6 research outputs found

    Efeitos do ácido 2-cloroetilfosfônico na maturação de folhas em cultura de fumo (Nicotiana tabacun L.)

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    Estudou-se a influência do ácido 2-cloroetilfosfônico, aplicado em cultura de fumo (Niaotiana tabacum L.) cultivar "Goianinho", em condições de campo, visando uniformizar e antecipar a colheita das folhas. Aplicou-se o produto comercial Ethrel (240 g/l de i.a), nas dosagens de 2,4, 6 e 8 litros/ha, quando nas folhas apre sentavam, na maior parte da planta o crescimento máximo. Após 6 dias do tratamento, foram as folhas colhidas, contadas e pesadas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o regulador vegetal utilizado promoveu um amadurecimento mais precoce, antecipando e uniformizando a colheita das folhas de fumo, independentemente das concentrações utilizadas, que não diferiram entre si.This paper deals with the study of the effects of (2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid on leaf maturity of tobacco plants, Nicotiana tabacum L. cultivar "Goianinho". The experiment was set in the field and the product was used in order to uniformize and antecipate the leaf harvesting. The commercial product Ethrel (240 g/l of a.i.) was sprayed in the dosage of 2, 4,6, and 8 liters/ha at the stage of maximum growth of the leaves. Six days after this treatment the leaves were harvested, counted and weighted. The results have indicated that the vegetal regulator has promoted a more precocious ripening, thus antecipating and uniformizing the harvesting of the tobacco leaves, regardless the concentrations used in the experiment

    Disruption of Centrosome Structure, Chromosome Segregation, and Cytokinesis by Misexpression of Human Cdc14A Phosphatase

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    In budding yeast, the Cdc14p phosphatase activates mitotic exit by dephosphorylation of specific cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) substrates and seems to be regulated by sequestration in the nucleolus until its release in mitosis. Herein, we have analyzed the two human homologs of Cdc14p, hCdc14A and hCdc14B. We demonstrate that the human Cdc14A phosphatase is selective for Cdk substrates in vitro and that although the protein abundance and intrinsic phosphatase activity of hCdc14A and B vary modestly during the cell cycle, their localization is cell cycle regulated. hCdc14A dynamically localizes to interphase but not mitotic centrosomes, and hCdc14B localizes to the interphase nucleolus. These distinct patterns of localization suggest that each isoform of human Cdc14 likely regulates separate cell cycle events. In addition, hCdc14A overexpression induces the loss of the pericentriolar markers pericentrin and Îł-tubulin from centrosomes. Overproduction of hCdc14A also causes mitotic spindle and chromosome segregation defects, defective karyokinesis, and a failure to complete cytokinesis. Thus, the hCdc14A phosphatase appears to play a role in the regulation of the centrosome cycle, mitosis, and cytokinesis, thereby influencing chromosome partitioning and genomic stability in human cells

    CRM1/Ran-Mediated Nuclear Export of p27(Kip1) Involves a Nuclear Export Signal and Links p27 Export and Proteolysis

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    We show that p27 localization is cell cycle regulated and we suggest that active CRM1/RanGTP-mediated nuclear export of p27 may be linked to cytoplasmic p27 proteolysis in early G1. p27 is nuclear in G0 and early G1 and appears transiently in the cytoplasm at the G1/S transition. Association of p27 with the exportin CRM1 was minimal in G0 and increased markedly during G1-to-S phase progression. Proteasome inhibition in mid-G1 did not impair nuclear import of p27, but led to accumulation of p27 in the cytoplasm, suggesting that export precedes degradation for at least part of the cellular p27 pool. p27-CRM1 binding and nuclear export were inhibited by S10A mutation but not by T187A mutation. A putative nuclear export sequence in p27 is identified whose mutation reduced p27-CRM1 interaction, nuclear export, and p27 degradation. Leptomycin B (LMB) did not inhibit p27-CRM1 binding, nor did it prevent p27 export in vitro or in heterokaryon assays. Prebinding of CRM1 to the HIV-1 Rev nuclear export sequence did not inhibit p27-CRM1 interaction, suggesting that p27 binds CRM1 at a non-LMB-sensitive motif. LMB increased total cellular p27 and may do so indirectly, through effects on other p27 regulatory proteins. These data suggest a model in which p27 undergoes active, CRM1-dependent nuclear export and cytoplasmic degradation in early G1. This would permit the incremental activation of cyclin E-Cdk2 leading to cyclin E-Cdk2-mediated T187 phosphorylation and p27 proteolysis in late G1 and S phase


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