2,228 research outputs found

    Proteomic analysis in wild type and cisplatin resistant yeast strain of saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Research carried out in oncology has allowed the identification and characterization of molecular markers of resistance to antineoplastic drugs. It supposes a great advance and allows the administration of customized chemotherapies to patients. The aim of this work is to carry out a proteomic analysis in the wild type strain and cisplatin resistant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in order to look for possible markers of resistance, as well as the mechanisms involved.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    How the didactic and instructional design in a blended research-based learning environment supports learning - the total mediation effect of intrinsic motivation

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    Seit 2012 haben die wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Institute der Universität Leipzig und der Technischen Universität Dresden mehrere Prototypen einer innovativen komplexen Online-Lehr-Lernumgebung entwickelt und getestet (Achtenhagen & John, 1992, Schlicht et al. 2017, S. 46). Der jüngste Prototyp wurde von 2017 bis 2021 in einem Blended-Research-Based-Learning (RBL)-Kurs zu Forschungsmethoden für Bachelor-Studierende an der Universität Leipzig getestet. Die zentrale Forschungsfrage lautete: Wie lernen Erstsemester der Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit dem Blended-RBL-Kurs zu Forschungsmethoden? Die zentrale Herausforderung bestand darin, die Studierenden auf systematische Weise an wissenschaftliches Denken heranzuführen (Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 2014, S. 6; Schlicht et al., 2017, S. 43). Darüber hinaus war weitere Forschung zum besseren Verständnis des Lernprozesses mit dem Blended-RBL-Kurs erforderlich (Dziuban et al. 2018; Klauser, 1998; Reinmann, 2016, 2011; Schlicht, 2021, Schlicht et al., 2017, S. 48). Ein quantitatives Design wurde verwendet, um die Lernergebnisse des Blended-RBL-Kurses zu analysieren (Isaac & Michael, 1995). In Anlehnung an die Definitionen für quasi-experimentelle Designs von Campbell und Stanley (1966) wurde ein Ein-Gruppen-Pretest-Posttest-Design durchgeführt. Interessanterweise zeigen die Ergebnisse einen vollständigen Mediationseffekt (Hayes, 2013) der intrinsischen Motivation zwischen der Akzeptanz und den Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten. Die Akzeptanz ist signifikant und positiv mit der intrinsischen Motivation verbunden, der indirekte Effekt a ist mit 0,89 hoch. Der indirekte Effekt der intrinsischen Motivation auf Wissen und Fähigkeiten ist positiv signifikant und sein Wert b ist 0,43 und der direkte Effekt der Akzeptanz auf Wissen und Fähigkeiten c' ist 0,374. Der Gesamteffekt der Akzeptanz auf Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten hat einen standardisierten Koeffizienten von 0,3644, was bedeutet, dass für jede Einheit, die wir die Zeichensetzung in der Akzeptanzskala verbessern können, eine Verbesserung um 0,3644 in der Skala der Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten durch den indirekten Effekt der intrinsischen Motivation, der 0,3904 beträgt, erwartet wird. Obwohl die Motivation am Ende des Kurses abnahm, zeigt diese Studie, dass durch die Verbesserung der Akzeptanz erwartet wird, dass wir sowohl die Lernergebnisse, die intrinsische Motivation als auch die Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten steigern können.:Contents List of Abbreviations V List of Tables VII List of Figures IX List of Equations XII 1 Introduction to Researching Blended Research-Based Learning in Business Higher Education 13 1.1 General Context for Innovative Blended Research-Based Learning Offers in Higher Education During Pandemic Times 13 1.2 Blended Research-Based Learning Background at Leipzig University 16 1.3 Problems in Researching Blended Learning in Business Higher Education 18 1.3.1 Research Gaps in Online and Blended Learning for Business Higher Education 18 1.3.2 Research Gap in Blended RBL for Business Higher Education 20 1.3.3 Evaluating a Blended RBL Course at Leipzig University 22 1.4 Purpose of the Study 24 1.5 Significance of the Study 24 1.6 Research Questions 26 1.7 Organization of the Study 27 2 Model Generation for the Influence of the Acceptance on the Learning Process for Blended Research-Based Learning 30 2.1 Understanding the Learning Concept and its Implications for PBL and RBL Environments 30 2.2 Blended Learning More Than a Sort of Online Learning 32 2.2.1 Three Approaches to Blended Learning Models 36 2.2.2 Pedagogical Aspects of Designing Blended Learning for Higher Education 39 2.2.3 Complex Teaching-Learning Environments in Business Higher Education 41 2.3 Problem-Based Learning in Connection to Research-Based Learning 43 2.4 Research-Based Learning Fosters Academic Thinking by Using the Three Basic Dimensions of Teaching that Promote Learning 46 2.4.1 Research-Based Learning at the Beginning of Studies 50 2.4.2 Research-Based Learning and Blended Delivery 54 2.5 Evaluation Aspects for Blended Research-Based Learning in Business Higher Education 56 2.6 Understanding Good Teaching in Higher Education 62 2.7 Knowledge and Skills Acquisition – Cognitive Facets in the Learning Process for Blended Research-Based Learning Environments 64 2.8 Motivation Facet in the Blended Research-Based Learning Process for Business Higher Education 68 2.9 Acceptance of Blended Learning Offers in Higher Education 73 2.10 Control Variables for the Blended RBL Study 80 2.11 Proposed Conceptual Model for the Relationship Between Acceptance, Motivation, and Knowledge and Skills in Blended Research-Based Learning 82 3 Longitudinal Research Design of the Learning Process and Acceptance within the Blended RBL Course at Leipzig University 88 3.1 General Settings of the Blended RBL Course on Research Methods 88 3.1.1 Blended RBL Course Description 89 3.1.2 Portrayal of the Complex Learning Environment and the Blended RBL Course on Research Methods 91 3.2 Implementing a Quasi-Experimental Design for Understanding the Learning Process and Acceptance Within the Blended RBL Course 95 3.3 General Description of the Sample and Participants 96 3.4 Learning Process and Acceptance Instrumentation 96 3.5 Instrument Validity and Reliability 98 3.5.1 Factor analysis for Motivation, Knowledge and Skills, and Acceptance 98 3.5.2 Normality Assumption for Motivation, Knowledge and Skills, and Acceptance 99 3.5.3 Extraction and Rotation Methods Selection for EFA 103 3.5.4 Bidimensional Scale for Motivation and Unidimensional Scales for Knowledge and Skills and Acceptance 103 3.5.5 Reliability Estimates for Motivation, Knowledge and Skills, and Acceptance 105 3.6 Data Collection Procedures and Analysis 107 4 Significant Gains on the Learning Process and High Acceptance of the Blended RBL Course at Leipzig University 109 4.1 Overview of the Evaluation Analysis at Leipzig University 109 4.2 Sample Descriptive Statistics 109 4.3 Knowledge and Skills on Research Methods Increased After Attending the Blended RBL Course 110 4.4 Motivation Levels Remain Stable During the Blended RBL Course 113 4.5 The Blended RBL Course on Research Methods Achieved High Acceptance Among Business Education Students 119 4.6 Evidence of Associations Between Motivation, Knowledge and Skills, and Acceptance 121 4.7 Intrinsic Motivation and Acceptance as Good Predictors for Knowledge and Skills Acquisition 125 4.8 Total Mediation Effect of Intrinsic Motivation Between Acceptance and Knowledge and Skills 131 5 Discussion and Conclusion 137 5.1 Discussion of the Findings 137 5.2 Limitations 145 5.3 Implications for Practice 146 5.4 Recommendations for Future Research 148 References 151 Appendix A 194 Pre-test and Post-test Questionnaires in German and English 194 Appendix B 198 Histograms and Q-Q Plots by Item 198 Histograms and Q-Q Plots by Variable 212 Appendix C 214 Student’s Semester by Intrinsic Motivation 214 Appendix D 216 Nonparametric Correlations Between the Study’s Variables 216 Declaration of academic integrity according to § 8 par. 2 (1.) 218 Declaration of academic integrity according to § 8 par. 2 (2.) 21

    New markers of bleomycin resistance

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    Resistance to chemotherapy is one of the main problems of this type of therapy. Studies carried out determine the usefulness of predictive biomarkers to improve this treatment. The aim of this work is to carry out a proteomic analysis in the wild type strain and bleomycin resistant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in order to look for possible markers of resistance, as well as the mechanisms involved.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    One hundred of cells generations connect the resistance to drugs and the replicative aging mechanisms

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    There are researchs that reveal a relationship between acquired resistance to antineoplastic drugs and aging. Therefore, the identification of genes involved in senescence could have a potential therapeutic utility for the prediction and/or prevention of resistance to antineoplastic drugs. The aim of this work is to study the relationship between replicative aging and acquired resistance to Cisplatin and Bleomycin in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mechanisms of cross resistance between cisplatin and bleomycin in saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Tumor cells can simultaneously acquire resistance against a diverse group of drugs. This phenomenon is called pleotropic resistance or multidrug resistance. This mechanism could explain the tumor resistance observed in chemotherapy treatments with multiple agents. The aim of this work is to study possible mechanisms of cross resistance between Cisplatin and Bleomycin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Modeled and observed ozone sensitivity to mobile-source emissions in Mexico City

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    The emission characteristics of mobile sources in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) have changed significantly over the past few decades in response to emission control policies, advancements in vehicle technologies and improvements in fuel quality, among others. Along with these changes, concurrent non-linear changes in photochemical levels and criteria pollutants have been observed, providing a unique opportunity to understand the effects of perturbations of mobile emission levels on the photochemistry in the region using observational and modeling approaches. The observed historical trends of ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) suggest that ozone production in the MCMA has changed from a low to a high VOC-sensitive regime over a period of 20 years. Comparison of the historical emission trends of CO, NOx and hydrocarbons derived from mobile-source emission studies in the MCMA from 1991 to 2006 with the trends of the concentrations of CO, NOx, and the CO/NOx ratio during peak traffic hours also indicates that fuel-based fleet average emission factors have significantly decreased for CO and VOCs during this period whereas NOx emission factors do not show any strong trend, effectively reducing the ambient VOC/NOx ratio. This study presents the results of model analyses on the sensitivity of the observed ozone levels to the estimated historical changes in its precursors. The model sensitivity analyses used a well-validated base case simulation of a high pollution episode in the MCMA with the mathematical Decoupled Direct Method (DDM) and the standard Brute Force Method (BFM) in the 3-D CAMx chemical transport model. The model reproduces adequately the observed historical trends and current photochemical levels. Comparison of the BFM and the DDM sensitivity techniques indicates that the model yields ozone values that increase linearly with NOx emission reductions and decrease linearly with VOC emission reductions only up to 30% from the base case. We further performed emissions perturbations from the gasoline fleet, diesel fleet, all mobile (gasoline plus diesel) and all emission sources (anthropogenic plus biogenic). The results suggest that although large ozone reductions obtained in the past were from changes in emissions from gasoline vehicles, currently significant benefits could be achieved with additional emission control policies directed to regulation of VOC emissions from diesel and area sources that are high emitters of alkenes, aromatics and aldehydes.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (ATM-0528227)Mexico. ComisiĂłn Ambiental Metropolitan

    Resistance to bleomycin increases the chronological life of cells

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    The identification of genes involved in chronological aging could have a potential utility as molecular markers in the chemotherapy treatment of cancer. The aim of this work is to study the relationship between the chronological aging and the resistance to Bleomycin for the purpose of establish the basic interactions between these phenomenons for further investigation of molecular markers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Resistance acquisition after seven cycles of in vitro bleomycin exposure

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    Bleomycin is an antineoplastic drug that causes DNA damage by intra- and inter-strand crosslink and DNA strand breaks. This drug is used to treat several types of cancer. The aim of this work is to study the effect of Bleomycin on S. cerevisiae cells and select bleomycin-resistant cells to study the process of resistance acquisition to establish new protocols in in vitro drugs exposure.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Relationship between chronological aging and acquired resistance to cisplatin in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The Sir2 gene is associated with an increase in longevity in yeasts, worms, flies and rodents. The human homolog, Sirt1, is also involved in longevity, by inhibiting cellular senescence. Studies carry out in tumor cells of neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, breast and ovary, resistant and sensitive to antineoplastic drugs, suggest that the increase of Sirt1 expression may represent a general phenomenon associated with resistance to chemotherapy, independent of cell type or drug used to induce resistance. Thus, after analyzing tumor biopsies after treating patients with chemotherapy, high amounts of Sirt1 have been observed. The aim of this work is to study the relationship between chronological aging and acquired resistance to Cisplatin in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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