72 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Soya dalam Pengencer Dasar Air Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Domba Ekor Gemuk (DEG) pada Penyimpanan di Suhu 4-5°C

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji pengaruh soya pada berbagai konsentrasi dalam pengencer dasar air kelapa terhadap motilitas spermatozoa Domba Ekor Gemuk (DEG) pada penyimpanan di suhu 4-5°C. Desain penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dan 4 pengulangan, yaitu tris soya (K+), air kelapa (K-), air kelapa + soya 2 g/100 ml (AK2), air kelapa + soya 4 g/100 ml (AK4) dan air kelapa + soya 6 g/100 ml (AK6). Motilitas spermatozoa diukur oleh 2 orang dengan manggunakan mikroskop perbesaran 400x. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Anova satu arah dan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya beda nyata (α = 0,05) antara motilitas spermatozoa dalam pengencer K+ dan AK4 dengan pengencer K-, AK2 dan AK6. Pengencer terbaik adalah AK4 dengan rerata persentase motilitas selama hari ke-0 sampai hari ke-4 secara berurutan sebesar 63,75±0,86%, 61,25±0,85%, 59,38±1,40%, 53,13±1,37% dan 44,38±1,38%. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan soya sebanyak 4 g dalam 100 ml pengencer dasar air kelapa dapat mempertahankan motilitas spermatozoa Domba Ekor Gemuk (DEG) dalam penyimpanan di suhu 4-5°C selama 4 hari

    Epidemiological characteristics of viral hepatitis in Varna region for 2014-2019. First part. Incidence of viral hepatitis in Varna and Bulgaria for 2014-2019 - a comparative analysis

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    Hepatitis is a polyetiological disease. Viral hepatitis is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world, including in our country. Hepatitis is highly contagious (with hepatitis B being 100 times more contagious than HIV). Hepatitis B and C together are one of the biggest global health threats, killing approximately 1 million people a year. In Bulgaria in 1951. mandatory registration begins of hepatitis called „epidemic hepatitis“. Separate registration by three types of hepatitis began in 1981: VHA, VHV, VH Indefinite.Aim To make a comparative characteristic of the registered incidence of viral hepatitis in Varna and Bulgaria for the period 2014-2019.Materials Quick notifications, registration documents, reports, analyzes of laboratory tests of RCTH Varna and Virology Laboratory of RHI Varna, NCIPD Sofia, health education materials.Methods Documentary, statistical, laboratory, partial epidemiological analysis, graphic presentation of the results.Results There is a great variety of types of hepatitis in different years. The morbidity is small. VHA is leading with significantly lower incidence, followed by VHV, VHN and VHC. No registered VHD for the entire period.Conclusions 1. The incidence of VHA in Varna district is two to four times lower than in the country for 2014-2019. 2. The incidence of VHN is higher than that for the country, as autoimmune, toxic, metabolic, and other non-infectious hepatitis are included here. 3. Good organization has been established for registration, examination, hospitalization and study of epidemic outbreaks in the district of Varna, pursuant to Ordinance 43/1995 of the Ministry of Health

    e-Learning, e-Practising and e-Tutoring: an Integrated Approach

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    In this paper is described a didactic methodology combining current e-learning methods and the support of Intelligent Agents technologies. The aim is to favor the synthesis among theoretical approach and based practical approach using the so-called Intelligent Agent, software that exploits the Artificial Intelligence and that operates as tutor, facilitating the consumers in the training operations. The paper illustrates how such new Intelligent Agent algorithm (IA) is used in the training of employees working in the transportation sector, thanks to the experience gained with the PARMENIDE project - Promoting Advanced Resources and Methodologies for New Teaching and Learning Solutions in Digital Education

    De l’historicité à l’ethnicité : Les Egéens ou ces autres Macédoniens

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    Lorsque l’ethnicité se place au fondement de l’organisation sociale et politique de la société, elle développe également une capacité créatrice : celle de produire de nouvelles identités collectives “à part”, alors même que ces dernières se reconnaissent comme appartenant à la même nation. Tel est le cas de la catégorie “Egéens”, identifiant la population slavomacédonienne ayant fuit entre 1946-1948 la Guerre civile en Grèce. Avec leur installation en République yougoslave de Macédoine, les r..

    De la logique de retour à la logique d’établissement. Le cas des réfugiés de la Guerre civile grecque en République de Macédoine

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    Des milliers de locuteurs de langue slave du nord de la Grèce, engagés en tant que tels du côté de la résistance contre l’occupant allemand puis dans la guerre contre le régime établi après la libération, soutenu par les Britanniques puis les USA, durent quitter leurs villages d’origine pour se retrouver sur le territoire de la République de Macédoine, entité nouvellement créée de la Yougoslavie de Tito. Le désir de préserver les chances d’un retour dans le village quitté, parfois distants de quelques dizaines de kilomètres céda la place, plus ou moins rapidement selon le groupe considéré, à une logique d’établissement en Macédoine yougoslave et d’insertion au sein de la société autogérée. Ce changement d’horizon d’attentes affecta les types d’occupation professionnelle, le choix du type d’habitat et le statut des femmes. De réfugiés tolérés, les Macédoniens de l’Égée devinrent des concitoyens enviés yougoslaves puis macédoniens après l’indépendance.Thousands of Slavic speakers from Northern Greece, involved as such in the Greek resistance against the Nazi occupation and afterwards in the war against the regime established and supported first by the British and then the USA, had to leave their village of origin and flee to the neighboring territory of the newly founded Republic of Macedonia in Tito’s Yugoslavia. First motivated by their longing for going home beside the border to villages sometimes as close as a few tens of kilometers, those refugees switched perspective, some quicker than others depending on the group under scrutiny, and devoted themselves to definitely settling down on the soil of Yugoslav Macedonia and gaining a strong foothold in the local self-managed economy. This switch in perspective determined the choice of jobs, of housing and the status of women. From tolerated refugees, Aegean Macedonian turned to envied co-citizens in Yugoslavia and then in Macedonia after the independence

    Health and safety during clinical practices and pre-graduation internships of students training to become a nurse

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    INTRODUCTION. Damaged health, injuries and illnesses related to the workplace, are causes of immense human suffering. Safety is essential during the working process or the ongoing training. Each participant in the therapy and health care has a responsibility to comply with the measures for healthy and safe working conditions. During their training, students in the Nurse program are part of this process and have an obligation and responsibility to the patients, the staff and themselves to ensure healthy and safe working conditions.AIM: The aim of the present study is to explore the knowledge about the safety of students in the Nurse program at the Medical University of Varna, during clinical practice and internship before graduating.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This paper examines the opinions of 146 of the total 205 students from 1st to 4th year in the Nurse program at the Medical University of Varna. The study was conducted by direct anonymous questionnaire for the period from January to March, 2016. Analysis of literature sources and a questionnaire method were used. The data were processed by statistical and graphical analysis.RESULTS: The opinion of the respondents is firm regarding the need for protective equipment during clinical practice and internship before graduating. A significant part of the students cited as the most frequent incidents: contamination of the skin with blood and body fluids, followed by pricks from sharp objects (needles), as well as aggression by patients. The analysis of the results shows that more than a half of the surveyed students are familiar with the regulations for the protection of medical personnel in an accident

    Pengaruh Likuiditas, Kualitas Aktiva, Sensitivitas Pasar Dan Efisiensi Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Bank Umum Nasional Devisa Go Public

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    The bank is a financial institution where activities involve raising funds from the community and channeling the funds back to the community and providing services to other banks. This study the effect liquidity, asset quality, market sensitivity, efficiency simultaneosly and partially, partial to ROA at National Foreign Exchange Commercial Bank Go Public. LDR, IPR, APB, NPL, IRR, PDN, BOPO, FBIR simultaneously, in part to ROA at National Foreign Exchange Commercial Bank Go Public. In determining the research sample, the researcher used a purposive sampling technique. The sample used in this study is 3 National Foreign Exchange Commercial Bank Go Public. registered in the Indonesian Banking Directory for the first Quarter of 2013 until the Second Quarter of 2018. The results of this study show that simultaneously variables LDR, IPR, APB, NPL IRR, PDN, BOPO, and FBIR that have a significant effect on ROA in National Foreign Exchange Commercial Bank Go Public. While the NPL, IRR, BOPO partially has a significant effect on ROA while the LDR, IPR, APB, PDN and FBIR variables have no significant effect on ROA. Keywords: Liquidity, Asset Quality, Sensitivity, Quality, RO

    Workshop "Promoting the Green Transition through University Education on Green Standards"

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    The seminar " Promoting the Green Transition via University Education with Green Standards " presents the approach and concept of the international project Boosting the Green Future via University Micro-Credentials (B-Green- ED) , funded by the Erasmus+ program KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education, aiming to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable, green and digital goals of the European Union by providing innovative university micro-credentials related to environmental and management standards to improve the digital and green capabilities of the higher education sector. Some findings and results of the B-Green-ED research conducted in four EU countries - Bulgaria, Lithuania, Spain, and Romania are presented
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