98 research outputs found

    LaCulturaNonSiFerma -- Report su uso e la diffusione degli hashtag delle istituzioni culturali italiane durante il periodo di lockdown

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    This report presents an analysis of #hashtags used by Italian Cultural Heritage institutions to promote and communicate cultural content during the COVID-19 lock-down period in Italy. Several activities to support and engage users' have been proposed using social media. Most of these activities present one or more #hashtags which help to aggregate content and create a community on specific topics. Results show that on one side Italian institutions have been very proactive in adapting to the pandemic scenario and on the other side users' reacted very positively increasing their participation in the proposed activities.Comment: in Italia

    ItaGLAM: A corpus of Cultural Communication on Twitter during the Pandemic

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    This paper describes the compilation and annotation of ItaGLAM, a corpus of tweets written by Italian Galleries, Libreries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs) during the lockdown period in Italy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ItaGLAM has been annotated with a set of labels which may be useful to identify different types of communication. Furthermore, the collected data have been used to train a set of classifiers.The results are analyzed to evaluate the information flow between GLAM and users and to analyze cultural communication on the Web

    The harmonised geological map of Italy 1:100,000 scale

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    The INSPIRE Directive establishes a European infrastructure for spatial information to support the environmental policies of the European Union. Thirty-four different themes representing various environmental information have been identified. Geology theme is modelled conforming specific data structure that is Geology, Geophysic, Hydrogeology, which is further divided into three subthemes. Geology is in "priority dataset" list as it provides fundamental knowledge about the physical properties and composition of rocks and sediments, their structure, and their age, as depicted in geological maps, including geomorphological features and it represents the base map for geological phenomenon monitoring. In the INSPIRE data model, specific codelists have been reused in the different field types to satisfy the compliance to the geological information content. Some of the codelists fully comply with the features contained in the 1:100,000 geological map database are integrated in the semantic harmonization process. In 2021-22, the dataset was further harmonized in accordance with the INSPIRE and GeoSciML data models. The Geological Map of Italy at a scale of 1:100,000 is currently the most comprehensive and detailed geological map available for Italy. It consists of a compilation of 277 sheets and was created over a period exceeding 100 years, with certain sheets having two editions. In the late 1990s, the map was converted into a vector database through the digitization of raster format data. The dataset underwent revision, integration, and correction by the Geological Survey of Italy between 2005 and 2009. The dataset is served through a specific online resource allows the visualization of the Geologic Map of Italy 1:100,000 scale, in a digital format. The geology has been grouped based on the lower age of the geological units. Additionally, the service allows for the visualization of tectonic features. The map has been harmonized in the framework of the activity of the Geological Survey of Italy - ISPRA with a support by the Joint Research Unit - EPOS Italia (2020-2022)

    An integrated approach for the delimitation of a groundwater basin: The case study of the Conca di Acerno (Campania, Southern Italy)

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    The Conca di Acerno is an intra-Apennine graben located in the south-western sector of the carbonatic Mts. Picentini (Campania, province of Salerno). In the past, the graben hosted a lake basin, filled lat a later stage by fluvial-lacustrine deposits, cut in turn by the Tusciano River and by the Isca della Serra Creek. The town of Acerno lies on one of the terraced surfaces. Along the banks of the Tusciano River and the Isca della Serra Creek, on the outskirts of the town of Acerno, two important groups of springs (with a total discharge of about 1000 L/s) are located and tapped by the Ausino Consortium public water supply. All previous data concerning the various groundwater catchment plants, implemented by new measurements (piezometric, hydrochemical and isotopic - 18O and 2H), have led to improve the knowledge on the various hydrogeological aspects related to the origin of the springs and their recharge areas. In detail, the main achieved results are the following: • all the springs are, in different ways, exits of the same groundwater body hosted within the dolomitic bedrock, buried by the detritic-alluvial deposits of the graben; • a significant groundwater flow to the Tusciano River comes from the right bank of the river, in contrast to the present hydrogeological interpretation; • the limits of the groundwater basin feeding the Acerno spring groups have been established more accurately, especially on the basis of the groundwater balance

    New hydrogeological results on the Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem of the Pilato Lake (Sibillini Mts, Central Italy)

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    Located at an altitude of about 1950 m a.s.l. in a glacial cirque of Mount Vettore (Monti Sibillini National Park - Central Italy), Pilato Lake is one of the few glacial lakes existing in the Apennines. Due to the endemic presence of the crustaceous Chirocephalus marchesonii, the Pilato Lake was in the past mainly studied from the biological viewpoint, but hydrogeological information on this groundwater dependent ecosystem is scarce. Furthermore, for investigating the lake drying in the recent 2017, 2019 and 2020 summers, the seasonal lowering of lake levels during 2010, 2012 and 2014-2020 was reconstructed. It resulted that in the preseismic years, the lake emptying was slower than in the post-seismic time. It is then supposed that seismic quaking induced an increase in permeability and, consequently, increased infiltration velocity through the lake sustaining surficial (detrital and glacial) and/or bedrock deposits towards the subsurface. More frequent summer dryings of the lake are then supposed for the next future. The hydrogeological conceptual model of the study area showed that the refilling process of the lake is driven by snow and rain precipitations. The air temperatures during 2017-2020 and their effects on evaporation from lake and on actual evapotranspiration were estimated. The infiltration through sustaining sediments was calculated and the estimation with time of lake wet surface and lake volume variations, and then bulk permeability of sustaining sediments, were evaluated as well
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