7,314 research outputs found

    An Analytical Approach to Inhomogeneous Structure Formation

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    We develop an analytical formalism that is suitable for studying inhomogeneous structure formation, by studying the joint statistics of dark matter halos forming at two points. Extending the Bond et al. (1991) derivation of the mass function of virialized halos, based on excursion sets, we derive an approximate analytical expression for the ``bivariate'' mass function of halos forming at two redshifts and separated by a fixed comoving Lagrangian distance. Our approach also leads to a self-consistent expression for the nonlinear biasing and correlation function of halos, generalizing a number of previous results including those by Kaiser (1984) and Mo & White (1996). We compare our approximate solutions to exact numerical results within the excursion-set framework and find them to be consistent to within 2% over a wide range of parameters. Our formalism can be used to study various feedback effects during galaxy formation analytically, as well as to simply construct observable quantities dependent on the spatial distribution of objects. A code that implements our method is publicly available at http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~evan/GeminiComment: 41 Pages, 11 figures, published in ApJ, 571, 585. Reference added, Figure 2 axis relabele

    Detection of a population gradient in the Sagittarius Stream

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    We present a quantitative comparison between the Horizontal Branch morphology in the core of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr) and in a wide field sampling a portion of its tidal stream (Sgr Stream), located tens of kpc away from the center of the parent galaxy. We find that the Blue Horizontal Branch (BHB) stars in that part of the Stream are five times more abundant than in the Sgr core, relative to Red Clump stars. The difference in the ratio of BHB to RC stars between the two fields is significant at the 4.8 sigma level. This indicates that the old and metal-poor population of Sgr was preferentially stripped from the galaxy in past peri-Galactic passages with respect to the intermediate-age metal rich population that presently dominates the bound core of Sgr, probably due to a strong radial gradient that was settled within the galaxy before its disruption. The technique adopted in the present study allows to trace population gradients along the whole extension of the Stream.Comment: 4 pages, 3 .ps figures (fig. 1 at low resolution); Accepted for publication by A&A Letter

    Spontaneous Fluxoid Formation in Superconducting Loops

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    We report on the first experimental verification of the Zurek-Kibble scenario in an isolated superconducting ring over a wide parameter range. The probability of creating a single flux quantum spontaneously during the fast normal-superconducting phase transition of a wide Nb loop clearly follows an allometric dependence on the quenching time τQ\tau_{Q}, as one would expect if the transition took place as fast as causality permits. However, the observed Zurek-Kibble scaling exponent σ=0.62±0.15\sigma = 0.62\pm0.15 is two times larger than anticipated for large loops. Assuming Gaussian winding number densities we show that this doubling is well-founded for small annuli.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett

    Zurek-Kibble domain structures: The Dynamics of Spontaneous Vortex formation in Annular Josephson Tunnel Junctions

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    Phase transitions executed in a finite time show a domain structure with defects, that has been argued by Zurek and Kibble to depend in a characteristic way on the quench rate. In this letter we present an experiment to measure the Zurek-Kibble scaling exponent sigma. Using symmetric and long Josephson Tunnel Junctions, for which the predicted index is sigma = 0.25, we find sigma = 0.27 +/- 0.05. Further, there is agreement with the ZK prediction for the overall normalisation.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett

    Zurek-Kibble Mechanism for the Spontaneous Vortex Formation in Nb−Al/Alox/NbNb-Al/Al_{ox}/Nb Josephson Tunnel Junctions: New Theory and Experiment

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    New scaling behavior has been both predicted and observed in the spontaneous production of fluxons in quenched Nb−Al/Alox/NbNb-Al/Al_{ox}/Nb annular Josephson tunnel junctions as a function of the quench time, τQ\tau_{Q}. The probability f1f_{1} to trap a single defect during the N-S phase transition clearly follows an allometric dependence on τQ\tau_{Q} with a scaling exponent σ=0.5\sigma = 0.5, as predicted from the Zurek-Kibble mechanism for {\it realistic} JTJs formed by strongly coupled superconductors. This definitive experiment replaces one reported by us earlier, in which an idealised model was used that predicted σ=0.25\sigma = 0.25, commensurate with the then much poorer data. Our experiment remains the only condensed matter experiment to date to have measured a scaling exponent with any reliability.Comment: Four pages, one figur

    Constraining Cosmological Models by the Cluster Mass Function

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    We present a comparison between two observational and three theoretical mass functions for eight cosmological models suggested by the data from the recently completed BOOMERANG-98 and MAXIMA-1 cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy experiments as well as peculiar velocities (PVs) and type Ia supernovae (SN) observations. The cosmological models have been proposed as the best fit models by several groups. We show that no model is in agreement with the abundances of X-ray clusters at ∌1014.7h−1M⊙\sim 10^{14.7} h^{-1}M_{\odot}.On the other hand, we find that the BOOM+MAX+{\sl COBE}:I, Refined Concordance and Λ\LambdaMDM are in a good agreement with the abundances of optical clusters. The P11 and especially Concordance models predict a slightly lower abundances than observed at ∌1014.6h−1M⊙\sim 10^{14.6} h^{-1}M_{\odot}. The BOOM+MAX+{\sl COBE}:II and PV+CMB+SN models predict a slightly higher abundances than observed at ∌1014.9h−1M⊙\sim 10^{14.9} h^{-1}M_{\odot}. The nonflat MAXIMA-1 is in a fatal conflict with the observational cluster abundances and can be safely ruled out.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, reference added, figures changes, substantial revision mad

    Spontaneous Fluxon Production in Annular Josephson Tunnel Junctions in the Presence of a Magnetic Field

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    We report on the spontaneous production of fluxons in the presence of a symmetry-breaking magnetic field for annular Josephson tunnel junctions during a thermal quench. The dependence on field intensity BB of the probability f1ˉ\bar{f_1} to trap a single defect during the N-S phase transition drastically depends on the sample circumferences. We show that the data can be understood in the framework of the Kibble-Zurek picture of spontaneous defect formation controlled by causal bounds.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B with 5 figures on Nov. 15, 200

    A super lithium-rich red-clump star in the open cluster Trumpler 5

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    Context. The existence of lithium-rich low-mass red giant stars still represents a challenge for stellar evolution models. Stellar clusters are privileged environments for this kind of investigation. Aims. To investigate the chemical abundance pattern of the old open cluster Trumpler\,5, we observed a sample of four red-clump stars with high-resolution optical spectrographs. One of them (#3416) reveals extremely strong lithium lines in its spectrum. Methods. One-dimensional, local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis was performed on the spectra of the observed stars. A 3D-NLTE analysis was performed to derive the lithium abundance of star #3416. Results. Star #3416 is super Li-rich with A(Li)=3.75\,dex. The lack of 6^6Li enrichment (6^6Li/7^7Li<<2%), the low carbon isotopic ratio (12^{12}C/13^{13}C=14±\pm3), and the lack of evidence for radial velocity variation or enhanced rotational velocity (vsin⁥i=2.8 v\sin i = 2.8\,\kms) all suggest that lithium production has occurred in this star through the Cameron & Fowler mechanism. Conclusions. We identified a super Li-rich core helium-burning, red-clump star in an open cluster. Internal production is the most likely cause of the observed enrichment. Given the expected short duration of a star's Li-rich phase, enrichment is likely to have occurred at the red clump or in the immediately preceding phases, namely during the He-flash at the tip of the red giant branch (RGB) or while ascending the brightest portion of the RGB.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A Letter
