24 research outputs found

    Przygotowanie studentów i nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego do pracy z dziećmi z chorobą nowotworową

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    Introduction: A physical education teacher in a modern school should have many competences to work with a student with chronic illness, including a student after anticancer therapy. The role of physical activity for cancer survivors is enormous. Therefore, this student should not be released from participation in school physical education, but every effort should be made to make physical activity an element of his lifestyle until late old age. Material and methods: The aim of the research is to diagnose the level of preparation of students and teachers of physical education to work with children with cancer. The group of respondents was 172 physical education teachers and 672 students completing physical education studies. The research used the author’s questionnaire. Results: Respondents do not feel prepared to work with a child after cancer and almost everyone wants to expand their knowledge in this area. Half of the respondents do not know what is the role of physical activity in the life of cancer survivors, about 30% do not know whether children after cancer treatment can participate in physical education. Conclusions: Changes should be introduced in the process of educating physical education teachers to prepare them for work with a child after cancer treatment. It is necessary to create an offer of trainings raising the competences of physical education teachers to work with children with chronic disease.Nauczyciel wychowania fizycznego we współczesnej szkole powinien posiadać szereg kompetencji do pracy z uczniem z chorobą przewlekłą, w tym z uczniem po zakończonej terapii przeciwnowotworowej. Rola aktywności fizycznej dla ozdrowieńców z choroby nowotworowej jest ogromna. Dlatego też uczeń ten nie powinien być zwalniany z uczestnictwa w szkolnym wychowaniu fizycznym, ale należy dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby aktywność fizyczna stała się elementem jego stylu życia do późnej starości. Celem badań jest diagnoza stanu przygotowania studentów i nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego do pracy z dzieckiem po zakończonym leczeniu przeciwnowotworowym. Grupę badanych stanowiło 172 nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego oraz 672 studentów kończących studia wychowania fizycznego. W badaniach posłużono się autorskim kwestionariuszem ankiety. Respondenci nie czują się przygotowani do pracy z dzieckiem po chorobie nowotworowej i niemal wszyscy chcieliby poszerzać swoją wiedzę w tym zakresie. Połowa badanych nie zna roli aktywności fizycznej w życiu ozdrowieńców, a około 30% nie wie, czy dzieci po zakończonej kuracji przeciwnowotworowej mogą uczestniczyć w wychowaniu fizycznym. Należy wprowadzić zmiany w procesie kształcenia nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego, aby przygotować ich do pracy z dzieckiem po chorobie nowotworowej. Należy stworzyć ofertę szkoleń podnoszących kompetencje nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego do pracy z dzieckiem z chorobą przewlekłą

    Pierwotne guzy pnia mózgu u dzieci w badaniu rezonansu magnetycznego

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    Background: Brain-stem gliomas constitute about 10-20% of CNS tumors. The most common site of tumor is the pons, followed by the midbrain and medulla. The aim of the study was to evaluate the variety of MR images of brain-stem gliomas in children depending on the localization according to the WHO classification. Materials/Method: We estimated MR examinations of 76 children (44 girls and 32 boys) with brain-stem tumors. Mean age was 7.8 years (range: 1-18.3 years). Examinations were performed with a 1.5 T scanner in the SE, FSE, and FLAIR sequences in T1- and T2-weighted images. Gadolinium was administered obligatory in each case. Results: Forty-four tumors were localized in the pons, 18 in the midbrain, and 14 in the medulla. No contrast enhancement was observed in 19 tumors in the pons, 3 in the midbrain, and 2 in medulla. In the other cases were varied patterns of contrast enhancement. In three cases, focal lesions were diagnosed, and in 9 cases exophytic tumors were seen. Conclusions: MR images of brain-stem gliomas are typical in the pediatric age group and allow recognizing these lesions properly. This is very important for making therapeutic decisions in these cases

    The importance of radiotherapy in paediatric atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumour of the brain

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    BackgroundAtypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours (ATRT) are very rare children's cancers. Approximately 200 cases of ATRT located in the central nervous system have been described in the literature up till now.AimThe aim of this report was to analyze the results of treatment of 8 children with these very rare neoplasms of the central nervous system, who were treated according to the Polish Paediatric Brain Tumour Group protocol.Material and MethodsEight children aged from 4 months to 22 years, 5 girls, 3 boys with ATRT of the central nervous system are presented. All children have been operated on and received multidrug chemotherapy; 5 children received radiotherapy as well. In all craniospinal irradiation was applied, in doses of 35 Gy to the whole axis and 55 Gy to tumour boost.ResultsFive patients died and 3 children are still alive. The progression-free survival of all 8 patients was 3 to 73 months. The overall survival was 5 to 73 months. All living children received radiotherapy. Two of them had total surgical resection and one partial.ConclusionsWe conclude that radiotherapy prolonged survival in ATRT and should be incorporated in all treatment protocols for patients with this diagnosis