27 research outputs found

    Similarity Measures and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Time Series Data Mining

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    The chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 will introduce the similarity matching problem on time series. We will note the importance of the use of efficient data structures to perform search, and the choice of an adequate distance measure. Section 3 will show some of the most used distance measure for time series data mining. Section 4 will review the above mentioned dimensionality reduction techniques

    Thermal imaging of Erta 'Ale active lava lake (Ethiopia)

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    Active lava lakes represent the uppermost portion of a volume of convective magma exposed to the atmosphere, and provide open windows on magma dynamics within shallow reservoirs. Erta 'Ale volcano located within the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia, hosts one of the few permanent convecting lava lakes, active at least since the last century. We report here the main features of Erta 'Ale lake surface investigated using a handheld infrared thermal camera between 11 and 12 November 2006. In both days, the lake surface was mainly characterized by efficient magma circulation reflecting in the formation of well-marked incandescent cracks and wide crust plates. These crossed the lake from the upwelling to the downwelling margin with mean speeds ranging between 0.01 and 0.15 m s-1. Hot spots opened eventually in the middle of crust plates and/or along cracks. These produced explosive activity lasting commonly between ~10 and 200 s. Apparent temperatures at cracks ranged between ~700 and 1070˚C, and between ~300 and 500˚C at crust plates. Radiative power output of the lake varied between ~45 and 76 MW according to the superficial activity and continuous resurfacing of the lake. Time series analysis of the radiant power output data reveals cyclicity with a period of ~10 min. The combination of visual and thermal observations with apparent mean temperatures and convection rates allows us to interpret these signals as the periodic release of hot overpressured gas bubbles at the lake surface

    Statistical analysis of the volcano seismicity during the 2007 crisis of Stromboli, Italy: a 3-day oscillatory signal as onset of the activity

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    We analyze the volcano seismicity recorded during the 2007 eruption of Stromboli. Data-set is composed of the continuous recordings of a three-component broad-band seismometer and of a strainmeter. Starting from the characterization of the standard activity as a stationary phase of equilibrium, we investigate the non-equilibrium phase of the effusive process. A statistical analysis of the explosions reveals that the occurrence is always driven by a Poisson process as for the standard activity, even approaching the effusion phase, with the only difference in shortening the inter-times just during the effusion. A slightly different process can be advocated for the swarms of the explosions, because a maximum in the distribution of inter-times can be evidenced. Regarding the amplitudes of the explosion-quakes, they have a log-normal distribution until the effusion onset as in the standard Strombolian activity. The actual departure from that stationarity seems to be traced by an early deformative response at very long period. It appears as a transient oscillating signal characterized by a period of about three days that modulates the explosion amplitudes. In a conceptual organ pipe-like model it is related to the chocking of the pipe. The successive activity can be interpreted as the response of volcano to restore the equilibrium condition

    Seismic Hazard Mapping inside the Project SIGMA

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    The Project SIGMA (Sistema Integrato di sensori in ambiente cloud per la Gestione Multirischio Avanzata) arises from the fields of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and advanced applications for the control, monitoring and management of high-risk processes of natural and social origin. SIGMA is a multilevel architecture whose main aim is the acquisition, integration and processing of heterogeneous data from different sources (seismic, volcanic, meteorologic, hydric, pluvial, car traffic, marine traffic, and so on) to manage and elaborate risk mitigation strategies which are important for the emergency management planning. Within the several experimental activities included in the project, there is the designing and realization of a prototype of application platform specialized to provide the operating procedures and software to the public administrations and the industrial companies, for constantly monitoring both the anthropic and natural phenomena in Sicily. In this framework, of course, the seismic risk analysis plays a very important role since Sicily is one of the Italian regions with high seismic risk. Seismic risk assessment may be approached in two different ways: i) as average seismic risk of the buildings and facilities in question during the period considered, combining the vulnerability of different building types and the seismic hazard for the site, which are then expressed in terms of the effects of the events derived from an earthquake catalogue that exceed a specified threshold during a given period; ii) as estimated damage of the buildings and the critical facilities using a scenario input described in terms of the source parameters of the hypocenter as location, magnitude, and so on. Here we deal with the hazard calculation through the code CRISIS (Ordaz, Aguilar and Arboleda) and with the code PROSCEN (PRObabilistic SCENario, [Rotondi and Zonno, 2010]) to obtain earthquake scenario to be used in the latter approach. Indeed, an earthquake scenario is a planning tool that helps decision makers to visualize the specific impact of an earthquake based on the scientific knowledge. An earthquake scenario creates a picture that the members of community can recognize and, at the same time, improves the communication between the scientific, emergency management and policy communities to seismic risk reduction

    Interplay between Tectonics and Mount Etna’s Volcanism: Insights into the Geometry of the Plumbing System

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    Mt. Etna lies in front of the southeast-verging Apennine-Maghrebian fold-and-thrust belt, where the NNW-trending Malta Escarpment separates the Sicilian continental crust from the Ionian Mesozoic oceanic basin, presently subducting beneath the Calabrian arc (Selvaggi and Chiarabba, 1995). Seismic tomographic studies indicate the presence of a mantle plume beneath the volcano with a Moho transition at depth less than 20 km (Nicolich et al.,2000; Barberi et al., 2006). Geophysical and geological evidences suggest that the Mt. Etna magma ascent mechanism is related to the major NNW-trending lithospheric fault (Doglioni et al., 2001). However, the reason for the Mt. Etna mantle plume draining and channeling the magma from the upper mantle source to the surface is not yet clear. All models proposed in literature (Rittmann, 1973; Tanguy et al., 1997; Monaco et al.; 1997; Gvirtzman and Nur, 1999; Doglioni et al., 2001) do not explain why such a mantle plume has originated in this anomalous external position with respect to the arc magmatism and back-arc spreading zones associated with the Apennines subduction. Some ideas on the subduction rollback must be better developed through the comparison with new regional tomographic studies that are being released. Moreover, tomographic studies reveal a complex and large plumbing system below the volcano from -2 to -7 km a.s.l., wide up to 60 km2 that reduces itself in size down to -18 km of depth close to the apex of the mantle plume. Chiocci et al. (2011) found a large bulge on the underwater continental margin facing Mt. Etna, and suggested that the huge crystallized magma body intruded in the middle and upper continental crust was able to trigger an instability process involving the Sicilian continental margin during the last 0.1 Ma. This phenomenon induces the sliding of the volcano eastern flank observed since the 90s (Borgia et al, 1992; Lo Giudice and Rasà, 1992) because the effects of the bulge collapse are propagating upslope, and the continuous decompression at the volcano summit favors the ascent of basic magma without lengthy storage in the upper crust, as one might expect in a compressive tectonic regime. Taken together, these new evidences (tomographic, tectonic, volcanic) are concerned with the exceptional nature of Mt. Etna and raise the need to explain the origin of the mantle plume that supplies its volcanism. The lower crust and the uppermost mantle need to be better resolved in future experiments and studies. The use of regional and teleseismic events for tomography and receiver function analyses is required to explore a volume that has only marginally been investigated to date. The relation between the magma source in the mantle and the upper parts of the system, as well as the hypothesis above reported on the relation between tectonics and volcanism and the role of lithospheric faults, could be resolved only by applying seismological techniques able to better constrain broader and deeper models. Finally, although the recent tomographic inversions have progressively improved our knowledge of Etna’s shallow structure, highlighting a complex pattern of magma chambers and conduits with variable dimensions, the geometry of the conduits and the dimensions and shapes of small magmatic bodies still require greater investigation. Their precise definition is crucial to delineate a working model of this volcano in order to understand its behaviour and evolution. For this purpose, at least within the volcanic edifice, the precise locations of the seismo-volcanic signals can be considered a useful tool to constrain both the area and the depth range of magma degassing and the geometry of the shallow conduits. In this work, we furnish evidences that the tremor and LP locations allowed to track magma migration during the initial phase of the 2008-2009 eruption and in particular the initial northward dike intrusion, also confirmed by other geophysical, structural and volcanological observations (Aloisi et al., 2009; Bonaccorso et al., 2011), and the following fissure opening east of the summit area at the base of SEC. All these evidences, obtained by the marked improvement in the monitoring system together with the development of new processing techniques, allowed us to constrain both the area and the depth range of magma degassing, highlighting the geometry of the magmatic system feeding the 2008-2009 eruption

    New geophysical insight into the dynamics of Stromboli volcano (Italy)

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    A 56-hour gravity sequence, recorded in the crater area of Stromboli volcano, is presented. Data were acquired during a period of "normal" strombolian activity. High-frequency gravity anomalies (up to 20 μGal; T = tens of seconds) are observed. Comparison with independent data reveals that these changes reflect the response of the gravimeter excited by seismic waves during strombolian explosions. Correlated changes in the energy distribution over time appear in the continuous wavelet transforms of gravity and RMS-tremor, but over different scales, corresponding to periods centered at about 50 and 25 min, for gravity and tremor, respectively. We infer that the rate of fresh magma supply to the shallow feeding system controls the energy distribution over time of the coupled components in gravity and RMS-tremor signals. In particular, the gravity signal (with an average amplitude of 1-2 μGal) could be induced by temporary accumulations, at shallow depth, of the volatiles discharged by quiescent degassing. Changes in the rate of explosions from the summit craters correlate with changes in the amplitude of the coupled gravity and volcanic tremor oscillations, implying that, even though the slug-genesis process behind the explosions occurs at deeper levels, it is also controlled by the rate of gas-rich magma supply from below. Negative gravity anomalies of about 20 μGal, over intervals of some hours, are also observed, separated by intervals of about 24 hours. They could be induced by increases in magma vescicularity in the uppermost part of the conduit plexus, a view supported by (i) changes in the time/space distribution of tremor amplitudes and (ii) increases in spattering activity from a summit vent, both occurring during the development of the negative gravity anomalies. The processes behind mild Strombolian explosions do not trigger measurable gravity changes. Nevertheless, the slug ascent before a major explosion could induce a precursory gravity signal

    Software per la gestione del parco auto dell’INGV della Sezione di Catania - Osservatorio Etneo: progettazione e implementazione

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    Oggetto del presente report tecnico è la descrizione del nuovo software di gestione del parco auto, il principale strumento impiegato presso la sede dell’INGV-OE per la gestione delle attività relativeall’utilizzo dei veicoli ubicati presso le sedi di Catania, Nicolosi e Lipari.Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)Published1-224IT. Banche datiN/A or not JC