59 research outputs found

    Pseudo-neoplastic Lesions of Prostate and the Diagnostic Deception

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    Introduction: Many pseudo-neoplastic lesions of the prostate gland are recognized. Histologically these lesions mimic the adenocarcinoma of prostate. Pseudo-neoplastic lesions comprise of different glandular and non-glandular or solid patterns. Largely emphasized on the epithelial origin but some stromal and solid lesions are also important. In developing countries, the routine Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain is most commonly used to stain the histological tissue sections. The other stains and molecular studies are not frequently used. The pseudoneoplastic lesions are so obscure and deceptive that sometimes it become very difficult to recognize. The diagnostic facilities both in government and private sector should have at least the facility of immunohistochemical staging to avoid misinterpretations. Methodology: This retrospective study performed at Muhammad Medical College Mirpurkhas Sindh. 192 specimens of radical prostatectomy (RP) and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) received between January 2015 to December 2017 were retrieved for review. All retrieved blocks processed as per standard histopathological techniques. Fresh tissue sections taken and stained with H&E. Results: All tissue sections reviewed to observe the glandular patterns, their architectural morphology, cytological changes and inflammatory process. The lesions were distinguished on epithelial origin and glandular patterns. Cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia were 169 (88 %), adenosis 06 (3.12 %), reactive hyperplasia 06 (3.12 %), Post atrophic hyperplasia 05 (2.6 %), benign stromal proliferation 02 (1 %) and prostate carcinoma 04 (2%). Conclusion: Many pseudoneoplastic lesions of the prostate are the mimicker of adenocarcinoma. On H&E stains it sometimes become difficult to differentiate the lesions. The histomorphological diagnosis of these lesions should be facilitated at least by immunohistochemical stains at diagnostic tcenters.t   Keywords: Immunohistochemistry, Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP), Radical prostatectomy (RP). Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)

    Burns; A Scar Means I Survived!

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    Procedures for Obesity by Plastic Surgeons.

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    Treatment of Obesity is always indirect because there is a generalized fat collection. Many surgeons have devised different methods which are either direct or indirect.Indirect methods: Are abdominal procedures where the size of stomach is reduced by different surgical methods and hence the size of stomach, so the absorption of food becomes limited.Direct Methods: Are insufficient to control the obesity; an attempt is made to show some of the procedures which can be used for not the generalized obesity but for localized collection of fat volume

    Incidentally detected asymptomatic HBV positive subjects with slightly raised liver alanine amino transferase (alt).

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    Introduction: One third of world population (Two billion people) has been infected with hepatitis B virus. It is one of the most common infectious diseases among the world’s leading cause of death. HBV induced chronic liver disease is also an important precursor for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma even in absence of cirrhosis. Many subjects are un aware of viruses that are the cause of hepatitis except when they have been fully involved by the disease and it has become apparent with significant signs and symptoms. Objective: To discuss raised liver Alanine amino transferase (ALT) activity in asymptomatic HBV positive subjects. Methodology: This study was carried out at pathology laboratory Muhammad Medical College Mirpurkhas from January 2015 to July 2016. Total125 hepatitis B positive asymptomatic subjects were selected and screened out as routine laboratory investigations. Results:  Selected asymptomatic subjects showed normal Reference levels for TB, ALK and GGT. While ALT was raised above reference range.Conclusion: To give awareness regarding the appropriate measures to reduce the risk in subjects which are asymptomatic and unaware of liver viruses with slightly raised enzyme activity.  Key Words: HBV, ALT, Hepatiti

    Molecular engineering of indenoindene-3-ethylrodanine acceptors with A2-A1-D-A1-A2 architecture for promising fullerene-free organic solar cells

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    Abstract Considering the increased demand and potential of photovoltaic devices in clean, renewable electrical and hi-tech applications, non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) chromophores have gained significant attention. Herein, six novel NFA molecules IBRD1–IBRD6 have been designed by structural modification of the terminal moieties from experimentally synthesized A2-A1-D-A1-A2 architecture IBR for better integration in organic solar cells (OSCs). To exploit the electronic, photophysical and photovoltaic behavior, density functional theory/time dependent-density functional theory (DFT/TD-DFT) computations were performed at M06/6-311G(d,p) functional. The geometry, electrical and optical properties of the designed acceptor molecules were compared with reported IBR architecture. Interestingly, a reduction in bandgap (2.528–2.126 eV), with a broader absorption spectrum, was studied in IBR derivatives (2.734 eV). Additionally, frontier molecular orbital findings revealed an excellent transfer of charge from donor to terminal acceptors and the central indenoindene-core was considered responsible for the charge transfer. Among all the chromophores, IBRD3 manifested the lowest energy gap (2.126 eV) with higher λ max at 734 and 745 nm in gaseous phase and solvent (chloroform), respectively due to the strong electron-withdrawing effect of five end-capped cyano groups present on the terminal acceptor. The transition density matrix map revealed an excellent charge transfer from donor to terminal acceptors. Further, to investigate the charge transfer and open-circuit voltage (V oc ), PBDBT donor polymer was blended with acceptor chromophores, and a significant V oc (0.696–1.854 V) was observed. Intriguingly, all compounds exhibited lower reorganization and binding energy with a higher exciton dissociation in an excited state. This investigation indicates that these designed chromophores can serve as excellent electron acceptor molecules in organic solar cells (OSCs) that make them attractive candidates for the development of scalable and inexpensive optoelectronic devices

    Workplace Spirituality in South Asian Context: The Role of Learning Culture, Organizational Support and Knowledge Sharing

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    This paper investigates the relationship among organizational learning culture (OLC), perceived organizational support (POS), knowledge sharing behavior (KSB) and workplace spirituality (WS). The study was conducted on banking sector of Pakistan and data was collected through questionnaire-based survey. A sample of 300 respondents was selected using item response theory from which 248 respondents replied, however only 226 responses were used in the final analysis because of outliers. The study used statistical package for social sciences to analyze data. The study found that both organizational learning culture and perceived organizational support positively associated to workplace spirituality. Further, the hierarchical regression has confirmed the mediating role of knowledge sharing behaviors between the same associations. The study has used cross-sectional survey technique and there is a probability that respondents have given biased responses. Identification of the antecedents of workplace spirituality will help the HR managers to increase the commitment of employees towards their organization

    Conservative Bridge Preparation By Using Natural Tooth As A Pontic With Ribbond Fiber: A Case Report At IIDH Islamabad

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    Summary: Traumatic damage to anterior teeth is a common form of dental injury, particularly in younger people. The abutment teeth only need to be slightly prepared for the conservative bridge preparation, as the name suggests. The final prosthesis can be fixed to the adjacent natural teeth in no time. This case reports a chair-side conservative and esthetic restoration in a 19-year-old girl who came with grade 3 mobility in her upper left central incisor by using her natural tooth as a pontic with ribbond fibre. Keywords: Conservative, Dental trauma, Ribbond fiber

    To Determine Mean Change In Weight Of Patients Undergoing Maxillomandibular Fixation

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    Abstract Objective: Optimum management of patient needs is the most important step for the restoration of form and function. Maxillomandibular fixation is one of the treatment modalities used very frequently in maxillofacial surgery. This study aims to determine the mean change in weight in patients undergoing Maxillomandibular Fixation. Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation University Medical College from 27th April 2018 to 22nd January 2019. This study included patients male and female, who presented with maxillofacial trauma, orthognathic surgery and procedures in which MMF ( Maxillomandibular fixation ) was indicated were included in this study. Pre-operative weight was measured in kilograms with an analogue weight machine and designated as W1. Patients were advised to a liquid diet and kept on follow-up. After four weeks of MMF again weight of the patient was measured and designated as W2. Follow-up was done through the patient's contact number. Results: In this study, the mean weight of patients preoperatively was 59.46±12.23 Kg. The postoperative mean weight of patients was 57.81±11.58 Kg. A decrease of 1.65 Kg was seen in the patient’s weight postoperatively.  No significant difference was seen for weight change in patients postoperatively with age, gender, educational status, occupational status, socioeconomic status and an indication of MMF. Conclusion: Results of this study showed weight loss in patients who underwent maxillomandibular fixation. This factor should be considered during the perioperative period to prevent postoperative complications, postoperative weight loss, and malnutrition of patients undergoing maxillomandibular surgery and reflect the need for guidance on diet postoperatively, mainly directed to frequency of feeding and high protein liquid diet and nutritional supplements.

    COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy or Acceptance and Its Associated Factors: Findings from Post-Vaccination Cross-Sectional Survey from Punjab Pakistan.

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    COVID-19 has posed massive challenges related to health, economy, and the social fabric of the entire human population. To curb the spread of the virus, the Government of Pakistan initiated a vaccination campaign against COVID-19. The objective of this research was to assess the factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance or hesitancy. The data were collected telephonically using a cross-sectional survey design through a close-ended structured questionnaire from a sample of 1325 vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals with a response rate of 38%. SPSS v. 26 was used to analyze the data. The study revealed that 73% of the respondents were male, half in the 40-49 age group, 78% living in urban areas, and 45% had a monthly income between 20,001-50,000 Pakistani rupees. People felt reluctant to get vaccinated because of myths and misinformation related to it. The socio-demographic factors including male, age 60-69, middle or higher level of education, marital status, currently employed, from middle socio-economic status, living in urban areas, high access to mass media, history of influenza vaccination, physical activity, and perceived good health status were significantly associated with COVID-19 vaccination uptake. Concerted efforts are needed to achieve vaccine targets for the broader population through understanding and identifying barriers to vaccination
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