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    Estudio evaluativo-comparativo acerca de una intervenci贸n grupal a madres con hijos prematuros del Hospital San jos茅, en relaci贸n al v铆nculo temprano materno-infantil, desde la teor铆a del apego.

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Psicolog铆a)La presente investigaci贸n tuvo por finalidad dise帽ar e implementar una intervenci贸n dirigida a madres de reci茅n nacidos prematuros. El objetivo de la investigaci贸n es la contribuci贸n a trav茅s de la intervenci贸n del fortalecimiento del v铆nculo de la pareja madre-beb茅. La poblaci贸n se constituy贸 con madres -entre 16 y 35 a帽os-que durante el segundo semestre del 2003 dieron a luz a sus hijos de manera prematura. Para fines de nuestra investigaci贸n se escogi贸 una muestra de diez madres del Hospital San Jos茅, las que en primera instancia atravesaron por un proceso de evaluaci贸n que const贸 de la aplicaci贸n de instrumentos de diversa 铆ndole entrevista de despistaje (PERI), entrevista de fantas铆as, Pauta de apego en adultos (P.8.1. Posteriormente, se dividi贸 la muestra en un grupo control y uno experimental. Este 煤ltimo fue escogido para participar en el taller dise帽ado por las investigadoras, cuyo objetivo principal consisti贸 en entregarles herramientas a las madres para que pudiesen establecer un apego m谩s seguro y confiable con sus hijos, impartiendo contenidos -madre suficientemente buena, beb茅 imaginario y real, mentalizaci贸n, sinton铆a afectiva, reverie, etc. y generando un ambiente de contenci贸n donde tuviesen la oportunidad de desplegar sus ansiedades y temores. La metodolog铆a empleada para evaluar a ambos grupos una vez terminada la intervenci贸n, consisti贸 en la observaci贸n de las d铆adas en su ambiente natural. Dicho procedimiento se llev贸 a cabo una vez a la semana durante un mes, con una duraci贸n de una hora por visita -de acuerdo al modelo propuesto por la cl铆nica Tavistock, Londres-. Posteriormente, se sistematiz贸 lo observado en una pauta de perfil de la observaci贸n del v铆nculo madre-beb茅. Esta pauta fue utilizada para poder comparar a ambos grupos despu茅s de haber realizado la intervenci贸n. Los resultados confirman la efectividad de la realizaci贸n de una intervenci贸n temprana en d铆adas, generando aportes en el establecimiento de un apego m谩s seguro en la pareja madre-beb茅.The objective of this study is to design and implement an intervention aimed at mothers with prematura new-bom babies. Moreover, this intervention will contribute to strengthen the link between the mother and her child. The group studied was constituted by mothers between the ages of 16 and 35 years, who had given birth to a prematura child during the last six months of the year 2003. For the purposes of this study, a test-group of ten mothers from the Hospital San Jos茅 was chosen. These mothers underwent, in the first instance, a period of evaluation where diverse tools were applied, such as interviews to make sure that there were no pathologies associated (PERI), fantasy interviews and a Parental Bonding lnstrument (PBI). The samples were then divided into two groups, a control group and an experimental group. This latter group was chosen to participate in the workshop designad by the research team. The main objective of this workshop was to provide the mothers with tools to furthen strengthen their relation with the new-bom child. This could be done using the following tools: explaining to the mothers the concepts of sufficiently good mother, imaginad baby and real baby, mentalization, affective syntony, reverie, etc., as well as by generating an atmosphere of contension where the mothers could express their anxieties and fears. The methodology used to evaluate both groups once finalised the intervention was to observe the interaction between mothers and their newbom babies in their natural environment. Such a procedure took place once a week during one month. The duration of the visit was of one hour, using the time-frame proposed by the Tavistock Clinic in London. Further to this, the observations were recordad in a profile guideline of the mother-baby link. These guidelines were used to analyse and compare both groups after the intervention had taken place. The results confirm the effectiveness of carrying out this intervention at an early stage with mothers and their newbom babies in order to contribute to the strengthening and securing of mother-child ties