212 research outputs found

    Bernard-Horner Syndrome after accidental lesion of carotid artery: case report

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    Among the complications of internal jugular vein insertion there is the lesion of the cervical sympathetic trunk with the onset of Bernard-Horner syndrome, consisting of miosis, eyelid ptosis, enophthalmos and anhidrosis on the same side of the lesion. The neurological damage can be caused by the direct puncture of the trunk or by the irritating and compressive action of a hematoma during the puncture of the internal jugular; the clinical picture, when reversible, resolves in a few months. The case we report is about the onset of the syndrome after accidental puncture of carotid artery, followed by the total disappearance of signs in a few day

    Bioengineered vascular scaffolds: the state of the art

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    To date, there is increasing clinical need for vascular substitutes due to accidents, malformations, and ischemic diseases. Over the years, many approaches have been developed to solve this problem, starting from autologous native vessels to artificial vascular grafts; unfortunately, none of these have provided the perfect vascular substitute. All have been burdened by various complications, including infection, thrombogenicity, calcification, foreign body reaction, lack of growth potential, late stenosis and occlusion from intimal hyperplasia, and pseudoaneurysm formation. In the last few years, vascular tissue engineering has emerged as one of the most promising approaches for producing mechanically competent vascular substitutes. Nanotechnologies have contributed their part, allowing extraordinarily biostable and biocompatible materials to be developed. Specifically, the use of electrospinning to manufacture conduits able to guarantee a stable flow of biological fluids and guide the formation of a new vessel has revolutionized the concept of the vascular substitute. The electrospinning technique allows extracellular matrix (ECM) to be mimicked with high fidelity, reproducing its porosity and complexity, and providing an environment suitable for cell growth. In the future, a better knowledge of ECM and the manufacture of new materials will allow us to "create" functional biological vessels - the base required to develop organ substitutes and eventually solve the problem of organ failure

    The influence of some dietary components on intestinal microbiota

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    The gut microbiota is the set of symbiotic microorganisms that resides in our intestine. The interaction between the gut microbiota and the mucosal immune system can be altered as a result of shifts in the composition or metabolic activity of the intestinal microflora. Recent studies establish that diet is one of the main involved factors in determining the microbial composition of the gut suggesting its role as external factor able to promote the onset of specific diseases by disrupting the immune homeostasis. Starting from the evidence that the 57% of the gut microbiota’s entire variation are due to dietary alterations this review aims at providing an overview of the positive impact of some dietary components on gut microbiota composition

    Adenomyotic Cyst in a 25-Year-Old Woman: Case Report

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    Adenomyotic cysts are uncommon findings, usually in the context of diffuse adenomyosis and <5 mm in diameter. Herein we report a 4.5-cm adenomyotic cyst in a 25-year-old nulliparous woman with severe dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain. Transvaginal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well-circumscribed hypoechogenic mass in the posterior uterine wall, well separated from the uterine cavity. Pathologic analysis demonstrated that the cyst was lined with endometrial epithelium and stroma and was surrounded by smooth muscle hyperplasia. In the literature, we found 30 reports of cysts with similar characteristics. Because this cyst has not been clearly defined, it has been called by various names including adenomyotic cyst, cystic adenomyosis, and cystic adenomyoma. We believe this lesion should not be called an adenomyoma, but is more correctly called an adenomyotic cyst or, depending on age at onset, a juvenile adenomyotic cyst

    Multidisciplinary approach for a relapsing goiter with severe tracheal stenosis: a case report in an elderly patient

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    Total thyroidectomy is considered the gold standard for thyroid benign pathology treatment. Unfortunately, many partial interventions carried out in the past created many complications due to the tendency of the goiter to relapse and the formation of adherences in the anterior region of the neck. A woman 72 years of age with a relapsing goiter and severe respiratory symptomatology underwent thyroidectomy. After thyroid removal, tracheal stenosis persisted, making the positioning of a T silicon prosthesis (Montgomery’s T-tube) necessary. After 60 days, the prosthesis was replaced with a new made out of the same material but with a larger diameter and a softer consistency, which was removed after 4 months. The patient completely recovered her respiratory function and also maintained normal vocal cord activity without any kind of surgical sequelae. The full success was possible because of the involvement of different specialists

    rehabilitation in neuro oncology a meta analysis of published data and a mono institutional experience

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    Background. Rehabilitation for cancer patients with central nervous system (CNS) involvement is rarely considered and data on its use are limited. The purpose of the present study is to collect all available published data on neuro-oncology rehabilitation and perform a meta-analysis where results were presented in a comparable manner. Moreover, the authors report results on cancer patients with neurological disabilities undergoing rehabilitation at their unit. Study design. A PubMed search was performed to identify studies regarding cancer patients with CNS involvement undergoing inpatient physical rehabilitation. Studies with a complete functional evaluation at admission and discharge were selected. As the most common evaluation scales were Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Barthel Index (BI), only articles with complete FIM and/or BI data were selected for the meta-analysis. Moreover, 23 cancer patients suffering from diverse neurological disabilities underwent standard rehabilitation program be..


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    The term "probiotic" comes from the greek "pro bios" and means "pro life": Nowadays, an increasing number of pharmaceutical preparations and functional foods are enriched with probiotics and for the patients it is increasingly important to receive information needed to know how to orient in the choice. The benefits from probiotics are many and include the modulation of the intestinal microflora (stimulation of beneficial bacteria and inhibition of pathogens), the support of bowel function and the stimulation of the immune system. This broad spectrum of beneficial effects to maintain efficient the intestinal ecosystem. Therefore, probiotics are an useful tool to prevent the formation of disorders and/or pathologies. The aim of this review is to describe the intestinal ecosystem and how probiotics could be effective in the treatment and prevention of possible alterations


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    Malnutrition is a common consequence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Diet has an important role in the management of IBD, as it prevents and corrects malnutrition. It is well known that diet may be implicated in the aethiology of IBD and that it plays a central role in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal tract disease. Often oral nutrition alone is not sufficient in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal tract disease. Often oral nutrition alone is not sufficient in the management of IBD patients, especially in children or elederly, and must be combined with oral supplementation or replaced with tube enteral nutrition. In this review, we describe several different approaches to enteral nutrition total-parenteral, oral supplementation and enteral tiube feeding in terms of results, patience compliance, risks and benefits. we also focus on the home enteral nutrition strategy as the future goal for treating IBD while focusing on patient wellness

    Multidisciplinary Approach for a Relapsing Goiter with Severe Tracheal Stenosis: A Case Report in an Elderly Patient

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    SummaryTotal thyroidectomy is considered the gold standard for thyroid benign pathology treatment. Unfortunately, many partial interventions carried out in the past created many complications due to the tendency of the goiter to relapse and the formation of adherences in the anterior region of the neck. A woman 72 years of age with a relapsing goiter and severe respiratory symptomatology underwent thyroidectomy. After thyroid removal, tracheal stenosis persisted, making the positioning of a T silicon prosthesis (Montgomery’s T-tube) necessary. After 60 days, the prosthesis was replaced with a new made out of the same material but with a larger diameter and a softer consistency, which was removed after 4 months. The patient completely recovered her respiratory function and also maintained normal vocal cord activity without any kind of surgical sequelae. The full success was possible because of the involvement of different specialists

    Dissecting the different biological effects of oncogenic Ras isoforms in cancer cell lines: could stimulation of oxidative stress be the one more weapon of H-Ras? Regulation of oxidative stress and Ras biological effects

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    Ras proteins are small GTPase functioning as molecular switches that, in response to particular extracellular signalling, as growth factors, activate a diverse array of intracellular effector cascades regulating cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Human tumours frequently express Ras proteins (Ha-, Ki-, N-Ras) activated by point mutations which contribute to malignant phenotype, including invasiveness and angiogenesis. Despite the common signalling pathways leading to similar cellular responses, studies clearly demonstrate unique roles of the Ras family members in normal and pathological conditions and the lack of functional redundancy seems to be explainable, at least in part, by the ability of Ras isoforms to localize in different microdomains to plasma membrane and intracellular organelles. This different intracellular compartmentalization could help Ras isoforms to contact different downstream effectors finally leading to different biological outcomes. Interestingly, it has also been shown that Ha- and Ki-Ras exert an opposite role in regulating intracellular redox status. In this regard we suggest that H-Ras specific induction of ROS (reactive oxygen species) production could be one of the main determinants of the invasive phenotype which characterize cancer cells harbouring H-Ras mutations. In our hypothesis then, while K-Ras (not able to promote oxidative stress) could mainly contribute to cancer progression and invasiveness through activation of MAPK and PI3K, H-Ras-mediated oxidative stress could play a unique role in modulation of intercellular contacts leading to a loss of cell adhesion and eventually also to a metastatic spread