505 research outputs found

    Active and passive screening for tuberculosis in Vaud Canton, Switzerland.

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    This retrospective study compared the bacteriological and clinical presentation of tuberculosis and the outcome of treatment in immigrants notified for TB after active screening by chest X-ray at the border with other patients detected by passive screening. Retrospective study of all patients notified for TB in Vaud Canton in 2001 and 2002. In Vaud Canton 78% of the 179 patients notified for TB were foreign-born. Among 71 asylum seekers actively screened at the border, 49.3% [CI 37.4-61.2] were symptom-free vs 17.6% [CI 10.3-24.9] among 108 passively screened patients. In the passively screened group, the proportion of asymptomatic patients was 15.4% for Swiss patients, 8.6% for foreign workers, and 29.4% for other foreigners. The average duration of symptoms before diagnosis among patients with complaints was 2 months in actively screened foreign-born, compared to 2.5 months in passively screened patients (no significant difference by Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test). The proportion of pulmonary TB cases with positive smear or culture was 63.4% in actively screened patients vs 70.4% in passively detected cases. Among actively screened patients with bacteriological confirmation, 42.2% [CI 27.2-57.2] were asymptomatic compared to 13% [CI 5.31-20.7] for passively screened patients. Considering only smear positive patients, the proportion of symptom-free patients was 22.2% [CI 9.6-34.8] in 45 actively screened cases vs 11.7% [4.4-19.0] for 77 passive screening. Cure and treatment completion rate for new cases reached 88% for foreign workers, 83% for asylum seekers, 85% for Swiss patients, and 78% for other foreigners. Actively screened patients were more frequently asymptomatic than passively detected cases, even when considering only patients with bacteriological confirmation. The active screening by chest X-ray of an immigrant population with a high prevalence of tuberculosis allows the early detection and treatment of tuberculosis. This may contribute to the protection of the resident population from infection. The outcome of treatment for tuberculosis was satisfactory in all population groups

    Complex cardiac surgery in a high-risk patient with new-onset severe mitral regurgitation and aorta to right ventricular fistula after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a case report.

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    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is the procedure of choice for aortic stenosis in high surgical risk patients, but it is no free from complications. A 86-year-old patient with severe aortic stenosis underwent TAVI 3 years ago with an Edwards Sapiens valve by femoral access. In the echocardiography follow-up, an aorta-right ventricular (Ao-RV) fistula was noted with restrictive flow and no significant shunt and it was treated conservatively. Three years after TAVI, the patient underwent cardiac surgery because of worsening heart failure due to a severe degenerative mitral regurgitation with tethering of P2 due to left ventricular remodelling, a posterior jet of severe regurgitation, and left ventricular dilatation. Surgical replacement of the TAVI and aortic root with a bioprosthesis (Medtronic Freestyle) and direct closure of the fistula was performed along with the mitral valve replacement. The patient was discharged with a good clinical result and no evidence of remaining Ao-RV fistula at transthoracic echocardiography. Aorta-right ventricular fistula is a rare entity. Most reported cases arise after rupture of a congenital coronary sinus aneurism, endocarditis, trauma, and aortic valve or aortic root surgery. This is the 10th reported case after TAVI (9 after an Edwards Sapiens TAVI). Non-significant shunt can be treated conservatively but development of heart failure and death are described in significant shunts. Balloon post-dilatation and the absence of surgical calcium debridement inherent to TAVI may theoretically contribute to the development of the fistula. Surgical replacement and closure of the fistula is a therapeutic option for this entity even in high-risk patients

    Nachbauprobleme bei Apfelkulturen

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    Bei wiederholtem Anbau von Obstbäumen am gleichen Standort wird häufig verminderter Wuchs und reduzierter Ertrag beobachtet. Dieses Phänomen wird als Nachbauproblem oder Bodenmüdigkeit bezeichnet. Auch Schweizer Apfelproduzenten sind davon betroffen. Die ACW untersucht mögliche Ursachen

    Catheter entrapment in a pulmonary vein: a unique complication of pulmonary vein isolation.

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    Ablation strategies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) are associated with several potential complications. During electro-anatomic mapping of the left atrium (LA) before ablation, the ablation catheter was entrapped in the right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV). After multiple unsuccessful gentle tractions, stronger maneuvers with rotation of the catheter slowly allowed its retrieval. Examination of the catheter showed a thin, translucent membrane covering its tip, suggesting complete stripping of a vein branch. Occlusion of the superior branch of the RIPV was confirmed by LA angiogram. During the following days, no pericardial effusion was noted, but the patient complained of light chest pain and mild hemoptysis, spontaneously resolving within 48 h. This case shows that catheter entrapment and mechanical disruption of a PV branch can be a rare potential complication of AF ablation. In this case, the outcome was spontaneously favorable and symptoms only included transient mild hemoptysis

    Revealing the role of electrons and phonons in the ultrafast recovery of charge density wave correlations in 1TT-TiSe2_2

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    Using time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with selective near- and mid-infrared photon excitations, we investigate the femtosecond dynamics of the charge density wave (CDW) phase in 1TT-TiSe2_2, as well as the dynamics of CDW fluctuations at 240 K. In the CDW phase, we observe the coherent oscillation of the CDW amplitude mode. At 240 K, we single out an ultrafast component in the recovery of the CDW correlations, which we explain as the manifestation of electron-hole correlations. Our momentum-resolved study of femtosecond electron dynamics supports a mechanism for the CDW phase resulting from the cooperation between the interband Coulomb interaction, the mechanism of excitonic insulator phase formation, and electron-phonon coupling.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Elementary structural building blocks encountered in silicon surface reconstructions

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    Driven by the reduction of dangling bonds and the minimization of surface stress, reconstruction of silicon surfaces leads to a striking diversity of outcomes. Despite this variety even very elaborate structures are generally comprised of a small number of structural building blocks. We here identify important elementary building blocks and discuss their integration into the structural models as well as their impact on the electronic structure of the surface