118 research outputs found

    Social environment mediates cancer progression in Drosophila

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    The influence of oncogenic phenomena on the ecology and evolution of animal species is becoming an important research topic. Similar to host–pathogen interactions, cancer negatively affects host fitness, which should lead to the selection of host control mechanisms, including behavioral traits that best minimize the proliferation of malignant cells. Social behavior is suggested to influence tumor progression. While the ecological benefits of sociality in gregarious species are widely acknowledged, only limited data are available on the role of the social environment on cancer progression. Here, we exposed adult Drosophila, with colorectal-like tumors, to different social environments. We show how subtle variations in social structure have dramatic effects on the progression of tumor growth. Finally, we reveal that flies can discriminate between individuals at different stages of tumor development and selectively choose their social environment accordingly. Our study demonstrates the reciprocal links between cancer and social interactions and how sociality may impact health and fitness in animals and its potential implications for disease ecology.This work was supported by the ANR (Blanc project EVOCAN to F.T. and project DROSONET to F.M. and C.S.), the CNRS (INEE and INSB), Fondation ARC (1555286 to J.M. and F.M.), The French league against Cancer (M27218 to J.M.), IDEEV program (to F.M.), by an International Associated Laboratory Project France/Australia, by the French-Australian Science Innovation Collaboration Program Early Career Fellowship (B.U.), by André Hoffmann (Fondation MAVA), Fyssen Foundation (to F.M. and E.H. D.) and the French Government (fellowship 2015–155 to M.D.)

    A Wacky Bridge to mTORC1 Dimerization

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    The activity of the mTORC1 protein complex depends on multiple metabolic inputs that regulate dimerization, recruitment to the lysosome, and activation. In this issue of Developmental Cell, David-Morrison et al. (2016) show that the Drosophila protein Wacky and its mammalian counterpart WAC act as adaptors in the process of mTORC1 dimerization

    Drosophila melanogaster: A Powerful Tiny Animal Model for the Study of Metabolic Hepatic Diseases

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    International audienceAnimal experimentation is limited by unethical procedures, time-consuming protocols, and high cost. Thus, the development of innovative approaches for disease treatment based on alternative models in a fast, safe, and economic manner is an important, yet challenging goal. In this paradigm, the fruit-fly Drosophila melanogaster has become a powerful model for biomedical research, considering its short life cycle and low-cost maintenance. In addition, biological processes are conserved and homologs of ∼75% of human disease-related genes are found in the fruit-fly. Therefore, this model has been used in innovative approaches to evaluate and validate the functional activities of candidate molecules identified via in vitro large-scale analyses, as putative agents to treat or reverse pathological conditions. In this context, Drosophila offers a powerful alternative to investigate the molecular aspects of liver diseases, since no effective therapies are available for those pathologies. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common form of chronic hepatic dysfunctions, which may progress to the development of chronic hepatitis and ultimately to cirrhosis, thereby increasing the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This deleterious situation reinforces the use of the Drosophila model to accelerate functional research aimed at deciphering the mechanisms that sustain the disease. In this short review, we illustrate the relevance of using the fruit-fly to address aspects of liver pathologies to contribute to the biomedical area

    Cribles Post-Génomiques pour l Identification de Régulateurs de la Croissance et du Métabolisme Lipidique chez la Drosophile.

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    Le réseau de signalisation qui répond à l insuline et aux nutriments est conservé chez les métazoaires, où il joue un rôle central dans le contrôle du métabolisme et de la croissance. Les nutriments assimilés sont soit directement utilisés pour la croissance tissulaire, soit stockés principalement sous forme de triglycérides. Chez la drosophile, l activation de ce réseau de signalisation dans le corps gras, un organe qui remplit à la fois les fonctions hépatiques et destockage, induit une augmentation du stockage de lipides sous forme de nombreuses gouttelettes lipidiques (LDs). A l inverse, la carence alimentaire se traduit par une augmentation de la taille des LDs et une diminution de lipides stockés. La kinase TOR (TargetOf Rapamycine) et son substrat S6 Kinase (S6K) jouent un rôle central dans cette régulation.Chez la drosophile, ces 2 kinases (dTOR et dS6K) contrôlent les aspects autonome-cellulaireset hormonaux de la croissance. En dépit de nombreuses études sur divers organismes modèles,destinées à comprendre les mécanismes régulateurs de S6K, rien n est connu à ce jour sur lecontrôle de sa dégradation.Nous avons utilisé une banque de lignées exprimant des ARN interférant (RNAi) contre unegrande quantité de gènes de la drosophile, pour réaliser 3 des cribles génétiques destinés à identifier de nouveaux régulateurs du métabolisme et de la croissance. Dans le premier crible,les RNAi ont été induits dans la glande prothoracique, siège de la production de l hormonestéroïde ecdysone connue pour réguler la croissance et les étapes du développement, souscontrôle de la nutrition et de la signalisation dTOR. Sur 7000 gènes criblés, 620 ont étéidentifiés comme nécessaire à la production d ecdysone. Dans le second crible, nous avonsexprimé les RNAi de 4000 gènes dans le corps gras pour rechercher ceux qui induisaient uneaugmentation de la taille des LDs. L objectif était d identifier des gènes impliqués dans la réponse à la carence alimentaire, et nous avons ainsi retenu 24 candidats intéressants. Le troisième crible représente la majeure partie du travail de thèse, où nous avons criblé les RNAi susceptibles de modifier un phénotype de croissance induit par dS6K. Sur 7000 gènes testés,nous en avons retenu 45 qui ont ensuite été utilisés pour générer un diagramme d interaction en utilisant les informations disponibles dans les banques de données. Les candidats les plus intéressants ont ensuite été analysés en culture de cellules pour identifier ceux qui régulent l activité de dS6K et ceux qui régulent sont niveau d expression. Parmi ces derniers, nousavons identifié le gène codant pour Archipelago (Ago), connue pour contrôler la dégradationrégulée des protéines-cibles au niveau du protéasome. Nous avons réalisé de nombreusesexpériences qui montrent que ago et dS6K interagissent génétiquement. En outre, il est indiquédans les banques de données que ces protéines interagissent entre elles par la technique des 2-hybrides en levure. Tous ces résultats révèlent que Ago régule la dégradation de dS6K, etposent les premières pierres de ce niveau de régulation.The evolutionary conserved insulin and nutrient signaling network regulates growth andmetabolism. Nutrients are directly utilized for growth or stored, mostly as triglycerides. InDrosophila, activation of insulin/nutrient signaling in the fat body (the fly equivalent of liverand adipose tissue), causes an increase in fat stores composed of several small-size lipiddroplets (LDs). Conversely, fasting produces an increase in LD size and a decrease in fatcontents. The TOR kinase and its substrate S6 kinase (S6K) play a central role in this response,and particularly in Drosophila, they have been shown to orchestrate cell-autonomous andhormone-controlled growth. However, despite extensive research studies on different modelorganisms (mouse, fly, worm) to decipher the molecular and physiological functions of S6K,nothing is known about how its degradation is regulated.Taking advantage of the inducible RNA interfering (RNAi) library from NIG (Japan), we haveperformed three genetic screens to identify novel regulators of steroidogenesis, lipidmetabolism and dS6K-dependent growth. First, RNAi lines were screened in the ring gland; anorgan that controls the progression of the developmental steps by producing the steroidhormone ecdysone. Out of 7,000 genes screened, 620 positive candidates were identified toproduce developmental arrest and/or overgrowth phenotypes. Then, we challenged 4,000 genesby RNAi screening able to recapitulate the larger sized LD phenotype as obtained uponstarvation, leading to the identification of 24 potential candidates. Finally, the RNAi lines werescreened for their ability to enhance a growth phenotype dependent of the Drosophila S6K(dS6K). Out of 7,000 genes screened, 45 genes were identified as potential negative regulatorsof dS6K. These genes were further used to design a novel protein-protein interaction networkcentered on dS6K through the available data from yeast-2-hybrid (Y2H) assay. The most potentinteractors were then analyzed by treatment of cultured S2 cells with the corresponding doublestrand RNA (dRNA). Western blotting thus, allowed us to discriminate between the geneproducts that regulate dS6K levels versus those that regulate its phosphorylation, as a hallmarkfor its kinase activity. Interestingly, archipelago (ago), which encodes a component of an SCFubiquitinligase known to regulate the degradation of dMyc, Cyclin E and Notch, was identifiedas a negative regulator of dS6K-dependent growth. Based on the Y2H available data showingthat Ago and dS6K interact each other and the presence of a putative Ago-interaction motif indS6K, we hypothesized that Ago causes an ubiquitin-mediated degradation of dS6K. Ourmolecular data showed that loss of ago caused an elevated level of dS6K, which confirms arole of Ago in controlling dS6K degradation. Altogether our findings emphasize the importanceof the saturating screening strategies in Drosophila to identify novel regulators of metabolicand signaling pathways.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A novel mutation in the N-terminal domain of Drosophila BubR1 affects the spindle assembly checkpoint function of BubR1

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    The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a surveillance mechanism that ensures accurate segregation of chromosomes into two daughter cells. BubR1, a key component of the SAC, also plays a role in the mitotic timing since depletion of BubR1 leads to accelerated mitosis. We previously found that mutation of the KEN1-box domain of Drosophila BubR1 (bubR1-KEN1 mutant) affects the binding of BubR1 to Cdc20, the activating co-factor of the APC/C, and does not accelerate the mitotic timing despite resulting in a defective SAC, which was unlike what was reported in mammalian cells. Here, we show that a mutation in a novel Drosophila short sequence (bubR1-KAN mutant) leads to an accelerated mitotic timing as well as SAC failure. Moreover, our data indicate that the level of Fzy, the Drosophila homolog of Cdc20, recruited to kinetochores is diminished in bubR1-KEN1 mutant cells and further diminished in bubR1-KAN mutant cells. Altogether, our data show that this newly identified Drosophila BubR1 KAN motif is required for a functional SAC and suggest that it may play an important role on Cdc20/Fzy kinetochore recruitment

    Lethality of Drosophila lacking TSC tumor suppressor function rescued by reducing dS6K signaling

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in one of two tumor suppressor genes, TSC1 and TSC2. Here, we show that absence of Drosophila Tsc1/2 leads to constitutive dS6K activation and inhibition of dPKB, the latter effect being relieved by loss of dS6K. In contrast, the dPTEN tumor suppressor, a negative effector of PI3K, has little effect on dS6K, but negatively regulates dPKB. More importantly, we demonstrate that reducing dS6K signaling rescues early larval lethality associated with loss of dTsc1/2 function, arguing that the S6K pathway is a promising target for the treatment of TSC

    Genetic and biochemical characterization of dTOR, the Drosophila homolog of the target of rapamycin

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    The adaptation of growth in response to nutritional changes is essential for the proper development of all organisms. Here we describe the identification of the Drosophila homolog of the target of rapamycin (TOR), a candidate effector for nutritional sensing. Genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that dTOR impinges on the insulin signaling pathway by autonomously affecting growth through modulating the activity of dS6K. However, in contrast to other components in the insulin signaling pathway, partial loss of dTOR function preferentially reduces growth of the endoreplicating tissues. These results are consistent with dTOR residing on a parallel amino acid sensing pathway

    A Drosophila genetic screen for suppressors of S6kinase-dependent growth identifies the F-box subunit Archipelago/FBXW7

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    International audienceThis study was designed to identify novel negative regulators of the Drosophila S6kinase (dS6K). S6K is a downstream effector of the growth-regulatory complex mTORC1 (mechanistic-Target-of-Rapamycin complex 1). Nutrients activate mTORC1, which in turn induces the phosphorylation of S6K to promote cell growth, whereas fasting represses mTORC1 activity. Here, we screened 11,000 RNA-interfering (RNAi) lines and retained those that enhanced a dS6K-dependent growth phenotype. Since RNAi induces gene knockdown, enhanced tissue growth supports the idea that the targeted gene acts as a growth suppressor. To validate the resulting candidate genes, we monitored dS6K phosphorylation and protein levels in double-stranded RNAi-treated S2 cells. We identified novel dS6K negative regulators, including gene products implicated in basal cellular functions, suggesting that feedback inputs modulate mTORC1/dS6K signaling. We also identified Archipelago (Ago), the Drosophila homologue of FBXW7, which is an E3-ubiquitin-ligase subunit that loads ubiquitin units onto target substrates for proteasome-mediated degradation. Despite a previous report showing an interaction between Ago/FBXW7 and dS6K in a yeast two-hybrid assay and the presence of an Ago/FBXW7-consensus motif in the dS6K polypeptide, we could not see a direct interaction in immunoprecipitation assay. Nevertheless, we observed that loss-of-ago/fbxw7 in larvae resulted in an increase in dS6K protein levels, but no change in the levels of phosphorylated dS6K or dS6K transcripts, suggesting that Ago/FBXW7 indirectly controls dS6K translation or stability. Through the identification of novel negative regulators of the downstream target, dS6K, our study may help deciphering the underlying mechanisms driving deregulations of mTORC1, which underlies several human diseases