32 research outputs found

    Аэродинамические характеристики крыла неклассической формы в плане

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    Робота присвячена дослідженню аеродинамічних характеристик хвилеподібного крила. Хвилеподібний крило - це крило, геометрія якого в плані і по перетинах змінна відповідно до визначених законами. Результат роботи – це запропонована модель крила літака істотно нової геометричної форми і обґрунтування доцільності його використання шляхом проведення математичного експерименту, тобто отримання експериментального підтвердження доцільності впровадження крила з передньою кромкою некласичної форми. А також отримання моделі обтікання крила, що дозволить на основі головних параметрів крила визначити його оптимальні характеристики. Результати роботи можуть бути в подальшому використані при проектуванні перспективних літаків, а також можуть бути застосовані конструкторськими бюро для створення крил (або лопатей) з поліпшеними аеродинамічними характеристиками.Work is devoted to research of aerodynamic characteristics of a wind with a plane wavy-like form. Undulating wing is a wing, which in terms of geometry and variable cross-sections according to certain laws. The main result of the work – is a proposed model of the airplane wing essentially new geometrical shape and rationale for its use by means of mathematical experiment, i.e. obtain experimental confirmation of the feasibility of the introduction of the wing leading edge with non-classical forms. As well as getting the model of the wing flow, which will allow the main parameters on the basis of the wing to determine its optimum performance. The result - the proposed new wing essentially geometric form and rationale of its use by means of mathematical experiment is a confirmation of experimental feasibility of the implementation of the wave profile. And also a model of flow wing, which will based on the main parameters to determine its optimal wing characteristics. The practical significance of the results has great range. These results can be applied design bureaus to create wings (or blades) with improved aerodynamic characteristics. In addition, these results can be used as recommendations for modification of the calculation methods significantly new kinds of wings. The results can be further used in the design of future aircraft, and also can be used to create the design offices of the wings (or blades) with improved aerodynamics characteristics.Работа посвящена исследованию аэродинамических характеристик волнообразного крыла. Волнообразное крыло - это крыло, геометрия которого в плане и по сечениям переменна в соответствии с определенными законами. Результат работы – это предложенная модель крыла самолета существенно новой геометрической формы и обоснование целесообразности его использования путем проведения математического эксперимента, т.е. получение экспериментального подтверждения целесообразности внедрения крыла с передней кромкой неклассической формы. А также получение модели обтекания крыла, что позволит на основе главных параметров крыла определить его оптимальные характеристики. Результаты работы могут быть в дальнейшем использованы при проектировании перспективных самолетов, а так же могут быть применены конструкторскими бюро для создания крыльев (или лопастей) с улучшенными аэродинамическими характеристиками

    Mechanisms of knowledge-driven innovation: evidence from Russia

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    The paper aims to propose theoretical framework for knowledge-driven innovation and justify it empirically using database of 110 Russian companies. The study utilizes multidisciplinary approach and develops theoretical framework in the intersection of knowledge-based theory of a firm, the concept of learning organization, the concept of intellectual capital and the concept of self-development and self-organizational systems. The partial least square was applied for modelling the impact of the flexible structure, knowledge culture, transformational leadership on proactive employee behavior that in turn influences knowledge resources and organizational learning followed by company’s innovation. The study confirmed the key role of proactive behavior in knowledge-driven innovation. Findings revealed the highest impact of transformational leadership on employee behavior and innovation, as well as positive and significant impact of knowledge culture and indirect effect of flexible structure

    Increasing company innovation in Russia: developing employee engagement through leadership and knowledge culture

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    The article examines the impact of knowledge culture and transformational leadership on employee engagement and company innovation. The partial least square is applied to the data based on the questionnaire survey of the top and middle managers of 110 different Russian enterprises. The study reveals a significant positive impact of employee engagement on company innovation, as well as an empirical evidence of significant positive influence of knowledge culture and transformational leadership on employee engagement

    Mechanisms of innovative self-development of regional business school

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    Within the modern version of «Management 2.0» the approaches to the development of nonlinear starting mechanisms and maintenance of innovative self-development of organization on the example of regional business school are considered. It is noted that there are some possible models of behavior of regional business school among which the model focused on the activation of internal sources of development of the organization and its readiness to act as an infrastructure element of initiation of the self-development processes on the basis of openness, subjectivity and partnership. The business landscape of points of revitalization, results of initiation of activity and partnership form with the central concerned parties is offered. The effective partnership with science, authority, professional associations and business allows to create essentially new decisions for customer satisfaction. So, partner interaction with the client organizations is presented by new technology of joint creation of values in the form of project-focused training of innovative leaders and criteria of an assessment of its strategic productivity. The strategy of cultivating of mechanisms accepted by business school — attractors of innovative self-development is aimed at the formation of organization developing business — models of the new type typical for «2C-systems» (self-development and self-organizing systems)