9 research outputs found

    Changing mortality from esophageal cancer in males in Denmark and other European countries, in relation to changing levels of alcohol consumption

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    Age-specific mortality rates from esophageal cancer in men are considered by year of birth in European countries with different levels of alcohol consumption. In countries with high and increasing levels of alcohol consumption (Denmark, Hungary, Federal Republic of Germany, and Czechoslovakia) successive birth cohorts born after about 1910 experience increasing mortality from esophageal cancer in all age-groups. No clear trend in esophageal cancer mortality was observed in countries starting from lower levels of alcohol consumption, even in the presence of increasing consumption (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Poland, UK). There was an apparent threshold around 8 l of ethanol per capita per year. Likewise, no upward trend in esophageal cancer mortality was observed in countries with high and stable alcohol consumption (France, Italy, Portugal). These findings are in agreement with results of analytic epidemiologic studies which indicate that esophageal cancer mortality is only slightly affected by moderate doses of alcohol, but rises steeply with consumption of large quantities. The incidence and mortality of esophageal cancer is likely to increase further in the future in countries where the level of alcohol consumption was relatively high in 1960 and where consumption increased further in the 1960s and 1970s

    A integração da pesquisa ao conhecimento ecológico local no subsídio ao manejo: variações no estoque natural da ostra de mangue crassostrea spp. na reserva extrativista do Mandira, Cananéia-SP, Brasil

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    Este estudo teve o objetivo de descrever uma experiência de integração entre conhecimento científico e comunitário no subsídio ao manejo, a partir das avaliações do estoque da ostra de mangue Crassostrea spp. na Reserva Extrativista do Mandira, baseadas em estudos populacionais e no Conhecimento Ecológico Local (CEL) e percepção da comunidade. Os dados dos estudos populacionais apresentaram aspectos concordantes com o Conhecimento Ecológico Local, evidenciando variações no estoque de ostras na Reserva.<br>This study aimed to illustrate the experience of integration between scientific knowledge and Local Ecological Knowledge to subside management from the assessments of the mangrove oyster stock in the Mandira Extractive Reserve, based on population studies and on local ecological knowledge and perception of the community. Data from population studies showed features consistent with the Local Ecological Knowledge, providing evidence of variations in the stock of oysters in the Mandira Extractive Reserve

    Addressing sleep disturbances: An opportunity to prevent cardiometabolic disease?

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    Maligne Hodentumoren

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