55 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of stream-wise Reynolds stress in wall turbulence

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    The scaling of different features of stream-wise normal stress profiles uu+(y+)\langle uu\rangle^+(y^+) in turbulent wall-bounded flows, in particular in truly parallel flows, such as channel and pipe flows, is the subject of a long running debate. Particular points of contention are the scaling of the "inner" and "outer" peaks of uu+\langle uu\rangle^+ at y+15y^+\approxeq 15 and y+=O(103)y^+ =\mathcal{O}(10^3), respectively, their infinite Reynolds number limit, and the rate of logarithmic decay in the outer part of the flow. Inspired by the landmark paper of Chen and Sreenivasan (2021), two terms of the inner asymptotic expansion of uu+\langle uu\rangle^+ in the small parameter Reτ1/4Re_\tau^{-1/4} are extracted for the first time from a set of direct numerical simulations (DNS) of channel flow. This inner expansion is completed by a matching outer expansion, which not only fits the same set of channel DNS within 1.5\% of the peak stress, but also provides a good match of laboratory data in pipes and the near-wall part of boundary layers, up to the highest ReτRe_\tau's of order 10510^5. The salient features of the new composite expansion are first, an inner uu+\langle uu\rangle^+ peak, which saturates at 11.3 and decreases as Reτ1/4Re_\tau^{-1/4}, followed by a short "wall loglaw" with a slope that becomes positive for Reτ20000Re_\tau \gtrapprox 20'000, leading up to an outer peak, and an outer logarithmic overlap with a negative slope continuously going to zero for ReτRe_\tau \to\infty.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Vortex shedding dynamics in the laminar wake of cones

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    Experiments on two cones of different taper ratios have been performed in the periodic Reynolds number range between 40 and 180. The visualizations of the plan view of the wake with hydrogen bubbles allow to determine local instantaneous frequencies, wavelengths and shedding angles from digital movie. The shedding frequency adjusts in a stepwise manner to the continuous variation of the cone diameter. Our results lead to revisit the original work of Gaster

    A novel tethered-sphere add-on to enhance grid turbulence

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    The new turbulence generator consists of a standard uniform grid with tethered spheres attached to its nodes and is capable of producing approximately twice the turbulence energy per unit pressure drop coefficient C p than the same bare grid without the spheres. At the same time, the Reynolds number Reλ based on the Taylor microscale is also amplified by a factor of roughly 2, and the turbulence anisotropy is reduced to a constant level of 10% at all downstream distances without further flow conditioning after the grid. The new grid's simple design makes it suitable for a variety of fluid-flow facilities, in particular smaller water tunnels. Its performance in comparison with the plain grid is documented by measurements of the streamwise decay of turbulence energy and velocity spectra in the Reλ range of 50-10

    Grid turbulence in dilute polymer solutions: PEO in water

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    Grid turbulence of polyethylene oxide (PEO) solutions (Polyox WSR-301 in H2O{\mathrm{H} }_{2} \mathrm{O} ) has been investigated experimentally for three concentrations of 25, 50 and 100 weight ppm, at a turbulence Reynolds number based on a Taylor microscale of Reλ100{\mathit{Re}}_{\lambda } \approx 100 . For the first time, time sequences of turbulence spectra have been acquired at a rate of 0.005Hz to reveal the spectral evolution due to mechanical degradation of the polymers. In contrast to spectra averaged over the entire degradation process, the sequence of spectra reveals a clear but time-dependent Lumley scale at which the energy spectrum changes abruptly from the Kolmogorov κ5/3{\kappa }^{- 5/ 3} inertial range to a κ3{\kappa }^{- 3} elastic range, in which the rate of strain is maintained constant by the polymers. The scaling of the initial Lumley length with Kolmogorov dissipation rate ϵ0{\epsilon }_{0} and molecular weight is determined, and a cascade model for the temporal decrease of molecular weight, i.e.for the breaking of polymer chains is presented. Finally, a heuristic model spectrum is developed which covers the cases of both maximum and partial turbulence reduction by polymer

    Experimental investigation into localized instabilities of mixed Rayleigh-Bénard-Poiseuille convection

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    The stability of the Rayleigh-Bénard-Poiseuille flow in a channel with large transverse aspect ratio (ratio of width to vertical channel height) is studied experimentally. The onset of thermal convection in the form of ‘transverse rolls' (rolls with axes perpendicular to the Poiseuille flow direction) is determined in the Reynolds-Rayleigh number plane for two different working fluids: water and mineral oil with Prandtl numbers of approximately 6.5 and 450, respectively. By analysing experimental realizations of the system impulse response it is demonstrated that the observed onset of transverse rolls corresponds to their transition from convective to absolute instability. Finally, the system response to localized patches of supercriticality (in practice local ‘hot spots') is observed and compared with analytical and numerical results of Martinand, Carrière & Monkewitz (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 502, 2004, p. 175 and vol. 551, 2006, p. 275). The experimentally observed two-dimensional saturated global modes associated with these patches appear to be of the ‘steep' variety, analogous to the one-dimensional steep nonlinear modes of Pier, Huerre & Chomaz (Physica D, vol. 148, 2001, p. 49

    The hunt for the K\'arm\'an "constant'' revisited

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    The logarithmic law of the wall, joining the inner, near-wall mean velocity profile (MVP) to the outer region, has been a permanent fixture of turbulence research for over hundred years, but there is still no general agreement on the value of the pre-factor, the inverse of the K\'arm\'an ``constant'' or on its universality. The choice diagnostic tool to locate logarithmic parts of the MVP is to look for regions where the indicator function Ξ\Xi (equal to the wall-normal coordinate y+y^+ times the mean velocity derivative \dd U^+/\dd y^+) is constant. In pressure driven flows however, such as channel and pipe flow, Ξ\Xi is significantly affected by a term proportional to the wall-normal coordinate, of order \mathcal{O}(\Reytau^{-1}) in the inner expansion, but moving up across the overlap to the leading O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) in the outer expansion. Here we show, that due to this linear overlap term, \Reytau's of the order of 10610^6 and beyond are required to produce one decade of near constant Ξ\Xi in channels and pipes. The problem is resolved by considering the common part of the inner asymptotic expansion carried to \mathcal{O}(\Reytau^{-1}), and the leading order of the outer expansion, which is a \textit{superposition} of log law and linear term L_0 \,y^+\Reytau^{-1}. The approach provides a new and robust method to simultaneously determine κ\kappa and L0L_0 in pressure driven flows at currently accessible \Reytau's, and yields κ\kappa's which are consistent with the κ\kappa's deduced from the Reynolds number dependence of centerline velocities. A comparison with the zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer, henceforth abbreviated ``ZPG TBL'', further clarifies the issues

    Reynolds number required to accurately discriminate between proposed trends of skin friction and normal stress in wall turbulence

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    In Nagib, Chauhan and Monkewitz~\cite{NCM07} we concluded that nearly all available CfC_f relations for zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers are in remarkable agreement over the entire range ReθRe_\theta << O(10810^8), provided one coefficient is adjusted in each relation by anchoring it to accurate measurements. Regarding the peak of the streamwise turbulence intensity P+^+_P, we conclude here that accurate measurements in flows with ReτRe_\tau >> O(10610^6) are required, especially when looking only at the peak P+^+_P to discriminate between recently proposed trends. We also find remarkable agreement between the three analyses of Monkewitz \cite{M22}, Chen and Sreenivasan \cite{CS22} and Monkewitz and Nagib \cite{MN15}, with some coefficients slightly modified, by underpinning them with the same accurate measurements of P+^+_P from reliable channel and boundary layer data. All the three analyses conclude that the inner peak of +^+ remains finite in the limit of infinite Reynolds number, which is at variance with the unlimited growth of P+^+_P as lnRe\ln{Re} τ_\tau predicted by the attached eddy model \cite{MM19}. Accurate measurements of high-order moments and the guidance of consistent asymptotic expansions may help clarify the issue at lower ReτRe_\tau values.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Grid turbulence in dilute polymer solutions: PEO in water

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    Grid turbulence of polyethylene oxide (PEO) solutions (Polyox WSR-301 in H2O) has been investigated experimentally for three concentrations of 25, 50 and 100 weight ppm, at a turbulence Reynolds number based on a Taylor microscale of Re-lambda approximate to 100. For the first time, time sequences of turbulence spectra have been acquired at a rate of 0.005 Hz to reveal the spectral evolution due to mechanical degradation of the polymers. In contrast to spectra averaged over the entire degradation process, the sequence of spectra reveals a clear but time-dependent Lumley scale at which the energy spectrum changes abruptly from the Kolmogorov kappa(-5/3) inertial range to a kappa(-3) elastic range, in which the rate of strain is maintained constant by the polymers. The scaling of the initial Lumley length with Kolmogorov dissipation rate epsilon(0) and molecular weight is determined, and a cascade model for the temporal decrease of molecular weight, i.e. for the breaking of polymer chains is presented. Finally, a heuristic model spectrum is developed which covers the cases of both maximum and partial turbulence reduction by polymers

    A novel tethered-sphere add-on to enhance grid turbulence

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    The new turbulence generator consists of a standard uniform grid with tethered spheres attached to its nodes and is capable of producing approximately twice the turbulence energy per unit pressure drop coefficient C (p) than the same bare grid without the spheres. At the same time, the Reynolds number Re-lambda based on the Taylor microscale is also amplified by a factor of roughly 2, and the turbulence anisotropy is reduced to a constant level of 10% at all downstream distances without further flow conditioning after the grid. The new grid's simple design makes it suitable for a variety of fluid-flow facilities, in particular smaller water tunnels. Its performance in comparison with the plain grid is documented by measurements of the streamwise decay of turbulence energy and velocity spectra in the Re-lambda range of 50-100