17 research outputs found

    Study of Algal Communities from Water Intake Gurghiu

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    In this study were identified 124 taxa, which belong to 5 phylla. Most of the species found are diatoms, because the time of water replacement in the pond that  formed, is at maximum one day, an eu planktonic community does not exist. In all the samples benthic species were numerous. Algae are used to to assess water quality, along with physical-chemical parameters. The results indicates a water of good or very good quality. In this study both maximum development peaks were observed and a seasonal dynamics was monitored

    Adatok a Baláta-tó algaflórájához

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    Halász (1943) és Uherkovich (1978) 177 faj előfordulását közölte a Baláta-tóból. 1991-ben, valamint 1995-1996-ban végzett vizsgálataink során további 137 taxon került elő, melyek közül számos faj egyúttal Magyarország flórájára nézve is új. A flóra különösen gazdag Desmidiales és Synurophyceae fajokban. A talált fajok egy része kizárólag savas vizekben, lápokon fordul elő, mások kevésbé specializáltak, sőt néhány alkalikus, hipertróf vizekből is előkerül. Mindezek alapján a Baláta-tó átmeneti lápnak minősíthető. Vizsgálataink megerősítik Boros (1924) századeleji megállapítását, amely szerint a Baláta-tó és a Rétyi Nyír (Erdély, Kovászna megye) között igen nagy a florisztuikai hasonlóság

    Metal-induced abnormalities in diatom girdle bands

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    P. 1-14There have been a number of studies that described a serial of type of teratology occurring in different diatom taxa and that highlight the relation between metal concentration and diatom deformities, but this subject still remain not deeply understood. The present study refers to the effect of metal pollution on the diatom Achnanthidium minutissimum s.l. by describing a new form of teratology. The samples were collected in a mine area, Rosia Montana, from Romania. We observed that, exposed to environmental stress, the frustule of diatom cells appeared altered in several ways, with abnormal forms occurring in different diatom species that presented deformed valve outlines, modifications of the raphe canal system, irregular striation or mixed teratologies. In a particular sampling location where A. minutissimum s.l. was identified as the dominant species, 20.53% of the individuals presented an unreported type of deformity. This kind of teratology affects the cingulum, the valvocopula more exactly, by becoming markedly undulat

    Silica-scaled flagellates (Synurophyceae) of the „Mestecanisu de la Reci”, Covasna County, Transsylvania, Romania

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    Silica-scaled flagellates (synurophyceae) of the „Mestecanisu de la Reci” Covasna County, Transylvania, Romania. The „Mestecanisu de la Reci” („Rétyi Nyír”) is an extended sandy area situated in the Brasov Depression, southeast of Transylvania, between the city of Sf. Gheorghe and Covasna town, near the village of Reci (Réty). The peculiar landscape of the region is due to the eolian sand dunes that had been formed at the beginning of Holocene after the Rau Negru („Feketeügy”) river emptied the ancient Quaternary lake basin. Later, due to the raising of ground water level, small pools and bogs have been formed in the hundreds of small depressions formed among the dunes. The present paper deals with the silica-scaled chyrophytes collected during the spring and autumn of 1996 and 1997, from such small pools and bogs, situated mostly in the protected area (Nature Reserve) of the „Mestecanisu de la Reci”. There have been identified 23 taxa: 17 Mallomonas and 6 Synura species. The following taxa have not yet been recorded in the „Mestecanisu de la Reci” : Mallomonas acaroides, M. annulata, M lelymene and Synura lapponica

    Same karstic substratum, different aquatic communities? Case study: three water bodies from western Romania

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    We investigated the phytoplankton, periphyton and microcrustacean communities developing on similar limestone substratum, in three karstic lakes: Iezerul Ighiel (Alba County), Dracului and Ochiul Beiului (Caraș-Severin County), during 2014 and 2016. Species richness was significantly higher in the lake greater in size for both algae and microcrustaceans, consistent with the species-area hypothesis. Forty algal taxa and only one microcrustacean species were common in all three lakes, even if comparable physico-chemical characteristics were recorded. Relatively similar saprobic conditions were shown by indicator species, while trophic state differed at some extent. Since current factors existing in the three environments were relatively similar (limestone substratum, physico-chemical parameters, water source etc.), the dissimilarities found in the plankton and periphytic communities were best explained by long-term factors like geographical isolation or the strength of disturbances. Ciorca et al (PDF

    Silica-scaled chrysophytes from the bog-lake Balata-to, SW Hungary

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    Twenty-six species of silica-scaled chrysophytes representing the genera Chrysosphaerella (1 species), Mallomonas (19 species) and Synura (6 species) are reported based on transmission electron microscopy from the springtime flora of the slightly acidic bog-lake Balata-to, a Nature Reserve, situated in Southwest Hungary. Ten of them (Mallomonas alata, M. clavus, M. insignis, M. mangofera, M. oviformis, M. papillosa, M. pillula, M. scalaris, M. transsylvanica and Synura multidentata) are new records for Hungary. Furthermore, two species, M. pillula and M. scalaris are for the first time found in the Carpathian Basin and M. alara f. hualvensis is a new record for the flora of Europe. Dispersal problems are discussed

    Structure, diversity and seasonal dynamics of algal communities, with special attention to diatoms, from "Lacul Dulce" (Lake no.3) -Turda (Cluj county, Romania)

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    Abstract. Structure, diversity and seasonal dynamics of algal communities, with special attention to diatoms, from "Lacul Dulce" (Lake No. 3) -Turda (Cluj County, Romania). The subject of the present paper is the investigation of the algal communities inhabiting of Lake No. 3 (known as "Lacul Dulce") from Turda, Cluj County. The algal flora of this lake has not yet been investigated. There have been identified 80 algal taxa, belonging to 5 phyla: Cyanoprokaryota (12 taxa), Dinophyta (5 taxa), Bacillariophyta (48 taxa), Euglenophyta (9 taxa) and Chlorophyta (6 taxa). A special attention was paid to the investigation of diatom communities, the group of algae that is the subject of the first author's PhD thesis. The 48 identified diatoms belong to the following 7 families: Thalassiosiraceae, Chaetoceraceae, Fragilariaceae, Achnanthaceae, Naviculaceae, Bacillariaceae and Epithemiaceae. Some aspects regarding community structure, seasonal dynamics, ecological preferences (salinity concentration) were also studied and are discussed in the pape

    Silica-scaled chrysophytes from permanent and temporary waters of Hortobágy, eastern Hungary

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    The silica-scaled flagellate flora of permanent (reservoirs, fishponds) and temporary (roadside Caricetum) waters of the Hortobagy National Park, eastern Hungary, was studied based on materials collected in summer 1995 and spring 1996. Altogether, twenty-six taxa were identified in TEM studies: two belong to Chrysophyceae (Chrysosphaerella brevispina, Paraphysomonas vestita) and twenty-four to the Synurophyceae of which eighteen Mallomonas (M. acaroides, M. akrokomos, M. alpina, M. annulata, M. areolata, M. calceolus, M. caudata, M. corymbosa, M. crassisquama, M. cyathellata, M. elongata, M. heterospina, M. intermedia, M. paxillata, M. portae-ferreae, M. punctifera, M. teilingii and M. tonsurata) and six Synura (S. curtispina, S. petersenii var. petersenii, S. petersenii var. glabra, S. spinosa, S. splendida and S. uvella)