10 research outputs found

    Strategies for Overcoming Challenges in Digital Preservation of Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Public University Libraries in South-East Nigeria

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    The study examined the strategies for overcoming challenges in digital preservation of electronic theses and dissertations in public university libraries in South-East Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study population comprised 256 librarians, out of which only 68 digital or institutional repositories librarians were covered. A self-constructed questionnaire was used for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. It was discovered that the major challenges encountered in preserving e-theses and dissertations in those libraries are lack of adequate funding, adequate ICT facilities, skilled staff, poor power supply, absence of staff development programme and digital preservation policy. It was also found that the strategies for overcoming challenges in preserving e-theses and dissertations in the libraries are creation of a digital preservation policy, undergoing continuing education, engaging in staff development programmes, creation of an institutional repository, entering agreements, collaboration, outsourcing funds, community needs assessment, organizational assessment and seeking expert advice while outsourcing ICT is not a strategy for overcoming the challenges. Finally, the investigation found that creation of a digital preservation policy, engaging in staff development programmes, creation of an institutional repository, entering agreements, undergoing continuing education, collaboration, community needs assessment, organizational assessment and seeking expert advice are the effective strategies employed in overcoming challenges in preserving e-theses and dissertations in the libraries, whereas, outsourcing ICT /funds and lobbying management for support are not effective strategies for overcoming the challenges. It was recommended that government and university management should cultivate a positive attitude to supporting the cause of university libraries as sustainable digital preservation efforts cannot be achieved by the libraries alone

    Strategies for Overcoming Challenges in Digital Preservation of Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Public University Libraries in South-East Nigeria

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    The study examined the strategies for overcoming challenges in digital preservation of electronic theses and dissertations in public university libraries in South-East Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study population comprised 256 librarians, out of which only sixty-eight (68) digital or institutional repositories librarians were covered. A self-constructed questionnaire was used for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. It was discovered that the major challenges encountered in preserving e-theses and dissertations in those libraries were lack of adequate funding, adequate ICT facilities, skilled staff, poor power supply, absence of staff development programme and digital preservation policy. It was also found that the strategies for overcoming challenges in preserving e-theses and dissertations in the libraries were creation of a digital preservation policy, undergoing continuing education, engaging in staff development programmes, creation of an institutional repository, entering agreements, collaboration, outsourcing funds, community needs assessment, organizational assessment and seeking expert advice while outsourcing ICT was not a strategy for overcoming the challenges. Finally, the investigation found that creation of a digital preservation policy, engaging in staff development programmes, creation of an institutional repository, entering agreements, undergoing continuing education, collaboration, community needs assessment, organizational assessment and seeking expert advice were the effective strategies employed in overcoming challenges in preserving e-theses and dissertations in the libraries, whereas, outsourcing ICT /funds and lobbying management for support were not effective strategies for overcoming the challenges. It was recommended that government and university management should be more committed to supporting the cause of digital preservation in university libraries as sustainable digital preservation cannot be achieved by the libraries alone

    Citation analysis of most prolific authors in the field of Library and Information Science in Nigeria

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    The aim of the study is to carry out a citation analysis of ten most prolific academic scholars in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) in Nigeria and also determine their authorship pattern. Google scholar database was used in searching for articles published from 2000 to May, 2018. Ten academic researchers in the field of LIS in Nigeria were studied. Results from the analysis show that, Tella, Adeyinka with 72 articles had a total of 1,740 citations and is the most cited author among the ten most prolific authors in the field of Library and Information Science in Nigeria, followed by Adomi, E. Esharenana with 904 citations from 47 articles, and Nwagwu, E. Williams with 684 citations from 70 articles. The authorship patterns of the publications revealed that majority of the articles were co-authored papers. Further analysis showed that the degree of collaboration among the researchers was high. The correlation of the most cited articles with most cited journals revealed the Library Philosophy & Practice as the most cited journal. The study calls for authorities in institutions and editors of local journals to find solutions to the inclusion of local journals in international indexing and abstraction databases to present a realistic picture of scholarly publications

    Awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools by LIS Students at University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.

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    The study aims to investigate the level of awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools by Library and Information Science (LIS) students at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The study adopted a descriptive survey method and questionnaire was used to collect data from 220 respondents. The results show that the LIS students of UNN are quite familiar with some Web 2.0 tools such as Social networking sites, Instant Messaging, blogs and Wikis, while, they are not familiar with tools such as RSS feeds, Podcasts, and social bookmarks. The study revealed that the most frequently used Web 2.0 tools are Facebook, followed by YouTube and Wikis. The UNN LIS students indicated communicating with friends/family, exchanging opinions/news for their personal life, and acquaintances/meet people as the top reasons for joining social networks. The study also revealed that UNN students acquired the skills to use Web 2.0 tools through friends, followed by through self-practice, While only a few students indicated learning the skills through the library school. It is recommended that LIS schools incorporate units about Web 2.0 tools into their curricula to prepare future information professionals by developing their skills for future challenges of using such tools

    Channels Students Prefer in Submitting Reference Inquiries: A Survey of Undergraduate Students in University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

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    The study aims to bring to light the various channels students prefer to submit reference inquiries to librarians in Nigeria. A questionnaire was used to collect data on the various channels students prefer when making reference inquiries in Nigerian university libraries. The questionnaire was administered to the students in the university library. It was found that the students use the person-to-person/traditional reference desk, the phone/SMS, the library Facebook page most when seeking for reference help. Other channels such as: Instant messaging and e-mail were indicated to be least used by the students. The students of University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) library expressed dissatisfaction with the services offered through the various channels. The reason given is that, most of them are not aware of the various reference channels used in the library, and others reported that librarians are reluctant to provide timely feedback. The findings of this study will offer insights on users preferred channel through which they make reference enquires, which may provide a useful basis for library staff and professionals who are considering the possibility of embracing new technologies as part of their system and will contribute to the growing literature on references services channels from developing countries like Nigeria. The findings will inform reference librarians as they seek to re-design their reference services to meet patron’s needs and inquiry preferences

    Colleges of Education Librarians in Nigeria: An Investigation into the Self-Perception of ICT-Related Information Literacy Skills

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    The purpose of the paper is to investigate the level of ICT related IL skills of librarians in COE libraries and to know some challenges librarians face in acquiring IL skills. Descriptive survey method was adopted using questionnaire.The study covered professionals and para-professional librarians in federal, state and private Colleges of Education libraries in the South-South and South-East geo-political zones of Nigeria. The findings revealed that the librarians rated their information literacy skills to be average. A correlation of the overall assessment of the librarians\u27 IL skills with variables such as institution, gender, years of experience and qualifications revealed differences among the librarians. The study also revealed that the librarians acquired their IL skills through different channels such as friends and colleagues, self-practice, workshops, conferences and seminars, and through on the job training. Only a few indicated that they acquired their IL skills through library schools. Lack of training, irregular power supply, poor Internet connectivity, inadequate facilities (computers), and lack of time were identified as some of the challenges to acquire IL skills

    Citation analysis of most prolific authors in the field of Library and Information Science in Nigeria

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    The aim of the study is to carry out a citation analysis of ten most prolific academic scholars in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) in Nigeria and also determine their authorship pattern. Google scholar database was used in searching for articles published from 2000 to May, 2018. Ten academic researchers in the field of LIS in Nigeria were studied. Results from the analysis show that, Tella, Adeyinka with 72 articles had a total of 1,740 citations and is the most cited author among the ten most prolific authors in the field of Library and Information Science in Nigeria, followed by Adomi, E. Esharenana with 904 citations from 47 articles, and Nwagwu, E. Williams with 684 citations from 70 articles. The authorship patterns of the publications revealed that majority of the articles were co-authored papers. Further analysis showed that the degree of collaboration among the researchers was high. The correlation of the most cited articles with most cited journals revealed the Library Philosophy & Practice as the most cited journal. The study calls for authorities in institutions and editors of local journals to find solutions to the inclusion of local journals in international indexing and abstraction databases to present a realistic picture of scholarly publications

    Utilization of Modern Technologies for Service Delivery in Special Libraries in South-East Nigeria

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    Modern technologies are part of the tools that can help to provide efficient and effective service delivery in libraries. For librarians to perform their jobs effectively, they have to fully utilize modern technologies. The aim of the study therefore, is to examine the utilization of modern technologies for effective service delivery in selected special libraries in South-East, Nigeria. Specifically, two objectives and two research questions guided the study .The study adopted descriptive survey design. Responses to a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers were received from 30 librarians. The questionnaire was entitled,’ Utilization of Modern Technology for Effective Service Delivery Questionnaire(UMTSLCQ). It was validated by experts and its reliability index was calculated as 2.50 using frequency table. The data collected were presented in a tabular form for clarity, analyzed using frequency count and tables. The findings of the study showed that modern technologies are not being utilized adequately in service delivery in most special libraries in the south east, although they complement many of the services provided by the special libraries. Recommendations were made based on the findings which includes proper sensitization of librarians on appropriate use of modern technologies, adequate funding, consistent and constant training of staff to upgrade their skill on the use of modern technologies. The study concluded by making recommendation based on the findings.Keywords: Modern technology, Utilization, Service delivery, Special Libraries, South-East Nigeri