39 research outputs found

    Las evaluaciones externas en la Ley Orgánica para la mejora de la calidad educativa de España

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    De acuerdo con la información aportada por el Instituto Nacional de Evaluación (2012), España ha participado en las ediciones de 1990, 2006 y 2011 de PIRLS y en las ediciones de 1995 y de 2011 de TIMSS. Por otra parte, en el año 2009, nuestro país participó por primera vez en el Estudio Internacional de Civismo y Ciudadanía (Instituto de Evaluación, 2010). Finalmente, España participa en el Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de los Alumnos (PISA). Por otra parte, junto a estas evaluaciones internacionales, tanto a nivel estatal como autonómico, se han implementado otras pruebas externas. Esta tendencia se ha visto reafirmada y ampliada por la nueva Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (LOMCE), aspecto que será analizado en esta comunicación. La proliferación de estas prácticas puede ser analizada desde diversas perspectivas. En esta comunicación se realiza una aproximación sustentada en numerosos escritos recientes (Pérez y Soto, 2011, Perrenoud, 2008; Stake, 2006), que advierten sobre los impactos de los sistemas de evaluación en las prácticas de enseñanza. Por otra parte, desde esta aproximación crítica, se sostiene que las evidencias sobre lo que éstas aportan para la mejora de la educación no parecen ser tan abundantes.Abstract This paper derives from research project ‘National and international evaluations as educational improvement measures in Spain within the European context’ (reference CEMU-2013-20), funded in the context of Autonoma University of Madrid’s (UAM) second competitive call for interdisciplinary research projects, approved on 8th February 2013 by UAM’s governing board. More specifically, our main objective is to present this project, although at this stage results cannot be put forward yet. This project focuses on the policies of quality assessment in education. The proposaldeparts from a multidisciplinary approach, both epistemologically and methodologically. Systems of quality assessment in education have become a key device for governments to improve education. Spain has been systematically incorporating these policies at the national and regional level, and the last educational reform proposals are emphasising this trend. Here we find a clear rationale for implementing a project of this nature, able to investigate what these policies actually contribute to educational improvement. In this sense, we intend to carry out multidisciplinary research work in order to answer two key questions: First, are external assessments capable to enhance education in Spain? This question, under the hypothesis raised in the light of the literature revised, leads to the second question, which is how can these tests become an improvement tool? The objectives of this research turn around these two questions, and these aspects will be addressed in this paper

    Evaluaciones nacionales e internacionales como política de mejora de la educación en España en el contexto Europeo

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    De acordo com a informação fornecida pelo Instituto Nacional de Avaliação (2012), Espanha participou nas edições de 1990, 2006 e 2011 do PIRLS e nas edições de 1995 e 2011 do TIMSS. Por outro lado, em 2009, o nosso país participou pela primeira vez no Estudo Internacional de Civismo e Cidadania (Instituto de Avaliação, 2010). Finalmente, Espanha participa no Programa para a Avaliação Internacional dos Alunos (PISA). Conjuntamente com essas avaliações internacionais, tanto a nível estatal como regional, foram implementadas outras provas externas. Esta tendência foi reforçada e alargada pela nova Lei Orgânica para a Melhoria da Qualidade Educativa (LOMCE), aspeto que será analisado nesta apresentação. A proliferação destas práticas pode ser analisada a partir de diversas perspetivas. Nesta apresentação faz-se uma aproximação sustentada em numerosos escritos recentes (Pérez y Soto, 2011, Perrenoud, 2008; Stake, 2006, etc.), que alertam sobre o impacto dos sistemas de avaliação nas práticas de ensino. Por outro lado, a partir desta abordagem crítica, defende-se que as evidências sobre o que estas contribuem para a melhoria da educação não parecem ser tão abundantes.La presente comunicación se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Evaluaciones nacionales e internacionales como política de mejora de la educación en España en el contexto Europeo” (referencia CEMU-2013-20); financiado en el marco de la segunda convocatoria competitiva de Proyectos de Investigación Multidisciplinares de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, aprobada por el Consejo de Gobierno del 8 de febrero de 2013. En este caso, el objetivo principal de la comunicación es dar a conocer el proyecto, aunque sin avanzar en sus resultados dado la fase en la que nos encontramos. El proyecto que aquí se presenta se enmarca dentro de las políticas de evaluación de la calidad de la educación. La propuesta se hace desde un claro abordaje multidisciplinar, tanto desde el punto de vista epistemológico como metodológico. Los sistemas de evaluación de la calidad de la educación se han transformado en un dispositivo clave para los gobiernos en los procesos de mejora educativa. En España se vienen incorporando estas políticas de forma sistemática a nivel estatal y autonómico. En esta tendencia encontramos una clara justificación para implementar un proyecto de estas características, capaz de indagar en lo que estas políticasaportan realmente a la mejora educativa. En este sentido, se pretende realizar un trabajo de investigación multidisciplinar que ofrezca posibles respuestas a dos interrogantes clave, ¿son las pruebas externas una herramienta para la mejora de la educación en España? Pregunta que, bajo la hipótesis que surge a la luz de los aportes de las investigaciones y bibliografía revisadas, lleva a una segunda, ¿cómo pueden estas pruebas convertirse en una herramienta de mejora? Los objetivos de esta investigación giran en torno a estos dos interrogantes. Aspectos que serán abordados en esta comunicación

    El impacto del primer año de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria en la configuración de las trayectorias escolares

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    Este artigo apresenta o conhecimento construído a partir de uma recente investigação realizada em Espanha, desenhada com um enfoque multimétodo, a partir do impacto que a transição entre o ensino primário e o ensino secundário obrigatório tem nas trajetórias escolares dos estudantes. Com este objetivo foram utilizados diferentes sujeitos e técnicas de investigação: a) um questionário semiestruturado a 366 alunos do primeiro ano do ensino secundário obrigatório, b) análise de documentos, nomeadamente as atas de avaliação regular, a partir das quais se realizou o estudo da evolução das classificações obtidas por 277 estudantes ao longo de um ano letivo completo, c) um questionário semiestruturado a 44 professores, d) entrevistas em profundidade a 27 professores e f) foram analisados registos de entrevistas realizadas a 18 mães e pais destes alunos. As principais conclusões, coincidentes com as investigações anteriores, mostram que, para uma percentagem relativamente significativa de estudantes, a transição entre as etapas mencionadas pode ser um problema relevante. Palavras-chave: transições verticais; ensino secundário obrigatório; trajetórias escolares; insucesso escolar; abandono escolar

    Políticas para el aseguramiento de la calidad en la enseñanza obligatoria de España

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    La presente comunicación se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Evaluaciones nacionales e internacionales como política de mejora de la educación en España en el contexto Europeo” (referencia CEMU-2013-20); financiado en el marco de la segunda convocatoria competitiva de Proyectos de Investigación Multidisciplinares de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, aprobada por el Consejo de Gobierno del 8 de febrero de 2013. En este caso, el objetivo principal de la presente comunicación es presentar los sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad que han implementado en tres Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA) de España: País Vasco, Andalucía y Madrid. En el marco del proyecto mencionado, denominamos políticas de aseguramiento de la calidad a aquellas prácticas, relativamente recientes, orientadas a generar conocimiento sobre el sistema educativo, en este caso, vinculado a la enseñanza obligatoria y acciones dirigidas a su mejora. Con mucha frecuencia, estas prácticas han terminado estando reducidas a evaluaciones externas centradas en el rendimiento de los estudiantes, sin ninguna o con escasas acciones posteriores. Por otra parte, estos sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad han recibido diversas críticas, en gran parterelacionadas con su lógica original más próxima al mundo empresarial que al educativo. En este sentido, junto con dar a conocer, desde un punto de vista fundamentalmente descriptivo los sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad de las cuatro CCAA mencionadas, se aborda la discusión centrada en los siguientes aspectos: ¿es posible hablar de sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad? ¿qué concepciones de calidad subyacente predominan? ¿qué consecuencias tienen para las prácticas educativas?Abstract This communication is part of the research project ¨National and International assessments such as police for the improvement of education in Spain in the European context¨, (reference CEMU-2013-20); funding within the framework of the second competitive call for proposals projects research multidisciplinary of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, approved by the Governing Council on February 8, 2013. The main objective of this communication is to present the systems of quality assurance that have implemented in three autonomous communities of Spain: Basque country, Andalucia and Madrid.In the framework of this research, we call that quality assurance policies practices, relatively recent, aimed to generate knowledge about the educational system, in this case, linked to compulsory education and actions aimed at its improvement. Most often, these practices have ended up being reduced to external assessment focused on the performance of students, without any or with scarce shares posteriors. On the other hand, these systems of quality assurance have been various criticisms, largely related to its original logic more next to the business world than to education. Therefore together with make know, from a primarily descriptive point of view the above regions quality assurance systems, deals with the discussion focused on the following aspects is it possible to talk about quality assurance systems? That conceptions of underlying quality predominated have implications for the educational practices

    El impacto del primer año de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria en la configuración de las trayectorias escolares

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    Este artigo apresenta o conhecimento construído a partir de uma recente investigação realizada em Espanha, desenhada com um enfoque multimétodo, a partir do impacto que a transição entre o ensino primário e o ensino secundário obrigatório tem nas trajetórias escolares dos estudantes. Com este objetivo foram utilizados diferentes sujeitos e técnicas de investigação: a) um questionário semiestruturado a 366 alunos do primeiro ano do ensino secundário obrigatório, b) análise de documentos, nomeadamente as atas de avaliação regular, a partir das quais se realizou o estudo da evolução das classificações obtidas por 277 estudantes ao longo de um ano letivo completo, c) um questionário semiestruturado a 44 professores, d) entrevistas em profundidade a 27 professores e f) foram analisados registos de entrevistas realizadas a 18 mães e pais destes alunos. As principais conclusões, coincidentes com as investigações anteriores, mostram que, para uma percentagem relativamente significativa de estudantes, a transição entre as etapas mencionadas pode ser um problema relevante. Palavras-chave: transições verticais; ensino secundário obrigatório; trajetórias escolares; insucesso escolar; abandono escolar

    Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), Far Detector Technical Design Report, Volume I Introduction to DUNE

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    International audienceThe preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay—these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- and dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. This TDR is intended to justify the technical choices for the far detector that flow down from the high-level physics goals through requirements at all levels of the Project. Volume I contains an executive summary that introduces the DUNE science program, the far detector and the strategy for its modular designs, and the organization and management of the Project. The remainder of Volume I provides more detail on the science program that drives the choice of detector technologies and on the technologies themselves. It also introduces the designs for the DUNE near detector and the DUNE computing model, for which DUNE is planning design reports. Volume II of this TDR describes DUNE's physics program in detail. Volume III describes the technical coordination required for the far detector design, construction, installation, and integration, and its organizational structure. Volume IV describes the single-phase far detector technology. A planned Volume V will describe the dual-phase technology

    Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), Far Detector Technical Design Report, Volume II: DUNE Physics

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    The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay -- these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. DUNE is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- and dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. Volume II of this TDR, DUNE Physics, describes the array of identified scientific opportunities and key goals. Crucially, we also report our best current understanding of the capability of DUNE to realize these goals, along with the detailed arguments and investigations on which this understanding is based. This TDR volume documents the scientific basis underlying the conception and design of the LBNF/DUNE experimental configurations. As a result, the description of DUNE's experimental capabilities constitutes the bulk of the document. Key linkages between requirements for successful execution of the physics program and primary specifications of the experimental configurations are drawn and summarized. This document also serves a wider purpose as a statement on the scientific potential of DUNE as a central component within a global program of frontier theoretical and experimental particle physics research. Thus, the presentation also aims to serve as a resource for the particle physics community at large

    Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Near Detector Conceptual Design Report

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    International audienceThe Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international, world-class experiment aimed at exploring fundamental questions about the universe that are at the forefront of astrophysics and particle physics research. DUNE will study questions pertaining to the preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of supernovae, the subtleties of neutrino interaction physics, and a number of beyond the Standard Model topics accessible in a powerful neutrino beam. A critical component of the DUNE physics program involves the study of changes in a powerful beam of neutrinos, i.e., neutrino oscillations, as the neutrinos propagate a long distance. The experiment consists of a near detector, sited close to the source of the beam, and a far detector, sited along the beam at a large distance. This document, the DUNE Near Detector Conceptual Design Report (CDR), describes the design of the DUNE near detector and the science program that drives the design and technology choices. The goals and requirements underlying the design, along with projected performance are given. It serves as a starting point for a more detailed design that will be described in future documents

    DUNE Offline Computing Conceptual Design Report

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    This document describes Offline Software and Computing for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) experiment, in particular, the conceptual design of the offline computing needed to accomplish its physics goals. Our emphasis in this document is the development of the computing infrastructure needed to acquire, catalog, reconstruct, simulate and analyze the data from the DUNE experiment and its prototypes. In this effort, we concentrate on developing the tools and systems thatfacilitate the development and deployment of advanced algorithms. Rather than prescribing particular algorithms, our goal is to provide resources that are flexible and accessible enough to support creative software solutions as HEP computing evolves and to provide computing that achieves the physics goals of the DUNE experiment

    Reconstruction of interactions in the ProtoDUNE-SP detector with Pandora

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    International audienceThe Pandora Software Development Kit and algorithm libraries provide pattern-recognition logic essential to the reconstruction of particle interactions in liquid argon time projection chamber detectors. Pandora is the primary event reconstruction software used at ProtoDUNE-SP, a prototype for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment far detector. ProtoDUNE-SP, located at CERN, is exposed to a charged-particle test beam. This paper gives an overview of the Pandora reconstruction algorithms and how they have been tailored for use at ProtoDUNE-SP. In complex events with numerous cosmic-ray and beam background particles, the simulated reconstruction and identification efficiency for triggered test-beam particles is above 80% for the majority of particle type and beam momentum combinations. Specifically, simulated 1 GeV/cc charged pions and protons are correctly reconstructed and identified with efficiencies of 86.1±0.6\pm0.6% and 84.1±0.6\pm0.6%, respectively. The efficiencies measured for test-beam data are shown to be within 5% of those predicted by the simulation