39 research outputs found

    La competencia constitucional de coordinaci贸n sanitaria en tiempos de pandemia: an谩lisis de la naturaleza y eficacia de la estrategia nacional de vacunaci贸n frente a la COVID-19

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    Vaccination against the Covid-19 disease is shown as the only alternative that can allow us to overcome this pandemic, with the crisis not only for health, but also social and economic that it entails. However, since vaccines against Covid-19 are a scarce health resource, this requires prioritizing access to them, which has been carried out by health authorities through the Vaccination Strategy against Covid- 19 in Spain. Such Strategy can be affirmed that it constitutes an expression of the health coordination competence that in the specific framework of a health emergency such as the pandemic corresponds to the Ministry of Health and the Interterritorial Council in their coordination functions and in accordance with the provisions of the Article 65 of Law 16/2003.La vacunaci贸n frente a la enfermedad de la Covid-19 se muestra como la 煤nica alternativa que nos puede permitir superar esta grave pandemia, con la crisis no solo sanitaria, sino social y econ贸mica que conlleva. Sin embargo, al ser las vacunas frente a la Covid-19 un recurso sanitario escaso, ello exige establecer una priorizaci贸n en el acceso a las misma, lo que han llevado a cabo las autoridades sanitarias a trav茅s de la Estrategia de vacunaci贸n frente a Covid-19 en Espa帽a. Tal Estrategia puede afirmarse que constituye una expresi贸n de la competencia de coordinaci贸n sanitaria que en el marco espec铆fico de una emergencia sanitaria como es la pandemia le corresponde al Ministerio de Sanidad y el Consejo Interterritorial en sus funciones de coordinaci贸n y de conformidad con lo dispuesto por el art. 65 de la Ley 16/2003.&nbsp

    El menor: un paciente complicado (al menos, desde la perspectiva legal)

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    La Ley de autonom铆a del paciente incorpora a nuestro ordenamiento jur铆dico una figura novedosa y necesaria para la resoluci贸n de los nuevos conflictos que en relaci贸n al derecho a autorizar y rechazar el tratamiento m茅dico plantean los menores. Se trata de la figura del menor maduro. La citada regulaci贸n solventa el vac铆o legal sobre la capacidad del menor sobre el tratamiento m茅dico, aunque de su tenor literal surgen determinadas dudas, tanto de interpretaci贸n jur铆dica como derivadas de los nuevos avances de las neurociencias en relaci贸n al desarrollo de los elementos volitivos y cognitivos del menor

    Las cla煤sulas notwithstanding y override del constitucionalismo canadiense

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    Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el modelo de democracia constitucional, en virtud del cual, la 煤ltima palabra acerca de la constitucionalidad de las leyes no podr谩 recaer ya en el Parlamento, sino en el denominado poder contramayoritario, se ha impuesto en gran parte de los Estados constitucionales, no s贸lo de Europa, sino del resto del mundo. Incluso, Estados tradicionalmente basados en el principio de supremac铆a del Parlamento se han visto arrastrados por dicha tendencia, en gran parte por la repercusi贸n que internacionalmente ha tenido el Convenio Europeo y su Tribunal, y as铆, al amparo de la aprobaci贸n de las correspondientes Cartas de Derechos y Libertades, han otorgado a los Tribunales de Justicia la facultad de controlar las leyes del Parlamento. As铆 pues, puede afirmarse que el viejo modelo de la judicial review que se iniciara a comienzos del siglo XIX en Estados Unidos, parece haber triunfado, con versiones m谩s o menos corregidas del mismo. Tal paradigma, sin embargo, encuentra algunas excepciones a煤n e, incluso, est谩 siendo objeto de revisi贸n, postul谩ndose, no ya, un retorno a la supremac铆a del legislador, pero s铆 al menos el desarrollo de f贸rmulas d茅biles de control de constitucionalidad (weak-form judicial review). El ejemplo m谩s caracter铆stico de estas formas d茅biles lo encontramos en el sistema constitucional canadiense a trav茅s de las cl谩usulas notwithstanding y override que incorpora la Carta de Derechos. Su origen y, en mayor manera, su evoluci贸n pueden ser una interesante experiencia para nuestro propio sistema constitucional.After World War II, the model of constitutional democracy, under which, the last word on the constitutionality of laws can麓t be decided by the Parliament, but by the countermajoritarian power, has prevailed in much of the constitutional States. It has happened not only in Europe, also around the World. Even, States traditionally based on the principle of supremacy of Parliament have been drawn by this trend, perhaps by the international impact of the European Convention and its Court. So, under the approval of the Charters of rights and Freedoms, they have given the courts the power to control acts of Parliament. Therefore it can be argued that the old model of judicial review that began in the early nineteenth century in US seems to have succeeded, with more or less corrected versions of it. This paradigm, however, still finds some exceptions, and even is being reviewed, postulating, not a return to the supremacy of the legislature, but at least the development of weak forms of judicial review. The most characteristic example of these weak forms can be found in the Canadian constitutional system through the notwithstanding and override clauses which the Charter of Rights incorporates. Its origin and, more so, its evolution can be an interesting experience for our own constitutional syste

    Fundamentalidad del derecho a la protecci贸n de la salud y sostenibilidad del sistema p煤blico de salud (cuando m谩s puede ser menos)

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    In the recent debate on the reform of the regulation of social rights in the Constitution and the rise of some of them to the category of fundamental rights, the right to healthcare takes on a prominent position. The proposal to transform the right to healthcare into a fundamental right, although it could have positive effects from the perspective of ensuring the minimum conditions for the exercise of freedom, also presents problems related to the economic power that the proposal would give to the Court and to the increase of litigation that it would cause. On the other hand, our constitutional system has enough legal instruments to guarantee such social right without the need of transforming it into a fundamental right.En el reciente debate sobre la reforma de la regulaci贸n de los derechos sociales en la Constituci贸n y el ascenso de algunos de ellos a la categor铆a de derechos fundamentales, el derecho a la protecci贸n de la salud cobra un gran protagonismo. La propuesta de transformar en derecho fundamental al derecho a la protecci贸n de la salud, si bien pudiera tener efectos positivos desde la perspectiva del aseguramiento de las condiciones m铆nimas para el ejercicio de la libertad, tambi茅n presenta problemas en atenci贸n al poder econ贸mico que caer铆a en manos de los Tribunales y al incremento de la litigaci贸n de provocar铆a tal reforma. Por otro lado, nuestro sistema constitucional tiene suficientes instrumentos legales para garantizar ese derecho social sin la necesidad de transformarlo en un derecho fundamental.In the recent debate on the reform of the regulation of social rights in the Constitution and the rise of some of them to the category of fundamental rights, the right to healthcare takes on a prominent position. The proposal to transform the right to healthcare into a fundamental right, although it could have positive effects from the perspective of ensuring the minimum conditions for the exercise of freedom, also presents problems related to the economic power that the proposal would give to the Court and to the increase of litigation that it would cause. On the other hand, our constitutional system has enough legal instruments to guarantee such social right without the need of transforming it into a fundamental right

    Multipartidismo en el Parlamento brit谩nico y reforma del modelo Westminster 驴Un ejemplo (una soluci贸n) para nuestro futuro sistema de partidos con representaci贸n parlamentaria?

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    In 2011 the British Parliament approved, within the context of the coalition between the聽Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, what can be seen as the most significant constitutional reform that聽the British government has undertaken in recent decades. This reform, called Fixed-term Parliament Act, 2011, restricts what was one of the main rights of the Prime Minister; dissolving the chamber in order to be聽able to call early elections. The reform is not motivated by an attempt to overcome the political crisis, similar聽to other European countries, that the UK is experiencing, but rather by the new demands that seem to derive聽from the current coalition government. It is certainly a reform that merits analysis by other nations, such as聽our own, in which fragmented parliaments are growing ever more likely, lacking strong majorities and posing聽problems that go beyond politics to the heart of the system.En 2011 el Parlamento brit谩nico aprob贸, al amparo del acuerdo de coalici贸n entre los聽conservadores y liberal-dem贸cratas, la que puede considerarse la principal reforma constitucional a la que se聽ha visto sometido la forma de gobierno brit谩nica en las 煤ltimas d茅cadas. Dicha reforma, bajo el nombre de Fixed-term Parliaments Act, 2011, supuso la supresi贸n de una de las principales facultades del Primer聽Ministro, la de disolver la C谩mara y convocar anticipadamente elecciones generales. Dicha reforma responde聽no tanto a la pretensi贸n de superar la crisis pol铆tica que vive el Reino Unido, similar a la que viven otros聽Estados europeos, sino a las nuevas exigencias que parecen derivarse del actual gobierno de coalici贸n. En todo聽caso, se trata ciertamente de una reforma que merece la pena ser analizada desde otros Estados, como el nuestro,聽en los que se presagia un nuevo Parlamento muy fragmentado, sin mayor铆as de gobierno, con las consecuencias聽no s贸lo pol铆ticas que ello va seguramente a conllevar.In 2011 the British Parliament approved, within the context of the coalition between the聽Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, what can be seen as the most significant constitutional reform that聽the British government has undertaken in recent decades. This reform, called Fixed-term Parliament Act, 2011, restricts what was one of the main rights of the Prime Minister; dissolving the chamber in order to be聽able to call early elections. The reform is not motivated by an attempt to overcome the political crisis, similar聽to other European countries, that the UK is experiencing, but rather by the new demands that seem to derive聽from the current coalition government. It is certainly a reform that merits analysis by other nations, such as聽our own, in which fragmented parliaments are growing ever more likely, lacking strong majorities and posing聽problems that go beyond politics to the heart of the system

    El tribunal de justicia al rescate de los derechos en el contexto de las medidas de estabilidad derivadas de la crisis econ贸mica: Pringle v Ledra Advertising

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    La crisis econ贸mica que ha afectado a los Estados miembros de la Uni贸n en esta d茅cada ha demostrado que los mecanismos de cooperaci贸n y coordinaci贸n econ贸mica entre la Uni贸n y los Estados, m谩s all谩 de las pol铆ticas 煤nicas monetarias, se han mostrado harto insuficientes de cara a superar la situaci贸n de inestabilidad econ贸mica y pol铆tica. Por ello, las instituciones de la Uni贸n optaron por extender sus competencias econ贸micas, creando nuevos instrumentos, entre los que destaca el Mecanismo Europeo de Estabilidad. Este se ha visto sujeto al escrutinio del Tribunal de Justicia en el caso Pringle, donde la doctrina consider贸 que de manera muy desacertada el Tribunal hab铆a excluido a la Carta como par谩metro de enjuiciamiento del respeto por parte de los rescates de los derechos fundamentales de los ciudadanos de la Uni贸n. Sin embargo, esta senda que otorga el protagonismo a la Carta parece haberse recuperado por el Tribunal en el reciente caso Ledra Advertising.The economic crisis, which has affected the Member States of the Union in this decade, has shown that the mechanisms of economic co-operation and coordination between the Union and the Member States, far beyond the single monetary policies, have proved insufficient to overcome an economic and political instability situation. Therefore, the Union institutions and Member States chose to extend their economic powers by creating new instruments, notably the European Stability Mechanism. This has been subject to scrutiny by the Court of Justice in the Pringle case, where the doctrine considered that the Court had very wrongly excluded the Charter as a legal way to guarantee fundamental rights of citizens of the Union in the context of the economic rescues. However, this path which gives prominence to the Charter seems to have been recovered by the Court in the recent Ledra Advertising case

    Una reflexi贸n desde la teor铆a de los derechos fundamentales sobre el uso secundario de los datos de salud en el marco del Big Data

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    Big Data offers great opportunities in the field of health research. The聽interrelation and exploitation of health data, even, correlating them with聽non-traditional ones, will allow progress in the fight against diseases and聽in favor of prevention and prediction in terms that are surely not going聽to find a match in the History of the Medicine and humanity. However,聽the traditionally settled model, so-called Helsinki paradigm by reference聽to the Declaration of the same name, signed by the 18th World Medical Assembly in 1964, and the legal regulation of the protection of health data do not appear to be adequate to take advantage of such opportunities that Big Data offers. The balance between risks for individual rights and benefits for common interest seems to have been transformed. This requires us to reflect on whether a new paradigm can be developed that allows us to combine the health benefits of massive data research with the required protection of individual rights. In other words, to choose, within the margins offered by the regulation of data protection, for the most appropriate legal framework, taking into account the developments that, in this regard, offer the EU Regulation and the Spanish specific new regulation of data protection. As we are maintaining in our work, we consider that the new concept of pseudonymization has to play a leading role within this new model.Summary:I. Introduction. II. Solving some myths: will the human being retain an聽essential role in the fight against disease in the days of Big Data? III. The impact of Big Data opportunities in the conflict between individual rights and common good. IV. The necessary overcoming of the Helsinkiparadigm in the secondary use of health data safeguarding people鈥檚 rights. V. Have the new Spanish Regulation of data protection opted for the new聽paradigm? VI. ConclusionsEl Big Data ofrece en el 谩mbito de la investigaci贸n en salud grandes oportunidades. La interrelaci贸n y explotaci贸n de los datos de salud, incluso, correlacion谩ndolos聽con los no tradicionales, va a permitir avanzar en la lucha聽contra las enfermedades y a favor de la prevenci贸n y predicci贸n en unos聽t茅rminos que seguramente no van a encontrar parang贸n en la Historia de聽la Medicina y de la humanidad. Sin embargo, el modelo en el que se han聽asentado tradicionalmente tanto la investigaci贸n en salud, el denominado聽paradigma Helsinki por referencia a la Declaraci贸n del mismo nombre,聽suscrita por la 18陋 Asamblea M茅dica Mundial en 1964, como la propia聽regulaci贸n jur铆dica de la protecci贸n de los datos de salud parecen no mostrarse聽adecuados para poder aprovechar tales oportunidades. El equilibrio聽entre los riesgos para los derechos del individuo y los beneficios para el聽inter茅s colectivo parece haberse transformado. Ello nos exige reflexionar聽sobre si cabe desarrollar un nuevo paradigma que permita conjugar las聽ventajas que para la salud tiene la investigaci贸n masiva de datos con la exigida聽protecci贸n de los derechos de las personas. Se trata, en definitiva, de聽optar, dentro de los m谩rgenes que ofrece la regulaci贸n de la protecci贸n de聽datos, por el marco legal m谩s adecuado, atendiendo a las novedades que, al聽respecto, ofrecen el Reglamento UE y la Ley Org谩nica. Como sostenemos聽en nuestro trabajo, consideramos que el nuevo concepto de la聽 seudonimizaci贸n ha de ocupar un papel principal dentro de este nuevo modelo

    Los lobbies en el marco de la Uni贸n Europea: una reflexi贸n a prop贸sito de su regulaci贸n en Espa帽a

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    In the present study, we analyze the situation of lobbies in the European Union, this is related to the debate about the subject in Spain. Certainly there is a parallel between the development of the Union麓s institutions and the presence of lobbies in Brussels. The Community institutions have been lobbying since its beginning, in particular the Commission. We study the lobbies in the United States, the different approaches to tackling the phenomenon of lobbying surrounding countries and the debate in the Council of Europe on the performance of the lobbies.En el presente estudio se aborda la situaci贸n de los lobbies en la Uni贸n Europea, relacionando dicho fen贸meno con el debate que existe en Espa帽a sobre el tema. Ciertamente existe un paralelismo entre el desarrollo de las Instituciones de la Uni贸n y la presencia de los lobbies en Bruselas. Las instituciones comunitarias y, en especial, la Comisi贸n han sido objeto de lobbying desde sus inicios. Se analiza, por su relaci贸n con el tema, la situaci贸n de los lobbies en Estados Unidos, los diferentes enfoques a la hora de abordar el fen贸meno del lobby en pa铆ses de nuestro entorno y el debate que existe en el Consejo de Europa sobre la actuaci贸n de los lobbies.In the present study, we analyze the situation of lobbies in the European Union, this is related to the debate about the subject in Spain. Certainly there is a parallel between the development of the Union麓s institutions and the presence of lobbies in Brussels. The Community institutions have been lobbying since its beginning, in particular the Commission. We study the lobbies in the United States, the different approaches to tackling the phenomenon of lobbying surrounding countries and the debate in the Council of Europe on the performance of the lobbies

    Multipartidismo en el parlamento brit谩nico y reforma del modelo westminster 驴un ejemplo (una soluci贸n) para nuestro futuro sistema de partidos con representaci贸n parlamentaria?

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    In 2011 the British Parliament approved, within the context of the coalition between the聽Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, what can be seen as the most significant constitutional reform that聽the British government has undertaken in recent decades. This reform, called Fixed-term Parliament Act, 2011, restricts what was one of the main rights of the Prime Minister; dissolving the chamber in order to be聽able to call early elections. The reform is not motivated by an attempt to overcome the political crisis, similar聽to other European countries, that the UK is experiencing, but rather by the new demands that seem to derive聽from the current coalition government. It is certainly a reform that merits analysis by other nations, such as聽our own, in which fragmented parliaments are growing ever more likely, lacking strong majorities and posing聽problems that go beyond politics to the heart of the system.En 2011 el Parlamento brit谩nico aprob贸, al amparo del acuerdo de coalici贸n entre los聽conservadores y liberal-dem贸cratas, la que puede considerarse la principal reforma constitucional a la que se聽ha visto sometido la forma de gobierno brit谩nica en las 煤ltimas d茅cadas. Dicha reforma, bajo el nombre de Fixed-term Parliaments Act, 2011, supuso la supresi贸n de una de las principales facultades del Primer聽Ministro, la de disolver la C谩mara y convocar anticipadamente elecciones generales. Dicha reforma responde聽no tanto a la pretensi贸n de superar la crisis pol铆tica que vive el Reino Unido, similar a la que viven otros聽Estados europeos, sino a las nuevas exigencias que parecen derivarse del actual gobierno de coalici贸n. En todo聽caso, se trata ciertamente de una reforma que merece la pena ser analizada desde otros Estados, como el nuestro,聽en los que se presagia un nuevo Parlamento muy fragmentado, sin mayor铆as de gobierno, con las consecuencias聽no s贸lo pol铆ticas que ello va seguramente a conllevar.In 2011 the British Parliament approved, within the context of the coalition between the聽Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, what can be seen as the most significant constitutional reform that聽the British government has undertaken in recent decades. This reform, called Fixed-term Parliament Act, 2011, restricts what was one of the main rights of the Prime Minister; dissolving the chamber in order to be聽able to call early elections. The reform is not motivated by an attempt to overcome the political crisis, similar聽to other European countries, that the UK is experiencing, but rather by the new demands that seem to derive聽from the current coalition government. It is certainly a reform that merits analysis by other nations, such as聽our own, in which fragmented parliaments are growing ever more likely, lacking strong majorities and posing聽problems that go beyond politics to the heart of the system