33 research outputs found

    Regulation of secretory transport by protein kinase D–mediated phosphorylation of the ceramide transfer protein

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    Protein kinase D (PKD) has been identified as a crucial regulator of secretory transport at the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Recruitment and activation of PKD at the TGN is mediated by the lipid diacylglycerol, a pool of which is generated by sphingomyelin synthase from ceramide and phosphatidylcholine. The nonvesicular transfer of ceramide from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex is mediated by the lipid transfer protein CERT (ceramide transport). In this study, we identify CERT as a novel in vivo PKD substrate. Phosphorylation on serine 132 by PKD decreases the affinity of CERT toward its lipid target phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate at Golgi membranes and reduces ceramide transfer activity, identifying PKD as a regulator of lipid homeostasis. We also show that CERT, in turn, is critical for PKD activation and PKD-dependent protein cargo transport to the plasma membrane. Thus, the interdependence of PKD and CERT is key to the maintenance of Golgi membrane integrity and secretory transport

    A global microRNA screen identifies regulators of the ErbB receptor signaling network

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    Background: The growth factor heregulin (HRG) potently stimulates epithelial cell survival and proliferation through the binding of its cognate receptor ErbB3 (also known as HER3). ErbB3-dependent signal transmission relies on the dimerization partner ErbB2, a receptor tyrosine kinase that is frequently overexpressed and/or amplified in breast cancer cells. Substantial evidence suggests that deregulated ErbB3 expression also contributes to the transformed phenotype of breast cancer cells. Results: By genome-wide screening, we identify 43 microRNAs (miRNAs) that specifically impact HRG-induced activation of the PI3K-Akt pathway. Bioinformatic analysis combined with experimental validation reveals a highly connected molecular miRNA-gene interaction network particularly for the negative screen hits. For selected miRNAs, namely miR-149, miR-148b, miR-326, and miR-520a-3p, we demonstrate the simultaneous downregulation of the ErbB3 receptor and multiple downstream signaling molecules, explaining their efficient dampening of HRG responses and ascribing to these miRNAs potential context-dependent tumor suppressive functions. Conclusions: Given the contribution of HRG signaling and the PI3K-Akt pathway in particular to tumorigenesis, this study not only provides mechanistic insight into the function of miRNAs but also has implications for future clinical applications

    EGFR-targeted TRAIL and a Smac mimetic synergize to overcome apoptosis resistance in KRAS mutant colorectal cancer cells

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    TRAIL is a death receptor ligand that induces cell death preferentially in tumor cells. Recombinant soluble TRAIL, however, performs poorly as an anti-cancer therapeutic because oligomerization is required for potent biological activity. We previously generated a diabody format of tumor-targeted TRAIL termed DbαEGFR-scTRAIL, comprising single-stranded TRAIL molecules (scTRAIL) and the variable domains of a humanized variant of the EGFR blocking antibody Cetuximab. Here we define the bioactivity of DbαEGFR-scTRAIL with regard to both EGFR inhibition and TRAIL receptor activation in 3D cultures of Caco-2 colorectal cancer cells, which express wild-type K-Ras. Compared with conventional 2D cultures, Caco-2 cells displayed strongly enhanced sensitivity toward DbαEGFR-scTRAIL in these 3D cultures. We show that the antibody moiety of DbαEGFR-scTRAIL not only efficiently competed with ligand-induced EGFR function, but also determined the apoptotic response by specifically directing DbαEGFR-scTRAIL to EGFR-positive cells. To address how aberrantly activated K-Ras, which leads to Cetuximab resistance, affects DbαEGFR-scTRAIL sensitivity, we generated stable Caco-2tet cells inducibly expressing oncogenic K-RasG12V. In the presence of doxycycline, these cells showed increased resistance to DbαEGFR-scTRAIL, associated with the elevated expression of the anti-apoptotic proteins cIAP2, Bcl-xL and FlipS. Co-treatment of cells with the Smac mimetic SM83 restored the DbαEGFR-scTRAIL-induced apoptotic response. Importantly, this synergy between DbαEGFR-scTRAIL and SM83 also translated to 3D cultures of oncogenic K-Ras expressing HCT-116 and LoVo colorectal cancer cells. Our findings thus support the notion that DbαEGFR-scTRAIL therapy in combination with apoptosis-sensitizing agents may be promising for the treatment of EGFR-positive colorectal cancers, independently of their KRAS status

    Regulation of the DLC3 tumor suppressor by a novel phosphoswitch.

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    Deleted in liver cancer 3 (DLC3) is a Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) that plays a crucial role in maintaining adherens junction integrity and coordinating polarized vesicle transport by modulating Rho activity at the plasma membrane and endomembranes. By employing bioinformatical sequence analysis, in vitro experiments, and in cellulo assays we here identified a polybasic region (PBR) in DLC3 that facilitates the association of the protein with cellular membranes. Within the PBR, we mapped two serines whose phosphorylation can alter the electrostatic character of the region. Consequently, phosphomimetic mutations of these sites impaired the membrane association of DLC3. Furthermore, we found a new PBR-dependent localization of DLC3 at the midbody region, where the protein locally controlled Rho activity. Here, the phosphorylation-dependent regulation of DLC3 appeared to be required for proper cytokinesis. Our work thus provides a novel mechanism for spatiotemporal termination of Rho signaling by the RhoGAP protein DLC3

    Spatiotemporal control of intracellular membrane trafficking by Rho GTPases

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    As membrane-associated master regulators of cytoskeletal remodeling, Rho GTPases coordinate a wide range of biological processes such as cell adhesion, motility, and polarity. In the last years, Rho GTPases have also been recognized to control intracellular membrane sorting and trafficking steps directly; however, how Rho GTPase signaling is regulated at endomembranes is still poorly understood. In this review, we will specifically address the local Rho GTPase pools coordinating intracellular membrane trafficking with a focus on the endo- and exocytic pathways. We will further highlight the spatiotemporal molecular regulation of Rho signaling at endomembrane sites through Rho regulatory proteins, the GEFs and GAPs. Finally, we will discuss the contribution of dysregulated Rho signaling emanating from endomembranes to the development and progression of cancer