127 research outputs found

    El Dimoni de Maxwell

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    El dimoni de Maxwell és el resultat d'un experiment mental que va proposar el físic escocès James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), que si es complís amenaçaria la validesa de la segona llei de la termodinàmica. Segons aquest experiment, seria possible la transmissió de calor d'un cos a un altre de més calent sense cap altre canvi. S'hi ex- posen diverses solucions, que van des de la interacció entre la mesura i el sistema mesurat, fins a la teoria de la informació. Aquest article, originalment escrit en anglès, va rebre una menció especial en el Second Year Essay Prize (2008- 09) del Departament de Física de l'Imperial College. La traducció al català és del propi autor

    Temperature Effects in the Band Structure of Topological Insulators.

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    We study the effects of temperature on the band structure of the Bi_{2}Se_{3} family of topological insulators using first-principles methods. Increasing temperature drives these materials towards the normal state, with similar contributions from thermal expansion and from electron-phonon coupling. The band gap changes with temperature reach 0.3 eV at 600 K, of similar size to the changes caused by electron correlation. Our results suggest that temperature-induced topological phase transitions should be observable near critical points of other external parameters

    Strong electron-phonon coupling and carrier self-trapping in Sb2_2S3_3

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    Antimony sulphide (Sb2_2S3_3) is an Earth-abundant and non-toxic material that is under investigation for solar energy conversion applications. However, it still suffers from poor power conversion efficiency and a large open circuit voltage loss that have usually been attributed to point or interfacial defects and trap states. More recently, a self-trapped exciton has been suggested as the microscopic origin for the performance loss. By using first-principles methods, we demonstrate that Sb2_2S3_3 exhibits strong electron-phonon coupling, which results in a large renormalization of 200 meV of the absorption edge when temperature increases from 10K to 300K, and in a quasi-1D electron polaron that is delocalized in the ribbon direction of the crystal structure, but localized in the inter-ribbon directions. The calculated polaron formation energy of 67 meV agrees well with experimental measurements, suggesting that self-trapped excitons are likely to form with the mediation of an electron polaron. Our results demonstrate the importance of systematically investigating electron-phonon coupling and polaron formation in the antimony chalcogenide family of semiconductors for optoelectronic applications.Comment: 4 figure