63 research outputs found

    Nouvelles technologies de l’image et dĂ©mocratie

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    Who Owns the Images? The Paradox of Archives, between Commercialization, Free Circulation and Respect

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    Digitization carries the utopian promise of archival access unlimited by constraints of space and time, and with it, of new forms of research and historiographies. In reality, digital image archives pose a complex set of technical, legal, ethical and methodological challenges, particularly for film and media studies and adjacent fields. In a series of studies and interviews with practitioners, scholars and theorists, this volume draws a detailed map of these challenges and offers perspectives for further research and creative practice

    Des images sans propriétaire : pour une déontologie des usages

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    Les images d’archives sont au centre des tensions qui traversent le monde de la recherche, de la conservation ainsi que de la production cinĂ©matographique et audiovisuelle. Rares sont ceux pourtant qui tentent de dĂ©finir cette notion. La philosophie peut-elle nous aider Ă  penser l’image d’archives ? De toute Ă©vidence, il n’existe pas d’image d’archives par nature. Seul le geste d’archivage peut donner Ă  des images le statut d’archives. Le geste du professionnel nommĂ© archiviste ne consiste pa..

    The Operating Zone of Images

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    Marie-JosĂ© Mondzain, ‘The Operating Zone of Images’, lecture presented at the conference Image Operations, ICI Berlin, 10–12 April 2014, video recording, mp4, 41:16 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e140410_8

    Imagem, Sujeito, Poder

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    Entrevista publicada originalmente em: http://sens-public.org/ spip.php?article500&lang=fr Tradução da entrevista por Vinícius Nicastro Honesko (UFPR

    S 21, la machine de mort khmÚre rouge : la mémoire entre archive et fiction

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    International audienceThe text on the film S 21, la machine de mort khmĂšre rouge aims at analyzing the construction of a narration which is shared between the victims and the executioners. Through the clever combination of archives and fiction, Rithy Panh wants to render to a people its imaginary power. Only this power is able to restore the symbolic vitality of a memory so far unfit to the speech and the representation. This is what Rithy Panh does through a regime of reappropriation of the history, which distinguishes his film-making from that of Claude Lanzmann on the Shoah. Whereas the latter makes a trial of the crimes sinking into oblivion, Rithy Panh fully respects the victims’ pain and produces the imaginary space in order to share within the present suffering.Dans ce texte sur le film S 21, la machine de mort khmĂšre rouge, il s’agit d’analyser la construction d’un rĂ©cit partagĂ© entre les victimes et les bourreaux. Rithy Panh entrecroisant savamment l’archive et la fiction, veut rendre sa puissance imaginaire Ă  tout un peuple. Seule cette puissance-lĂ  est en mesure de redonner sa vitalitĂ© symbolique Ă  une mĂ©moire jusque-lĂ  inapte Ă  la parole et Ă  la reprĂ©sentation. En quoi Rithy Panh opĂšre selon un rĂ©gime de rĂ©appropriation de l’histoire qui distingue ses gestes cinĂ©matographiques de ceux de Claude Lanzmann sur la Shoah. LĂ  oĂč ce dernier fait le procĂšs de l’oubli des crimes, Rithy Panh, dans le respect absolu de la douleur des victimes, produit l’espace imaginaire d’un partage dans la douleur prĂ©sente

    Spremenljive in oddaljene figure v delu Marie Klonaris in Katerine Thomadaki

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    Experimental film and visual works by Klonaris and Thomadaki suggest that specific visions of alterity and distance produce a new sort of liberty of expression, iconic imaging and body figures. Because of Klonaris and Thomadaki’s intensive structures of disasters and visual nonlinearity it is possible to theorise domains of influence against the hegemonic discourses. It is a constant productive change that makes interesting suggestions for agency in dealing with others and distance. Their work articulates a real and pervasive figure of embodied experience in connection with sophisticated theoretical interpersonal confrontations and relations to media technology.Eksperimentalni filmi in vizualna dela Klonarisove in Thomadakijeve nakazujejo, da specifične vizije spremenljivosti in razdalje proizvajajo svobodo izraĆŸanja nove vrste, ikonično upodabljanje in telesne figure. Uporaba intenzivnih struktur razdejanj in vizualne nelinearnosti pri Klonarisovi in Thomadakijevi omogoča teoretsko razpravo o domeni vpliva nasproti hegemonim diskurzom. To je nenehno produktivna sprememba, ki prinaĆĄa zanimive poglede na delovanje v razmerju do drugih in na razdaljo. Njuno delo artikulira realno in prodorno figuro uteleĆĄene izkuĆĄnje v povezavi s sofisticiranimi teoretskimi medosebnimi soočenji ter razmerji do medijske tehnologije

    Image, sujet, pouvoir. Entretien avec Marie-José Mondzain

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    L’entretien avec la philosophe française Marie-JosĂ© Mondzain, directrice de recherche au CNRS et professeur Ă  l’EHESS, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  Paris en avril 2007. Il tend Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les principaux enjeux de son oeuvre et la particularitĂ© de son approche philosophique de la problĂ©matique de l’image dont elle est spĂ©cialiste et Ă  laquelle elle a consacrĂ© plusieurs de ses livres, notamment {Image, icĂŽne, Ă©conomie}, {L’image peut-elle tuer ?} et {Le commerce des regards}. Cet entretien a l’intention de repenser le problĂšme de l’image plus particuliĂšrement sous l’angle des relations qu’elle entretient avec le sujet et le pouvoir.The interview with french philosopher Marie-JosĂ© Mondzain, director of research in CNRS and professor in EHESS, has been realised in Paris in April 2007. It intends to present the most important points of her work and the particular aspects of her philosophic approach of the problematic of the image. As she is specialist of this topic, she devoted to it many of her books, especially {Image, icĂŽne, Ă©conomie}, {L’image peut-elle tuer ?} and {Le commerce des regards}. This interview would like to think over the problem of the image mainly in the perspective of its relations with the subject and the power

    Derivas integrais

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