211 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Fruit Ripening - Chapter 16

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    The fruit ripening process has been viewed over the last decades as being successively of physiological, biochemical, and molecular nature. Fruit ripening is accompanied by a number of biochemical events, including changes in color, sugar, acidity, texture, and aroma volatiles that are crucial for the sensory quality (Fig. 16.1). At the late stages of ripening, some senescence-related physiological changes occur that lead to membrane deterioration and cell death. In that regard, fruit ripening can thus be considered as the first step of a programmed cell death process. All biochemical and physiological changes that take place during fruit ripening are driven by the coordinated expression of fruit ripening-related genes. These genes encode enzymes that participate directly in biochemical and physiological changes. They also encode regulatory proteins that participate in the signaling pathways, and in the transcriptional machinery that regulate gene expression and set in motion the ripening developmental progra

    Regulation of tomato fruit ripening

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    Fruit ripening is a sophisticatedly orchestrated developmental process, unique to plants, that results in major physiological and metabolic changes, ultimately leading to fruit decay and seed dispersal. Because of their strong impact on fruit nutritional and sensory qualities, the ripeningassociated changes have been a matter of sustained investigation aiming at unravelling the molecular and genetic basis of fruit ripening. Tomato rapidly emerged as the model of choice for fleshy fruit research and a wealth of genetic resources and genomics tools have been developed, providing new entries into the regulatory mechanisms involved in the triggering and coordination of the ripening process. Some of the key components participating in the control of tomato fruit ripening have been uncovered, but our knowledge of the network of signalling pathways engaged in this complex developmental process remains fragmentary. This review highlights the main advances and emphasizes issues still to be addressed using the rapidly developing ‘omics’ approaches

    Molecular regulation of seed and fruit set

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    Seed and fruit set are established during and soon after fertilization and determine seed and fruit number, their final size and, hence, yield potential. These processes are highly sensitive to biotic and abiotic stresses, which often lead to seed and fruit abortion. Here, we review the regulation of assimilate partitioning, including the potential roles of recently identified sucrose efflux transporters in seed and fruit set and examine the similarities of sucrose import and hydrolysis for both pollen and ovary sinks, and similar causes of abortion. We also discuss the molecular origins of parthenocarpy and the central roles of auxins and gibberellins in fruit set. The recently completed strawberry (Fragaria vesca) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genomes have added to the existing crop databases, and new models are starting to be used in fruit and seed set studies

    Silencing Sl-EBF1 and Sl-EBF2 expression causes constitutive ethylene response phenotype, accelerated plant senescence, and fruit ripening in tomato

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    The hormone ethylene regulates a wide range of plant developmental processes and EBF (EIN3-binding F-box) proteins were shown to negatively regulate the ethylene signalling pathway via mediating the degradation of EIN3/EIL proteins. The present study reports on the identification of two tomato F-box genes, Sl-EBF1 and Sl-EBF2 from the EBF subfamily. The two genes display contrasting expression patterns in reproductive and vegetative tissues and in response to ethylene and auxin treatment. Sl-EBF1 and Sl-EBF2 genes are actively regulated at crucial stages in the development of the reproductive organs. Their dynamic expression in flowers during bud-to-anthesis and anthesis-to-post-anthesis transitions, and at the onset of fruit ripening, suggests their role in situations where ethylene is required for stimulating flower opening and triggering fruit ripening. VIGS-mediated silencing of a single tomato EBF gene uncovered a compensation mechanism that tends to maintain a threshold level of Sl-EBF expression via enhancing the expression of the second Sl-EBF gene. In line with this compensation, tomato plants silenced for either of the Sl-EBF genes were indistinguishable from control plants, indicating functional redundancy among Sl-EBF genes. By contrast, co-silencing of both Sl-EBFs resulted in ethylene-associated phenotypes. While reports on EBF genes to date have focused on their role in modulating ethylene responses in Arabidopsis, the present study uncovered their role in regulating crucial stages of flower and fruit development in tomato. The data support the hypothesis that protein degradation via the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway is a control point of fruit ripening and open new leads for engineering fruit quality

    Mechanisms of Fruit Ripening: Retrospect and Prospects

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    This paper aims at giving an overview of the progress made during the last decades on the mechanisms of fruit ripening and to present the most recent trends and prospects for the future. Important steps forward will be presented (respiratory climacteric, ethylene biosynthesis and action, isolation of genes involved in the ripening process, biotechnological control of fruit ripening....) by showing how the judicious exploitation of the data published previously, the strategies, methodologies and plant material adopted have been crucial for the advancement of knowledge. Opportunities of co-operation between geneticists and post-harvest physiologists as well as new possibilities offered by genomics, proteomics and metabolomics for the understanding of the fruit ripening process and the development of sensory quality will be developed

    Improved Screening of cDNAs Generated by mRNA Differential Display Enables the Selection of True Positives and the Isolation of Weakly Expressed Messages

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    The high percentage of false positives generated by differential display (as high as 85%) has previously limited the potential of the method. This report describes an efficient methodology that enables false positives to be discarded prior to cloning, via reverse Northern analysis. This first step of the screening also allows the detection of putative lowabundance differential clones. Following cloning, a second reverseNorthern combined with partial DNA sequencing and RT-PCR detection allows isolation of all differential cDNAs including very lowabundance clones. Use of the sequential screening procedure described here led to the isolation of novel tomato genes responding to the plant hormone ethylene while minimising labor and materials input

    ER5, a tomato cDNA encoding an ethylene-responsive LEA-like protein: characterization and expression in response to drought, ABA and wounding

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    We report the isolation by differential display of a novel tomato ethylene-responsive cDNA, designated ER5. RT-PCR analysis of ER5 expression revealed an early (15 min) and transient induction by ethylene in tomato fruit, leaves and roots. ER5 mRNA accumulated during 2 h of ethylene treatment and thereafter underwent a dramatic decline leading to undetectable expression after 5 h of treatment. The full-length cDNA clone of 748 bp was obtained and DNA sequence analysis showed strong homologies to members of the atypical hydrophobic group of the LEA protein family. The predicted amino acid sequence shows 67%, 64%, 64%, and 61%sequence identity with the tomato Lemmi9, soybean D95-4, cotton Lea14-A, and resurrection plant pcC27-45 gene products, respectively. As with the other members of this group, ER5 encodes a predominantly hydrophobic protein. Prolonged drought stress stimulates ER5 expression in leaves and roots, while ABA induction of this ethylene-responsive clone is confined to the leaves. The use of 1-MCP, an inhibitor of ethylene action, indicates that the drought induction of ER5 is ethylene-mediated in tomato roots. Finally, wounding stimulates ER5 mRNA accumulation in leaves and roots. Among the Lea gene family this novel clone is the first to display an ethylene-regulated expression

    Effect of LeERF1 and LeERF2 overexpression in the response to salinity of young tomato (Solanumlycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom) seedlings

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    Ethylene responsive factors (ERFs) are important transcriptional regulators involved in plant responses to abiotic stress. LeERF1 and LeERF2, two members of the ERF family in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), have previously been cloned. In this study, we investigated the salt-stress tolerance of transgenic tomato overexpressing LeERF1 and LeERF2. The transgenic lines had longer roots than wild-type (WT) plants under salt stress conditions. Furthermore, we examined physiological and biochemical indexes in the plants and found that overexpression of LeERF1 and LeERF2 enhanced the release of chlorophyll and free proline, but decreased the malondialdehyde contents of the plants. Transgenic tomato displayed higher superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase activity than WT tomato under high salinity conditions. Moreover, quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression levels of salt stress-related genes, including TAS14, HVA22, LHA1, PR5, and RBOHC, which were upregulated in the transgenic plants. Therefore, overexpression of LeERF1 and LeERF2 positively modulates the ethylene-mediated response to salt stress in tomato