887 research outputs found

    Valuing nested names in the Portuguese olive oil market: An exploratory study

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    The Portuguese olive oil market had a remarkable development in recent years. Production is rising steadily is response to a EU program supporting a renewal of olive groves. Moreover there is a proliferation of national brands and private labels. These are often associated to regional collective labels or to organic production. The aim of our research is to determine how consumers value these nested names or co-brands. We conducted a pilot survey on a convenience sample of 103 consumers in the Oporto and Lisbon metropolitan areas as ell in a rural area. Our results reveal some contradictions, for instance while origin is an important purchasing criteria, few PDO olive oils are recognized. Moreover, only 25% of respondents identify organic olive oils sold in the market and this attribute is one of the last purchasing criteria, but organic olive oils have the highest willingness to pay. Finally we find that associating a PDO to private labels increases willingness to pay by 33.3%, but doesn’t affect valuation of national brands. While we can’t take definite conclusions our findings give us interesting cues for future research. Therefore we aim to investigate whether regional identity, alternative usage and health or environmental conscience determine of affect valuation and choices of different olive oils brands and labels

    Generalized Heisenberg Algebras and Fibonacci Series

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    We have constructed a Heisenberg-type algebra generated by the Hamiltonian, the step operators and an auxiliar operator. This algebra describes quantum systems having eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian depending on the eigenvalues of the two previous levels. This happens, for example, for systems having the energy spectrum given by Fibonacci sequence. Moreover, the algebraic structure depends on two functions f(x) and g(x). When these two functions are linear we classify, analysing the stability of the fixed points of the functions, the possible representations for this algebra.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, subfigure.st

    Consumption of phenolic-rich jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba) powder ameliorates obesity-related disorders in mice

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    Accumulating evidence indicates that dietary phenolic compounds can prevent obesity-related disorders. We investigated whether the consumption of polyphenol-rich jabuticaba peel and seed powder (JPSP) could ameliorate the progression of diet-induced obesity in mice. Male mice were fed a control diet or a high-fat (HF) diet for 9 weeks. After this period, mice were fed control, HF or HF diets supplemented with 5 % (HF-J5), 10 % (HF-J10) or 15 % (HF-J15) of JPSP, for 4 additional weeks. Supplementation with JPSP not only attenuated HF-induced weight gain and fat accumulation but also ameliorated the pro-inflammatory response associated with obesity, as evidenced by the absence of mast cells in the visceral depot accompanied by lower IL-6 and TNF-α at the tissue and circulating levels. JPSP-supplemented mice also exhibited smaller-sized adipocytes, reduced levels of leptin and higher levels of adiponectin, concomitant with improved glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. The magnitude of the observed effects was dependent on JPSP concentration with HF-J10- and HF-J15-fed mice showing metabolic profiles similar to control. This study reveals that the consumption of JPSP protects against the dysfunction of the adipose tissue and metabolic disturbances in obese mice. Thus, these findings indicate the therapeutic potential of the phenolic-rich JPSP in preventing obesity-related disorders

    Effect of Gypsum on the Early Hydration of Cubic and Na-Doped Orthorhombic Tricalcium Aluminate

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    The tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and sulfate content in cement influence the hydration chemistry, setting time and rheology of cement paste, mortar and concrete. Here, in situ experiments are performed to better understand the effect of gypsum on the early hydration of cubic (cub-)C3A and Na-doped orthorhombic (orth-)C3A. The isothermal calorimetry data show that the solid-phase assemblage produced by the hydration of C3A is greatly modified as a function of its crystal structure type and gypsum content, the latter of which induces non-linear changes in the heat release rate. These data are consistent with the in situ X-ray diffraction results, which show that a higher gypsum content accelerates the consumption of orth-C3A and the subsequent precipitation of ettringite, which is contrary to the cub-C3A system where gypsum retarded the hydration rate. These in situ results provide new insight into the relationship between the chemistry and early-age properties of cub- and orth-C3A hydration and corroborate the reported ex situ findings of these systems

    Avaliação do valor nutritivo da torta de coco (Cocos nucifera L.) para suplementação alimentar de ruminantes na Amazônia Oriental.

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    Foram avaliados os efeitos da inclusão de níveis de torta de coco ( Cocos nucifera L.), 0,4%, 0,8% e 1,2%PV, sobre os consumos e digestibilidades aparentes da matéria seca (DAMS), matéria orgânica (DAMO), proteína bruta (DAPB), extrato etéreo (DAEE), energia bruta (DAEB), fibra em detergente neutro (DAFDN) e fibra em detergente ácida (DAFDA). O volumoso foi quicuio-da-amazônia ( Brachiaria humidicola). Foi realizado ensaio metabólico, com 16 ovinos, em quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em 21 dias (14 de adaptação e sete de coleta de dados), onde se monitorou o fornecimento da dieta e a coleta total de fezes. As DAMS, DAMO, DAEB e DAFDA tiveram efeitos lineares crescentes no intervalo de inclusão 0,4% até 1,2%PV. A DAPB apresentou efeito quadrático, com melhor nível de inclusão para PB, 0,66%PV e DAPB máxima 62,9%. A DAFDN se apresentou de modo quadrático, com melhor nível de inclusão de 0,89% PV e DAFDN máxima de 59,39%. O teor e EE na dieta afetou a DAMS segundo a equação y = 17,85 - 28,92x; R2 = 0,38, onde o aumento na inclusão afetou negativamente a digestão da DAMS. Concluise que a torta de coco é excelente fonte de proteína e energia para ruminantes, e pode contribuir no atendimento das demandas nutricionais para produção de carne e leite na Amazônia Oriental, com baixo custo