41 research outputs found

    Petroleum hydrocarbon assessment in the wastewaters of petrochemical special economic zone and sediment benchmark calculation of the coastal area - northwest of the Persian Gulf

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    Petrochemical industries can potentially impact the environment due to their activities and products. This case study has considered adverse effects of petrochemical industries that are located inside the PETZONE with respect to the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and total petroleum hydrocarbon in wastewater effluents. The average concentrations of ∑PAHs group I and II were lower than the guideline values, thus the effluents of the study area can be considered unpolluted. Also, the average concentration of TPH was lower than the guideline value at all almost stations except the effluent outlets of the Razi and Imam Khomeini petrochemical (BI-PC) companies which are proximal to Khowr-e Musa Bay. Thus, they may have an adverse impact on the aquatic ecosystem of the Bay. Therefore, the concentration of TPH was monitored in the sediments of the Bay (around the PETZONE coastal area) which was relatively moderate compared in the study area. Also, the sum of Chronic Potency Ratio of PAHs in sediments showed that the chronic benchmark was not more than the guideline at all stations (it is exceeded when the sum exceeds 1.0) except in the vicinity of the Aromatic effluent outlet of BI-PC. Thus, the chronic benchmark at this station indicates that it has the potential to cause a chronic effect on sediment-residence organisms like crabs, clams and worms. Moreover, PAHs concentration level in this station approached the NOAA sediment quality guideline value (ERL) of 4000 (ng/g dry weight)

    Hospital Safety Climate Assessment toward Attitude’s Nurses Based on Sammer’s Model Case study: An academic General and A specialized Hospital in Tehran (Iran)

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    Safety climate has become an important issue in organizational safety management of health systems. The aim of this applied study was assessment safety climate in general and specialized academic hospitals based on Sammer’s model, to introduce a model with the specific framework to assess climate safety in Iranian hospitals, moreover, to reduce medical errors and incidents, also to increase patient safety. This model consists of seven dimensions: leadership, teamwork, evidence-based practices, communication, learning, justice and patient-centeredness. So a descriptive –comparative study was undertaken through a methodology including 3 phases. Data were collected by a modified questionnaire based on the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) from 217 nurses and an In-depth interview with 52 nurses in both hospitals. According to the results in the general hospital, leadership, patient-centeredness and learning was recognized as the most effective factors, however, in the specialized hospital, the most important factors were patient-centeredness and justice. Seven dimensions of Sammer’s model are effective in safety climate assessment, but they are not enough to assess safety climate Iranian hospitals. Adding other factors such as safety and standardized hospital building space, the safety of equipment, physical factors in the workplace, Social and culture factors and terms and conditions governing the hospital settings can help to complete the model and provide an integrated and more consistent one to take an effective step in assessing overall hospital safety climate

    Polypropylene fibre reinforced cement mortars containing rice husk ash and nano-alumina

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    This paper presents the effects of incorporating two supplementary cementitious materials: rice husk ash (RHA) and nano-alumina (NA) in polypropylene fiber (PPF) reinforced cement mortars. RHA is an agricultural waste material and thus recycling of this material has substantial economic and environmental benefits. Compressive strength, flexural strength, water absorption and drying shrinkage of the hardened composites were investigated. The interfacial transition zone and the microstructures were studied by using scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. A slight increase in compressive strength of mortar was observed by using up to 10 wt% of RHA as a replacement of cement. However, addition of nano-alumina helped the compressive strength of mortar remain approximately equal to that of the control specimen even when 20 or 30 wt% RHA was used. Addition of polypropylene fibers resulted in significant increase in the flexural strength of the mortar specimens. It was also observed that NA and PPF could reduce water absorption by pore blocking effect. The positive interactions between polypropylene fibers and RHA resulted in the lowest drying shrinkage of the fibrous mortar containing RHA. XRD analysis showed that the intensity of Alite and Belite phases decreased and new peak of portlandite produced with the addition of NA. The addition of RHA enhanced the late strength of the cement composites. Consequently, the combined addition of RHA, NA and PPF has resulted in increasing of flexural strength and reduction in both water absorption and drying shrinkage of mortars

    Assessment of Hearing Loss in Iranian Professional Pop Singers through the Soundlog and Temporary Hearing Loss Test Softwares

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    Background and Aims: Noise induced hearing loss is a sensory-neural phenomenon which happens slowly due to continued or alternative sound exposure. Singers are one of the working groups who are at the risk of hearing loss. This study aimed to assess the hearing loss of Iranian professional pop singers.Materials & Methods: In this study, two SoundLog and Temporary Hearing Loss Test softwares have been used to measure temporary threshold shift (TTS), level of sound (LAeq), maximum level of sound, as well as the level of equivalent sound in 8 hours (LAeq, 8h)  with and without hearing protection device (HPD). Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 18 software. All stages of this research were conducted ethically.Results: The sound level, maximum sound level and equivalent level of sound in 8 hours without using hearing protection equipment and by using hearing protection equipment were 84.3 ± 9.6 and 86.7 ± 7.1; 118.9 ± 2.8 and 120.7 ± 2.7 and 78.4 ± 8.9 and 82.5± 5.8, respectively. Also, the hearing loss level in the sample was 2.4 ± 7.1 and 0 db, according to the intervention.Conclusion: The results indicated the applicability of the programs. Therefore, without the need for an expert, a person can understand the sound exposure level during his performance. Thus, these tools, suitable personal protective equipment and continuous monitoring will lead to early detection of hearing loss in these groups

    تحلیل پارامترهای جنبش نیرومند زمین در گستره سرپل ذهاب با نگاهی ویژه به بحران های ناشی از آن

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    Background and Objectives: The occurrence of natural disasters can be considered one of the most important concerns of human life, especially for the people of developing countries.  The existence of natural disasters in Iran has made Iran one of the top 10 countries in the world in terms of disasters.  Analysis of seismic data shows that almost every 5 years, on average, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7 (such as the Saravan and Sarpol-e-Zahab -Kermanshah earthquakes) occurs in Iran and has serious effects on human society. In this study, the parameters of strong ground motion in the Sarpol-e-Zahab area have been analyzed with a special focus on its crisis. Material and methods: To evaluate the earthquake's return period in this fault system, two preliminary relationships of Gutenberg-Richter and the final distribution of the Kijku-Sellovel method have been used. In order to study seismicity and seismic hazard analysis, after checking the geology of the study area, the tectonics and seismicity of the region were studied. After that, a tectonic seismic model was prepared from this zone to determine the nature of seismicity better. Then, the seismic source database of the study area was defined and entered into EZ-frisk software for further analysis. Results: The magnitude of the earthquakes based on the Gutenberg-Richter and Kijku-Sellovel methods has shown that the magnitude of the earthquake in the 475-year return period is 6.9Ms and 7.0Ms, subsequently. A magnitude of more than 7.8 is not expected in this region based on the Gutenberg-Richter method. On the other hand, the values of acceleration on the side where the fault slope is (northeast of the fault), have higher values than on the opposite side. In addition, the maximum acceleration of the earthquake in the position of the mountain frontal fault is estimated at 0.75 gals. Conclusion: Therefore, considering the importance of the study area (geologically), the existence of active and important faults in this region, as well as political-security threats, the existence of spatial exchanges and links on both sides of the border, and the underdevelopment of study and planning in the field of crisis management of this region seems necessary. Also, according to the results of the earthquake return period in this region, raising the level of urban environment flexibility against the stresses caused by the crisis and minimizing the time of rehabilitation and resilience of cities are among the most important factors that should be considered in planning and managing cities. How to cite this article: Monazami-Tehrani Z, Monazami-Tehrani GH, Drstian A, Akasheh B, Almasian M. Analysis of the Seismicity Parameters and Strong Ground Movement in Sarpol-e Zahab and its Related Crises. Irtiqa Imini Pishgiri Masdumiyat. 2022;10(1):80-6.سابقه و هدف: وقوع حوادث و بلایای طبیعی را می توان از مهمترین دغدغه‌ها و نگرانی‌های زندگی بشر به خصوص مردم کشورهای در حال توسعه دانست. وجود بلاياي طبيعي در كشورایران سبب شده است كه ايران جزء 10 كشور نخست جهان در زمينه بلاخيز باشد. تحليل داده هاي لرزه اي نشان مي دهد كه تقريبا هر 5 سال بطور متوسط يك زمين لرزه با بزرگي 7 (همانند زلزله‌های سراوان و سرپل ذهاب-کرمانشاه) در ايران اتفاق ميافتد و اثرات جدي بر جامعه انساني وارد مي سازد. در این مطالعه تحلیل پارامترهای جنبش نیرومند زمین در گستره سرپل ذهاب با نگاهی ویژه به بحران های ناشی از آن پرداخته شد.  روش بررسی: در راستای ارزیابی دوره بازگشت زمین لرزه در این سامانه گسلی از دو رابطه مقدماتی گوتنبرگ- ریشتر و توزیع پایانی کیکو- سلوول استفاده شد. در راستای مطالعه لرزه خیزی و تحلیل خطر زمین لرزه پس از مطالعه زمین شناسی گستره مطالعاتی، به بررسی زمین ساخت و لرزه خیزی منطقه پرداخته شد. پس از آن مدل لرزه زمین ساختی از این پهنه تهیه شد تا ماهیت لرزه خیزی هرچه بهتر مشخص گردد. سپس، بانک داده‌های چشمه‌های لرزه‌زای گستره مورد مطالعه، تعریف و برای انجام تحلیل‌های بعدی، وارد نرم افزار Ez-frisk گردید. نتایج : نتایج حاصل از دو روش لرزه ای بیان شده نشان می دهد که در محدوده مطالعاتی با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده، رخداد زمین لرزه ای با بزرگای بیش از   7.8 Ms> در سه  بازه زمانی از واقعیت به دور می باشد. همچنین رخداد زمین لرزهای با بزرگای بیش از7.8 Ms> در گستره مورد مطالعه با هیچ یک از داده های لرزه ای همخوانی ندارد. از طرفی مقادیر شتاب در سمتی که شیب گسل به آن سو است (شمال شرقی گسل)، نسبت به طرف مقابل، از مقادیر بالاتری برخوردار است. علاوه بر آن بیشینه مقدار شتاب زمین لرزه در موقعیت گسل پیشانی کوهستان در حدود 0.75 گال برآورد شده است. نتیجه گیری: بنابراین با توجه به  اهمیت منطقه مطالعاتی (از نظر زمین شناسی)، وجود گسل های فعال و مهم در کل منطقه، همچنین تهدیدات سیاسی - امنیتی، وجود مبادلات و پیوندهای فضایی دو سوی مرز و توسعه نیافتگی مطالعه و برنامه ریزی در زمینه ی مدیریت بحران این منطقه ضروری به نظر می رسد. همچنین با توجه به نتایج دوره بازگشت زلزله در این منطقه، بالا بردن سطح انعطاف‌پذیری محیط شهری در برابر تنش های ناشی از بروز بحران و نیز به حداقل رساندن زمان بازتوانی و تاب‌آور ساختن شهرها ازجمله مهمترین عواملی است که می بایست در برنامه‌ریزی و مدیریت شهرها مورد توجه قرار گیرد. How to cite this article: Monazami-Tehrani Z, Monazami-Tehrani GH, Drstian A, Akasheh B, Almasian M. Analysis of the Seismicity Parameters and Strong Ground Movement in Sarpol-e Zahab and its Related Crises. Irtiqa Imini Pishgiri Masdumiyat. 2022;10(1):80-6

    Risks management of Tube Bundle heat exchanger in the petrochemical industries using the Risk-Based Inspection approach

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    زمینه و اهداف: در حوزه نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی یکی از مهم‌ترین دغدغه‌ها، شناسایی مخاطرات و اتخاذ تدابیر سازنده در جهت مدیریت آن‌ها است. تیوب باندل یکی از زیر تجهیزهای مهم در مبدل‌های حرارتی می‌باشد که هرگونه آسیبی در آن منجر به اختلال در عملکرد مبدل حرارتی و درنهایت توقف فرآیند می‌گردد. این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی و مدیریت ریسک‌های خرابی زیر تجهیز تیوب باندل با استفاده از روش بازرسی بر مبنای ریسک (Risk-Based Inspection: RBI) به انجام رسید. مواد و روش‌ها: در این پژوهش از روش آنالیز نیمه کمی بازرسی بر مبنای ریسک، در جهت مدیریت ریسک‌های خرابی و بهینه‌سازی برنامه‌های بازرسی تیوب باندل (TB) مبدل حرارتی EA-1101 استفاده شد. اطلاعات ‌پایه زیرتجهیز برای انجام RBI جمع‌آوری و پس از انجام عملیات نرم‌افزاری، خروجی‌ها تفسیر و درنهایت برنامه بازرسی ارائه گردید. تمام مراحل مطالعه حاضر طبق موازین اخلاقی اجرا گردید. یافته‌ها: نتایج آنالیز RBI نشان داد که حالت خرابی تیوب باندل، کاهش ضخامت موضعی یا یکنواخت و مکانیزم خرابی آن کاهش ضخامت عمومی (یکنواخت) و خوردگی آب‌خنک کننده می‌باشد. سطح ریسک آن متوسط (3C) و اثربخشی روش‌های بازرسی تعیین‌شده مطابق با طبقه‌بندی استاندارد API-581 در طبقه بسیار اثربخش (A) و معمولاً اثربخش (B) قرار دارد. نتیجه‌گیری: نتایج حاکی از آن است این روش می‌تواند مکانیزم های خرابی را با قابلیت اطمینان بالایی شناسایی نموده و برنامه‌های بازرسی اثربخش با برنامه‌های عملیاتی صحیح در راستای مدیریت ریسک این گونه تجهیزات ارایه دهد. کلید واژه ها: بازرسی بر مبنای ریسک (RBI)، آنالیز نیمه کمی، تیوب باندل (TB)، اثربخشیBackground and Aims: Identification of hazards and taking constructive measures for their management are a cause for concern in the fields of oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Tube bundle is one of the most important sub-equipments in heat exchangers, where any damage to it could lead to a disturbance in the performance of the heat exchanger stopping the process. The purpose of this study is to identify and manage the failure risks of tubular bundle EA-1101 by using Risk-Based Inspection (RBI). Materials and Methods: Semi- quantitative analysis of risk - based inspection method was used to manage the risk of failure and optimize the inspection of tube bundle (TB) of heat exchange. Necessary information of EA-1101 was collected to carry out the RBI and finally the inspection program was determined using RBI software. All stages of this research were conducted ethically. Results: The results of the RBI analysis showed that the tube bundle failure was occurred in the form of local thickness or uniform reduction. Also, general thinning (uniform) and cooling water corrosion were considered as failure mechanism. The risk level of this sub-equipment was medium (3C) and the effectiveness of inspection method was classified as Highly Effective (A) and Usually Effective (B), according to the API-581 standard. Conclusion: The results showed that suggested method can identify failure mechanisms of these types of equipment with high reliability and high effectiveness inspection program with corrective action plans to manage the risks

    Evaluation of Noise, Light and Burnout in the Intensive Care unit of Neurosurgery, Loghman Hakim Hospital

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    سابقه و هدف: آلودگي صوتي و کمبود روشنایی، بر میزان بهبود فعالیت‌های کارکنان تاثیر مستقیم دارند و باعث ایجاد فرسودگی شغلی و ایجاد رفتار‌های منفی در فرد می‌شوند. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی عوامل میزان صدا، روشنایی موضعی محیط کار و میزان فرسودگی شغلی در بخش مراقبت‌ ویژه مغزی در بیمارستان لقمان حکیم انجام شد. روش بررسی: مطالعه حاضر از نوع مقطعـی و مـشاهده‌ای – توصـیفی بوده و جامعه آماري، کارکنان بخش مراقبت‌ ویژه مغزی بيمارستان لقمان حکيم بوده‌اند. ابزار مطالعه شامل پرسشنامه فرسودگی شغلی مسلش (25)، دستگاه صداسنج و لوکس‌متر بوده است. نتایج: میانگین صدا در محیط کار 44/3 دسی‌بل و بیش از حد استاندارد بود. وضعیت روشنایی موضعی 38 ایستگاه اندازه‌گیری شده در 20 ایستگاه (معادل 78/95 درصد) نامطلوب بود. پرسشنامه فرسودگی شغلی نشان داد تمام کارکنان داری افسردگی بوده و بیش‌ترین میزان فرسودگی شغلی در بعد خستگی عاطفی و عملکرد شخصی و کم‌ترین میزان در بعد مسخ شخصیت مشاهده ‌شد. نتیجه گیری: افرادی که در بخش مراقبت‌ ویژه مغزی کار می‌کنند به دلیل ماهیت شغلی در مواجهه استرس بیش‌تری قراردارند و امکان بروز فرسودگی شغلی در سطوح بالا در آنان پیش‌بینی می‌شود که برگزاری دوره‌‌های آموزشی و ارتقای مهارت‌های مدیریت استرس در جهت پیشگیری از فرسودگی برای کارکنان این بخش می‌‌بایست مورد توجه قرارگیرد. How to cite this article: Bahramzadeh AH, Monazami-Tehrani G, Nateghinia S, Akbari-Dilmaghani N. Evaluation of Noise, Light and Burnout in the Intensive Care unit of Neurosurgery, Loghman Hakim Hospital. Irtiqa Imini Pishgiri Masdumiyat. 2021;9(3):183-9.  Background and Objectives: Noise pollution and lack of light directly affect the activities of employees and cause burnout and negative behaviors in the individual. The aim of this study was to investigate the physically harmful factors of noise and local illumination of the workplace and the rate of burnout in the intensive care unit of the brain in Loghman Hakim Hospital. Method and Materials: The present study is a cross-sectional and observational-descriptive study and the statistical population was the staff of the intensive care unit of Loghman Hakim Hospital. The study instruments included the Maslach burnout questionnaire (25), sound meter, and luxometer. Results: The average noise in the workplace is 44.3 decibels and exceeds the standard. The local lighting condition of 38 stations measured in 20 stations (equivalent to 78.95%) was unfavorable. The burnout questionnaire showed that all employees had depression and the highest rate of burnout was observed in the dimension of emotional fatigue and personal performance and the lowest rate was observed in the dimension of depersonalization. Conclusion: People who work in the intensive care unit of the brain are more exposed to stress due to the nature of the job and the possibility of burnout at high levels is predicted in them to hold training courses and improve stress management skills to prevent burnout. The staff of this department should be taken into consideration . How to cite this article: Bahramzadeh AH, Monazami-Tehrani G, Nateghinia S, Akbari-Dilmaghani N. Evaluation of Noise, Light and Burnout in the Intensive Care unit of Neurosurgery, Loghman Hakim Hospital. Irtiqa Imini Pishgiri Masdumiyat. 2021;9(3):183-9

    Retraction Note: The frequency and pattern of antibiotic resistance among Klebsiella spp. isolated from nosocomial infection in Khorramabad hospital

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    Report of Health Care regretfully retracts the article “The frequency and pattern of antibiotic resistance among Klebsiella spp. isolated from nosocomial infection in Khorramabad hospital” which was published in this journal in December 19, 2014. Based on recommendations from COPE, we retracted this paper, which is a duplicate and self-plagiarism of the paper entitled “Comparison frequency and Determination antibiotic resistance pattern of Klebsiella SPP. isolated from Nosocomial infection in Khorramabad Shohadaye Ashayer hospital” published in Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences (November 2014; 3(12): 149-154)

    The effect of endurance training on addicted women’s level of alkaline phosphates who use methadone

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    Introduction: Previous studies indicated that endurance exercise is effective to decrease or increase the levels of liver enzymes. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of endurance training on alkaline phosphates (ALP) enzyme in Iranian addicted women with methadone.Methods: Thirty Iranian female addicted prisoners and thirty non-addicted encompassed the sampling. The mean of age, height, weight, %BF, body mass index (BMI), and VO2max of experimental group was 33.8 years, 162.2 cm, 62.2 kg, 33.10, 24.22 kg/m2 and 16.18 ml/kg respectively. The case group was supposed to run with 65% HRmax for 2 weeks (3 sessions in a week and for 25 minutes), 65%-75% HRmax for 3 weeks (3 sessions in a week for 35 minutes) and 75%-85% HRmax for 3 weeks (3 sessions in a week for 40 minutes). The blood samples were collected in amount of 5 ml 48 hours before the first session and after the last session of the protocol. The history of heart and liver diseases or hepatitis was not reported in case group.Results: The level of ALP between case and control group in post-test was not significant. The level of ALP in post-test in contrast with pre-test in both groups was increased but this was not statistically significant in case group (P > 0.05).Conclusion: According to the results, the level of ALP in post-test in experimental group did not change after endurance training. Therefore, the investigation of other factors such as having suitable diet habits, quitting smoking, increasing the period of training is recommended for these types of addicts

    Influence of Polypropylene, Carbon and Hybrid Coated Fiber on the Interfacial Microstructure Development of Cementitious Composites

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    Concrete is the most used construction material in the world; however, its deficiency in shrinkage and low tensile resistance is undeniable. Used as secondary reinforcement, fibers can modify concrete properties in various ways. Carbon-fiber-reinforced concrete is highly suitable to maintain longevity of infrastructure where corrosion of steel can shorten the useful service life of the structure while polypropylene fibers can mostly improve the shrinkage of concrete. However, the biggest challenge with fiber-reinforced concrete is the appearance of the poorly structured interfacial transition zone around the fibers. In this study, environmentally friendly and low-cost attempts were made to coat fibers with fly ash to enhance the structure of mortar around the fibers. Coated carbon and polypropylene fibers were used in mortar in single and hybrid forms to investigate the efficiency of fiber coating methods on mechanical and durability properties of fiber-reinforced cement mortar. A minimal dosage of 0.25% and 0.5% (by volume) PAN-based carbon fiber and polypropylene fiber was added to mortar to make low-cost mixes. Compressive, tensile and three-point bending tests were done after 14 and 28 days of curing, and the results were analyzed. The results showed higher compressive strength in coated fiber-reinforced samples and comparable results in tensile strength, flexural strength, and toughness parameters. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) photos and Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis approved the efficacy of the coating methods