35 research outputs found

    Technology‑enhanced Learning for Promoting Technical and Social Competences in Hydrological Science

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    Open access funding provided by Università degli Studi di Catania within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.. This project was supported by the University of Cordoba Teaching Innovation Project 2004-2014 entitled “Adquisición de competencias técnicas y humanísticas y estandarización internacional de currículos en la enseñanza de proyectos de ingeniería rural: llevando la pasión por el fútbol a casos prácticos de Hidrología.” (“Acquiring technical and humanistic competences and the international standardization of curricula in teaching rural engineering projects: using a passion for football in practical cases of Hydrology”).Data are available in the teaching platform of the Universities involved and they can ask Dr F. Licciardello ([email protected]) and Dr. E.V. Taguas ([email protected]).The authors would like to thank Simon Armour for his invaluable help in revising the paper. The authors also thank the involved students for their participation and M. José Palazón, Rafael Pimentel, Manuel Rosa and M. Jose Polo for their support in the final game of the second year.This paper explains and analyses a virtual gamification experience developed by a teaching group from the University of Catania (Italy) and the University of Cordoba (Spain). A competition based on professional tasks about hydrological planning was implemented in two subjects on Hydrological Sciences. The teaching experience was designed to improve the acquisition of technical knowledge and skills needed for hydrological studies, promote the management of ICT and increase international cooperation between different universities; all aimed at making students more employable. The experience is transferable to different academic levels. Following the philosophy of soccer leagues, the students solved and presented the exercise by teams of two students. Through videoconference, the presentation and the explanation were done so the fans in each country supported their teams. The students found it a very challenging experience but at the same time, some of them were aware of their needs of improving technical knowledge, particularly Geographical Information Systems, and English language skills. Updating of tools and the schedule within the different academic calendar were their main organization handicaps. The main outcome of the presented experience is that social energy and enthusiasm associated to popular activities such as soccer led to improve the interest and the motivation of the students in challenging technical contents as well as teamwork and language transversal competences.Universita degli Studi di Catania within the CRUI-CARE AgreementUniversity of Cordoba Teaching Innovation Project 2004-2014 entitled "Adquisicion de competencias tecnicas y humanisticas y estandarizacion internacional de curriculos en la ensenanza de proyectos de ingenieria rural: llevando la pasion por el futbol a casos prácticos de Hidrología

    Caminos de aprendizaje para la iniciación al álgebra basados en análisis didáctico de errores

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    En esta contribución se estudia la enseñanza del manejo del lenguaje algebraico para estudiantes que establecen su primer contacto con el álgebra. Utilizamos para ello elementos del análisis didáctico, que permiten alcanzar un nivel de profundidad adecuado para conocer el proceso de aprendizaje de los alumnos y desarrollar recursos didácticos que optimicen dicho aprendizaje

    Developing and Comparing Indices to Evaluate Community Knowledge Building in an Educational Research Course

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    This paper implements a novel approach to analyzing the degree of Collective Cognitive Responsibility (CCR) in a Knowledge Building community, based on socioeconomic and scientometric measures. After engaging in Knowledge Forum (KF) discussions for one semester, 36 students identified impactful ideas in their portfolios, which were then used to develop their impact scores. These scores were then transformed and plotted along the Lorenz Curve and the Gini coefficient to visualize the degree of equidistribution of recognition in the community and, by extension, the degree of collective responsibility shared by members of the community. Additionally, students were classified into member roles based on the impact of their contributions, and we explored the flow of member roles across several discussion topics, based on Price’s model of scientific production. Our results show convergence between peers’ and teachers’ ratings of impactful contributions, which both point to medium levels of collective responsibility in the community. In short, on the one hand, this procedure shows its sensitivity to detect communities that could not comply with the CCR principle. On the other hand, we discuss the necessity of reflective evaluation to address the pedagogical challenge of fostering collective responsibility for knowledge advancement and empowering novel students to take charge of their knowledge work at the highest levels.Ministry of Science and Innovation-State Research Agency PID 2020-116872-RA-10

    Tareas de formación para favorecer el sentido de la medida en la formación inicial del profesorado

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    Se presenta una propuesta de tareas de formación para los futuros docentes de Educación Primaria y de Secundaria y Bachillerato. Siguiendo la idea de que el profesorado ejerza de matemático para estimular el aprendizaje con significado de sus alumnos, se ha desarrollado una secuencia, de tres tareas para el Grado de Primaria y tres para el Máster de Secundaria, que fomenta el trabajo matemático del profesorado, su sentido numérico y su conocimiento de la enseñanza con relación al concepto de área, superando los saltos en la conceptualización que establecen los currículos de los diferentes niveles educativos

    ''¿Cuánto cuesta emprender?'': un proyecto para aprender matemáticas desde un enfoque por competencias

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    Presentamos una experiencia de trabajo por competencias en 2º ESO que hemos desarrollado en el Colegio Legamar de Leganés. Con el objetivo final de diseñar los espacios y el presupuesto necesarios para iniciar su propio negocio, nuestros estudiantes han abordado diferentes problemas presentados en situaciones abiertas e interdisciplinares y han presentado los resultados obtenidos en formato audiovisual. Durante el periodo de implementación de este proyecto, los alumnos no sólo han consolidado contenidos y procesos matemáticos, sino que han desarrollado capacidades como la comunicación, el uso de TICS, la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico. Han adquirido, además, conciencia sobre la importancia de las matemáticas para resolver problemas de la vida cotidiana, el valor del dinero y la complejidad que encierra iniciar un negocio propio. En esta comunicación describimos tanto los elementos curriculares como la reflexión profesional tras nuestra experiencia, que nos ha sido de gran utilidad para conocer cómo se pueden trabajar de forma interdisciplinar las Matemáticas en el aula y nos ha ayudado a comprender con mayor profundidad el enfoque por competencias que defienden los currículos de ESO

    Desarrollo de procesos matemáticos en educación secundaria a través de juegos

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    Esta comunicación presenta una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de procesos matemáticos en alumnos de los primeros cursos de Educación Secundaria que se ha implementado en el Colegio Legamar de Leganés. Partiendo de juegos diseñados para estimular el desarrollo del razonamiento lógico, hemos elaborado una secuencia de sesiones basadas en dichos juegos que alternan la competencia libre individual con tareas específicas para resolver en equipo. La resolución de estas tareas contribuye a la adquisición y potenciación de otros procesos matemáticos como la resolución de problemas o la comunicación matemática (NCTM, 2000). Estos aprendizajes se evalúan de forma continua bajo un modelo con elementos de gamificación. Describimos los juegos que hemos utilizado, la relación que guardan estos juegos con los procesos matemáticos que se trabajan y los instrumentos de evaluación. Finalmente hacemos un análisis crítico de los factores concretos del centro y del alumnado que favorecen la puesta en práctica de esta propuesta y esta metodología

    Metodologías activas y su relación con las actitudes hacia la estadística en educación secundaria

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    Se presenta una investigación que explora la idoneidad de una propuesta didáctica basada en metodologías activas para introducir la estadística en alumnos del segundo curso de educación secundaria, que fue llevada a cabo en el Colegio Legamar de Leganés (Madrid)

    The 2030 Challenge in the Quality of Higher Education: Metacognitive, Motivational and Structural Factors, Predictive of Written Argumentation, for the Dissemination of Sustainable Knowledge

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    The United Nations 2030 agenda includes quality university education, highlighting the importance of writing competence, as a basic skill for the dissemination of sustainable knowledge. However, there is little evidence of the factors that predict effective written communication to support such quality. Among these factors, the literature highlights motivation and writing metacognition, as well as the adequate structuring of the academic and/or scientific genre. The main novelty of the present research is the study of the relationships between the mentioned factors, measured with validated instruments. To this end, content analysis is first applied to determine the rhetorical moves of argumentative essays written by a sample of 72 university students. Secondly, the correlations between each of the rhetorical moves, metacognition and argumentative writing self-efficacy are calculated. The relationships are studied in depth, applying step-by-step linear regression models. Finally, the dependence of the results, observed with respect to unmeasured factors, is contrasted by means of a confirmatory analysis based on structural equations. The analyses show that it is the practical ability to express rhetorical moves—Conclusion and Bibliographic References—which predicts a students’ writing metacognition. Moreover, the minor relationship that argumentative self-efficacy shows with the expression of rhetorical moves, compared to writing metacognition, point to the need to consider another motivational dimension that is driving the learning of the argumentative essay at university level, a hypothesis that is confirmed with the structural equations model. These, and other findings, allow for the establishment of a series of educational quality criteria for the empowerment of written argumentation in academic and scientific contexts.Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Research Group ED.INVEST) HUM356University of Granada (Quality Innovation and Prospective Unit) 373Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness DER2017-89623-

    Developing and Comparing Indices to Evaluate Community Knowledge Building in an Educational Research Course

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    This paper implements a novel approach to analyzing the degree of Collective Cognitive Responsibility (CCR) in a Knowledge Building community, based on socioeconomic and scientometric measures. After engaging in Knowledge Forum (KF) discussions for one semester, 36 students identified impactful ideas in their portfolios, which were then used to develop their impact scores. These scores were then transformed and plotted along the Lorenz Curve and the Gini coefficient to visualize the degree of equidistribution of recognition in the community and, by extension, the degree of collective responsibility shared by members of the community. Additionally, students were classified into member roles based on the impact of their contributions, and we explored the flow of member roles across several discussion topics, based on Price's model of scientific production. Our results show convergence between peers' and teachers' ratings of impactful contributions, which both point to medium levels of collective responsibility in the community. In short, on the one hand, this procedure shows its sensitivity to detect communities that could not comply with the CCR principle. On the other hand, we discuss the necessity of reflective evaluation to address the pedagogical challenge of fostering collective responsibility for knowledge advancement and empowering novel students to take charge of their knowledge work at the highest levels

    Una trayectoria hipotética de aprendizaje para las expresiones algebraicas basada en análisis de errores

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    Problema-Introducción: Hemos observado errores graves en el uso de expresiones algebraicas en estudiantes de secundaria. Objetivo general: analizar los relacionados con el lenguaje algebraico para prevenirlos. Metodología: desarrollamos una trayectoria hipotética de aprendizaje (THA) para el lenguaje algebraico en 1º E.S.O. y reflexionamos sobre los resultados obtenidos tras ponerla en práctica, lo que nos permite completar una iteración del ciclo de enseñanza de las matemáticas. Utilizamos las herramientas del análisis de errores y los caminos de aprendizaje para diseñar las tareas de instrucción asociada a la trayectoria hipotética. Resultados y conclusiones: un diseño instruccional que incidiera más en el uso de las expresiones algebraicas como lenguaje podría ayudar a prevenir los errores estudiados