25 research outputs found

    Vitamin D Prevents Pancreatic Cancer-Induced Apoptosis Signaling of Inflammatory Cells

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    Combined approaches based on immunotherapy and drugs supporting immune effector cell function might increase treatment options for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), vitamin D being a suitable drug candidate. In this study, we evaluated whether treatment with the vitamin D analogue, calcipotriol, counterbalances PDAC induced and SMAD4-associated intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i alterations, cytokines release, immune effector function, and the intracellular signaling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Calcipotriol counteracted the [Ca2+]i depletion of PBMCs induced by SMAD4-expressing PDAC cells, which conditioned media augmented the number of calcium flows while reducing whole [Ca2+]i. While calcipotriol inhibited spontaneous and PDAC-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) release by PBMC and reduced intracellular transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), it did not counteract the lymphocytes proliferation induced in allogenic co-culture by PDAC-conditioned PBMCs. Calcipotriol mainly antagonized PDAC-induced apoptosis and partially restored PDAC-inhibited NF-κB signaling pathway. In conclusion, alterations induced by PDAC cells in the [Ca2+]i of immune cells can be partially reverted by calcipotriol treatment, which promotes inflammation and antagonizes PBMCs apoptosis. These effects, together with the dampening of intracellular TGF-β, might result in an overall anti-tumor effect, thus supporting the administration of vitamin D in PDAC patients


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    Objective: An altered function of lymphocytes, DC and immature myeloid cells appears to be an hallmark of tumor-mediated immune suppression and the two inhibitory co-stimulatory receptors PDL-1 and CTLA4 might have a role in this context. The aim of the present in vitro study was to assess whether PaCa cells cross-talk with normal mononuclear circulating cells (PBMC) causing them to acquire an immunesuppressive phenotype and to evaluate whether PDL1 and CTLA4 are involved. Methods: PBMC from blood donors were cultured for 4 days in Control (CTL) and in the PaCa cancer cell line Capan1 conditioned media (CM). Lymphocytes subsets (CD4+, CD8+, CD4+CD25+) and CD33+ immature myeloid cells subsets (CD14+/-; HLA-DR+/-) expressing or not PDL1 and/or CTLA4 were analysed by flow cytometry. To assess immunesuppressive function, myeloid cells were FACS sorted and co-coltured with allogenic total T lymphocytes in 1:20 and 1:40 ratio. Total T lymphocytes proliferation was determined by 3HThymidine uptake. Results: Capan1 CM caused an expansion of CD4+CD25+ (p=0.01) and a reduction of CD33+CD14- HLA-DR+ (p=0.03) cells. In this latter cellular subset, CM caused also an increase of PDL1 (p=0.046) and a decrease of CTLA4 (p=0.05) positive cells. FACS sorted CTL and CM CD33+CD14-HLA-DR+ cells did not significantly affect the proliferation of allogenic total T lymphocytes at 1:20 (p=0,54) or at 1:40 ratio (p=0,81). The CD33+CD14-HLA-DR+ PDL-1+ cells did not significantly modify allogenic T cells proliferation with respect to PDL- cells (p=0,11), while those cells which were CTLA4 negative caused a significant inhibition of T cell proliferation in comparison of CTLA4 positive cells (p=0,008). Conclusions: PaCa-derived soluble factors induce the expansion of the inhibitory lymphocytes subset CD4+CD25+ and a reduction of the immature CD33+CD14-DR+ dendritic cells. The tumor associated reduced expression of the inhibitory molecule CTLA4 in this cell population was demonstrated to characterize an immunosuppressive phenotype and this study suggests to take care in the use of anti-CTLA4 therapies

    Enabling teleophthalmology during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Province of Trento, Italy: Design and implementation of a mHealth solution

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    none12Background: Due to the many restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 emergency, the normal clinical activities have been stopped abruptly in view of limiting the circulation of the virus. The extraordinary containment measures have had a dramatic impact on the undertaking and follow-up of ophthalmic outpatients. Objective: In order to guarantee proper monitoring and routine care, the Pediatric Ophthalmology equipe of Rovereto Hospital (North-East of Italy) supported by the Competence Center on Digital Health TrentinoSalute4.0, designed and implemented a digital platform, TreC Oculistica, enabling teleophthalmology. We report our innovative-albeit restricted-experience aiming at testing and maximizing the efficacy of remote ophthalmic and orthoptic visits. Methods: A multidisciplinary team created the TreC Oculistica platform and defined a teleophthalmology protocol. The system consists of a clinician web interface and a patient mobile application. Clinicians can prescribe outpatients with the App and some preliminary measurements to be self-collected before the televisit. The App conveys the clinician's requests (i.e. measurements) and eases the share of the collected information in a secure digital environment, promoting a new health care workflow. Results: Four clinicians took part in the testing phase (2 ophthalmologists and 2 orthoptists) and recruited 37 patients (mostly pediatric) in 3 months. Thanks to a continuous feedback between the testing and the technical implementation, it has been possible to identify pros and cons of the implemented functionalities, considering possible improvements. Digital solutions such as TreC Oculistica advance the digitalization of the Italian health care system, promoting a structured and effective reorganization of the workload supported by digital systems. Conclusions: The study tested an innovative digital solution in the teleophthalmology context and represented the first experience within the Italian healthcare system. This solution opens up new possibilities and scenarios that can be effective not only during the pandemic, but also in the traditional management of public health services.noneGiulia Malfatti; Elisabetta Racano; Roberta Delle Site; Lorenzo Gios; Stefano Micocci; Marco Dianti; Pietro Benedetto Molini; Francesca Allegrini; Mariangela Ravagni; Monica Moz; Andrea Nicolini; Federica RomanelliMalfatti, Giulia; Racano, Elisabetta; Delle Site, Roberta; Gios, Lorenzo; Micocci, Stefano; Dianti, Marco; Molini, Pietro Benedetto; Allegrini, Francesca; Ravagni, Mariangela; Moz, Monica; Nicolini, Andrea; Romanelli, Federic

    A Nurse-Led Model of Care with Telemonitoring to Manage Patients with Heart Failure in Primary Health Care: A Mixed-Method Feasibility Study

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    Purpose: To determine whether a nurse-led care model with telemonitoring in primary care for patients with stable heart failure and their caregivers is feasible and acceptable. Patients and methods: A mixed-methods feasibility study was conducted. Patients with stable heart failure and their caregivers were consecutively enrolled from March 2021 to April 2022. Participants were managed by nurses in a community health center through education and monitoring with a mobile app. The outcomes were feasibility outcomes, self-care outcomes, and qualitative acceptability and satisfaction. Quantitative and qualitative outcomes were linked to understanding how the model of care might benefit patients. Results: Twenty-six patients and nine of their caregivers were enrolled. Ten participants used the mobile app. Nineteen patients and eight caregivers were interviewed. Participants who improved their self-care appreciated the help in finding coping strategies, being close to the clinic, and feeling cared for. Participants with fewer improvements in self-care perceived the model of care as useless and were far from the centre. Participants decided to use the app mainly for usefulness prevision, and most of them were satisfied. Conclusion: The model of care was not successful in recruiting patients, and adjustments are needed to improve the recruitment strategy and to engage people who perceive the model of care as not useful or unable to use the app

    Pancreatic Cancer (PaCa)-Derived Soluble Mediators Induce Dendritic Cells (DC) to Acquire an Immunosuppressive Phenotype by Downregulating CTLA4

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    Context An altered function of lymphocytes, DC and immature myeloid cells appears to be an hallmark of tumor-mediated immune suppression and the two inhibitory co-stimulatory receptors PDL-1 and CTLA4 might have a role in this context. Objective The aim of the present in vitro study was to assess whether PaCa cells cross-talk with normal mononuclear circulating cells (PBMC) causing them to acquire an immune\uadsuppressive phenotype and to evaluate whether PDL1 and CTLA4 are involved. Methods PBMC from blood donors were cultured for 4 days in control (CTL) and in the PaCa cancer cell line Capan1 conditioned media (CM). Lymphocytes subsets (CD4+, CD8+, CD4+CD25+) and CD33+ immature myeloid cells subsets (CD14+/-; HLA-DR+/-) expressing or not PDL1 and/or CTLA4 were analyzed by flow cytometry. To assess immunosuppressive function, myeloid cells were FACS sorted and co-cultured with allogenic total T lymphocytes in 1:20 and 1:40 ratios. Total T lymphocytes proliferation was determined by 3H-thymidine uptake. Results Capan1 CM caused an expansion of CD4+CD25+ (P=0.01) and a reduction of CD33+CD14-HLA-DR+ (P=0.03) cells. In this latter cellular subset, CM caused also an increase of PDL1 (P=0.046) and a decrease of CTLA4 (P=0.05) positive cells. FACS sorted CTL and CM CD33+CD14-HLA-DR+ cells did not significantly affect the proliferation of allogenic total T lymphocytes both at 1:20 (P=0.54) or at 1:40 ratios (P=0.81). The CD33+CD14-HLA-DR+ PDL-1+ cells did not significantly modify allogenic T cells proliferation with respect to PDL- cells (P=0.11), while those cells which were CTLA4 negative caused a significant inhibition of T cell proliferation in comparison of CTLA4 positive cells (P=0.008). Conclusions PaCa-derived soluble factors induce the expansion of the inhibitory lymphocyte subset CD4+CD25+ and a reduction of the immature CD33+CD14-DR+ dendritic cells. The tumor associated reduced expression of the inhibitory molecule CTLA4 in this cell population was demonstrated to characterize an immunosuppressive phenotype and this study suggests to take care in the use of anti-CTLA4 therapies

    Introduction to the cognitive hospital.

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    The third industrial revolution has radically impacted the transformation of hospitals. Through the adoption of key digital technologies, hospitals have become more accessible, flexible, organised, responsive and able to deliver more personalised care. The digitalisation of patient health records, one of the most remarkable achievements to date in healthcare management, has enabled new opportunities, including the idea of hospitals evolving to become artificially intelligent. In parallel, the adoption of electronic and mobile internet technologies in hospitals has introduced new structural concepts, seeing a variety of terms blossom such as 'smart', 'intelligent', 'green' and 'liquid'. Now in the early fourth industrial revolution, driven by AI and internet-of-things technologies, this article unveils a new concept adapted to the upcoming era