64 research outputs found

    WISP-2 expression induced by Teriparatide treatment affects in vitro osteoblast differentiation and improves in vivo osteogenesis

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    The Osteocyte, recognized as a major orchestrator of osteoblast and osteoclast activity, is the most important key player during bone remodeling processes. Imbalances occurring during bone remodeling, caused by hormone perturbations or by mechanical loading alterations, can induce bone pathologies such as osteoporosis. Recently, the active fraction of parathormone, PTH (1-34) or Teriparatide (TPTD), was chosen as election treatment for osteoporosis. The effect of such therapy is dependent on the temporal manner of administration. The molecular reasons why the type of administration regimen is so critical for the fate of bone remodeling are numerous and not yet well known. Our study attempts to analyze diverse signaling pathways directly activated in osteocytes upon TPTD treatment. By means of gene array analysis, we found many molecules upregulated or downregulated in osteocytes. Later, we paid attention to Wisp-2, a protein involved in the Wnt pathway, that is secreted by MLO-Y4 cells and increases upon TPTD treatment and that is able to positively influence the early phases of osteogenic differentiation. We also confirmed the pro osteogenic property of Wisp-2 during mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into the preliminary osteoblast phenotype. The same results were confirmed with an in vivo approach confirming a remarkable Wisp-2 expression in metaphyseal trabecular bone. These results highlighted the anabolic roles unrolled by osteocytes in controlling the action of neighboring cells, suggesting that the perturbation of certain signaling cascades, such as the Wnt pathway, is crucial for the positive regulation of bone formation

    “Pumping iron”—how macrophages handle iron at the systemic, microenvironmental, and cellular levels

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    Spatial and temporal dynamics of hepatic stellate cell activation during oxidant-stress-induced fibrogenesis.

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    In vitro and in vivo studies indicate that oxidant stress is implicated in liver fibrogenesis. However, it is still unknown whether, in vivo, oxidant stress directly affects the hepatic cells responsible for fibrogenesis, ie, the hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). This study was aimed at answering this question by assessing the temporal and spatial relationships between oxidant stress and activation of HSCs in an in vivo model of oxidant-stress-associated fibrogenesis. To this purpose, rats were treated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and livers subjected to in situ perfusion with nitroblue tetrazolium, which, in the presence of superoxide ions, is reduced to an insoluble blue-colored formazan derivative and is readily detectable in the tissue by light microscopy. Moreover, various combinations of in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical analyses were performed. An acute dose of CCl4 caused a transient production of superoxide radicals at 24 hours into pericentral necrotic areas, whereas HSC appearance and expression of collagen mRNA were detectable only at 48 and 72 hours. After chronic CCl4 intoxication, higher levels of oxygen radical production in necrotic areas were detectable along with dramatic and sustained activation of HSCs. However, maximal HSC activation was still delayed as compared with superoxide production. Expression of heme oxygenase, a gene responsive to a variety of oxidant stress mediators, was strongly enhanced by chronic CCl4 administration but remained unchanged in HSCs, both in situ and after isolation of pure HSC fractions from control and CCl4-treated animals. In conclusion, during postnecrotic fibrogenesis, oxidant stress anticipates HSC activation. HSCs do not directly face an oxidant stress while engaged in active fibrogenesis

    Molecular and cellular aspects of iron-induced hepatic cirrhosis in rodents.

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    Hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis are common findings in humans with hemochromatosis. In this study we investigated the molecular pathways of iron-induced hepatic fibrosis and evaluated the anti-fibrogenic effect of vitamin E. Male gerbils were treated with iron-dextran and fed a standard diet or a alpha-tocopherol enriched diet (250 mg/Kg diet). In gerbils on the standard diet at 6 wk after dosing with iron, in situ hybridization analysis documented a dramatic increase of signal for collagen mRNA around iron foci onto liver fat storing cells (FSC), as identified by immunocytochemistry with desmin antibody. After 4 mo, micronodular cirrhosis developed in these animals, with nonparenchymal cells surrounding hepatocyte nodules and expressing high level of TGF beta mRNA. In this group, in vivo labeling with [3H]-thymidine showed a marked proliferation of nonparenchymal cells, including FSC. In iron-dosed gerbils on the vitamin E-enriched diet for 4 mo, in spite of a severe liver iron burden, a normal lobular architecture was found, with a dramatic decrease of collagen mRNA accumulation and collagen deposition. At the molecular level, a total suppression of nonparenchymal cell proliferation was appreciable, although expression of collagen and TGF beta mRNAs was still present into microscopic iron-filled nonparenchymal cell aggregates scattered throughout the hepatic lobule. In conclusion, our study shows that anti-oxidant treatment during experimental hepatic fibrosis arrests fibrogenesis and completely prevents iron induced hepatic cirrhosis mainly through inhibition of nonparenchymal cell proliferation induced by iron

    Diacerhein blocks iron regulatory protein activation in inflamed human monocytes

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    Iron Regulatory Proteins (IRPs), by modulating expression of ferritin, which stores excess iron in a non toxic form, and transferrin receptor, which controls iron uptake, are the main controller of cellular iron metabolism. During inflammation, modification of IRP activity may affect iron availability, free radical generation and cytokine gene response in inflammatory cells. In the present study we tested the effect of inflammatory stimuli on IRP function in a human monocytic-macrophagic cell line and the possibility of interfering with these pathways by using an antiinflammatory compound, diacerhein (DAR). IRP activity was enhanced by interferon gamma/lipopolysaccarhide (IFN/LPS), and this effect was consistently counteracted by increasing concentrations of DAR. No direct effect of DAR on IRP activity was found in vitro. However, in vivo, similar IRP activation was achieved by exposing cells to nitric oxide (NO) donors and the LPS/IFN-induced activation of IRP was reversed by NO inhibitors. Interestingly, NO-induced IRP activation was efficiently blocked by DAR. These data show for the first time that a clinically useful antiinflammatory compound, DAR, interferes with IRP activation by NO in inflammed human cells

    Inappropriately high iron regulatory protein activity in monocytes of patients with genetic hemochromatosis

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    In genetic hemochromatosis (GH), excess iron is deposited in parenchymal cells, whereas little iron is found in reticuloendothelial (RE) cells until the later stages of the disease. As iron absorption is inversely related to RE cells stores, a failure of RE to retain iron has been proposed as the basic defect in GH. In RE cells of GH subjects, we examined the activity of iron regulatory protein (IRP), a reliable indicator of the elusive regulatory labile iron pool, which modulates cellular iron homeostasis through control of ferritin (Ft) and transferrin receptor gene expression. RNA-bandshift assays showed a significant increase in IRP activity in monocytes from 16 patients with untreated GH compared with 28 control subjects (1.5-fold) and five patients with secondary hemochromatosis (SH) with similar iron burden (fourfold). In 17 phlebotomy-treated GH patients, IRP activity did not differ from that of control subjects, In both GH and SH monocyte-macrophages, Ft content increased by twofold and the L subunit-rich isoferritin profile was unchanged as compared with controls. IRP activity was still upregulated in vitro in monocyte-derived macrophages of GH subjects but, following manipulations of iron levels, was modulated normally. Therefore, the sustained activity of monocyte IRP found in vivo in monocytes of GH patients is not due to an inherent defect of its control, but is rather the expression of a critical abnormality of iron metabolism, eg, a paradoxical contraction of the regulatory iron pool. By preventing Ft mRNA translation, high IRP activity in monocytes may represent a molecular mechanism contributing to the inadequate Ft accumulation and insufficient RE iron storage in GH
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