2,089 research outputs found

    Credit of peanut to subsequent wheat under desert farming conditions in presence of diazotrophs and nitrogen fertilizers

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    Rotation with leguminous crops to break non-legume monocultures has been established to benefit the latter. The lacking information on this cultivation system in stressed environments encouraged the implementation of two field trials in two different locations of Ismailia desert soils. The experimental design included the cultivation of wheat subsequent to peanut in presence of diazotroph inoculation and N fertilization. Bradyrhizobial inoculation of the legume in combination with 50 kg N acre-1 resulted in the highest total biological yields of 4.24 and 5.01 kg plot-1 at the experimental sites 1 and 2, respective seed yields of 1.46 and 1.61 kg pot-1 were recorded. In case of the cereal crop, the measured acetylene reducing activities in soils of associative diazotroph-inoculated plants together with 50 kg N acre-1 were the highest being 515.8-886.2 and 616.7-1066.2 nmoles C2H4 g-1 h-1 at locations 1 and 2 respectively. The enzymatic activity of fallow-cultivated wheat generally represented ca. 95 % of that in subsequent to peanut. Irrespective of inoculation and N fertilization, the wheat biomass yield increases in residual effect-field over the fallow one were 6.4-35.1 % and 4.6-38.5 % at experimental sites 1 and 2 respectively. Increase percentages of 3.1-26.6 and 6.9-44.7 were scored as well for grain yield. The beneficial residual effect of the legume to the succeeding cereal was also extended to protein yields, increases of 4.0-14.2 % and 4.5-7.6 % were estimated for grain protein as well as 8.3-24.1 % and 8.1-35.3 % for straw protein yield. The findings of this study proved that the positively yield turnover of a legume is extended to the subsequent non-legume. Besides, the beneficial residual effects of legumes toward rotated non legumes could be magnified by diazotroph inoculation together with adequate N supply particularly in stressed environments represented, in the present study, by Ismailia sandy soil

    Hydrographical conditions and benthic assemblages in the Suez Gulf, Egypt

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    The coastal development and human activities along the Suez Gulf leading to sedimentation, degrade the quality of water, disturbing the natural structure and functions of aquatic communities. The Suez Gulf is a large semi-closed area with a 346 km long coastline on the western beach side. The prevailing physicochemical parameters in shallow intertidal waters were measured seasonally over the year. Benthic faunas in the sampling sites were studied indicating their regional distribution in relation to the impact of different environmental parameters in the intertidal region. The concentration of copper in seawater reached high level at St. IV (4.57 ug/1), which is exposed to sewage and petroleum hydrocarbons. The grain size of the sediment is a determining factor for the organic carbon concentration and the sandy substrate enhances organic matter degradation processes. A large number of oil fields are present along the western coast of the Suez Gulf, therefore, cadmium and organic matter appeared to be high. The values of pH did not vary greatly among the different sampling sites. It was high at EI-Ein, El-Sukhna and Ras-Shukeir due to the disposal of mainly acidic sewage and industrial effluents of the two stations Adabiya and Ras-Gharib respectively. The macrobenthos included 71 species embraced mainly from Mollusca (53.5% Gastropoda and 12.7% Bivalvia) and the other invertebrates included 7 groups namely, Rhizostoma, Polychaeta, Cirripedia, Amphipoda, Isopoda, Decapoda and Echinodermata. The distribution of benthos is affected by the temperature and salinity of seawater. The concentration of organic matter in seawater and in sediments in shallow waters shows high values in the central part of the Gulf of Suez

    Penerapan Model Kooperatif Tipe Make a Match Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V Sdn 004 Petapahan

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    The problem in this research was mathematic learning outcomes in fourth grade (IV) students SDN 004 Petapahan still low with average value 60,14 (with KKM 70). The purpose of this research was to improve mathematic learning outcomes of the fifth grade (V) students SDN 004 Petapahan with the implementation of cooperatif's make a match type learning model. This research was classroom action research with two cycles. The subjects were students of class V SDN 004 Petapahan academic years 2015/2016 which amounted to 36 people consisting of 16 women and 20 men. Based on the result a discussion the observation of teacher's and student activity sheet seen rising each meeting. Teacher's activity with the implementation of cooperatif's make a match type learning model at first meeting of first cycle was 61,67% (good), and second meeting was 70,00% (good). At second cycle, teacher's activity at first meeting was 80,00% (good) and second meeting was 93,33% (very good). Students activities at first meeting of first cycle was 53,33% (enough) and second meeting was 63,33% (good). At second cycle, students activities at first meeting was 68,33% (good), second meeting was 78,33% (very good). Mathematic learning outcomes before implementation cooperatif's make a match type learning model average 60,14, after implementation of cooperatif's make a match type learning model UH I was 62,50 that improve 3,92%, UH II was 71,91 that improve 19,41%. Implementation of cooperatif's make a match type learning model can improved mathematic learning outcomes of the fifth grade (V) students SDN 004 Petapahan

    Impacts of environmental conditions on macrobenthic distribution along the Suez Gulf, Egypt

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    Increases in coastal development and human activities leading to sedimentation degrade the quality of water; disturb the natural structure and functions of aquatic communities. The Suez Gulf is a large semi-closed area (~625 km long coastline).The assemblages of bottom fauna were studied qualitatively and quantitatively in the shallow intertidal waters along the western coast of the Suez Gulf. The quality of seawater and sediment structures were analyzed. The distribution of macro-benthos included a total of 38 species of Gastropoda and 9 Bivalvia; and 25 species from the other invertebrates included 7 groups namely, Rhizostoma, Polychaeta, Cirripedia, Amphipoda, Isopoda, Decapoda and Echinodermata. The most dominant group among invertebrate groups was the Polychaeta which included 4 species: Hydroides elegans, Perinereis cultilifera, Perinereis nuntia and Ophelina acuminata. The Cirripedia were represented by 3 species namely, Balanus amphitrite, Chithamalus challengeri and Tetraclita squamosa. The variations in the numerical abundance and biomass of bottom fauna studied between the observation periods and at sampling sites. There was a marked increase in benthos biomass at St. IV (Ras Gharib) yielding an average of 318.8 g/m² in which the gastropod community represented the dominant species in collected samples reaching 270.28 g/m² (84.4% of the total biomass) and numerically numbered 116 ind./m². Veliger larvae of bivalves and gastropods appeared to be present in the plankton for long periods and their production seems to be continuous throughout the year. In the intertidal zone of the Suez Gulf, the values of pH varied within narrow limits. Water temperature and salinity seemed to be important in the distribution and abundance of the macro-benthos communities in the study areas. The organic content in shallow intertidal waters and sediments indicated high values in the central part of the Gulf of Suez

    Life Adaptation Program & Its Effect on Daily Living Skills of Autistic Children and Their Parents Stress

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of life adaptation program on daily living skills (DLS) of autistic children and their parent's stress. A quasi -experimental design was utilized in this study. A purposive sample of thirty autistic children and their parents were recruited from Autism Day Care Unit-Beit El-shams- Child Psychiatry Clinic in El-Abbassia Mental Health Hospital. Three tools were used to conduct the current study, sociodemographic and medical data sheet, autistic child skills scale, and parent's stress scale. The results showed that, more than eighty percent of the studied children had low level of daily living skills, and slightly more than half of the studied parents had moderate stress level. Findings revealed that there was a highly statistically significant difference between pre-post program regarding daily living skills & there was a highly statistically significant difference between parents stress pre and post program. In conclusion, early intervention play significant role in the development of DLS of all ages, yet further researches are needed for developing and maintenance of DLS of autistic children. Keywords: autistic disorder, daily living skills, parents stress

    Investigation of in-plane moment connections of I-beams to square concrete-filled steel tube columns under gravity loads

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    AbstractThis paper focuses on experimental and analytical behavior of the ultimate moment of the connections of steel I-beams to square concrete-filled steel tube columns. External stiffeners around the columns are used at the beam flange levels. Five specimens are tested monotonically. The test parameters are the column stiffener dimensions and filling the steel tube column with concrete. Two types of failure modes are observed; beam flange failure and stiffener failure. The experimental results show that the ultimate moment of the connection is increased by increasing stiffener’s dimensions and filling the steel tube column with concrete. ANSYS finite element program is used to simulate the behavior, taking into account both geometric and material nonlinearities. Analytical results that are in fair agreement with the experimental ones are then used to discuss the influence of the main geometric parameters on the connection behavior. The parameters are the stiffener and column dimensions as well as filling the steel tube column with concrete. Different square column cross sections are chosen to cover the three classes of section classifications according to Egyptian code of practice, which are: compact, non compact or slender. The increase in the ultimate moment of the connections is based upon both column cross sections’ compactness and stiffener dimensions while the maximum advantages occur with slender columns

    Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengajar Calon Guru PAUD

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah melalui pengembangan video pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Subyek penelitian adalah 66 mahasiswa PG PAUD FKIP Universitas Bengkulu yang juga merupakan calon guru PAUD. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen penilaian atas penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) video pembelajaran, isi video pembelajaran yang meliputi kegiatan pembukaan, inti, dan penutup, serta aspek teknis video pembelajaran. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji statistik rerata dan nilai ketuntasan dengan prosentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kemampuan mengajar melalui pembuatan dan pengembangan video pembelajaran, baik pada aspek penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP); kegiatan pembelajaran (pembukaan, inti dan penutup) maupun aspek teknis video pembelajaran dimana pada siklus satu rerata nilai yang diperoleh untuk semua aspek adalah 3,4 atau ketuntasan 68% meningkat pada siklus kedua dengan rerata 4,1 atau ketuntasan 82%

    Momentum average approximation for models with electron-phonon coupling dependent on the phonon momentum

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    We generalize the momentum average (MA) approximation to study the properties of models with momentum-dependent electron-phonon coupling. As in the case of the application of the original MA to the Holstein model, the results are analytical, numerically trivial to evaluate, exact for both zero bandwidth and for zero electron-phonon coupling, and are accurate everywhere in parameter space. Comparison with available numerical data confirms this accuracy. We then show that further improvements can be obtained based on variational considerations, using the one-dimensional breathing-mode Hamiltonian as a specific example. For example, by using this variational MA, we obtain ground state energies within at most 0.3% error of the numerical data.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Phytochemical Investigation of Egyptian Spinach Leaves, a Potential Source for Antileukemic Metabolites: In Vitro and In Silico Study

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    Spinacia oleracea L., Amaranthaceae, leaves cultivated in Egypt demonstrated a potential antileukemic activity against the chronic myeloid leukemia, K562 cell line. Thus, the aim of this study is to carry out a phytochemical investigation of S. oleracea leaves as well as the isolation of its antileukemic phytoconstituents. Phytochemical investigation of S. oleracea leaves resulted in the isolation of seventeen known compounds. The biological study revealed that compounds hexaprenol, phytol, and 18-[(1-oxohexadecyl) oxy]-9-octadecenoic acid exhibited a remarkable antiproliferative activity against K562 cells in vitro. A mechanistic in silico study showed that hexaprenol, phytol, and 18-[(1-oxohexadecyl) oxy]-9-octadecenoic acid exhibited a strong binding affinity towards topoisomerase (docking score −12.50, −9.19, and −13.29 kcal/mol, respectively), and showed as well a strong binding affinity towards Abl kinase (docking score −11.91, −9.35, and −12.59 kcal/mol, respectively). Molecular dynamics study revealed that 18-[(1-oxohexadecyl) oxy]-9-octadecenoic acid produced stable complexes with both topoisomerase and Abl kinase with RMSD values of 1.81 and 1.85 Å, respectively. As a result of our findings, we recommend more in vivo and preclinical studies to confirm the potential benefit of spinach leaves for chronic myeloid leukemia patients. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.
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