4 research outputs found

    The impact of e-books on the Brazilian publishing supply chain: An exploratory analysis

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    This work aims to analyze the main effects of the emergence of electronic books within the context of the Brazilian publishing supply chain. Interviews with executives from publishing groups in the country have made it possible to identify that e-books still play a minor role in the publishing supply chain, and are more likely to thrive in specific book genres. Electronic books have not made this chain leaner. Since e-books did not replace physical books and instead coexisted with them, publishers were obliged to develop a new set of activities within the existing publishing supply chain. Disintermediation is one of the most striking features of this new production process. In order to adapt to this new scenario, the publishing sector needs to implement adjustments that extend beyond its typical operations, which also implies the need for a redefinition of resources and development of requisite competencies

    Estrogen receptor transcription and transactivation: Structure-function relationship in DNA- and ligand-binding domains of estrogen receptors

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    Estrogen receptors are members of the nuclear receptor steroid family that exhibit specific structural features, ligand-binding domain sequence identity and dimeric interactions, that single them out. The crystal structures of their DNA-binding domains give some insight into how nuclear receptors discriminate between DNA response elements. The various ligand-binding domain crystal structures of the two known estrogen receptor isotypes (α and β) allow one to interpret ligand specificity and reveal the interactions responsible for stabilizing the activation helix H12 in the agonist and antagonist positions

    Impacto dos e-books na cadeia editorial brasileira: Uma análise exploratória

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    This work aims to analyze the main effects of the emergence of electronic books within the context of the Brazilian publishing supply chain. Interviews with executives from publishing groups in the country have made it possible to identify that e-books still play a minor role in the publishing supply chain, and are more likely to thrive in specific book genres. Electronic books have not made this chain leaner. Since e-books did not replace physical books and instead coexisted with them, publishers were obliged to develop a new set of activities within the existing publishing supply chain. Disintermediation is one of the most striking features of this new production process. In order to adapt to this new scenario, the publishing sector needs to implement adjustments that extend beyond its typical operations, which also implies the need for a redefinition of resources and development of requisite competencies.Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os principais efeitos do surgimento dos livros eletrônicos na configuração da cadeia editorial brasileira. Entrevistas com executivos de grupos editoriais instalados no País permitiram identificar que os e-books ainda desempenham um papel secundário na cadeia editorial, tendo maiores chances de prosperar em alguns segmentos específicos de livros. Os livros eletrônicos não tornaram essa cadeia mais enxuta. Uma vez que os e-books não substituíram os livros físicos, mas passaram a coexistir com estes, coube às editoras desenvolver um novo conjunto de atividades dentro da cadeia editorial existente. A desintermediação é uma das características mais marcantes desse novo processo produtivo. Para se adequar a esse novo cenário, o setor editorial necessita de ajustes que vão além de suas operações, implicando também a redefinição dos recursos e competências que precisa desenvolver

    Cleaved thioredoxin fusion protein enables the crystallization of poorly soluble ERα in complex with synthetic ligands

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    A new crystallization strategy: the presence of cleaved thioredoxin fusion is critical for crystallization of the estrogen nuclear receptor ligand binding domain in complex with synthetic ligands. This novel technique should be regarded as an interesting alternative for crystallization of difficult proteins