60 research outputs found

    Empirical Test for Relativistic Kinetic Theories Based on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect

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    We propose a new method to determine the electron velocity (EV) distribution function in the intracluster gas (ICG) in clusters of galaxies based on the frequency dependence of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. It is generally accepted that the relativistic equilibrium EV distribution is the one suggested by Juttner. However, there is an ongoing debate on the foundation of relativistic kinetic theory, and other distributions have also been proposed. The mildly relativistic ICG provides a unique laboratory to test relativistic kinetic theories. We carried out Monte Carlo simulations to generate SZ signal from a single-temperature gas assuming the Juttner EV distribution assuming a few percent errors. We fitted SZ models based on nonrelativistic Maxwellian, and its two relativistic generalizations, the Juttner and modified Juttner distributions. We found that a 1% error in the SZ signal is sufficient to distinguish between these distributions with high significance based on their different best-fit temperatures. However, in any line of sight (LOS) in a cluster, the ICG contains a range of temperatures. Using our N-body/hydrodynamical simulation of a merging galaxy cluster and assuming a 1% error in the SZ measurements in an LOS through a bow shock, we find that it is possible to distinguish between Juttner and modified Juttner distributions with high significance. Our results suggest that deriving ICG temperatures from fitting to SZ data assuming different EV distribution functions and comparing them to the temperature in the same cluster obtained using other observations would enable us to distinguish between the different distributions

    The Dynamical State of the Frontier Fields Galaxy Cluster Abell 370

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    We study the dynamics of Abell 370 (A370), a highly massive Hubble Frontier Fields galaxy cluster, using self-consistent three-dimensional N-body/hydrodynamical simulations. Our simulations are constrained by X-ray, optical spectroscopic and gravitational lensing, and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect observations. Analyzing archival Chandra observations of A370 and comparing the X-ray morphology to the latest gravitational lensing mass reconstruction, we find offsets of ∼30 and ∼100 kpc between the two X-ray surface brightness peaks and their nearest mass surface density peaks, suggesting that it is a merging system, in agreement with previous studies. Based on our dedicated binary cluster merger simulations, we find that initial conditions of the two progenitors with virial masses of 1.7times10151.7\\times {10}^{15} and 1.6times1015,Modot1.6\\times {10}^{15}\\,{M}_{\\odot } , an infall velocity of 3500 km s-1, and an impact parameter of 100 kpc can explain the positions and the offsets between the peaks of the X-ray emission and mass surface density, the amplitude of the integrated SZ signal, and the observed relative line-of-sight velocity. Moreover, our best model reproduces the observed velocity dispersion of cluster member galaxies, which supports the large total mass of A370 derived from weak lensing. Our simulations strongly suggest that A370 is a post major merger after the second core passage in the infalling phase, just before the third core passage. In this phase, the gas has not settled down in the gravitational potential well of the cluster, which explains why A370 does not follow closely the galaxy cluster scaling relations

    Carbon Isotope Investigation of Freshwater Tufa Precipitation in Karst Streams of Bükk Mountains (Hungary)

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    Recent freshwater tufa precipitation and its parent water were investigated at Szalajka valley, Sebesvíz and Dobrica Spring (Bükk Mts., Hungary). The aim of the study is to analyse the carbon isotope dynamics of freshwater tufa precipitated in karstic streams between the spring water and the first significant tufa barrage using field measurements, water chemistry, and carbon isotope analysis. A further aim was to examine the fossil tufa precipitations in recently active areas and their neighbourhood to determine their age using the 14C method. Based on the 3H content the water samples are relatively young (<10 y). To calibrate the calendar age of older tufas, dead carbon proportion (dcp) were determined in the recently formed freshwater tufas. The lowest dcp of the recent freshwater tufas was estimated at Sebesvíz (9.6±1.3%), the highest at Szalajka (16.4±2.4%) and a moderate value at Dobrica Spring (13.8±2.2%). Due to the rapid decrease in atmospheric 14C level we have to compensate the atmospheric 14C drop between the water infiltration time and the deposition time of fresh carbonates to compensate the bomb-effect. The oldest fossil tufa age (BC 6421-6096) was found at Sebesvíz located around 20 metres away from the riverbed, while the youngest fossil tufa ages (a few years/decades old) were found in the recently active area at all sites

    Felekezetiség és múltteremtés. = Denominations and the Creation of their Past. Unknown and/or Unpublished Texts from the Prehistory of Transylvanian historia litteraria

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    A program kiindulópontját az a felismerés jelentette, hogy a 17-18. századi magyar művelődéstörténetével foglalkozó szakemberek nem tettek szervezett erőfeszítéseket az 1990-ben számukra is megnyílt erdélyi gyűjtemények kéziratos forrásainak feltárására. A munkaközösség tagjai arra vállalkoztak, hogy legalább megkezdjék e hiány pótlását. Rendszerességre törekvő feltáró munkát kezdeményeztek tehát olyan jeles gyűjteményekben, mint a kolozsvári akadémiai könyvtár (ez tartalmazza jelenleg a nagy erdélyi felekezetek iskolai könyvtárainak dokumentumait), a marosvásárhelyi Teleki Téka, a gyulafehérvári Batthyáneum és a szebeni Állami Levéltár. A csoport, ahol ez lehetségessé vált, az internet segítségével is hozzáférhetővé teszi e feltáró munka eredményeit, más esetekben a hagyományos formákat alkalmazva tájékoztatja a hazai szakembergárdát a forrásfeltárás elvégzett munkájáról. Másfelől nemzetközi konferenciákon tartott előadásokkal és nemzetközi könyvsorozatokban való szerepléssel is igyekszik bemutatni a nagy erdélyi népcsoportok és felekezetek vetélkedésének egy pozitív oldalát: a vitákban fontos szerepet kapott az egyes közösségek kulturális teljesítménye, s így szükségessé vált annak számbavétele is, hogy a legszélesebb értelemben vett historia litteraria területén milyen produkciót tudnak felmutatni. | Our program started out from the realisation that experts of 17th-18th Hungarian cultural history had made no organised attempt at processing the Transylvanian manuscript sources which became available for us in 1990. Participants of our project intended to make at least the first steps in eliminating this absence. Therefore they initiated exploratory work with a systematising purpose in such significant collections as the Library of the Academy of Kolozsvár (which currently holds the documents from the great Transylvanian denominations' school libraries), the Teleki Téka in Marosvásárhely, the Batthyaneum in Gyulafehérvár and the National Archives in Szeben. Where possible, results of the group were also published through the Internet, while in other instances conventional forms of communication were employed in order to inform Hungarian professionals about the achievements arising from the recovery of the sources. On the other hand, lectures at international conferences and articles published in international collections were utilised to demonstrate a positive facet of the competition among the great Transylvanian ethnicities and confessions: cultural performance played a key role in the debates, and it was inevitable to make an account of the products in the area of historia litteraria in its broadest sense

    Frontier Fields: Subaru Weak-Lensing Analysis of the Merging Galaxy Cluster A2744

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    We present a weak-lensing analysis of the merging Frontier Fields (FF) cluster Abell 2744 using new Subaru/Suprime-Cam imaging. The wide-field lensing mass distribution reveals this cluster is comprised of four distinct substructures. Simultaneously modeling the two-dimensional reduced shear field using a combination of a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) model for the main core and truncated NFW models for the subhalos, we determine their masses and locations. The total mass of the system is constrained as {M}200{{c}}=(2.06+/- 0.42)× {10}15 {M}⊙ . The most massive clump is the southern component with {M}200{{c}}=(7.7+/- 3.4)× {10}14 {M}⊙ , followed by the western substructure ({M}200{{c}}=(4.5+/- 2.0)× {10}14 {M}⊙ ) and two smaller substructures to the northeast ({M}200{{c}}=(2.8+/- 1.6)× {10}14 {M}⊙ ) and northwest ({M}200{{c}}=(1.9+/- 1.2)× {10}14 {M}⊙ ). The presence of the four substructures supports the picture of multiple mergers. Using a composite of hydrodynamical binary simulations we explain this complicated system without the need for a “slingshot” effect to produce the northwest X-ray interloper, as previously proposed. The locations of the substructures appear to be offset from both the gas ({87}-28+34 arcsec, 90% CL) and the galaxies ({72}-53+34 arcsec, 90% CL) in the case of the northwestern and western subhalos. To confirm or refute these findings, high resolution space-based observations extending beyond the current FF limited coverage to the west and northwestern area are essential. Based in part on data collected at the Subaru Telescope, which is operated by the National Astronomical Society of Japan

    Comparison of High-Resolution 14C and Luminescence-Based Chronologies of the MIS 2 Madaras Loess/Paleosol Sequence, Hungary: Implications for Chronological Studies

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    Numerous loess/paleosol sequences (LPS) in the Carpathian Basin span the period of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and the last glacial maximum (LGM). Nevertheless, only two known records—Madaras and Dunaszekcső—preserve highly resolved records with absolute chronologies with minimal uncertainties, which enable the meaningful assessment of feedbacks and short-term climatic fluctuations over this period. The Madaras profile is located at the northern margin fringe of the Bácska loess plateau; Dunaszekcső, located on the Danube to its west, yields a chronology built on over 100 14C dates yet spans only part of MIS 2, missing half of the LGM including its peak. Here, we add to the previously published 14C chronology for Madaras (15 dates) with an additional 17 14C and luminescence ages. Resulting age models built solely on quartz OSL and feldspar pIRIRSL data underestimate the 14C based chronology, which is likely based on inaccuracies related to luminescence signal behavior; we observe age underestimations associated with unusual quartz behavior and significant signal loss, a phenomenon also observed in Serbian and Romanian loess, which may relate to non-sensitized grains from proximal sources. Our new chronology provides higher resolution than hitherto possible, yielding consistent 2 sigma uncertainties of ~150–200 years throughout the entire sequence. Our study indicates that the addition of further dates may not increase the chronological precision significantly. Additionally, the new age model is suitable for tackling centennial-scale changes. The mean sedimentation rate based on our new age-depth model (10.78 ± 2.34 years/cm) is the highest yet recorded in the Carpathian Basin for MIS 2. The resolution of our age model is higher than that for the Greenland NGRIP ice core record. The referred horizons in our profile are all characterized by a drop in accumulation and a higher sand input, the latter most likely deriving from nearby re-exposed sand dunes