31 research outputs found

    Sugar additives for MALDI matrices improve signal allowing the smallest nucleotide change (A:T) in a DNA sequence to be resolved

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    Sample preparation for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS) of DNA is critical for obtaining high quality mass spectra. Sample impurity, solvent content, substrate surface and environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) all affect the rate of matrix–analyte co-crystallization. As a result, laser fluence threshold for desorption/ionization varies from spot to spot. When using 3-hydroxypicolinic acid (3-HPA) as the matrix, laser fluence higher than the threshold value reduces mass resolution in time-of-flight (TOF) MS as the excess energy transferred to DNA causes metastable decay. This can be overcome by either searching for ‘hot’ spots or adjusting the laser fluence. However, both solutions may require a significant amount of operator manipulation and are not ideal for automatic measurements. We have added various sugars for crystallization with the matrix to minimize the transfer of excess laser energy to DNA molecules. Fructose and fucose were found to be the most effective matrix additives. Using these additives, mass resolution for DNA molecules does not show noticeable deterioration as laser energy increases. Improved sample preparation is important for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using primer extension with a single nucleotide. During automatic data acquisition it is difficult to routinely detect heterozygous A/T mutations, which requires resolving a mass difference of 9 Da, unless a sugar is added during crystallization

    Total Synthesis and Characterization of 7-Hypoquinuclidonium Tetrafluoroborate and 7-Hypoquinuclidone BF_3 Complex

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    Derivatives of the fully twisted bicyclic amide 7-hypoquinuclidone are synthesized using a Schmidt–Aubé reaction. Their structures were unambiguously confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis and extensive spectroscopic characterization. Furthermore, the stability and chemical reactivity of these anti-Bredt amides are investigated. 7-Hypoquinuclidonium tetrafluoroborate is shown to decompose to a unique nitrogen bound amide–BF_3 complex of 7-hypoquinuclidone under anhydrous conditions and to react instantaneously with water making it one of the most reactive amides known to date

    Characterization of the ABC methionine transporter from Neisseria meningitidis reveals that MetQ is a lipoprotein

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    NmMetQ is a substrate binding protein (SBP) from Neisseria meningitidis that has been identified as a surface-exposed candidate antigen for meningococcal vaccines. However, this location for NmMetQ challenges the prevailing view that SBPs in Gram-negative bacteria are localized to the periplasmic space to promote interaction with their cognate ABC transporter embedded in the bacterial inner membrane. To address the roles of NmMetQ, we characterized NmMetQ with and without its cognate ABC transporter (NmMetNI). Here, we show that NmMetQ is a lipoprotein (lipo-NmMetQ) that binds multiple methionine analogs and stimulates the ATPase activity of NmMetNI. Using single-particle electron cryo-microscopy, we determined the structures of NmMetNI in the absence and presence of lipo-NmMetQ. Based on our data, we propose that NmMetQ tethers to membranes via a lipid anchor and has dual function/topology, playing a role in NmMetNI-mediated transport at the inner-membrane in addition to moonlighting functions on the bacterial surface

    Conformation-dependent hydrophobic photolabeling of the nicotinic receptor: Electrophysiology-coordinated photochemistry and mass spectrometry

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    We characterized the differential accessibility of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor all subunit in the open, closed, and desensitized states by using electrophysiology-coordinated photolabeling by several lipophilic probes followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Voltage-clamped oocytes expressing receptors were preincubated with one of the lipophilic probes and were continually exposed to acetylcholine; UV irradiation was applied during 500-ms pulses to + 40 or to -140 mV (which produced closed or approximate to50% open receptors, respectively). In the open state, there was specific probe incorporation within the N-terminal domain at residues that align with the beta8-beta9 loop of the acetylcholine-binding protein. In the closed state, probe incorporation was identified at several sites of the N-terminal domain within the conserved cysteine loop (residues 128-142), the cytoplasmic loop (M3-M4), and M4. The labeling pattern in the M4 region is consistent with previous results, further defining the lipid-exposed face of this transmembrane a-helix. These results show regions within the N-terminal domain that are involved in gating-dependent conformational shifts, confirm that the cysteine loop resides at or near the protein-membrane interface, and show that segments of the M3-M4 loop are near to the lipid bilayer

    Conditional Dicer Substrate Formation via Shape and Sequence Transduction with Small Conditional RNAs

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    RNA interference (RNAi) mediated by small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) enables knockdown of a gene of choice, executing the logical operation: silence gene Y. The fact that the siRNA is constitutively active is a significant limitation, making it difficult to confine knockdown to a specific locus and time. To achieve spatiotemporal control over silencing, we seek to engineer small conditional RNAs (scRNAs) that mediate ‘conditional RNAi’ corresponding to the logical operation: if gene X is transcribed, silence independent gene Y. By appropriately selecting gene X, knockdown of gene Y could then be restricted in a tissue- and time-specific manner. To implement the logic of conditional RNAi, our approach is to engineer scRNAs that, upon binding to mRNA ‘detection target’ X, perform shape and sequence transduction to form a Dicer substrate targeting independent mRNA ‘silencing target’ Y, with subsequent Dicer processing yielding an siRNA targeting mRNA Y for destruction. Toward this end, here we design and experimentally validate diverse scRNA mechanisms for conditional Dicer substrate formation. Test tube studies demonstrate strong OFF/ON conditional response, with at least an order of magnitude increase in Dicer substrate production in the presence of the cognate mRNA detection target. By appropriately dimensioning and/or chemically modifying the scRNAs, only the product of signal transduction, and not the reactants or intermediates, is efficiently processed by Dicer, yielding siRNAs. These mechanism studies explore diverse design principles for engineering scRNA signal transduction cascades including reactant stability vs metastability, catalytic vs noncatalytic transduction, pre- vs post-transcriptional transduction, reactant and product molecularity, and modes of molecular self-assembly and disassembly

    Organosulfate Formation in Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol

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    Organosulfates of isoprene, α-pinene, and β-pinene have recently been identified in both laboratory-generated and ambient secondary organic aerosol (SOA). In this study, the mechanism and ubiquity of organosulfate formation in biogenic SOA is investigated by a comprehensive series of laboratory photooxidation (i.e., OH-initiated oxidation) and nighttime oxidation (i.e., NO3-initiated oxidation under dark conditions) experiments using nine monoterpenes (α-pinene, β-pinene, d-limonene, l-limonene, α-terpinene, γ-terpinene, terpinolene, Δ3-carene, and β-phellandrene) and three monoterpenes (α-pinene, d-limonene, and l-limonene), respectively. Organosulfates were characterized using liquid chromatographic techniques coupled to electrospray ionization combined with both linear ion trap and high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Organosulfates are formed only when monoterpenes are oxidized in the presence of acidified sulfate seed aerosol, a result consistent with prior work. Archived laboratory-generated isoprene SOA and ambient filter samples collected from the southeastern U.S. were reexamined for organosulfates. By comparing the tandem mass spectrometric and accurate mass measurements collected for both the laboratory-generated and ambient aerosol, previously uncharacterized ambient organic aerosol components are found to be organosulfates of isoprene, α-pinene, β-pinene, and limonene-like monoterpenes (e.g., myrcene), demonstrating the ubiquity of organosulfate formation in ambient SOA. Several of the organosulfates of isoprene and of the monoterpenes characterized in this study are ambient tracer compounds for the occurrence of biogenic SOA formation under acidic conditions. Furthermore, the nighttime oxidation experiments conducted under highly acidic conditions reveal a viable mechanism for the formation of previously identified nitrooxy organosulfates found in ambient nighttime aerosol samples. We estimate that the organosulfate contribution to the total organic mass fraction of ambient aerosol collected from K-puszta, Hungary, a field site with a similar organosulfate composition as that found in the present study for the southeastern U.S., can be as high as 30%

    Terpenylic Acid and Related Compounds from the Oxidation of α-Pinene: Implications for New Particle Formation and Growth above Forests

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    Novel secondary organic aerosol (SOA) products from the monoterpene α-pinene with unique dimer-forming properties have been identified as lactone-containing terpenoic acids, i.e., terpenylic and 2-hydroxyterpenylic acid, and diaterpenylic acid acetate. The structural characterizations were based on the synthesis of reference compounds and detailed interpretation of mass spectral data. Terpenylic acid and diaterpenylic acid acetate are early oxidation products generated upon both photooxidation and ozonolysis, while 2-hydroxyterpenylic acid is an abundant SOA tracer in ambient fine aerosol that can be explained by further oxidation of terpenylic acid. Quantum chemical calculations support that noncovalent dimer formation involving double hydrogen bonding interactions between carboxyl groups of the monomers is energetically favorable. The molecular properties allow us to explain initial particle formation in laboratory chamber experiments and are suggested to play a role in new particle formation and growth above forests, a natural phenomenon that has fascinated scientists for more than a century

    Reactive trityl derivatives: stabilised carbocation mass-tags for life sciences applications

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    The rational design of novel triarylmethyl (trityl)-based mass tags (MT) for mass-spectrometric (MS) applications is described. We propose a "pKR+ rule" to correlate the stability of trityl carbocations with their MS performance: trityls with higher pKR+ values ionise and desorb better. Trityl blocks were synthesised that have high pKR+ values and are stable in conditions of MS analysis; these MTs can be ionised by matrix as well as irradiation with a 337 nm nitrogen laser. 13C-Labelled tags were prepared for MS quantitation applications. Moreover, the tags were equipped with a variety of functional groups allowing conjugation with different functionalities within (bio)molecules to enhance the MS characteristics of the latter. The MS behaviour of model polycationic trityl compounds with and without the matrix was studied to reveal that poly-trityl clusters are always singly charged under the (MA)LDI-TOF conditions. Several peptide-trityl conjugates were prepared and comparisons revealed a beneficial effect of trityl tags on the conjugate detection in MS. Trityl compounds containing para-methoxy- and dimethylamine groups, as well as a xanthene fragment, showed considerable enhancement in MS detection of model peptides; thus they are promising tools for proteomic applications. Dimethoxytrityl derivatives allow one to distinguish between Arg- and Lys-containing peptides. Maleimido trityl derivatives are suitable for the efficient derivatisation of thiol-containing peptides in pyridine

    Cell-Penetrating Protein/Corrole Nanoparticles

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    Recent work has highlighted the potential of metallocorroles as versatile platforms for the development of drugs and imaging agents, since the bioavailability, physicochemical properties and therapeutic activity can be dramatically altered by metal ion substitution and/or functional group replacement. Significant advances in cancer treatment and imaging have been reported based on work with a water-soluble bis-sulfonated gallium corrole in both cellular and rodent-based models. We now show that cytotoxicities increase in the order Ga < Fe < Al < Mn < Sb < Au for bis-sulfonated corroles; and, importantly, that they correlate with metallocorrole affinities for very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), the main carrier of lipophilic drugs. As chemotherapeutic potential is predicted to be enhanced by increased lipophilicity, we have developed a novel method for the preparation of cell-penetrating lipophilic metallocorrole/serum-protein nanoparticles (NPs). Cryo-TEM revealed an average core metallocorrole particle size of 32 nm, with protein tendrils extending from the core (conjugate size is ~100 nm). Optical imaging of DU-145 prostate cancer cells treated with corrole NPs (≤100 nM) revealed fast cellular uptake, very slow release, and distribution into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosomes. The physical properties of corrole NPs prepared in combination with transferrin and albumin were alike, but the former were internalized to a greater extent by the transferrin-receptor-rich DU-145 cells. Our method of preparation of corrole/protein NPs may be generalizable to many bioactive hydrophobic molecules to enhance their bioavailability and target affinity

    Cell-Penetrating Protein/Corrole Nanoparticles

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    Recent work has highlighted the potential of metallocorroles as versatile platforms for the development of drugs and imaging agents, since the bioavailability, physicochemical properties and therapeutic activity can be dramatically altered by metal ion substitution and/or functional group replacement. Significant advances in cancer treatment and imaging have been reported based on work with a water-soluble bis-sulfonated gallium corrole in both cellular and rodent-based models. We now show that cytotoxicities increase in the order Ga < Fe < Al < Mn < Sb < Au for bis-sulfonated corroles; and, importantly, that they correlate with metallocorrole affinities for very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), the main carrier of lipophilic drugs. As chemotherapeutic potential is predicted to be enhanced by increased lipophilicity, we have developed a novel method for the preparation of cell-penetrating lipophilic metallocorrole/serum-protein nanoparticles (NPs). Cryo-TEM revealed an average core metallocorrole particle size of 32 nm, with protein tendrils extending from the core (conjugate size is ~100 nm). Optical imaging of DU-145 prostate cancer cells treated with corrole NPs (≤100 nM) revealed fast cellular uptake, very slow release, and distribution into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosomes. The physical properties of corrole NPs prepared in combination with transferrin and albumin were alike, but the former were internalized to a greater extent by the transferrin-receptor-rich DU-145 cells. Our method of preparation of corrole/protein NPs may be generalizable to many bioactive hydrophobic molecules to enhance their bioavailability and target affinity