182 research outputs found

    EC71-135 Pure Live Seed...A Basis for Calculating Seed Requirements for Planting Grasses and Legumes

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    Extension Circular 71-135: Pure live seed- A basis for calculating seed requirements for planting grasses and legumes; suggestion for calculating mixtures, plan for seeding, harvested mixtures, and cost calculation of pure live seed

    CC178 Revised 1971 Certified Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1971

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    Campaign Circular 178 Revised 1971: Certified Crop Varieties suggested fpr Nebraska in 1960, talks about the variations of crops in Nebraska

    CC178 Revised 1972

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    Campaign Circular 178 Revised 1972: Certified Crop Varieties suggested for Nebraska in 1960, talks about the variations of crops in Nebraska such as : small grains, sorghums, soybeans, legumes, grasses, cor

    CC178 Revised 1972

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    Campaign Circular 178 Revised 1972: Certified Crop Varieties suggested for Nebraska in 1960, talks about the variations of crops in Nebraska such as : small grains, sorghums, soybeans, legumes, grasses, cor

    CC221 Using Fertilizers to Improve Bromegrass Pastures in Nebraska

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    Campaign Circular 221 discusses using fertilizers to improve bromegrass pastures in Nebraska

    Bioluminescence intensity modeling and sampling strategy optimization

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 22 (2005): 1267–1281, doi:10.1175/JTECH1760.1.The focus of this paper is on the development of methodology for short-term (1–3 days) oceanic bioluminescence (BL) predictions and the optimization of spatial and temporal bioluminescence sampling strategies. The approach is based on predictions of bioluminescence with an advection–diffusion–reaction (tracer) model with velocities and diffusivities from a circulation model. In previous research, it was shown that short-term changes in some of the salient features in coastal bioluminescence can be explained and predicted by using this approach. At the same time, it was demonstrated that optimization of bioluminescence sampling prior to the forecast is critical for successful short-term BL predictions with the tracer model. In the present paper, the adjoint to the tracer model is used to study the sensitivity of the modeled bioluminescence distributions to the sampling strategies for BL. The locations and times of bioluminescence sampling prior to the forecast are determined by using the adjoint-based sensitivity maps. The approach is tested with bioluminescence observations collected during August 2000 and 2003 in the Monterey Bay, California, area. During August 2000, BL surveys were collected during a strong wind relaxation event, while in August 2003, BL surveys were conducted during an extended (longer than a week) upwelling-favorable event. The numerical bioluminescence predictability experiments demonstrated a close agreement between observed and model-predicted short-term spatial and temporal changes of the coastal bioluminescence.This work has been supported by the Ocean Optics and Biology and Physical Oceanography Programs of the Office of Naval Research. Shulman’s support is through the NRL “Use of a Circulation Model to Enhance Predictability of Bioluminescence in the Coastal Ocean” project sponsored by the Office of Naval Research

    The Effects of Climate Change on Harp Seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus)

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    Harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) have evolved life history strategies to exploit seasonal sea ice as a breeding platform. As such, individuals are prepared to deal with fluctuations in the quantity and quality of ice in their breeding areas. It remains unclear, however, how shifts in climate may affect seal populations. The present study assesses the effects of climate change on harp seals through three linked analyses. First, we tested the effects of short-term climate variability on young-of-the year harp seal mortality using a linear regression of sea ice cover in the Gulf of St. Lawrence against stranding rates of dead harp seals in the region during 1992 to 2010. A similar regression of stranding rates and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index values was also conducted. These analyses revealed negative correlations between both ice cover and NAO conditions and seal mortality, indicating that lighter ice cover and lower NAO values result in higher mortality. A retrospective cross-correlation analysis of NAO conditions and sea ice cover from 1978 to 2011 revealed that NAO-related changes in sea ice may have contributed to the depletion of seals on the east coast of Canada during 1950 to 1972, and to their recovery during 1973 to 2000. This historical retrospective also reveals opposite links between neonatal mortality in harp seals in the Northeast Atlantic and NAO phase. Finally, an assessment of the long-term trends in sea ice cover in the breeding regions of harp seals across the entire North Atlantic during 1979 through 2011 using multiple linear regression models and mixed effects linear regression models revealed that sea ice cover in all harp seal breeding regions has been declining by as much as 6 percent per decade over the time series of available satellite data
