15 research outputs found

    Simulação do uso de pavimento permeável e trincheira de infiltração em espaços públicos de mobilidade

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    The use of sustainable techniques to the basic infrastructure of a city is a way of win back public spaces. This study evaluates the impacts of public spaces supporting mobility. We give focus to areas constructed with porous pavement and integrated with infiltration trenches and hydrological processes. The hydrological simulation was performed with a SWAT model. The hydrographic basin has 54.05 km² and the area of excess flows' control is 0.66 km². The peak flow damping was 1.84%, and the surface runoff represented 2.82% of the water depth over the simulated period. We observed a maximum reduction of 7.9% in the height of the water layer for isolated events. We found positive results in the dampening of the peak flow in the basin exhaust and water flow reduction at the superficial runoff.O uso de técnicas sustentáveis na infraestrutura básica de uma cidade é um modo de reconquistar os espaços públicos. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar os impactos nos processos hidrológicos dos espaços públicos que apoiam a mobilidade se constituídos por pavimento permeável e integrados a trincheiras de infiltração. A simulação hidrológica foi realizada com o modelo Swat. A bacia hidrográfica possui 54,05 km² e a área com controle dos escoamentos excedentes é de 0,66 km². O amortecimento da vazão de pico foi de 1,84% e do escoamento superficial em 2,82% da altura da lâmina-d’água ao longo do período simulado. Para um evento isolado, observou-se uma redução máxima de 7,9% da altura da lâmina de água. Observaram-se resultados positivos no amortecimento da vazão de pico no exutório da bacia e a redução da lâmina de água do escoamento superficial

    Simulation of the use of porous pavement and infiltration trench in public spaces supporting mobility

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    The use of sustainable techniques to the basic infrastructure of a city is a way of win back public spaces. This study evaluates the impacts of public spaces supporting mobility. We give focus to areas constructed with porous pavement and integrated with infiltration trenches and hydrological processes. The hydrological simulation was performed with a SWAT model. The hydrographic basin has 54.05 km² and the area of excess flows' control is 0.66 km². The peak flow damping was 1.84%, and the surface runoff represented 2.82% of the water depth over the simulated period. We observed a maximum reduction of 7.9% in the height of the water layer for isolated events. We found positive results in the dampening of the peak flow in the basin exhaust and water flow reduction at the superficial runoff.The use of sustainable techniques to the basic infrastructure of a city is a way of win back public spaces. This study evaluates the impacts of public spaces supporting mobility. We give focus to areas constructed with porous pavement and integrated with infiltration trenches and hydrological processes. The hydrological simulation was performed with a SWAT model. The hydrographic basin has 54.05 km² and the area of excess flows' control is 0.66 km². The peak flow damping was 1.84%, and the surface runoff represented 2.82% of the water depth over the simulated period. We observed a maximum reduction of 7.9% in the height of the water layer for isolated events. We found positive results in the dampening of the peak flow in the basin exhaust and water flow reduction at the superficial runoff

    Infraestrutura de mobilidade urbana e sua articulação com a drenagem sustentável

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    A construção do espaço urbano tende a produzir uma cobertura impermeável sobre o solo que dificulta a infiltração das águas da chuva, necessitando do auxílio da infraestrutura de drenagem para compensar. Ao bloquear a infiltração da água das chuvas no solo, aumenta-se o escoamento superficial e consequentemente potencializam-se as ameaças de inundações, alagamentos e enxurradas, desencadeadas por eventos hidrológicos, sendo estes frequentes na cidade de Blumenau/SC. No entanto, pode-se promover a integração das infraestruturas básicas de uma cidade, potencializando-as. Como exemplo, tem-se o uso da infraestrutura de mobilidade urbana não motorizada, como calçada, ciclovia, dentre outras para aplicação de técnicas sustentáveis de drenagem urbana. O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar o tipo e extensão dos revestimentos dos espaços públicos que apoiam a mobilidade não motorizada presente no trecho inferior da bacia do ribeirão da Velha em Blumenau/SC visando avaliar a composição destas áreas. O método de procedimento utilizado é o estudo caso e a pesquisa apresenta caráter quali-quantitativo. A pesquisa foi realizada em três etapas: levantamento, sistematização e síntese dos dados. Foi quantificado um total de 218.816,77 m² de estrutura para mobilidade não motorizada em vias arteriais, coletoras e área de circulação em parques do trecho inferior da bacia do ribeirão da Velha, constituídas principalmente de materiais de base cimentícia. Os três tipos de revestimentos mais observados foram os pavimentos intertravados (41,47%), concreto moldado inloco (21,75%) e o ladrilho hidráulico (13,57%). Esta área construída pode ser adaptada para compor um Sistema Urbano de Drenagem Sustentável, cujas técnicas permitem a infiltração de água no solo, reduzindo as interferências no ciclo natural da água.La construction de l'espace urbain tend à produire une couverture imperméable sur le sol qui empêche l'infiltration de l'eau de pluie nécessitant la mise en place d’infrastructures de drainage. Le blocage de l’infiltration de l’eau de pluie augmente non seulement le ruissellement mais aussi les risques d’inondations extrêmes, fréquentes à Blumenau, état de Santa Catarina, Sud du Brésil. Cependant, il est possible d’appliquer des techniques durables de drainage urbain en promouvant leur intégration dans des infrastructures urbaines, comme par exemple celles de mobilité non motorisée telles que les trottoirs ou les pistes cyclables. Le but de la recherche consiste a identifier le type et l'étendue des revêtements publics de mobilité non motorisée présents dans la partie inférieure du bassin versant de la rivière Velha à Blumenau/SC. La méthode consiste en une étude à caractère qualitatif et quantitatif. La recherche a été réalisée en trois étapes : enquête, systématisation et synthèse des données. Les 218 816,77 m² de structure non motorisée étudiés tels que les routes, les collecteurs et la zone de circulation de parcs de la partie inférieure du bassin versant, sont principalement constitués de ciment. Les trois types de revêtements les plus observé sont du béton entrelacé (41,47%), du béton moulé (21,75%) et de la tuile hydraulique (13,57%). Cette zone construite peut être adaptée afin de comporter un système de drainage urbain durable qui permette l'infiltration de l’eau dans le sol et réduise l’impact des constructions humaines sur le cycle naturel de l'eau.The construction of the urban space tends to produce an impermeable cover on the ground that hampers rainwater infiltration. Therefore, drainage infrastructure should compensate. By blocking rainwater infiltration in the soil, surface runoff is increased and, consequently, the threats of inundation, flooding and flash flood, triggered by hydrological events, are potentiated. However, it is possible to promote the integration of basic infrastructure of a city, enhancing it. As an example, there is the use of non-motorized urban mobility infrastructure, such as sidewalk and bicycle lane for the application of sustainable urban drainage techniques. The objective of this study is to identify the type and extent of the coverings of public spaces that support the non-motorized mobility present in the lower section of the da Velha river basin in the city of Blumenau, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in order to evaluate the composition of these areas. A case study with a qualitative-quantitative nature was carried out. A total of 218,816.77 m² of structure was quantified for non-motorized mobility in arterial roads, collectors and circulation areas in parks of the lower section of the river basin, consisting mainly of cementitious base materials. The most common three types of coatings were interlocked pavements (41.47%), inloco molded concrete (21.75%), and hydraulic tile (13.57%). Such constructed areas can be adapted to compose an Urban Sustainable Drainage System, whose techniques allow the infiltration of water in the soil, reducing the interferences in the natural water cycle

    Detection of Zika virus using reverse-transcription LAMP coupled with reverse dot blot analysis in saliva

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    <div><p>In recent years, there have been increasing numbers of infectious disease outbreaks that spread rapidly to population centers resulting from global travel, population vulnerabilities, environmental factors, and ecological disasters such as floods and earthquakes. Some examples of the recent outbreaks are the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-Co) in the Middle East, and the Zika outbreak through the Americas. We have created a generic protocol for detection of pathogen RNA and/or DNA using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and reverse dot-blot for detection (RDB) and processed automatically in a microfluidic device. In particular, we describe how a microfluidic assay to detect HIV viral RNA was converted to detect Zika virus (ZIKV) RNA. We first optimized the RT-LAMP assay to detect ZIKV RNA using a benchtop isothermal amplification device. Then we implemented the assay in a microfluidic device that will allow analyzing 24 samples simultaneously and automatically from sample introduction to detection by RDB technique. Preliminary data using saliva samples spiked with ZIKV showed that our diagnostic system detects ZIKV RNA in saliva. These results will be validated in further experiments with well-characterized ZIKV human specimens of saliva. The described strategy and methodology to convert the HIV diagnostic assay and platform to a ZIKV RNA detection assay provides a model that can be readily utilized for detection of the next emerging or re-emerging infectious disease.</p></div

    ZIKV RNA RT-LAMP amplification.

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    <p>(A) Representative RT-LAMP amplification curves that target the ZIKV capsid gene. Ten-fold serial dilutions of purified genomic RNA starting at 10 ng/ul. LAMP assay performed on the Genie III device. (B) Graph of the amplification threshold Tp as a function of ZIKV viral particle concentration. Tp: time to positivity.</p

    Fully integrated RT-LAMP assay, performed on the microfluidic Rheonix CARD<sup>®</sup> cartridge under the control of the Encompass <i>Optimum</i> workstation in which the presence of the amplicons was detected on the integrated DNA array.

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    <p>Each spot on the array represents duplicate immobilized Probe 4 ranging from a concentration of 20 μM to 0.039 μM by two-fold dilutions as described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0192398#pone.0192398.g003" target="_blank">Fig 3</a>. A total of 3 replicates of saliva spiked with 6 ZIKV RNA copies per reaction were evaluated along with negative controls (1XPBS as a template).</p

    Detection of RT-LAMP amplicons on DNA array under the control of the Encompass <i>Optimum</i> workstation.

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    <p>Four probes at three different concentrations (20, 2 and 0.2 μM) were designed to react with either the primer sets (Probes 1 or 2) or the RT-LAMP amplicons (Probes 3 or 4). The “Spotting Controls” should be positive in all reactions and allow the system’s software to confirm that the DNA arrays are properly orientated as well as provide a reference for alignment of the CMOS camera when analyzing the spot intensities. Process Negative Control: 1XPBS used as a template for RT-LAMP assay. Pre-heated lysed ZIKV diluted in 1XPBS was used as template.</p