19 research outputs found

    The Difficult Elderly Patient: Curable Hostile Depression or Personality Disorder?

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    Demande d'expertise sur la qualité mocrobiologique de 6 zones de récoltes d'algues (projet ALGMARBIO) : évaluation de la stabilité et propositions d'adaptation sur les protocoles de surveillance

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    Expertise de l’IFREMER sur la qualitĂ© microbiologique de 6 zones de rĂ©colte d’algues dans le cadre du projet ALGMARBIO, localisĂ©es en FinistĂšre nord en baie d’Audierne, Ă  Ploudalmezeau, au large des Abers, Ă  GuissĂ©ny, Ă  Plouescat et Ă  Roscoff

    Comparison of levels of cytosol estrogen receptors with "arterial" and "venous" concentrations of gonadic steroids in mammary tumors.

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    Plasma steroid concentrations measured in the post-menopausal women with breast cancer showed a close correlation between the various androgens. The post-menopausal women exhibited a correlation between estrogen receptors (ER) and "arterial" 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels in the breast. ER levels expressed as a function of plasma (arterial) steroid (P/17 P) molar concentration ratio were distributed within a hyperbola, suggesting the existence of a control mechanism for breast cell ER levels

    Psychogeriatric Inventory of Disconcerting Symptoms and Syndromes (PGI-DSS): validity and reliability of a new brief scale compared to the Neuropsychiatric Inventory for Nursing Homes (NPI-NH)

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    International audienceObjectives: To validate the Psychogeriatric Inventory of Disconcerting Symptoms and Syndromes (PGI-DSS), a single scale in A4 format comprising four disconcerting syndromes (violence, refusal, words, and acts). The scale enables an immediate conversion of a qualitative assessment to a quantitative assessment. The PGI-DSS was compared with the Neuro Psychiatric Inventory for Nursing Homes (NPI-NH).Design: Cross-sectional descriptive and correlational studies.Setting: Thirty geriatric care units and nursing homes.Participants: Raters interviewed nurses and nursing assistants in charge of older adults hospitalized in geriatric care units or living in nursing homes (N = 226).Measurements: The French version of the PGI-DSS and the French version of the NPI-NH.Results: The correlation coefficient between the PGI-DSS and the NPI-NH was 0.70 (p < 0.0001). The PGI-DSS threshold score corresponding to the NPI threshold score was 17 (specificity: 87%, sensitivity: 63%). Four statistical factors, corresponding to the four clinical syndromes, explained 53.4% of the total variance. The internal consistency of the PGI-DSS (Cronbach's alpha = 0.695) was higher than that of the NPI-NH (Cronbach's alpha = 0.474). Test-retest reliability was better for the PGI-DSS than for the NPI-NH. The intraclass correlations were 0.80 [0.73; 0.86] and 0.75 [0.67; 0.83], respectively. Interrater reliability was better for the PGI-DSS than for the NPI-NH. The intraclass correlations were 0.65 [0.55-0.76] and 0.55 [0.43-0.68], respectively.Conclusion: The PGI-DSS was developed to overcome the limitations of the NPI-NH. New, brief, easy to administer in less than 4 minutes, foldable in four parts, pocket-sized, easy-to-read in the palm of the hand, PGI-DSS could have similar or better statistical properties than the NPI-NH. Whereas the 10 domains in the NPI-NH have clinical utility for clinicians, the four easily understandable syndromes in the PGI-DSS can help avoid inappropriate attitudes and can guide psychosocial interventions. It could likewise improve dialogue between caregivers and clinicians

    Nouvelle méthode de recherche rapide des salmonelles dans les bivalves

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    De par leur habitat hydrique et leur mode d'alimentation, les coquillages sont susceptibles d'hĂ©berger des bactĂ©ries pathogĂšnes responsables de toxi-infections alimentaires parmi lesquelles les salmonelloses imposent une vigilance toute particuliĂšre.La technique employĂ©e Ă  ce jour ne rĂ©pondant pas aux exigences de rapiditĂ© et simplicitĂ© souhaitĂ©es par les laboratoires, nous avons testĂ© une nouvelle mĂ©thode rapide, associant un prĂ©-enrichissement de courte durĂ©e Ă  l'emploi d'une gĂ©lose spĂ©cifique (milieu de RAMBACH) qui procure une distinction tinctoriale des colonies de salmonelles.Les rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence les imperfections de la mĂ©thode traditionnelle (16% de faux nĂ©gatifs) dans l'isolement du pathogĂšne pour l'aliment considĂ©rĂ©. Ils font ressortir l'intĂ©rĂȘt d'y substituer le nouveau protocole (3,1% de faux nĂ©gatifs) dont les avantages de simplicitĂ©, rapiditĂ© et fiabilitĂ© compensent largement le lĂ©ger dĂ©sagrĂ©ment de la technique Ă  savoir un repiquage en milieu sĂ©lectif aprĂšs 6 Ă  8 heures d'incubation.La gĂ©lose Rambach, Ă©lĂ©ment clef de ce gain de temps entre le prĂ©lĂšvement et le diagnostic, s'avĂšre un outil bactĂ©riologique performant en raison des faibles taux de faux positifs (0% dans notre Ă©tude) et faux nĂ©gatifs (1 Ă  2% selon son auteur) engendrĂ©s par des souches atypique