11 research outputs found


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    Abstract Temferon is a macrophage-based treatment relying on ex-vivo transduction of autologous HSPCs to express immune-payloads within the TME. Temferon targets the immune-modulatory molecule IFN-a, to a subset of tumor infiltrating macrophages known as Tie-2 expressing macrophages (TEMs) due to the Tie2 promoter and a post-transcriptional regulation layer represented by miRNA-126 target sequences. As of 31st May 2021, 15-patients received Temferon (D+0) with follow-up of 3 – 693 days. After conditioning neutrophil and platelet engraftment occurred at D+13 and D+13.5, respectively. Temferon-derived differentiated cells, as determined be the number of vector copy per genome, were found within 14 days post treatment and persisted albeit at lower levels up to 18-months. Very low concentrations of IFN-a in the plasma (8.7 pg/ml-D+30) and in the CSF (1.6 pg/ml-D+30) were detected, suggesting tight regulation of transgene expression. Five-deaths occurred at D+322, +340, +402, +478 and +646 due to PD, and one at D+60 due to complications following the conditioning regimen. Eight-patients had progressive disease (range: D-11 to +239) as expected for this tumor type. SAEs include GGT elevation (possibly related to Temferon) and infections, venous thromboembolism, brain abscess, hemiparesis, seizures, anemia and general physical condition deterioration, compatible with ASCT, concomitant medications and PD. Four-patients underwent 2ndsurgery. Recurrent tumors had gene-marked cells and increased expression of ISGs compared to first surgery, indicative of local IFNa release by TEMs. In one patient, a stable lesion had a higher proportion of T cells and TEMs within the myeloid infiltrate and an increased ISGs than in the progressing lesion, detected in the same patient. Tumor-associated clones expanded in the periphery. TME characterization by scRNA and TCR-sequencing is ongoing. To date, Temferon is well tolerated, with no DLTs identified. The results provide initial evidence of Temferon potential to activate the immune system of GBM patients, as predicted by preclinical studies

    Multidisciplinary Approach to Suspected Sudden Death Caused by Arteriovenous Malformation Rupture: A Case Report

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    Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are rare congenital conditions with a prevalence of less than 1% and are mostly asymptomatic. However, these malformations can suddenly cause intense pain or bleeding, leading to life-threatening medical problems. This report presents a case of an unexpected death in a 37-year-old previously healthy woman due to an intra-cerebellum arteriovenous malformation rupture identified during autopsy. While infective processes where preliminarily excluded, a Post Mortem Computed Tomography (PMCT) identified a tetra ventricular hemorrhage and intra-cerebellum hemorrhage. Toxicological examination was negative for most substances of abuse. During autopsy an intense hemorrhagic infiltrate in the subarachnoid space was observed. After formalin fixation of the brain the cerebellum showed hemorrhagic infarction on fourth ventricle sides, as well as several small reddish infarctions across the entire cerebellum parenchyma. Histological examination of the brain and cerebellum showed a suffusion of erythrocytes in the sub-arachnoid region. Evidence of an arterio-venous malformation, with several intertwine vessels of variable diameter, surrounded by hemorrhagic evidence. The autopsy played a crucial role in identifying the location and the possibly affected vessel, as well as defining the cause of death. It is necessary to have a greater number of autopsies to make an epidemiological contribution. Furthermore, it is crucial to create a multicenter data network with other authors from other departments to improve information about epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic data. Most brain AVMs as cause of death are often undiscovered

    Toxicological advancements in cocaine detection: a review

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    Cocaine, also known as methyl benzoylecgonine, is one of the most famous drugs of abuse and one of the most ancient; however, there has been a recent increase in consumption of this substance. This trend has once again caught the attention of the scientific community. We discuss the current knowledge about this drug, focusing our attention on the forensic approach. Despite the fact that the cut-off of positivity to cocaine in drug tests is quite high, most current tests are able to detect much lower concentrations and could improve forensic sciences in both post-mortem investigations and in people screening. Immunological assays possessing substantial cross-reactivity to cocaine are particularly useful for screening oral fluid, hair, and post-mortem blood, where significant concentrations of the drug can be found. Liquid chromatography has now supplanted the previous techniques because it is very sensitive and specific and allows samples to be analyzed in a shorter time with only minimal sample preparation. Recent studies focus on increased sensitivity, reduced processing times, and cheaper analysis

    No Autopsies on COVID-19 Deaths: A Missed Opportunity and the Lockdown of Science

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    Background: The current outbreak of COVID-19 infection, which started in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, is an ongoing challenge and a significant threat to public health requiring surveillance, prompt diagnosis, and research efforts to understand a new, emergent, and unknown pathogen and to develop effective therapies. Despite the increasing number of published studies on COVID-19, in all the examined studies the lack of a well-defined pathophysiology of death among patients who died following COVID-19 infection is evident. Autopsy should be considered mandatory to define the exact cause of death, thus providing useful clinical and epidemiologic information as well as pathophysiological insights to further provide therapeutic tools. Methods: A literature review was performed on PubMed database, using the key terms: "COVID-19", "nCov 19", and "Sars Cov 2". 9709 articles were retrieved; by excluding all duplicated articles, additional criteria were then applied: articles or abstracts in English and articles containing one of the following words: "death", "died", "comorbidity", "cause of death", "biopsy", "autopsy", or "pathological". Results: A total of 50 articles met the inclusion criteria. However, only 7 of these studies reported autopsy-based data. Discussion: The analysis of the main data from the selected studies concerns the complete analysis of 12,954 patients, of whom 2269 died (with a mortality rate of 17.52%). Laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection was obtained in all cases and comorbidities were fully reported in 46 studies. The most common comorbidities were: cardiovascular diseases (hypertension and coronary artery disease), metabolic disorders (diabetes, overweight, or obesity), respiratory disorders (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and cancer. The most common reported complications were: acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute kidney injury, cardiac injury, liver insufficiency, and septic shock. Only 7 papers reported histological investigations. Nevertheless, only two complete autopsies are described and the cause of death was listed as COVID-19 in only one of them. The lack of postmortem investigation did not allow a definition of the exact cause of death to determine the pathways of this infection. Based on the few histopathological findings reported in the analyzed studies, it seems to be a clear alteration of the coagulation system: frequently prothrombotic activity with consequent thromboembolism was described in COVID-19 patients. As a scientific community, we are called on to face this global threat, and to defeat it with all the available tools necessary. Despite the improvement and reinforcement of any method of study in every field of medicine and science, encouraging the autopsy practice as a tool of investigation could also therefore, help physicians to define an effective treatment to reduce mortality

    Deciphering the Labyrinthine System of the Immune Microenvironment in Recurrent Glioblastoma: Recent Original Advances and Lessons from Clinical Immunotherapeutic Approaches

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    The interpretation of the presence and function of immune infiltration in glioblastoma (GBM) is still debated. Over the years, GBM has been considered a cold tumor that is less infiltrated by effector cells and characterized by a high proportion of immunosuppressive innate immune cells, including GBM-associated microglia/macrophages (GAMs). In this context, the failure of checkpoint inhibitors, particularly in recurrent GBM (rGBM), caused us to look beyond the clinical results and consider the point of view of immune cells. The tumor microenvironment in rGBM can be particularly hostile, even when exposed to standard immunomodulatory therapies, and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), when present, are either dysfunctional or terminally exhausted. However, after checkpoint blockade therapy, it was possible to observe specific recruitment of adaptive immune cells and an efficient systemic immune response. In this review article, we attempt to address current knowledge regarding the tumor and immune microenvironment in rGBM. Furthermore, immunosuppression induced by GAMs and TIL dysfunction was revisited to account for genetic defects that can determine resistance to therapies and manipulate the immune microenvironment upon recurrence. Accordingly, we reevaluated the microenvironment of some of our rGBM patients treated with dendritic cell immunotherapy, with the goal of identifying predictive immune indicators of better treatment response

    Are Thalamic Intrinsic Lesions Operable? No-Man’s Land Revisited by the Analysis of a Large Retrospective, Mono-Institutional, Cohort

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    Thalamic gliomas represent a heterogeneous subset of deep-seated lesions for which surgical removal is advocated, although clear prognostic factors linked to advantages in performance status or overall survival are still lacking. We reviewed our Institutional Cancer Registry, identifying patients who underwent surgery for thalamic gliomas between 2006 and 2020. Associations between possible prognostic factors such as tumor volume, grade, the extent of resection and performance status (PS), and overall survival (OS) were evaluated using univariate and multivariate survival analyses. We found 56 patients: 31 underwent surgery, and 25 underwent biopsy. Compared to biopsy, surgery resulted positively associated with an increase in the OS (hazard ratio, HR, at multivariate analysis 0.30, 95% confidence interval, CI, 0.12–0.75). Considering the extent of resection (EOR), obtaining GTR/STR appeared to offer an OS advantage in high-grade gliomas (HGG) patients submitted to surgical resection if compared to biopsy, although we did not find statistical significance at multivariate analysis (HR 0.53, 95% CI 0.17–1.59). Patients with a stable 3-month KPS after surgery demonstrated to have a better prognosis in terms of OS if compared to biopsy (multivariate HR 0.17, 95% CI, 0.05–0.59). Age and histological grades were found to be prognostic factors for this condition (p = 0.04 and p = 0.004, respectively, chi-square test). Considering the entire cohort, p53 positivity (univariate HR 2.21, 95% CI 1.01–4.82) and ATRX positivity (univariate HR 2.69, 95% CI 0.92–7.83) resulted associated with a worse prognosis in terms of OS. In this work, we demonstrated that surgery aimed at tumor resection might offer a stronger survival advantage when a stable 3-month KPS after surgery is achieved