2,353 research outputs found

    Shocks and Tides Quantified in the "Sausage" Cluster, CIZA J2242.8+5301, using N-body/hydro-dynamical Simulations

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    The colliding cluster, CIZA J2242.8+5301, displays a spectacular, almost 2 Mpc long shock front with a radio based Mach number M ~ 5, that is puzzlingly large compared with the X-ray estimate of M ~ 2.5. The extent to which the X-ray temperature jump is diluted by cooler unshocked gas projected through the cluster currently lacks quantification. Thus, here we apply our self-consistent N-body/hydro-dynamical code (based on FLASH) to model this binary cluster encounter. We can account for the location of the shock front and also the elongated X-ray emission by tidal stretching of the gas and dark matter between the two cluster centers. The required total mass is 8.9×10148.9 \times 10^{14} Msun with a 1.3:1 mass ratio favoring the southern cluster component. The relative velocity we derive is 2500\simeq 2500 km/s initially between the two main cluster components, with an impact parameter of 120 kpc. This solution implies that the shock temperature jump derived from the low angular resolution X-ray satellite SUZAKU is underestimated by a factor of two, due to cool gas in projection, bringing the observed X-ray and radio estimates into agreement. We propose that the complex southern relics in CIZA J2242.8+5301, have been broken up as the southerly moving "back" shocked gas impacts the gas still falling in along the collision axis. Finally, we use our model to generate Compton-y maps to estimate the reduction in radio flux caused by the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. At 30 GHz, this amounts to ΔSn=0.072\Delta S_n = -0.072 mJy/arcmin2^2 and ΔSs=0.075\Delta S_s = -0.075 mJy/arcmin2^2 at the locations of the northern and southern shock fronts respectively. Our model estimate agrees with previous empirical estimates that have inferred the measured radio spectra can be significantly affected by the SZ effect, with implications for charged particle acceleration models of the radio relics.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures and 1 table, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal for publication on March

    Multi-Phenomena Modeling of the New Bullet Cluster, ZwCl008.8+52, using N-body/hydrodynamical Simulations

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    We use hydrodynamical/N-body simulations to interpret the newly discovered Bullet-cluster-like merging cluster, ZwCl 0008.8+5215 (ZwCl 0008 hereafter), where a dramatic collision is apparent from multi-wavelength observations. We have been able to find a self-consistent solution for the radio, X-ray, and lensing phenomena by projecting an off-axis, binary cluster encounter viewed just after first core passage. A pair radio relics traces well the leading and trailing shock fronts that our simulation predict, providing constraints on the collision parameters. We can also account for the observed distinctive comet-like X-ray morphology and the positions of the X-ray peaks relative to the two lensing mass centroids and the two shock front locations. Relative to the Bullet cluster, the total mass is about 70% lower, (1.2±0.1)×10151.2\pm0.1) \times 10^{15} Msun, with a correspondingly lower infall velocity, 1800±3001800\pm300 km/s, and an impact parameter of 400±100400\pm100 kpc. As a result, the gas component of the infalling cluster is not trailing significantly behind the associated dark matter as in the case of the Bullet cluster. The degree of agreement we find between all the observables provides strong evidence that dark matter is effectively collisionless on large scales calling into question other claims and theories that advocate modified gravity.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, and 1 table, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal for publicationon on December 18. Coments are welcom

    A Hydrodynamical Solution for the "Twin-Tailed" Colliding Galaxy Cluster "El Gordo"

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    The distinctive cometary X-ray morphology of the recently discovered massive galaxy cluster "El Gordo" (ACT-CT J0102-4915; z=0.87) indicates that an unusually high-speed collision is ongoing between two massive galaxy clusters. A bright X-ray "bullet" leads a "twin-tailed" wake, with the SZ centroid at the end of the Northern tail. We show how the physical properties of this system can be determined using our FLASH-based, N-body/hydrodynamic model, constrained by detailed X-ray, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ), and Hubble lensing and dynamical data. The X-ray morphology and the location of the two Dark Matter components and the SZ peak are accurately described by a simple binary collision viewed about 480 million years after the first core passage. We derive an impact parameter of ~300 kpc, and a relative initial infall velocity of ~2250 km/sec when separated by the sum of the two virial radii assuming an initial total mass of 2.15x10^(15) Msun and a mass ratio of 1.9. Our model demonstrates that tidally stretched gas accounts for the Northern X-ray tail along the collision axis between the mass peaks, and that the Southern tail lies off axis, comprising compressed and shock heated gas generated as the massive component plunges through the main cluster. The challenge for LCDM will be to find out if this physically extreme event can be plausibly accommodated when combined with the similarly massive, high infall velocity case of the "Bullet cluster" and other such cases being uncovered in the new SZ based surveys.Comment: 9 pages, 5 Figures and 1 Table, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa


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    The external costs of electricity generation can be characterised by the resulting social and environmental impacts. The most significant impacts are the air pollutions impact on health, built in environment, crops, forests, agricultural areas and on global warming. The primary impact considered is the air pollution’s effect on human health. The monetised value of the health impact, the external costs are calculated for two regional coal power plants, the effects are examined on the EU level with the ExternE methodology.External costs, human health, monetized environmental impacts, energy production, coal power plants, air pollution, Environmental Economics and Policy, Health Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Commercial software tools for intelligent autonomous systems

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    This article identifies some of the commercial software tools that can potentially be examined, or relied upon for their techniques, within new EPSRC projects entitled "Reconfigurable Autonomy" and "Distributed Sensing and Control.." awarded and to be undertaken between Liverpool, Southampton and Surrey Universities in the next 4 years. Although such projects strive to produce new techniques of various kinds, the software reviewed here could also influence, shape and help to integrate the algorithmic outcome of all 16 projects awarded within the EPSRC Autonomous and Intelligent Systems programme early 2012. To avoid mis-representation of technololgies provided by the software producer companies listed, most of this review is based on using quotes from original product descriptions

    Functional compounds of einkorn and emmer genotypes

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    Three einkorn and two emmer genotypes were analysed for concentration of microelements (Fe, Zn and Se) and lipid soluble antioxidants (α-tocopherol, α-tocotrienol and β-carotene). A diversity was observed in micronutrient content, but most of the genotypes have significantly higher trace element and antioxidant contents than the control wheat variety. The emmer genotypes contain lower Fe and β-carotene concentration than einkorn genotypes. The einkorn genotypes have significant higher antioxidant content than the wheat control. On average einkorn has more than three times more β-carotene than the wheat variety. Our results are useful for species/variety choice in functional food production not only for organic but also for conventional farmers, who have/want to operate under low input conditions, especially in Central Europe

    Determining Tangential Peculiar Velocities of Clusters of Galaxies using Gravitational Lensing

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    We propose two new methods for measuring tangential peculiar velocities of rich clusters of galaxies. Our first method is based on weak gravitational lensing and takes advantage of the differing images of background galaxies caused by moving and stationary gravitational potentials. Our second method is based on measuring relative frequency shifts between multiple images of a single strongly lensed background galaxy. We illustrate this method using the example of galaxy cluster CL 0024+1654.Comment: LateX, 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Part 1 of The Astrophysical Journa

    Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Holzfeuchte auf ausgewählte Eigenschaften von Spanplatten und MDF

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    Zusammenfassung: An industriell gefertigten Spanplatten und MDF wurde der Einfluss der Holzfeuchte auf den E-Modul bei Biegebelastung, die Biegefestigkeit sowie die Schubmoduln Gzx und Gzy ermittelt. Die Gleichgewichtsfeuchte und die differentielle Dickenquellung waren bei MDF niedriger als bei Spanplatten, was sich mit den Erkenntnissen bisheriger Arbeiten deckt. Ebenso sinken die Zugfestigkeit, der E-Modul, der Schubmodul und die Biegefestigkeit bei Erhöhung der Holzfeuchte. Die Poissonsche Konstante μ12 sinkt mit zunehmender Holzfeucht