14 research outputs found

    Wpływ terenowych lekcji wychowania fizycznego, płci i miejsca zamieszkania na wydolność i sprawność fizyczną dzieci szkół podstawowych

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    The search for new methods of increasing the efficiency of physical education school lessons is of great importance. The reason for it frequently confirmed in the literature, is a lack of increase of pupils’ skills, both in physiological and mental area. Thus, we should highlight the need of pedagogical intervention on all stages of school education.The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of selected individual and environmental conditions, e.g. gender, area of exercises and places of residence on physical endurance and fitness of children in school age.The research method was a natural experiment, the main assumption of which was to organize  physical education lessons mostly outdoor during the period of two years of experiment duration. Research included 203 primary school children – 102 boys and 101 girls. The experimental group that conducted approximately 65% of lessons outdoor, included 86 pupils. The control group included 117 pupils who exercised the same number of lessons usually indoor (in school rooms). 113 pupils came from urban areas and 90 – from rural areas. To test physical abilities of children International Test of Physical Fitness and Cooper’s test were used. We also determined Fitness Index and Index of Restitution Efficiency.Lessons conducted outdoor positively influenced speed, jumping ability and endurance of children. The results of Index of Restitution Efficiency were improved and the increase of oxygen consumption was observed. Boys demonstrated better endurance and to lower extent better physical fitness as compared with girls. Place of residence was the factor of the lowest significance.We confirmed the need of organizing physical education classes outdoor. Contact with nature has been shown to be an advisable form of human activity, especially in period of persistent ecological threads of health.Analiza nowych metod zwiększania efektywności lekcji wychowania fizycznego ma doniosłe znaczenie. Przyczyną tego jest wielokrotnie wzmiankowany w literaturze brak progresu umiejętności uczniów, zarówno na płaszczyźnie fizjologicznej jak i mentalnej. Dlatego wskazuje się na potrzebę interwencji pedagogicznych na wszystkich poziomach edukacji.Celem badań była ocena wpływu wybranych indywidualnych i środowiskowych warunków takich jak płeć, miejsce ćwiczeń czy miejsce zamieszkania na wydolność i sprawność fizyczną dzieci w wieku szkolnym.Metodą badawczą był eksperyment naturalny, którego głównym założeniem była organizacja lekcji wychowania fizycznego w terenie w czasie 2 lat trwania badań. Badaniami objęto 203 dzieci szkoły podstawowej – 102 chłopców i 101 dziewcząt. Grupa eksperymentalna realizująca 65% lekcji na otwartej przestrzeni, liczyła 86 uczniów. Grupa kontrolna w liczbie 117 uczniów realizowała taką samą liczbę lekcji w pomieszczeniach szkolnych. 113 uczniów pochodziło z obszarów miejskich, a 90 – z wiejskich. Do testowania sprawności i wydolności wykorzystano Międzynarodowy Test sprawności Fizycznej oraz test Coopera. Wyznaczono również indeks sprawności i wskaźnik skuteczności restytucji.Lekcje organizowane w terenie otwartym wpłynęły pozytywnie na szybkość, skoczność i wytrzymałość dzieci. Poprawie uległ wskaźnik skuteczności restytucji i zaobserwowano zwiększenie poboru tlenu. Chłopcy wykazali większą wytrzymałość i w nieco mniejszym stopniu także wyższy poziom sprawności fizycznej w porównaniu z dziewczętami. Czynnikiem o najmniejszym znaczeniu okazało się miejsce zamieszkania.Należy potwierdzić potrzebę organizacji terenowych lekcji wychowania fizycznego. Kontakt z przyrodą wydaje się być wskazaną formą aktywności człowieka, szczególnie w dobie utrzymujących się ekologicznych zagrożeń zdrowia

    Genetic profile of sports climbing athletes from three different ethnicities

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    This study aimed to investigate the ACTN3 R577X, ACE I/D, CKM rs8111989, and TRHR rs7832552 genotypes in climbers and controls in three ethnicities. The study consisted of 258 climbers (Japanese, n = 100; Polish, n = 128; Russian, n = 30) and 1151 controls (Japanese: n = 332, Polish: n = 635, Russian: n = 184). Genotyping results were analyzed using the TaqMan approach in Japanese and Polish subjects and HumanOmni1-Quad Bead Chips in Russian subjects. There were no significant differences in ACTN3 R577X and ACE I/D polymorphism distribution between climbers and controls in any ethnic cohort or model. The frequencies of the C allele in the CKM polymorphism and the T allele in the TRHR polymorphism were higher in climbers than in controls only in the Russian cohort (p = 0.045 and p = 0.039, respectively). The results of the meta-analysis on three cohorts showed that the frequency of XX + RX genotypes in the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism was significantly higher in climbers than that in the controls (p = 0.01). The X allele of the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism was associated with sport climbing status, as assessed using a meta-analysis of climbers across three different ethnicities

    Associations between the dopamine D4 receptor gene polymorphisms and personality traits in elite athletes

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    Personality traits and temperament may affect sports performance. Previous studies suggest that dopamine may play an important role in behavior regulation and physical exercise performance. The aim of this study is to determine associations between dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4 Ex3) polymorphisms and personality traits (such as neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeability and conscientiousness) in elite combat athletes. A total of 302 physically active, unrelated, self-reported Caucasian participants were recruited for this study. The participants consisted of 200 elite male combat athletes and 102 healthy male participants (control group). For personality trait measurements, the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaires were used. For the genetic assays, blood was collected and all samples were genotyped using the real-time PCR method. A 2 x 3 factorial ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences on the Openness NEO Five Factor Inventory scale for both examined factors, i.e. sport status and genetics DTD4 Ex3. Combat athletes achieved higher scores on the Conscientiousness NEO-FFI scale when compared to controls (7.18 vs 5.98). On the other hand, combat athletes scored lower on the Openness scale in comparison with control group (4.42 vs. 4.63). Subjects with the DRD4 Ex3 s/s genotype had lower results on the openness scale in comparison with participants with the DRD4 Ex3 s/1 genotype (4.01 vs. 4.57) and higher DRD4 Ex3 1/1 genotype (4,01 vs. 3,50). In conclusion, we found an association between the dopamine D4 receptor gene in variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphisms and athletic status for two NEO-FFI factors: Openness and Conscientiousness. The DRD4 exon 3 polymorphism may be associated with the selected personality traits in combat athletes, thereby modulating athletes’ predisposition to participate in high risk sports

    Is COL1A1 Gene rs1107946 Polymorphism Associated with Sport Climbing Status and Flexibility?

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of COL1A1 rs1107946 polymorphism between sport climbers and controls from three ethnic groups (Japanese, Polish, and Russian) and investigate the effect of the COL1A1 rs1107946 polymorphism on the age-related decrease in flexibility in the general population. Study I consisted of 1929 healthy people (controls) and 218 climbers, including Japanese, Polish, and Russian participants. The results of the meta-analysis showed that the frequency of the AC genotype was higher in climbers than in the controls (p = 0.03). Study II involved 1093 healthy Japanese individuals (435 men and 658 women). Flexibility was assessed using a sit-and-reach test. There was a tendency towards association between sit-and-reach and the COL1A1 rs1107946 polymorphism (genotype: p = 0.034; dominant: p = 0.435; recessive: p = 0.035; over-dominant: p = 0.026). In addition, there was a higher negative correlation between sit-and-reach and age in the AA + CC genotype than in the AC genotype (AA + CC: r = -0.216, p < 0.001; AC: r = -0.089, p = 0.04; interaction p = 0.037). However, none of these results survived correction for multiple testing. Further studies are warranted to investigate the association between the COL1A1 gene variation and exercise-related phenotypes

    Influence of DAT1 Promotor Methylation on Sports Performance

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    In the mammalian genome, DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism involving the transfer of a methyl group onto the C5 position of the cytosine to form 5-methylcytosine. DNA methylation regulates gene expression by recruiting proteins involved in gene repression or by inhibiting the binding of transcription factors (TFs) to DNA. As there are still many questions concerning the role of methylation in creating personality, we concentrated on searching for such associations. The research group was 100 sports male subjects (mean age = 22.88, SD = 6.35), whereas the control group included 239 healthy male volunteers matched for age (mean age = 21.69, SD = 3.39), both of European origin. The methods used in our research were as follows: DNA isolation, methylation-specific PCR, sequencing chromatophores, all conducted according to the manufacturer’s procedure. To evaluate personality traits, the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI) and STAI Inventory were used. We observed the existence of a statistically significant correlation for all the aspects of personality covered and CpG islands’ methylation. Nonetheless, we think that the tested group and the number of tested promotor islands in the DAT1 gene are still too small to make explicit conclusions, so it needs further profound analysis

    Dopamine Receptor DRD2 Gene rs1076560, Personality Traits and Anxiety in the Polysubstance Use Disorder

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    Development of an addiction is conditioned by many factors. The dopaminergic system has been shown to be the key element in this process. In this paper, we analyzed the influence of dopamine receptor 2 polymorphism rs1076560 in two groups—polysubstance-dependent male patients (n = 299) and the controls matched for age (n = 301). In both groups, we applied the same questionnaires for testing—Mini-international neuropsychiatric interview, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, and the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory. The real-time PCR method was used for genotyping. When we compared the controls with the case group subjects, we observed significantly higher scores in the second group on both the state and trait scales of anxiety, as well as on the Neuroticism and Openness scales of the NEO-FFI; and lower scores on the scales of Extraversion and Agreeability of the NEO-FFI. The model 2 × 3 factorial ANOVA of the addicted subjects and controls was performed, and the DRD2 rs1076560 variant interaction was found for the anxiety state and trait scales, and for the NEO-FFI Neuroticism scale. The observed associations allow noticing that analysis of psychological factors in combination with genetic data opens new possibilities in addiction research

    Analysis of DRD2 Gene Polymorphism in the Context of Personality Traits in a Group of Athletes

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    The presented study showed the relationship between dopamine receptor gene polymorphism and personality traits in athletes training in martial arts. Behavioral modulation resulting from a balance of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine to inactivation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and dysregulation of various pathways involved in attention and impulse control processes; Methods: The study was conducted among martial arts athletes. The study group included 258 volunteers and 284 controls. The genetic test was performed using the real-time PCR method; psychological tests were performed using standardized TCI questionnaires. All analyses were performed using STATISTICA 13. Results: Interaction between martial arts and DRD2 rs1799732 (manual) G/-(VIC/FAM)-ins/del and RD- Harm avoidance and Reward Dependence scale were demonstrated. In athletes, a lower Reward Dependence scale score was associated with the DRD2 rs1799732 (manual)-/-polymorphism compared to the control group. Conclusions: It seems justified to study not only genetic aspects related to brain transmission dopamine in martial arts athletes. In the studied athletes, the features related to reward addiction and harm avoidance are particularly important in connection with the dopaminergic reward system in the brain

    Association Analysis of Polymorphic Variants of the BDNF Gene in Athletes

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    As BDNF is one of the group of neurotrophins highly influencing the processes happening in the brain, such as the processes of learning and personality creation, we decided to look closer at its genetic variations in association with the personality of a group of athletes and their controls. The study group consisted of 305 volunteers: martial arts athletes (n = 153; mean age = 24.06) and healthy non-athletes as controls (n = 152; mean age = 22.23). Thirty-eight percent of the martial arts group achieved the championship level. Both the martial arts and control subjects were examined using the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) scales. The results of the NEO-FFI and STAI inventories were given as sten scores. The conversion of the raw score to the sten scale was performed according to Polish norms for adults. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood leukocytes and then genotyped using a PCR method for the following polymorphisms: BDNF rs10767664 and BDNF rs2030323. We observed statistical significance for both polymorphisms when comparing martial arts athletes with the control group in relation to the conscientiousness and extraversion scales. However, since few extant articles consider this association, our results still require further analysis, probably by considering a larger group

    Are COL22A1 Gene Polymorphisms rs11784270 and rs6577958 Associated with Susceptibility to a Non-Contact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Polish Athletes?

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    Understanding the risk factors and etiology of ACL ruptures (anterior cruciate ligament) is crucial due to the injury’s high occurrence, significant financial cost to the healthcare sector, and clinical consequences. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that rs11784270 A/C and rs6577958 C/T SNPs (single gene polymorphism) within COL22A1 are associated with ACL ruptures (ACLR) in Polish soccer players. Methods: 228 athletes with ACLR (157 male, age 26 ± 4, 71 female, age 26 ± 6) and 202 control athletes (117 male, age 26 ± 6, 85 female, age 29 ± 2) engaged in the study. The buccal cell swabs were genotyped using TaqMan® pre-designed SNP genotyping assays, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The R program and SNPassoc package were used to determine the genotype and allele frequency distributions under the various inheritance models (co-dominant, dominant, recessive, and over-dominant). Further, p-values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant. We found no association between the analyzed polymorphisms and the risk of non-contact ACL ruptures in any of the studied models. Although the genetic variants investigated in this study were not associated with the risk of non-contact ACL ruptures, we assumed that the COL22A1 gene remains a candidate for further investigations in musculoskeletal injuries

    Microbiome features associated with performance measures in athletic and non-athletic individuals: A case-control study.

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    The influence of human gut microbiota on health and disease is now commonly appreciated. Therefore, it is not surprising that microbiome research has found interest in the sports community, hoping to improve health and optimize performance. Comparative studies found new species or pathways that were more enriched in elites than sedentary controls. In addition, sport-specific and performance-level-specific microbiome features have been identified. However, the results remain inconclusive and indicate the need for further assessment. In this case-control study, we tested two athletic populations (i.e. strength athletes, endurance athletes) and a non-athletic, but physically active, control group across two acute exercise bouts, separated by a 2-week period, that measured explosive and high intensity fitness level (repeated 30-s all-out Wingate test (WT)) and cardiorespiratory fitness level (Bruce Treadmill Test). While we did not identify any group differences in alpha and beta diversity or significant differential abundance of microbiome components at baseline, one-third of the species identified were unique to each group. Longitudinal sample (pre- and post-exercise) analysis revealed an abundance of Alistipes communis in the strength group during the WT and 88 species with notable between-group differences during the Bruce Test. SparCC recognized Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium adolescentis, short-chain fatty acid producers with probiotic properties, species strongly associated with VO2max. Ultimately, we identified several taxa with different baseline abundances and longitudinal changes when comparing individuals based on their VO2max, average power, and maximal power parameters. Our results confirmed that the health status of individuals are consistent with assumptions about microbiome health. Furthermore, our findings indicate that microbiome features are associated with better performance previously identified in elite athletes