviewe

    Health care utilization among immigrants and native-born populations in 11 European countries. Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

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    Objective: This study examines health care utilization of immigrants relative to the native-born populations aged 50 years and older in eleven European countries. Methods. We analyzed data from the Survey of Health Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) from 2004 for a sample of 27,444 individuals in 11 European countries. Negative Binomial regression was conducted to examine the difference in number of doctor visits, visits to General Practitioners (GPs), and hospital stays between immigrants and the native-born individuals. Results: We find evidence those immigrants above age 50 use health services on average more than the native-born populations with the same characteristics. Our models show immigrants have between 6% and 27% more expected visits to the doctor, GP or hospital stays when compared to native-born populations in a number of European countries. Discussion: Elderly immigrant populations might be using health services more intensively due to cultural reasons.count data, physician services, immigration.

    Health care utilization among immigrants and native-born populations in 11 European countries. Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

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    Objective: This study examines health care utilization of immigrants relative to the native-born populations aged 50 years and older in eleven European countries. Methods: We analyzed data from the Survey of Health Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) from 2004 for a sample of 27,444 individuals. Negative Binomial regression was conducted to examine the difference in number of doctor visits, visits to General Practitioners (GPs), and hospital stays between immigrants and the native-born. Results: We find evidence those immigrants above age 50 use health services on average more than the native-born populations with the same characteristics. Our models show immigrants have between 6% and 27% more expected visits to the doctor, GP or hospital stays when compared to native-born populations in a number of European countries. Discussion: Elderly immigrant populations might be using health services more intensively due to cultural reasons.count data, physician services, immigration

    Macromicets de l'illa de Menorca.II.

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    Donem a conĂšixer els resultats de les prospeccions micolĂČgiques realitzades a Menorca entre els anys 1980 i 1988, i els presentem en forma de catĂ leg. S'han estudiat 193 tĂ xons (10 Ascomycetes i 183 Basidiomycetes), dels quals 127 creiem corresponen a citacions noves per a l'illa, entre els quals destaquem: Agaricus pequinii (Boud.) Konr. & Maubl., Amanita boudieri Barla, Dermoloma pseudocuneifolium Henrink, Hebeloma sarcophyllum (Peck) Sacc., Inocybe tenebrosa QuĂ©l., Psathyrella ammophila (Dur. & Lev.) Orton, Lactarius cistophilus Bon & Trimb. Russula seperina Dupain i Battarraea phalloides (Dicks.) Per

    Characterization of type “B” esterases and hepatic CYP450 isoenzimes in Senegalese sole for their further application in monitoring studies

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    8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tablesIn fish, the role that cholinesterases (ChEs) play in tissues other than those implicated in neural activity, as well as the involvement of carboxylesterases (CbEs) and cytochrome P450 isoenzymes (CYPs) in drug metabolism needs investigation. For that, Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) specimens were selected for characterization of several type B esterases and hepatic CYPs in order to further use this fish as sentinel. ChEs (acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and pseudocholinesterases (butyrylcholinesterase-BuChE and propionilcholinesterase-PrChE)) and CbEs were measured in brain, plasma, kidney, liver, gonad, muscle and gills. Moreover, seven fluorimetric substrates were selected to study CYP related activities in fish liver. The results showed that AChE was the dominant ChE form in brain whereas pseudocholinesterases were absent in most tissues, as demonstrated by low enzymatic activities using specific substrates and the lack of inhibition by iso-OMPA. Plasma exhibited trace activities of all the esterases assayed and no BuChE activity. CbEs were dominant in liver, but they were also present in kidney and brain. For CbE determination, α-naphtyl acetate (αNA) was seen as the most adequate substrate as it displayed higher enzymatic activities and showed more in vitro sensitivity to the carbamate eserine and the organophosphate pesticide dichlorvos. Alkoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (EROD and BFCOD) activities, indicative in mammals of CYP1A and CYP3A subfamilies, respectively, were the highest microsomal CYP-related activities in liver. The results of this preliminary work allow us to select the most adequate esterase substrate, tissue and hepatic CYP substrate for further monitoring studiesThis work was financed by the Ministry Science and Innovation of Spain (refCTM2010-16611)Peer reviewe

    Lactarius tesquorum a Catalunya

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    G. Malençon (1979) descriví Lactarius tesquorum, que pertany a l'estirp torminosus, especie xerotermófila i acidófila. En el present treball assenyalem la presencia d'aquesta especie a Catalunya, en fem una descripció macroscópica i microscópica detallada i n'estudiem els caråcters diferencials respecte a les altres especies de l'estirp. Es clou l'article amb una revisió de les citacions catalanes de Lactarias torminosus
