8 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa seorang auditor dalam melakukan tugasnya membuat audit judgment dipengaruhi banyak faktor, baik bersifat teknis dan non teknis. Salah satu faktor non teknis adalah aspek perilaku individual. Aspek perilaku individu, sebagai salah satu faktor yang banyak mempengaruhi pembuatan audit judgment. Pada penelitian ini ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi audit judgment yaitu tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas. Dalam penelitian ini penullis ingin mengetahui sejauh mana “tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment”. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment. Hipotesis yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah “ jika tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas baik, maka audit judgment akan meningkat ( baik pula)”. Hipotesis ini berdasarkan asumsi bahwa tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas berpengaruh terhadap audit judgment.dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif asosiatif dengan pendekatan survey dan tes statistik. Penelitian ini terdiri dari atas variabel X1 dan X2 dan audit judgment sebagai veriabel Y atau variabel independen. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan mengolah data dari hasil jawaban kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini, peulis menyebarkan angket kepada 5 Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Bandung khusunya untuk para auditor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner yang telah diuji validitasnya dan reabilitasnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 5 KAP di Kota Bandung. Pengambilan sampel ini menggunakan purposive sampling berukuran 28 orang responden. Untuk uji hipotesis penelitian, penulis melakukannya dengan uji t untuk masing-masing variabel X1,X2, dan Y. Dari hasil uji tHitung tekanan ketaatan terhadap audit judgment tHitung =4,178>ttabel = 1.705 kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment 5 tHitung = 3.364 > ttabel = 1,705. Maka, dari hasil uji hipotesis tersebut penulis menyimpulkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian diterima (Ho ditolak, Ha diterima) artinya terdapat pengaruh antara terkanan ketaatan terhadap audit judgment dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment Untuk mencari besarnya pengaruh Tekanan ketaatan dan Kompleksitas Tugas terhadap Audit Judgment secara simultan penulis melakukannya dengan uji f dengan koefisien determinasi (KD). Dari hasil uji fhitung dan > f table yaitu 16,182>3,370. Kata kunci : Tekanan Ketaatan dan Kompleksitas tugas Terhadap Audit Judgmen

    Biobanking science applied to patient specific stem cells and biomarkers for Parkinson's disease research

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    Biomedical research aims to understand the pathological and pathophysiological mechanisms that cause disease. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), are major contributors to the burden of disease across the globe. PD is an age-related, progressive neurodegenerative disease. The pathological hallmarks are a selective loss of dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra in conjunction with the presence of protein aggregates involving α-synuclein in the residual neurons. Cystatin C expression has been shown to become upregulated in brain injuries, neurological disorders and in animal models of neurodegenerative states, which suggests it could play a part in neurodegenerative disorders. The main function of this primarily secreted protein is the inhibition of cysteine proteases. Various tools are available to researchers to study diseases, ranging from animal models, human biospecimens and human in vitro models. Regardless of the model selected, reproducibility is crucial to ensure meaningful research. To maximise the quality of biomedical research, biobanks work to ensure the biospecimens they issue are compromised as little as possible as a consequence of the unavoidable preanalytical variables occurring during their collection, processing and storage. The scientific discipline that studies preanalytical variables and how they affect biospecimens is called biospecimen science. In this thesis, biospecimen science was applied to patient specific stem cells and cystatin C in the scope of PD research. A standardized research-grade human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) workflow was established for use as an in vitro PD model, which encompasses both iPSC generation and cryostorage. Controlled-rate freezing of iPSCs using three different dimethyl sulfoxide-based cryosolutions containing ice recrystallization inhibitors was evaluated and optimized to achieve efficient iPSC cryopreservation. A double, indirect sandwich ELISA was established to quantify the concentration and the degradative state of secreted cystatin C. The ELISA was validated using well-defined and standardized cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biospecimens, then applied as a tool to retrospectively identify CSF biospecimens that had been stored in suboptimal conditions. Secreted cystatin C was quantified and compared in blood derivatives (plasma and serum) and in the culture media of derived models (iPSCs, neuroepithelial stem cells and midbrain organoids) from three idiopathic PD patients and age-matched healthy controls. The standardized in vitro PD models, novel quality control and cryopreservation methods not only demonstrate the critical importance of preanalytical standardization but open the way to future biomedical research

    A cystatin C cleavage ELISA assay as a quality control tool for determining sub-optimal storage conditions of cerebrospinal fluid samples in alzheimer's disease research

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    Background: An N-terminal octapeptide cleavage of the cystatin C protein was discovered by mass spectrometry when cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was stored at -20°C for 3 months, which did not occur when CSF was stored at -80°C. Objective: The aim was to develop an immunoassay as quality assessment tool to detect this -20°C cleavage of cystatin C in CSF and support Alzheimer's disease research. Methods: A specific monoclonal antibody and a double indirect sandwich ELISA were developed: one assay quantifies the octapeptide uncleaved protein specifically and the other quantifies the total cystatin C present in the biological fluid (both cleaved and uncleaved forms). The ratio of these concentrations was calculated to assess the extent of cleavage of cystatin C. The novel ELISA was validated and applied in a short-term (up to 4 weeks) and mid-term (up to one year) stability study of CSF stored at 4°C, -20°C, -80°C, and liquid nitrogen. Impact of freeze-thaw cycles, adsorption, and protease inhibitors were tested. Results: The ratio of truncated protein was modified following -20°C storage and seemed to reach a plateau after 6 months. The ratio was impacted neither by freeze-thaw cycles nor adsorption. The -20°C specific cleavage was found to be protease related. Conclusion: Using this novel double indirect sandwich ELISA, absolute levels of the total and uncleaved cystatin C and the ratio of truncated cystatin C can be measured. This assay is an easily applicable tool which can be used to confirm that CSF biospecimen are fit-for-purpose for Alzheimer's disease research

    Modelling Movement Energetics Using Global Positioning System Devices in Contact Team Sports: Limitations and Solutions

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    Quantifying the training and competition loads of players in contact team sports can be performed in a variety of ways, including kinematic, perceptual, heart rate or biochemical monitoring methods. Whilst these approaches provide data relevant for team sports practitioners and athletes, their application to a contact team sport setting can sometimes be challenging or illogical. Furthermore, these methods can generate large fragmented datasets, do not provide a single global measure of training load and cannot adequately quantify all key elements of performance in contact team sports. A previous attempt to address these limitations via the estimation of metabolic energy demand (global energy measurement) has been criticised for its inability to fully quantify the energetic costs of team sports, particularly during collisions. This is despite the seemingly unintentional misapplication of the model’s principles to settings outside of its intended use. There are other hindrances to the application of such models, which are discussed herein, such as the data-handling procedures of Global Position System manufacturers and the unrealistic expectations of end users. Nevertheless, we propose an alternative energetic approach, based on Global Positioning System-derived data, to improve the assessment of mechanical load in contact team sports. We present a framework for the estimation of mechanical work performed during locomotor and contact events with the capacity to globally quantify the work done during training and matches