6 research outputs found

    Determinación del riesgo de auto-combustión en almacenamiento de biomasas para la producción de gas mediante gasificación

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    En la actualidad más del 80 % de la energía eléctrica empleada en el mundo se obtiene a partir de combustibles de origen fósil. Sin embargo, estas fuentes de energía (gas natural, el carbón o el petróleo) presentan problemas de emisión de cantidades importantes de contaminantes a la atmósfera como CO, NOx y SOx. Estas emisiones están llevando a intentar reducir las emisiones enfocando el consumo a la utilización de fuentes de energía renovable, menos dañinas para el ambiente como la energía solar, la eólica, la biomasa, etc. En los almacenamientos de biomasa, ésta es potencialmente capaz de absorber oxígeno produciendo reacciones exotérmicas de oxidación. Si el calor producido en estas reacciones no se disipa adecuadamente, provoca un auto-calentamiento de la materia orgánica que puede ser causa de descomposición e inflamación. En el ámbito de la posible auto-combustión en el almacenamiento y manipulación de las biomasas existen diversos factores que influyen en la susceptibilidad térmica de las biomasas, es decir, en su tendencia a la oxidación y posterior inflamación de la materia. Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende evaluar el riesgo de auto-combustión de las biomasas almacenadas, para su uso en procesos de gasificación. En este estudio se ha trabajado con biomasas de origen agrícola, forestal y residual empleadas en procesos industriales de gasificación con distinta composición química. Los métodos empleados se han basado en técnicas clásicas de termogravimetría, calorimetría diferencial de barrido, análisis de composición y morfología. Con estos ensayos se pretende definir un rango de temperaturas lo más estrecho posible donde las muestras presentan mayor susceptibilidad a un calentamiento espontáneo que puede derivar en auto-combustión, en función de las distintas propiedades estudiadas de las biomasas, para poder servir así de herramienta de evaluación y análisis del riesgo de autocombustión. Como conclusión se muestran umbrales y valores que relacionan las propiedades físicas y químicas de las biomasas estudiadas en su auto-combustión, analizando la influencia de los procesos de preparación de las biomasas sobre las variables que caracterizan su susceptibilidad térmica

    Application of protection means against explosions in underground mines

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    Underground coal mines explosions generally arise from the inflammation of a methane/air mixture. This explosion can also generate a subsequent coal dust explosion. Traditionally such explosions have being fought eliminating one or several of the factors needed by the explosion to take place. Although several preventive measures are taken to prevent explosions, other measures should be considered to reduce the effects or even to extinguish the flame front. Unlike other protection methods that remove one or two of the explosion triangle elements, namely; the ignition source, the oxidizing agent and the fuel, explosion barriers removes all of them: reduces the quantity of coal in suspension, cools the flame front and the steam generated by vaporization removes the oxygen present in the flame. The present paper is essentially based on the comprehensive state-of–the-art of Protective Systems in underground coal mines, and particularly on the application of Explosion Barriers to improve safety level in Spanish coal mining industry. After an exhaustive study of series EN 14591 standards covering explosion prevention and protection in underground mines, authors have proven explosion barriers effectiveness in underground galleries by Full Scale Tests performed in Polish Barbara experimental mine, showing that the barriers can reduce the effects of methane and/or flammable coal dust explosions to a satisfactory safety level

    Influential factors in determination of biomass termal susceptibility by termal analysis

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    Las biomasas almacenadas en silos son potencialmente capaces de absorber oxígeno produciendo reacciones exotérmicas de oxidación. Si el calor producido en estas reacciones no se dispersa adecuadamente, provoca un auto-calentamiento de la materia orgánica que puede ser causa de descomposición e inflamación. En el ámbito de la posible auto-combustión en el almacenamiento y manipulación de las biomasas existen diversos factores que influyen en la susceptibilidad térmica de las biomasas, es decir, en su tendencia a la oxidación y posterior inflamación de la materia. Con el fin de analizar este comportamiento se han estudiado diferentes tipos de biomasas. En este estudio se ha trabajado con biomasas de origen agrícola, forestal y residual con distinta composición química. Las muestras de estudio se han acondicionado mediante distintos tratamientos físicos para valorar la influencia de diferentes factores en su auto-combustión

    Characterization of spontaneous combustuion tendency of dried sewage sludge

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    The general purpose of this study was the determination of the safety conditions to avoid the presence of explosive atmospheres in the wastewater industry. Eight Spanish plants located in Madrid, Barcelona and Málaga were considered and several sludge samples were taken in different seasons. The base for the assessment of the spontaneous ignition behaviour of dust accumulations is the experimental determination of the self-ignition temperature under isothermal conditions. Self-ignition temperatures at four volumes were obtained for one sample of sewage sludge, allowing their extrapolation to large storage facilities. A simple test method, based also on an isothermal study of samples, is the UN classification of substances liable to spontaneous combustion. Two different samples were so tested, obtaining unlike results if transported in packages of different volumes. By means of thermogravimetric techniques it is possible to analyse the thermal susceptibility of dried sewage sludge. Apparent activation energy can be obtained from the rate of weight loss. It is also applied to the study of self-ignition susceptibility by modifying test conditions when oxygen stream is introduced. As a consequence of this oxidant contribution, sample behaviour can be very different during testing and a step drop or sudden loss of weight is observed at a characteristic temperature for every substance, associated to a rapid combustion. Plotting both the activation energy and the characteristic temperature, a map of self-ignition risk was obtained for 10 samples, showing different risk levels for samples taken in different locations and at different seasons. A prediction of the self-ignition risk level can be also determined

    Flammability properties of dry sewage sludges

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    Dry sewage sludge are being considered as a possible energy source for direct firing. They have interesting properties to be used as an alternative fuel, but also other characteristics must be considered from the point of view of its safe operation: the most important are ignition sensitivity, explosion severity, thermal sensitivity and thermal stability. The aim of this study was to determine if sewage sludge have different characteristics due to different locations or seasons and how this influences their flammability properties. To study these characteristics sludge samples were selected from different locations in Spain, taken during different seasons. In addition, relationships between flammability parameters and chemical analysis were observed. Some parameters can be controlled during normal operation, such as granulometry or humidity, and may mean a decrease in the risk of explosion. Those relationships are well known for other dusts materials, like coal, but not yet for sewage sludge dusts. Finally, properties related to spontaneous combustion were determined (thermal susceptibility and stability). The addition of those properties to the study provides an overview of the thermal behavior of sewage sludge during their utilization, including transport and storage

    Physical characteristics of biomass and its influence in sel-combustion

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    The necessity to find new sources to produce a cleaner energy, reducing the CO2 emissions, leads to consider biomass as a potential sustainable feedstock to be used instead of coal in power plants. Biomass and coal present significant differences in terms of both chemical composition and physical properties. Biomass usually has an increased thermal sensitivity and a greater ease of ignition. Also, biomass particles commonly have more irregular shapes and larger sizes than pulverized coal, thus it is necessary to establish the parameters of these materials to avoid the self-combustion tendency. In the same way than coal, biomass stored are potentially able to absorb oxygen to produce exothermic oxidation reactions. If the generated heat in these reactions is not properly dispersed, causes a self-heating of the organic matter that can cause breakdown and ignition. In the field of possible self-combustion in the storage and handling of the biomass there are several factors which have influence in biomass thermal susceptibility, i.e. its tendency to oxidation and subsequent ignition of the substance. In this respect, the different biomass analysis to determine their behavior is shown here. This study has been developed using biomass obtained from agriculture, forestry, olive oil waste and aromatic plant waste. Those products have different chemical composition and it could imply different behavior. Samples tested have been prepared by different physical processes to assess the influence of different factors in their self-combustion. All products tested are commercial products available in the market for potential use in gasification plants. Methods employed were based on classical techniques of thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, analysis of composition and physical analysis as shape factor and particle size distribution. Methodologies used in the thermal analysis are not standard tests, but that are based on a long experience in the application of these techniques to coals and other products. In order to compare results, test widely used in previous research works has been carried out to define the characteristic parameters of the experimental methodology