5,187 research outputs found

    Plus-Minus-Interesting Exercises To Encourage Student Reflection

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    It can be difficult to include time for reflection in a problem-solving course, and even more difficult to ensure that students reflect on their problem-solving strategy in a meaningful way. We have found the “plus-minus-interesting’’ or PMI scheme, to be a quick and effective framework for structuring brief, in-class reflection exercises that are completed by teams of students

    Childhood Maltreatment and Early Alcohol Use Among High-Risk Adolescents

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    Objective: Child maltreatment (CM) is prevalent among U.S. youth and has been associated with subsequent maladaptive behaviors, including substance use. The current study examines the associations between early child maltreatment and (1) preteen alcohol-use initiation and (2) heavy episodic drinking among students in a large study of adolescents. Method: The Youth Violence Survey is a cross-sectional survey of public school students enrolled in Grades 7,9, 11, and 12 in a school district in a high-risk community. The analysis sample was limited to students who provided complete data on all relevant variables (N = 3,559). Fifty-two percent of the analysis sample was female. Early child maltreatment was defined as witnessing domestic violence and experiencing physical and/or sexual abuse before the age of 10 years. Outcome variables include ever drinking alcohol, preteen alcohol-use initiation, and heavy episodic drinking. Results: Witnessing domestic violence, experiencing physical abuse, and experiencing sexual abuse were significantly associated with preteen alcohol-use initiation (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.55, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.26-1.91; AOR = 2.10, 95% CI: 1.69-2.63; AOR = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.16-2.14, respectively). Students who experienced one or more types of maltreatment were 1.5-3 times more likely to report preteen alcohol-use initiation. Heavy episodic drinking was associated only with childhood sexual abuse in boys (AOR = 2.62, 95% CI: 1.52-4.50). Conclusions: Prevention and treatment of the negative impact of early child maltreatment may delay and reduce alcohol use

    Eva Monica, Junaidi H. Matsum, Okiana Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP Untan Pontianak Email : [email protected]

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    This thesis entitled "Factors Analysis - Marketing Mix Factors Satisfaction In Giving To Participants Tutoring In Primagama Pontianak Branch". Problems in this paper is how a factor - a factor in the marketing mix gives the participant satisfaction Primagama tutoring in Pontianak branch for 3rd grade 3 SMA SMA science and social studies in the academic year 2014/2015. The population in this study is the participants who attend classes tutoring national exam, especially Grade 3 high school science and social studies as many as 117 participants. Samples in this study as many as 54 respondents. Information data in this study through questionnaires of responden.Technique result of processing the data in this study using a percentage formula. Results from this study showed that the factor products rated high (ie 70.68%), the price factor rated higher / better (ie 70.68%), promotion factor rated higher / better (ie 67.28%, factor a valued / well (ie 74.69%) , factors People / HR rated higher / better (ie 75.56%), process factors rated high / good (ie 80.86%), Physical Evidence factors rated high / good (ie 66.82%)

    Anatomical Studies of Two Jatropha Species with Importance for Biodiesel Production

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    Jatropha curcas L. and Jatropha macrocarpa Griseb. (Euphorbiaceae) are perennial species adapted to marginal conditions not suitable for agriculture, and have been recently exploited for oil and biodiesel production. The anatomy of different organs in members of this family exhibits a wide range of variations. However, knowledge of anatomical features is still incomplete. The aim of the present work was to analyze the anatomical structure of stem, leaf and root of J. curcas and J. macrocarpa seedling cultivated in a greenhouse. Fixed samples were properly treated using triple stain hematoxylin, safranin and fast green. Primary roots were diarch and triarch in J. curcas, whereas in J. macrocarpa were diarch and the cortex showed parenchyma cells, larger in J. macrocarpa than J. curcas. Stem cortex was thicker in J. macrocarpa than in J. curcas. Both species had parenchyma cells with cystolith, chloroplasts, laticifers and starch granules, these being more abundant in J. macrocarpa. Leaves were characterized by dorsoventral anatomy, with the epiderm showing amphistomatic condition with high stomata density at the lower surface. Both Jatropha species had paracytic stomata. Druses and non-articulated branched laticifers were recorded in the mesophyll. Some of the different anatomical features of J. curcas and J. macrocarpa could explain the different tolerance to abiotic stress

    A Macrolevel Examination of County-Level Risk Factors for Underage Drinking Prevention: Intervention Opportunities to Protect Youth in the State of Georgia

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    Introduction: Underage drinking can have profoundly negative impacts on childhood development. This study compares 4 categories of known underage drinking risk factors with alcohol consumption. The social indicators in these categories will be compared in the 10 most-at-risk (MAR) counties and the 10 least-at-risk (LAR) counties identified in Georgia. Methods: Independent 2-tailed t-tests were conducted to compare group means among MAR and LAR counties for all identified risk factors. Results: Significant differences were observed in all factors included in the poverty and alcohol outlet density categories. Discussion. The findings underscore the importance of better understanding youth drinking, poverty, and alcohol outlet density. However, our findings, supported by previous individual and aggregated level research, support strategies for researchers and policy makers to more proactively respond to poverty-stricken and high-density alcohol outlet indicators. The current ecological evaluation of underage drinking risk assessed on a macrolevel offers insights into the demographic features, social structures, and cultural patterns of counties that potentially predispose youth to greater health risks specifically associated with underage drinking

    Identifikasi Karakter Morfologis Pisang (Musa Spp.) Di Kabupaten Deli Serdang

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    MONICA DAME YANTI AMBARITA. Identification of morphological characteristic of banana (Musa spp.) in Deli Serdang district. Supervised by Eva Sartini Bayu and Hot Setiado. This research aimed to identify the morphological characteristic of banana in Deli Serdang district. The research was done at Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hulu and Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hilir in July to October 2015 with survey method using banana descriptor of IPGRI. Sampling technique using purposive sampling with location judgement . Parameters observed were pseudostem height, pseudostem colour, pseudostem aspect, leaf habit, appearance of leaf upper surface, shape of leaf blade base,colour of bone leaves, penducle length, bunch position, bunch shape, bunch appearance, male bud shape, bract base shape, bract apex shape, color of the bract external face, fruit position, number of bunch, number of fruit, fruit length, fruit shape, fruit apex,surface of the fruit stalk, immature fruit peel colour, mature fruit peel colour, pulp colour of maturity. Bananas were found and identified in Deli Serdang that Banten, Uli, Tembaga, Barangan, Kepok, Ambon, Lilin, and Tembaga Putih

    Atmospheric chemistry regimes in intercontinental air traffic corridors:Ozone versus NOx sensitivity

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    This study focusses on the environmental consequences of aircraft NOx emissions and their role and impact on ozone formation in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). We use a global chemistry transport/box model approach to quantify the impacts of NOx on UTLS ozone over time scales of hours and over distance scales appropriate to air traffic corridors and aircraft flight paths. An important feature of our study has been to provide a marked contrast to the coarse spatial resolution of the global model studies typically employed to assess the impacts of aviation NOx on UTLS ozone. Real operational aviation routing data are used to quantify the NOx impacts on ozone at 235 locations on 21 flight paths. The NOx impact on ozone in the intercontinental air traffic corridors is strongest in the great circle routes from North America and Europe into Asia and weakest in the trans-polar routes. The NOx impacts identified with the CTM/box model combination are significantly smaller compared with those identified in the current global models typically used to assess aviation NOx impacts. Further research is required to confirm our assessment of those flight paths that appear to show greatest NOx – O3 impacts and those the least and extend our analyses into the tropics and southern hemisphere

    Comparing Criteria for Circular Orbits in General Relativity

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    We study a simple analytic solution to Einstein's field equations describing a thin spherical shell consisting of collisionless particles in circular orbit. We then apply two independent criteria for the identification of circular orbits, which have recently been used in the numerical construction of binary black hole solutions, and find that both yield equivalent results. Our calculation illustrates these two criteria in a particularly transparent framework and provides further evidence that the deviations found in those numerical binary black hole solutions are not caused by the different criteria for circular orbits.Comment: 4 pages; to appear in PRD as a Brief Report; added and corrected reference

    SpaceDock: A Performance Task Platform for Spaceflight Operations

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    Preliminary evidence during both short- and long-duration spaceflight indicates that perceptual-motor coordination changes occur and persist in-flight. However, there is presently no in-flight method for evaluating astronaut performance on mission-critical tasks such as docking. We present a portable platform we have developed for attempting and evaluating docking, and describe the results of a pilot study wherein flight novices learned the docking task. Methods: A dual-joystick, six degrees of freedom platform-called SpaceDock-was developed to enable portable, adaptable performance testing in a spaceflight operations setting. Upon this platform, a simplified docking task was created, involving a constant rate of approach towards a docking target and requiring the user to correct translation in two dimensions and attitude orientation along one dimension (either pitch or roll). Ten flight naive subjects performed the task over a 45 min period and all joystick inputs and timings were collected, from which we could successfully reconstruct travel paths, input profiles and relative target displacements. Results: Subjects exhibited significant improvements in docking over the course of the experiment. Learning to compensate for roll-alterations was robust, whereas compensation for pitch-alterations was not in evidence in this population and relatively short training period. Conclusion: The SpaceDock platform can provide a novel method for training and testing subjects, on a spaceflight-relevant task, and can be used to examine behavioral learning, strategy use, and has been adapted for use in brain imaging experiments
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