6 research outputs found

    Investigation of sandwich material surface created by abrasive water jet (AWJ) via vibration emission

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    The paper presents research a of abrasive waterjet cutting of heterogeneous “sandwich“ material with different Young modulus of elasticity of the cutted surface geometry by means of vibration emission. In order to confirm hypothetical assumptions about direct relation between vibration emission and surface quality an experiment in heterogeneous material consisting of stainless steel (DIN 1.4006 / AISI 410) and alloy AlCuMg2 has been provided

    Monitoring of focusing tube wear during abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting of AISI 309

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    The paper deals with the investigating the possibility of using vibrations as a potential source of information for the detection of the malfunctions during the abrasive supplying and focusing tube wear in the process of AWJ. The tested material was the stainless steel AISI 309. Variable factors in the experiment were the abrasive mass flow ma and the focusing tube diameter df. The scanned vibration signal of the material was subjected to frequency analysis. With the increase of the abrasive mass flow, the shift of the amplitudes will follow the opposite direction and decrease. Frequency spectra of all assessed signals are similar by shape in the high-frequency area

    Wielowariantowy proces planowania procesów w zastosowaniu do produkcji pojazdu specjalnego

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    The article deals with the characteristics of input and output data, which are necessary for manufacturing of machine parts of special purpose vehicles. It shows the relations between the individual manufacturing objects by means of information flow analysis within CAPP. It is possible to create several process plans for every engineering part and consequently use one of them in specific manufacturing conditions that are optimal according to the selected criterion. The analysis of information flow can considerably help with the process plan selection and, in result, with effectiveness or quality increasing.Artykuł dotyczy charakterystyki danych wejściowych i wyjściowych, które są niezbędne do produkcji części maszyn do pojazdów specjalnego przeznaczenia. Pokazuje zależności między poszczególnymi obiektami produkcyjnymi za pomocą analizy przepływu informacji w ramach CAPP. Możliwe jest stworzenie kilku planów procesów dla każdej części inżynierskiej i w konsekwencji użycie jednego z nich w konkretnych warunkach produkcji, które są optymalne zgodnie z wybranym kryterium. Analiza przepływu informacji może znacznie pomóc w wyborze planu procesu, a tym samym zwiększyć jego efektywność lub jakość