8 research outputs found

    Comparison of body fat percentage measured by bioelectrical ımpedance analysis and anthropometric methods

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    Amaç: Biyoelektrik empedans analiz (BEA) yöntemiyle ölçülen “vücut yağ yüzdesi” (VYY) ile skinfold deri kıvrım kalınlığı ölçüm ve hesaplama yöntemleriyle bulunan vücut yağ yüzdelerini karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya 18-60 yaş arası 90 kadın ve 18¬55 yaş arası 90 erkek olmak üzere toplam 180 katılımcı alındı ve iki yöntemle VYY ölçümleri yapıldı. Katılımcıların ilk ola¬rak BEA yöntemiyle (Bodystat 1500) VYY ölçüldü. Kişi sırt üstü yatar pozisyondayken cihazın elektrotları sağ el ve sağ ayağa yerleştirilerek VYY ölçümü gerçekleştirildi. İkinci ola¬rak antropometrik yöntemler uygulandı. Skinfold aletiyle (Holtain) ölçülen deri kıvrım kalınlığından hesaplama yön¬temleri ile VYY saptandı. Skinfold aleti ile karın (abdomen), kol (triceps), uyluk (thigh) ve sırt (subscapular) deri kıvrım kalınlığı ölçümleri yapıldı. Kadın ve erkeklerde uygulanan Behnke VVilmore, Dumin Womersley formülleri kullanılarak, deri kıvrım kalınlığı ölçümlerinden vücut yoğunlukları hesap¬landı. Bulunan vücut yoğunluklarından Siri veya Brozek for¬mülleri ile katılımcılara ait VYY hesaplandı. Farklı yöntem¬lerle bulunan VYY ölçümleri arasında Pearson korelasyon analizi uygulandı. Bulgular: Vücut kitle indeksi (BMI) ortalaması kadınlar (25.8±6.0) ile erkekler (24.2±3.3) arasında farklı değildi (p=0.27). Katılımcılarda ortalama VYY biyoelektrik empe¬dans analiz yöntemiyle 21.8±10.9, Behnke Wilmore ile 23.0±8.6, Dumin Womersley ile 23.6±6.9 bulundu. BEA ile Behnke VVilmore arasında (r= 0.835, p<0.001), BEA ile Dumin VVomersley arasında (r=0.777, p<0.001) ve Behnke VVilmore ile Dumin VVomersley arasında (r=0.935, p<0.001) çok iyi korelasyon olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: BEA yöntemiyle VYY ölçümü, skinfold ölçümleri kullanılarak Behnke VVilmore veya Dumin VVomersley formülüyle hesaplanan VYY ölçümleri yerine kullanılabileceği söylenebilir.Objective: The aim of this study was compari¬son of body fat percentages measured by bioelectrical imped¬ance analysis (BIA) and skinfold thicknesses methods. Material and Methods: A total of 180 people, 90 females (18-60 years old) and 90 males (18-55 years old), were in¬cluded in the study. Body fat percentage was measured by two methods: BIA and anthropometric methods. First meas¬urements were done using BIA (Bodystat 1500) method as follows; people who participated in this study were asked to lie on supine position, and then the electrodes of BIA device were placed on the right hand and foot to take the measure¬ment for body fat percentage. The measurements were taken and recorded for each person. Secondly, body fat percentage was measured by anthropometric methods. Thickness of ab¬domen, triceps, thigh, subscapular skinfold were measured by Skinfold caliper (Floltain). Body density was estimated using Behnke VVilmore and Dumin Womersley equations based on the skinfold measurements. Body fat percentage was esti¬mated with Siri or Brozek equations using the body density values obtained. The results were analyzed statistically by Pearson’s correlation. Results: Mean body mass index (BMI) was not different between women (25.8±6.0) and men (24.2±3.3) (p=0.27). The mean values for body fat percentage were found as 21.8± 10.9, 23.0±8.6, 23.6±6.9 by BIA, Behnke Wilmore and Dumin Womersley respectively. Strong correlations were observed between the body fat percentage values obtained by BIA and Behnke Wilmore (r= 0.835, p<0.001), BIA and Dumin Womersley (r=0.777, p<0.001), Behnke Wilmore and Dumin Womersley (r=0.935, p<0.001). Conclusion: Our data suggest that BIA method can be used for the estimation of body fat percentage instead of Behnke Wilmore and Dumin Womersley equations based on skinfold measurements

    Comparison of power outputs of wingate tests applied with loads determined from body weight and lean body mass: (Comparison of power outputs of wingate test with different loads)

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    Amaç: Wingate testinde erkeklerde uygulanması önerilen ve vücut ağırlığı ile hesaplanan klasik yüklerle elde edilen güç çıktılarını, yağsız vücut ağırlığından hesaplanan yük ile elde edilen güç çıktılarıyla karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya 18-59 yaş arası 60 erkek gönüllü alındı. Katılımcıların vücut yağ yüzdeleri ve yağsız vücut ağırlıkları biyoelektrik empedans analiz yöntemiyle (Bodystat 1500) ölçüldü. Uygulanacak yükler vücut ağırlığının kilogramı başına 75 g (yük-1) ve 95 g (yük-2), yağsız vücut ağırlığı kilogramı başına 95 g (yük-3) olarak hesaplandı. Wingate testi Monark 839 bisiklet ergometre ve 1/12 rezolüsyonlu elektronik pedal sayıcı ile gerçekleştirildi. Toplam 30 saniye süresince her 5 saniye için pedal sayıları kaydedildi. Testler en az bir gün ara ile yapıldı. Farklı yüklerle elde edilen güç çıktıları; Pik Oüç (PG), Ortalama Güç (OG) ve Yorgunluk İndeksi (Yİ) hesaplandı. Sonuçlar “Friedman varyans analizi” ve “Wilcoxon Testi” ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Yük ortalamaları, yük-1 için 5.2±0.5 kg, yük-2 için 6.6±0.7 kg, yük-3 için 5.7±0.6 kg bulundu ve aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0.001). Wingate testinde yük-2 ve yük-3 kullanılarak elde edilen PG ve OG çıktıları, yük-1 ile bulunan PG ve OG çıktılarından yüksekti (pO.OOl). Yük-2 ile elde edilen Yİ, yük-3 kullanılarak elde edilen Yİ’den (p=0.035); yük-3 ile elde edilen Yİ. yük-1 ile elde edilen Yİ’den (p=0.026) yüksek bulundu.Objective: Classically, body vveight has been used for load determination of the Wingate test. The purpose of this study was to compare power outputs of the Wingate test in which loads were determined by two different formulas based on either body vveight or lean body mass. Material and Methods: Sixty males (18-59 years old) volunteered to take part in the study. Body fat percentage and lean body mass were measured by bioelectrical im- pedance analysis (Bodystat 1500). The loads for the Win- gate test were 75 g per body weight (load-1), 95 g per body vveight (load-2) and 95 g per lean body mass (load- 3). The Wingate test was performed on a Monark 839 cy- cle ergometer and pedal revolutions were counted by an electronic counter with resolution of 1/12. Tests were performed at least with one day interval in betvveen. Pedal revolutions were recorded for each 5 second during the 30 second total period. The peak power (PP), the mean power (MP) and the fatigue index (FI) outputs of each Wingate tests were determined. Results were statistically analyzed by “Friedman’s variance analyzes” and “Wilcoxon test”. Results: The mean loads obtained were 5.2±0.5 kg for load-1, 6.6±0.7 kg for load-2, 5.7±0.6 kg for load-3 and signifıcant differences were found betvveen the mean loads for ali three measurements (p<0.001). PP and MP values of the Wingate tests obtained from load-2 and load-3 vvere signifıcantly higher than PP and MP values of the Wingate tests obtained from load-1, respectively (p<0.001). The FI values of load-2 were greater than the one obtained from load-3 (p=0.035). Similarly, the FI values of load-3 was higher than the FI values of load-1 (p=0.026). Conclusion: Our data suggest that load-3 can be used in- stead of load-1 in the Wingate test. Lean body mass can be measured by a cheap and simple method. Size of muscleindependent load determination from body fat percentage for the Wingate test. In addition, further investigations should be carried out to optimize the loads to be determined from lean body mass for highest power outputs for the Wingate test

    Comparison of power outputs of wingate tests applied with loads determined from body weight and lean body mass: (Comparison of power outputs of wingate test with different loads)

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    Amaç: Wingate testinde erkeklerde uygulanması önerilen ve vücut ağırlığı ile hesaplanan klasik yüklerle elde edilen güç çıktılarını, yağsız vücut ağırlığından hesaplanan yük ile elde edilen güç çıktılarıyla karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya 18-59 yaş arası 60 erkek gönüllü alındı. Katılımcıların vücut yağ yüzdeleri ve yağsız vücut ağırlıkları biyoelektrik empedans analiz yöntemiyle (Bodystat 1500) ölçüldü. Uygulanacak yükler vücut ağırlığının kilogramı başına 75 g (yük-1) ve 95 g (yük-2), yağsız vücut ağırlığı kilogramı başına 95 g (yük-3) olarak hesaplandı. Wingate testi Monark 839 bisiklet ergometre ve 1/12 rezolüsyonlu elektronik pedal sayıcı ile gerçekleştirildi. Toplam 30 saniye süresince her 5 saniye için pedal sayıları kaydedildi. Testler en az bir gün ara ile yapıldı. Farklı yüklerle elde edilen güç çıktıları; Pik Oüç (PG), Ortalama Güç (OG) ve Yorgunluk İndeksi (Yİ) hesaplandı. Sonuçlar “Friedman varyans analizi” ve “Wilcoxon Testi” ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Yük ortalamaları, yük-1 için 5.2±0.5 kg, yük-2 için 6.6±0.7 kg, yük-3 için 5.7±0.6 kg bulundu ve aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0.001). Wingate testinde yük-2 ve yük-3 kullanılarak elde edilen PG ve OG çıktıları, yük-1 ile bulunan PG ve OG çıktılarından yüksekti (pO.OOl). Yük-2 ile elde edilen Yİ, yük-3 kullanılarak elde edilen Yİ’den (p=0.035); yük-3 ile elde edilen Yİ. yük-1 ile elde edilen Yİ’den (p=0.026) yüksek bulundu.Objective: Classically, body vveight has been used for load determination of the Wingate test. The purpose of this study was to compare power outputs of the Wingate test in which loads were determined by two different formulas based on either body vveight or lean body mass. Material and Methods: Sixty males (18-59 years old) volunteered to take part in the study. Body fat percentage and lean body mass were measured by bioelectrical im- pedance analysis (Bodystat 1500). The loads for the Win- gate test were 75 g per body weight (load-1), 95 g per body vveight (load-2) and 95 g per lean body mass (load- 3). The Wingate test was performed on a Monark 839 cy- cle ergometer and pedal revolutions were counted by an electronic counter with resolution of 1/12. Tests were performed at least with one day interval in betvveen. Pedal revolutions were recorded for each 5 second during the 30 second total period. The peak power (PP), the mean power (MP) and the fatigue index (FI) outputs of each Wingate tests were determined. Results were statistically analyzed by “Friedman’s variance analyzes” and “Wilcoxon test”. Results: The mean loads obtained were 5.2±0.5 kg for load-1, 6.6±0.7 kg for load-2, 5.7±0.6 kg for load-3 and signifıcant differences were found betvveen the mean loads for ali three measurements (p<0.001). PP and MP values of the Wingate tests obtained from load-2 and load-3 vvere signifıcantly higher than PP and MP values of the Wingate tests obtained from load-1, respectively (p<0.001). The FI values of load-2 were greater than the one obtained from load-3 (p=0.035). Similarly, the FI values of load-3 was higher than the FI values of load-1 (p=0.026). Conclusion: Our data suggest that load-3 can be used in- stead of load-1 in the Wingate test. Lean body mass can be measured by a cheap and simple method. Size of muscleindependent load determination from body fat percentage for the Wingate test. In addition, further investigations should be carried out to optimize the loads to be determined from lean body mass for highest power outputs for the Wingate test

    Some anthropometric measurements belonging to the upper extremities of male volleyball players

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    Bu çalışmada, 2003 yılı Türkiye liselerarası voleybol şampiyonasına katılan 100 erkek voleybolcunun üst ekstremitelerine ait bazı antropometrik ölçümler değerlendirildi. Yaş ortalaması 16,8±0,9 yıl olan voleybolcularda boy, kilo, üst ekstremite uzunluğu, omuz genişliği, kulaç açıklığı, el genişliği, önkol ve kol çevreleri ölçüldü. Ölçümlerde antropometrik set, terazi ve mezura kullanıldı. Yapılan ölçümlerde, boy uzunluğu 187.8±7.2 cm, üst ekstremite uzunluğu sağ tarafta 81.6±3.7 cm, sol tarafta 82.0±3.8 cm, kulaç uzunluğu 186.7±8.5 cm ve omuz genişliği 40.5±2.2 cm olarak ölçüldü. Kol çevresi sağ tarafta 27.8±1.7 cm, sol tarafta 26.2±1.4 cm, önkol çevresi sağ tarafta 25.6±1.3 cm, önkol çevresi sol tarafta 24.3±1.2 cm bulundu. Bilek çevresi sağ ve sol tarafta aynı 17.3±0.8 cm, el genişliği sağ tarafta 8.9±0.5 cm, sol tarafta 8.0±0.3 cm olarak ölçüldü. Bulgulara göre voleybolcuların uzun boylu ve geniş omuzlu olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıca voleybolcuların el tercihlerine bağlı olarak önkol ve kol çevreleri ölçümlerinin tercih edilen tarafta daha geniş olduğu gözlendi.In this study, some anthropometric features of the upper extremities of 100 male volleyball players participating in high schools competitions in 2003 were evaluated. The mean age of the participants was 16,8±0,9 year. The height, weight, upper extremity length, the shoulder width, fathom, hand width, forearm and arm cir¬cumference were measured. The measurements were done by using anthropometric set, weighing and tape measure. Among all those measurements, height 187.8±7.2 cm, upper extremity length right side 81.6±3.7 cm, left side 82.0±3.8 cm, fathom length 186.7±8.5 cm and shoulder width 40.5±2.2 cm were measured. Arm circumference right side 27.8Ü.7 cm, left side 26.2±1.4 cm, forearm circumference right side 25.6Ü.3 cm, left side 24.3±1.2 cm were found. Wrist circumference both measurements were the same 17.3±0.8 cm, hand width right side 8.9±0.5 cm, left side 8.0±0.3 cm were measured. According to findings, volleybal players were taller and wider shoulder. Forearm and arm circumference measurements of volleyball players were larger at the preferred side

    Protective Effect of Alpha Lipoic Acid on Rat Sciatic Nerve Ischemia Reperfusion Damage

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    Background: Alpha lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant that plays numerous roles in human health. This study examined the effect of ALA on rat sciatic nerve ischemia reperfusion damage. Aims: Protective effect of alpha lipoic acid (ALA) on sciatic nerve following ischemia-reperfusion in rats was investigated by using light microscopy and biochemical methods. Provided that the protective effect of ALA on sciatic nerve is proven, we think the damage to the sciatic nerve that has already occurred or might occur in patients for various reasons maybe prevented or stopped by giving ALA in convenient doses. Study Design: Animal experiment. Methods: Forty-two adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300 grams) were used in this study. Rats were randomly divided into six groups including one control (Group 1), one sham (Group 2), two ischemia-reperfusion (Groups 3 and 4) and two treatment groups (Groups5 and 6). Doses of 60 and 100 mg/kg ALA were given (Group 5 and 6) intra peritoneally twice, 1 and 24 hours before the ischemia to each treatment group. Ischemia was carried out the abdominal aorta starting from the distal part of the renal vein for two hours followed by reperfusion for three hours. In immunohistochemical methods, fibronectin immunoreactivity was analyzed. For biochemical analyses, the tissues were taken in eppendorf microtubes and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) enzyme activities as well as malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitricoxide (NO) levels were measured. Results: Fibronectin was observed to have increased significantly in the ischemia group; on the other hand, it was observed to have decreased in parallel to the doses in the ALA groups. Biochemical studies showed that SOD and GSHPx declined with ischemia-reperfusion, but the activities of these enzymes were increased in the treatment groups in parallel with the dose. It was found that increased MDA levels with ischemia-reperfusion were decreased in parallel with ALA dose. There were no statistically significant changes in NO. Conclusion: Increased fibronectin observed after ischemia/reperfusion of rat sciatic nerve is reduced after the administration of ALA. This indicates that the function of fibronectin, to reconnect cut nerve segments and regenerate nerves, is more prominent than its function in tissue healing after ischemia. ALA administered before ischemia decreases MDA and increases SOD and GSHPx. We think that ALA may protect against the pathological changes in ischemic nerve and may be used to devise more efficient treatments

    Uyan�K Durumdaki Obstr�Ktif Uyku Apne Sendromlu Hastalarda Solunumsal De��i��kenler Ve Antropometrik ÖL�üMler

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    Aim: This study was aimed to investigate the respiratory variables during wakefulness, otorhinolaryngologic and anthropometric differences, and to clarify their possible associations in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Method: Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was established by overnight polysomnography. Otorhinolaryngologic examination, anthropometric measurements and questionnaire, were performed. Respiratory variables were measured with a cardio-breathing analysis system. Body fat percentages were calculated from the skinfold thicknesses. Result: Among a total of 83 patients, 43 (32 male and 11 female) patients having an AHI score equal or above 10 were diagnosed as OSA, and 40 (27 male and 13 female) patients having an AHI score under 10 were diagnosed as simple snorers. Apnea with witness, flat soft palate, pharyngeal collapse with Muller maneuver, neck antero-posterior and lateral diameters, thorax antero-posterior diameter, and O2 pulse values were found significantly higher in OSAS patients than those in simple snorers. Conclusion: This study suggests that neck antero-posterior and lateral diameters, thorax antero-posterior diameter and O2 pulse might be predicting factors for OSAS. It also emphasizes that pharyngeal collapse with Muller maneuver can be routine diagnostic procedure in evaluating OSAS patients.Amaç: Bu çalışmada, uyanık durumdaki obstrüktif uyku apne sendromlu hastalardaki solunumsal değişkenlerin, kulak-burun-boğaz ve antropometriyle ilgili farklılıklarının araştırılması ve bunların olası ilişkilerinin aydınlatılması amaçlanmıştır. Metod: Apne-hipopne indeksi (AHİ) polisomnografi ile belirlendi. Kulak-burun-boğaz muayenesi, antropometrik ölçümler ve anket uygulamaları gerçekleştirildi. Solunumsal değişkenler kalp-solunum analiz sistemi ile ölçüldü. Vücut yağ yüzdesi deri kıvrım kalınlıklarından hesaplandı. Bulgular: Toplam 82 katılımcıdan, AHİ skoru 10 ve üzeri olan 43 hasta (32 erkek, 11 kadın) obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu ve AHİ skoru 10’un altında olan 40 hasta (27 erkek, 13 kadın) basit horlama tanısı aldı. Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromlu hastalarda tanıklı apne, yayvan yumuşak damak ve Müller manevrasıyla oluşan kollaps, boyun ön-arka ve lateral çapları, göğüs ön-arka çapı ve ‘dakika O2 alımı/kalp hızı’değeri basit horlamalılara göre yüksek bulundu. Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile obstrüktif uyku apne sendromlu hastalarda boyun ön-arka ve lateral çapları, göğüs ön-arka çapı ve ‘dakika O2 alımı/kalp hızı’değerinin hastalık prediktörleri olabileceği ileri sürüldü. Aynı zamanda, Müller manevrasıyla oluşan kollapsın obstrüktif uyku apne sendromlu hastalarının rutin muayenesinde tanı amaçlı kullanılabileceği bildirildi

    Some anthropometric measurements belonging to the upper extremities of male volleyball players

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    Bu çalışmada, 2003 yılı Türkiye liselerarası voleybol şampiyonasına katılan 100 erkek voleybolcunun üst ekstremitelerine ait bazı antropometrik ölçümler değerlendirildi. Yaş ortalaması 16,8±0,9 yıl olan voleybolcularda boy, kilo, üst ekstremite uzunluğu, omuz genişliği, kulaç açıklığı, el genişliği, önkol ve kol çevreleri ölçüldü. Ölçümlerde antropometrik set, terazi ve mezura kullanıldı. Yapılan ölçümlerde, boy uzunluğu 187.8±7.2 cm, üst ekstremite uzunluğu sağ tarafta 81.6±3.7 cm, sol tarafta 82.0±3.8 cm, kulaç uzunluğu 186.7±8.5 cm ve omuz genişliği 40.5±2.2 cm olarak ölçüldü. Kol çevresi sağ tarafta 27.8±1.7 cm, sol tarafta 26.2±1.4 cm, önkol çevresi sağ tarafta 25.6±1.3 cm, önkol çevresi sol tarafta 24.3±1.2 cm bulundu. Bilek çevresi sağ ve sol tarafta aynı 17.3±0.8 cm, el genişliği sağ tarafta 8.9±0.5 cm, sol tarafta 8.0±0.3 cm olarak ölçüldü. Bulgulara göre voleybolcuların uzun boylu ve geniş omuzlu olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıca voleybolcuların el tercihlerine bağlı olarak önkol ve kol çevreleri ölçümlerinin tercih edilen tarafta daha geniş olduğu gözlendi.In this study, some anthropometric features of the upper extremities of 100 male volleyball players participating in high schools competitions in 2003 were evaluated. The mean age of the participants was 16,8±0,9 year. The height, weight, upper extremity length, the shoulder width, fathom, hand width, forearm and arm cir¬cumference were measured. The measurements were done by using anthropometric set, weighing and tape measure. Among all those measurements, height 187.8±7.2 cm, upper extremity length right side 81.6±3.7 cm, left side 82.0±3.8 cm, fathom length 186.7±8.5 cm and shoulder width 40.5±2.2 cm were measured. Arm circumference right side 27.8Ü.7 cm, left side 26.2±1.4 cm, forearm circumference right side 25.6Ü.3 cm, left side 24.3±1.2 cm were found. Wrist circumference both measurements were the same 17.3±0.8 cm, hand width right side 8.9±0.5 cm, left side 8.0±0.3 cm were measured. According to findings, volleybal players were taller and wider shoulder. Forearm and arm circumference measurements of volleyball players were larger at the preferred side

    Noise Induces Oxidative Stress In Rat

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    Aim: Noise is described as disturbing and unwanted sound. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of noise on oxidative stress parameters in rat. Methods: Twenty male Sprague-Dawley rats were used in the study. Noise group (n=10) was exposed to noise for 20 days / 4 hour 100 dB. Control group (n=10) that was not exposed to any noise and was kept from any stress source, was hold in the same conditions. Baseline and after 20th day of the experiment, blood samples of rats were collected and their sera were separated. Malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO) levels and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity were analyzed in rat sera. Results: MDA and NO levels and GSH-Px activities were found to be increased significantly at the end of experiment in the group exposed to noise. No parameters were significantly differed between at baseline and at the end of experiment in the control group. Conclusion: The present study showing an elevation in MDA level, an indicator of lipid peroxidation, as well as NO level and GSH-Px activity by noise exposure suggests the presence of oxidative stress which may lead to various degrees of damages in the cells, mainly via lipid peroxidation pathway.in the noise group. Therefore, these results appear to support the fact that noise might cause damage not only in the ears but also in whole body leading to oxidative stress