204 research outputs found

    Determining levels of water-extractable and water-unextractable arabinoxylan in commercial Swedish wheat flours by a high-throughput method

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    A high-throughput method for quantification of water extractable arabinoxylan (WE-AX) and water unextractable arabinoxylan (WU-AX) was adapted for and evaluated on 197 commercial Swedish wheat flours, collected continuously during harvest years 2018 and 2019. In the method, starch was hydrolysed by alpha-amylase and WE-AX was precipitated with 80% ethanol. AX residues were quantified by gas chromatography after acid hydrolysis. The method had a good repeatability (2.1% RSDr for total AX). Spring wheat flour had a higher WE-AX content (0.68%) and lower WU-AX content (1.19%) than winter wheat flour (0.56% and 1.31%). The variation of total AX content was high for winter wheat flour (1.5-2.2%), with no correlation to ash or protein content. Total AX content differed significantly both between harvest years and locations, indicating an impact from environment on AX composition. Overall, the method enabled high-throughput analysis of wheat flour and can be further used to study how endogenous AX impacts baking quality

    Comparison of lignin distribution, structure, and morphology in wheat straw and wood

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    Agricultural fiber sources, such as wheat straw, are promising lignocellulosic feedstocks for the generation of renewable substitutes for synthetic materials (e.g., plastics, construction materials, biofuel, and other biorefinery products). The interest in the utilization of lignin has increased rapidly during the last years; the number of publications increased more than five times between 2000 and 2020. The number of publications concerning lignin from wheat straw follows the general trend with an increasing scientific interest in lignin but comprises less than 5% of the total lignin publications. The structure and morphology of lignin in straw and wood differ between the different species. The monolignol composition and spatial location in plant tissue are notably different, as well as the nature and abundance of lignin-carbohydrate linkages involving p-coumaric acid (pCA) and ferulic acid (FA) units in wheat straw lignin. To further enable the utilization of wheat straw as a resource for bio-based materials, a solid understanding of the wheat lignin structure and composition is required. This review aims to consolidate the state-of-the-art in wheat lignin and focuses on lignin and its distribution, fundamental chemical structures, and morphology in wheat straw and compares these features with lignin in wood cell walls

    Effect of physicochemical properties, pre-processing, and extraction on the functionality of wheat bran arabinoxylans in breadmaking - A review

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    Arabinoxylan (AX) is an abundant hemicellulose in wheat bran and an important functional component in bakery products. This review compares preprocessing and extraction methods, and evaluates their effect on AX properties and functionality as a bread ingredient. The extraction process results in AX isolates or concentrates with varying molecular characteristics, indicating that the process can be adjusted to produce AX with targeted functionality. AX functionality in bread seems to depend on AX properties but also on AX addition level and interactions with other components. This review suggests that the use of AX with tailored properties together with properly optimized baking process could help increasing the amount of added fiber in bread while maintaining or even improving bread quality

    Effect of physicochemical properties, pre-processing, and extraction on the functionality of wheat bran arabinoxylans in breadmaking – A review

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    Arabinoxylan (AX) is an abundant hemicellulose in wheat bran and an important functional component in bakery products. This review compares preprocessing and extraction methods, and evaluates their effect on AX properties and functionality as a bread ingredient. The extraction process results in AX isolates or concentrates with varying molecular characteristics, indicating that the process can be adjusted to produce AX with targeted functionality. AX functionality in bread seems to depend on AX properties but also on AX addition level and interactions with other components. This review suggests that the use of AX with tailored properties together with properly optimized baking process could help increasing the amount of added fiber in bread while maintaining or even improving bread quality

    Major depression, fibromyalgia and labour force participation: A population-based cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have documented an elevated frequency of depressive symptoms and disorders in fibromyalgia, but have not examined the association between this comorbidity and occupational status. The purpose of this study was to describe these epidemiological associations using a national probability sample. METHODS: Data from iteration 1.1 of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) were used. The CCHS 1.1 was a large-scale national general health survey. The prevalence of major depression in subjects reporting that they had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia by a health professional was estimated, and then stratified by demographic variables. Logistic regression models predicting labour force participation were also examined. RESULTS: The annual prevalence of major depression was three times higher in subjects with fibromyalgia: 22.2% (95% CI 19.4 – 24.9), than in those without this condition: 7.2% (95% CI 7.0 – 7.4). The association persisted despite stratification for demographic variables. Logistic regression models predicting labour force participation indicated that both conditions had an independent (negative) effect on labour force participation. CONCLUSION: Fibromyalgia and major depression commonly co-occur and may be related to each other at a pathophysiological level. However, each syndrome is independently and negatively associated with labour force participation. A strength of this study is that it was conducted in a large probability sample from the general population. The main limitations are its cross-sectional nature, and its reliance on self-reported diagnoses of fibromyalgia

    Correcting non cephalic presentation with moxibustion: study protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial in general practice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Non cephalic presentation in childbirth involves various risks to both the mother and the foetus. The incidence in Spain is 3.8% of all full-term pregnancies. The most common technique used to end the gestation in cases of non cephalic presentation is that of caesarian section, and although it provokes a lower rate of morbi-mortality than does vaginal delivery in such situations, there remains the possibility of traumatic injury to the foetal head and neck, while maternal morbidity is also increased. The application of heat (moxibustion) to an acupuncture point, in order to correct non cephalic presentation, has been practised in China since ancient times, but as yet there is insufficient evidence of its real effectiveness.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The experimental design consists of a multi-centre randomised controlled trial with three parallel arms, used to compare real moxibustion, sham moxibustion and the natural course of events, among pregnant women with a non cephalic presentation and a gestational duration of 33–35 weeks (estimated by echography). The participants in the trial will be blinded to both interventions. The results obtained will be analyzed by professionals, blinded with respect to the allocation to the different types of intervention. In addition, we intend to carry out a economic analysis.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This trial will contribute to the development of evidence concerning moxibustion in the correction of non cephalic presentations. The primary outcome variable is the proportion of cephalic presentations at term. As secondary outcomes, we will evaluate the proportion of cephalic presentations at week 38 of gestation, determined by echography, together with the safety of the technique, the specificity of moxibustion and the control of the blinding process.</p> <p>This study has been funded by the Health Ministry of the Andalusian Regional Government.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN10634508.</p

    New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Sharing Repository: methods and sample description

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tourette Syndrome is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by chronic motor and phonic tics. Affected individuals and their family members are at an increased risk for other neuropsychiatric conditions including obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. While there is consistent evidence that genetic factors play a significant etiologic role, no replicable susceptibility alleles have thus far been identified.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Here we discuss a sharing resource of clinical and genetic data, the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Sharing Repository, whose goal is to provide clinical data, DNA, and lymphoblastoid cell lines to qualified researchers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Opening access to the data and patient material to the widest possible research community will hasten the identification of causal genetic factors and facilitate better understanding and treatment of this often impairing disorder.</p

    Neurodevelopmental risk factors in schizophrenia

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    The authors review environmental and neurodevelopmental risk factors for schizophrenic disorders, with emphasis on minor physical anomalies, particularly craniofacial anomalies and dermatoglyphic variations. The high prevalence of these anomalies among schizophrenic subjects supports the neurodevelopmental theory of the etiology of schizophrenia, since they suggest either genetically or epigenetically controlled faulty embryonic development of structures of ectodermal origin like brain and skin. This may disturb neurodevelopment that in turn may cause these subjects to be at increased risk for the development of schizophrenia and related disorders. The precise confirmation of this theory, at least in some cases, will provide further understanding of these illnesses, allowing easy and inexpensive identification of subjects at risk and providing guidelines for the development of new pharmacological interventions for early treatment and even for primary prevention of the illness
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